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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 1000x228, narrationofstyle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.6828191 [Reply] [Original]

Storytelling (or Narration): the various techniques and methods through which the events and story persons to which they belong to are presented

NARRATOLOGY EXAMINES THE WAYS that narrative structures our perception of both cultural artifacts and the world around us

Polystylism is the use of multiple styles or techniques in literature

>> No.6828204
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What are the main ingredients of a narrative?

>> No.6828218
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any sign consists of a 'signifier' and a 'signified' -- basically, a form and a meaning. For a narrative text -- a complex sign -- the signifier is a 'discourse' (a mode of presentation)

>> No.6828224
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Who is the master who makes the grass green ?

>> No.6828238
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discourse narratology analyzes the stylistic choices that determine the form or realization of a narrative text (or performance, in the case of films and plays). Also of interest are the pragmatic features that contextualize text or performance within the social and cultural framework of a narrative act

>> No.6828348
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Who are the Aurorals ?

>> No.6828370
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Nobility of the light ?

>> No.6828386
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What of Astralia ?

>> No.6828505
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Sunrunners ?


>> No.6828592
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Kourai ?

>> No.6828601
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>place where the four roads meet

>> No.6828616
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Mystai ?

>> No.6828623
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Future Galactic Semiimperatrix ?

>> No.6828629

>Suicide Girls
>wanting to waifu a whore
I don't care how schizophrenic you are, this still is low behavior.

>> No.6828639
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No one fuxor with the fluxor

>> No.6828643
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Don't fux with flux

>> No.6828660
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What of this obscure author?

>> No.6828671

At what point did you realize that you were a literal cuckold?

>> No.6829426
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The art of narrative is, by definition, an aesthetic enterprise, and there are a number of artistic elements that typically interact in well-developed stories

>> No.6829435
File: 642 KB, 1366x2048, Wasnt-Clear-She-Hurry-Date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carl Jung's most profound yet least understood discoveries, a new world view which embraced linear causality while simultaneously transcending it. A synchronistic universe balances and complements the mechanistic world of linear causality with a realm that is outside of space, time and causality. In a synchronicity, two heterogeneous World systems, the causal and acausal, interlock and interpenetrate each other for a moment in time

>> No.6829453
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A remix may also refer to a non-linear re-interpretation of a given work or media other than audio. such as a hybridizing process combining fragments of various works. The process of combining and re-contextualizing will often produce unique results independent of the intentions and vision of the original designer/artist.

>> No.6829474
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A remix in art often takes multiple perspectives upon the same theme


>> No.6831538
File: 274 KB, 1200x1800, chloe-moretz-coming-to-louis-vuitton-fashion-show-in-paris_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyberpunk's protagonists are adept at appropriating the materials of popular culture and making them speak to alternative needs and interests

>> No.6831549

mods please permaban this motherfucker.

he is behind twinshia and rei, the two most obnoxious trips on the board. this thread now ahas 3 unique posters.

>> No.6831632


>> No.6832585
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...understand the cyberpunk mysticism

>> No.6832597


>> No.6832647
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Cyberpunk's protagonists are hackers, rockers, and other cultural rebels, clinging to a cult of individualism in a culture characterized by corporate control and mass conformity.

>> No.6832650

self bump

>> No.6832678
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Human creativity plays an important role in activity theory, that "human beings... are essentially creative beings"

One principle of activity theory is that many activities have multiple motivation (‘polymotivation’)

>> No.6832681

another desperate bump

>> No.6832705
File: 8 KB, 768x451, BSX_SATELLAVIEW_LOGO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The economic and technological state of Japan in the 80s influenced Cyberpunk literature at the time.

"Modern Japan simply was cyberpunk."

>> No.6832767

Now this is the thread I am looking for.

My goal, my dream for a while, is to write an epic (using the term literally) concept album, and I've decided I'm finally going to do it. I'm In the plotting stages at the moment. I have a few musical riffs one short complete song, and a list of characters. However, the only character that really feels complete to me is the villain (the one for which I have a song, and a small bit of another prepared).

Do I begin with the characters? I feel like the plot will be weak without fully developed characters, but then maybe my heroic characters can't grow and develop without a well-defined conflict in the first place. Does anyone here have some advice, this sort of thing is clearly not my strong suit.

or maybe I just need another drink

>> No.6832823
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Akousmatikoi ?

>> No.6832851
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Our brains are all about pattern recognition and forming associations, therefore it is entirely plausible that experiences imprint certain secondary tendancies within us. A prime example of this is music, music evokes emotions, colours, textures, perhaps even memories of people, places and events. The point I wish to make here is that we carry a lot of unconscious pattern recognition software with us that help us "see" what others may be able to see

>> No.6832852


I'm clearly new to the board, this guy >>6832767

Is it just a private circlejerk? I really want advice on building narrative...

>> No.6832910

Brains in and of themselves recognize and form jack shit. You are committing the mereological fallacy. Even if we replace "brains" with "we", which would be the correct thing to do, the fact that we recognize patterns isn't an inherent trait but an accident dependent on the external world. We only recognize something as a pattern because something in the external world repeats itself in a way that is peculiar to it. You're quite right about associations, however.

Carry on.

>> No.6833098
File: 223 KB, 1200x1595, chloe-moretz-in-teen-vogue-magazine-october-2014-issue_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it just a private circlejerk

>various disgressive subcultural epiphenomena

When the composer presents us overtly with a work of great ingenuity, the right response is to appreciate it as such, which means to think it through as he has done

Abstract object theory, also known as abstract theory, is a branch of metaphysics regarding abstract objects, and studied in hyperdimensional physics. The theory was an expansion of mathematical Platonism

>> No.6833176
File: 66 KB, 613x604, 1425034271244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quite right about associations, however.
>Carry on.

>For the most part, we live in a world constructed by language...

>Language we use to communicate does fundamentally affect how we see the World...

>...linguistic associations we build do profoundly affect how we see the world...

individuals often achieve self-expansion through close relationships which allow the inclusion of the other in the self

Most symbolic interactionists believe a physical reality does indeed exist by an individual's social definitions, and that social definitions do develop in part or relation to something "real". People thus do not respond to this reality directly, but rather to the social understanding of reality; i.e., they respond to this reality indirectly through a kind of filters or eyeglasses (perspectives)

>> No.6833242
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Although most avant-garde composers have been men, this is not exclusively the case