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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.6828158 [Reply] [Original]

>watch anime recommended by /a/
>feel as if it's written for emotionally stunted manchildren capable of grasping only the most superficial of emotions

please tell me literature has more to offer

>> No.6828160
File: 139 KB, 436x438, pepe_the_nugget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitching about emotionally stunted manchildren
>post that lizard from /r9k/
dumb lizardposter.

>> No.6828163

Of course of not, what a stupid question.

>> No.6828164

this lizard's many faces encompass the entire spectrum of the human condition

>> No.6828168

The Meme Circle are trying to resurrect Heqet Worship

>> No.6828169
File: 23 KB, 490x480, lain smirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recommended by /a/

If you can't appreciate Boku no Pico I guess you're just a pleb

>> No.6828174

Anime is written exclusively for man children

>> No.6828178

>watching anime recommended by /a/

Are you fucking serious? Of course Boku no Pico is terrible. Never trust recommendations by /a/

>> No.6828180

I liked Mushishi but was labeled an enormous cock sucking faggot for that.

>> No.6828181

Well OF COURSE literature has more to offer, but you won't find it by lurking this board. Shoo!

>> No.6828185

>get recommended Boku No Pico
>end up fapping through it multiple times

pretty dank tbh

>> No.6828189

on /a/ anything besides moeshit is regarded as entry level normie tripe

>Scott Von Schilling sees moe in this sense as being indicative of men in their thirties "longing for fatherhood

basically /a/ is torn apart by the conflicting emotions of wanting to be a protective father, wanting to rape the daughter, and not wanting to mate with a 3dpd

all the most lucrative moeshit/waifushit franchises are made with this in mind

>> No.6828195

you have to watch the good stuff, like fooly cooly

>> No.6828197

Probably why I never watched SOL animes

>> No.6828199

There's roughly 20 good shows and films to come out of anime, you can watch those and just move on from the entire medium tbh

>> No.6828201

>he doesn't see anime just as Platonic Ideas
You are pleb trash OP, remember that. Also how pleb are you really, when you are actually asking if literature is better than anime. You raised in a cave or something?

>> No.6828202

this tbh

>> No.6828206


but /a/ told me they're bad though

they also told me miyazaki is a hack because he doesn't like sexualizing little girls

>> No.6828214

miyazaki's good
evangelion is pretty good and TTGL is an interesting rebuttal to the whole thing

look into satoshi kon and masaaki yuasa. those two produce some of the best stuff in the whole medium

>> No.6828217

>anime memelords constantly referencing Pico as some joke
>pretend to laugh along enough though I've jerked off to it privately countless times

>> No.6828223
File: 35 KB, 401x584, Heqet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah shit, i never see that coming.

>> No.6828226

Of course it does. I mean, the deepest anime gets is Evangelion. Anime fans think throwing some references to Gnosticism and Carl Jung makes the crap they watch "deep" when it ain't got shit on The Little Prince.

Infinite Jest and Ulysses are only scratching the surface, when you get to the real stuff it's really transcendental and way beyond any other art form.

>> No.6828229

>the deepest anime gets is Evangelion

>> No.6828231

Even low grade 30's pulp has more to offer.

>> No.6828234

that looks like it would make a good stand or nen ability

>> No.6828240

>Infinite Jest and Ulysses are only scratching the surface, when you get to the real stuff it's really transcendental and way beyond any other art form.

enlighten me. what's "real stuff"? Christopher langan's blog posts?

>> No.6828242

Muh animus is so deep XD

>> No.6828246
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When will you all realize what it means to be a real man?

>> No.6828250
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>be me
>used to watch a small amount of anime when i was in high school. (Never really got into it enormously though. I always prefered to occupy my copious free time with HBO series).
>decide to watch neon genesis
>considered one of the pinacles of the genre
>I'd been wanting to watch it for ages just never got around to it.
>the protagonist is 14
>all his problems involve angsty teen shit
>mfw I realise that anime IS for children.
>feel pretty sad for people who are still stuck on the medium after a certain age.

actually the last few episodes were pretty good though and I'm happy i watched it but I can't imagine having slogged through them if i wasn't on study break atm.

>> No.6828256

If you didn't grow out of anime by the time you left zygote stage you don't belong on this board tbh

>> No.6828257

Come on man, if you think these two are the peak of literature you must be really new to the medium. Just try exploring surrealism, modernism, even religious scriptures deeper and you'll know what I'm talking about.

>> No.6828262

I'm talking about fiction novels. Not philosophical works who's sole purpose is to talk about that shit

>> No.6828270

do you realize that evangelion was about calling the audience about their inmature ways, right?
dont worked that way, sadly.

>> No.6828280

Surrealism, modernism, and even religious scriptures if we're being honest here, are mostly fiction tho.

>> No.6828283
File: 9 KB, 264x191, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you guys feel about this guy's mangas?

>dissociative identity disorder brought on by repressed lesbianism and penis envy

I think that's what his latest work is about. Either that or it's another ecchi body switch manga

>> No.6828290

paprika is dope as fuck.

some of the most interesting transitional cuts in any film/tv/anime

>> No.6828293

pretentious shit

>> No.6828314

How cute, OP created this thread for the express purpose of posting this one a few minutes later

>> No.6828320

Wow, the front page of /a/ is basically filled with meme posts and template openers about which girl would you fuck

>> No.6828327

Everything is just posturing. You read literature because you want to be "deep" and "intellectual." You watch anime because you want to escape from reality.

It's all about image and who you want to associate yourself with.

>> No.6828328

How did you find this? Why were you browsing that board to begin with?

>> No.6828330

I doubt even otakus want to be associated with other otakus. I know I don't and I'm not even an I.

>> No.6828331
File: 94 KB, 1024x576, Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - 01 (BD 1024x576 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_14.57_[2015.06.27_21.54.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is /lit/s opinion on SZS? Decent satire? Or a low form of referential humour?

>> No.6828334

I loved Aku No Hana, great chinese cartoon.

I'm also interested in reading Inside Mari, I hope he finishes it soon.

>> No.6828336

4chan behavior is predictable enough such that I clicked on /a/ after clicking this thread, and suspected one such thread would be in the catalog. And I was not wrong.

>> No.6828339

It's not necessarily about wanting to be associated with otaku, but feeling as though that is the only identity a person can associate with if they are ugly, socially awkward, or possess some other unusual trait.

>> No.6828346

Because you don't get anime, and because you're being given meme anime because of that.
>Anime fans think throwing some references to Gnosticism and Carl Jung makes the crap they watch "deep"
Somebody didn't watch or understand NGE, a shounen.

It's all about angst and broken ideals you dunce.

>> No.6828350

Honestly it turned pretty shit though after the
suicide pact; only fairly alright chapter is the last one showing Nakamura's version of Chapter 1

>> No.6828361

Literature explores these subjects way deeper though.

>> No.6828362

why couldn't you predict that someone would accuse you of browsing /a/ and preempt this with an explanation before hand

seems obvious enough

>> No.6828363

Yeah, I feel like there was a big drop in quality after the protagonist moved away to reboot his life.
I thought it was just me getting used reading it once a month.

>> No.6828375

>Literature explores these subjects way deeper though.
Because you said so?

You brainwashed twentysomething college kids are hilarious.

I'm a published philosophy author, NGE is excellent at what it does. The fact that you completely misunderstood NGE is enough evidence to state that you don't understand most of the literature it reads.

NGE is also praised for being a deconstruction, if you weren't ignorant on the medium you would know that.

And guess what, plenty of anime is just pretty looking, humorous, and fun. Get out of your grimdark phase you college kid.

>> No.6828379

All he said is that it references gnosticism/christianity which is true, and it's also true that the author did that just because it seemed foreign and cool.

>> No.6828380

Watch out, the weeaboo defense force is here. Even though that thread calling for backup has been deleted there seems to be some stragglers left behind.

>I'm a published philosophy author

wow, citing credentials on the internet, looks like they're bringing out the big guns boys

>> No.6828381
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>anime is deep!

>> No.6828385

>Because you said so?

Ender's Game


>> No.6828388

How about you take a look at /a/'s front page before trying to defend them.

>> No.6828390
File: 212 KB, 426x396, 1436743642582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undergrads are THIS incapable of civil argument!
>anime is deep!
Why are you on a literature board if you can't read.
I'm not defending /a/ even though /a/ is the best board, I'm being impartial because I'm not some poser clinging to 'high art'

>> No.6828394
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>> No.6828400
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>watching anime

>> No.6828405
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See: >>6828390
You're on an anime imageboard you idiot, go discuss your modernist piss on Reddit if you can't handle the animes.

>> No.6828412

mushishi is nice: beautiful, comfy, lil spooky

>> No.6828416
File: 309 KB, 800x500, c5352eaa35c365a554c097a57583d4f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asuka best girl.
>and best developed character in NGE

>> No.6828421

Yuasa and Kon are pretty much the best there is in anime, if you're looking for artistic abilities.

>> No.6828427
File: 150 KB, 500x615, 1428863081102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd dump my folder here if I cared about crashing this thread with no survivors!

>> No.6828432
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x720, [gg]_Aku_no_Hana_-_07_[29819120].mkv_snapshot_22.31_[2015.04.26_16.08.00].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aku no Hana was unironically good and surprisingly /lit/

>> No.6828441

>I'm not even an I

>> No.6828443
File: 25 KB, 228x239, tumblr_inline_nhokoca15L1s14kno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rotoscoping meme animu

>> No.6828452
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>anime imageboard

>> No.6828457
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Yup, you're from Ribbit.

>> No.6828463

honestly i watch anime for the retarded moe. i like to shitpost with /a/, mainly.

>> No.6828464
File: 29 KB, 521x509, 24d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there were a Christ-Chan anime, I'd watch it.

Otherwise I don't really like anime, and yes, literature has significantly more to offer.

>> No.6828466
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>> No.6828470
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how little you know little kid

>> No.6828473

Suppressing the ego?
Excoriating none except yourself

>> No.6828480

that is more liklely a girls room.

>> No.6828488
File: 907 KB, 1169x897, 1428439798063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 27, Mr. Ribbit
re xD, I'm a Pepe!

>> No.6828493
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>> No.6828499

there are some infinite cuck threads going on.

>> No.6828507
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>27 watching anime
>not 15 in the head

>> No.6828508
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>do you realize that evangelion was about calling the audience about their inmature ways

I did, and I'm not saying that it was a bad anime, I actually quite enjoyed it. But at the same time you can't deny that the series, in particular the first 18 episodes were marketed to teenagers.
>the high school setting
>the thin romantic plot lines shoehorned in (the relationship between Toji and the class pres).
>poorly thought out secondary characters.

>> No.6828512

>All that delicious yaoi
That should be a female wojak, not a fat neckbearded one.

>> No.6828515
File: 22 KB, 423x469, 1428446425447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not a 14-year-old girl trapped in a man's body
re I'm a Pepe!

>> No.6828516

Men who like anime are little girls for all intents and purposes

>> No.6828517

That was the point, get people expecting another generic mecha anime with the same plot and tropes and then call them on their bullshit.

>> No.6828525

kill yourselves u weeb fags

>> No.6828526

how does that image not make you die of laughter

>> No.6828528
File: 74 KB, 250x250, 14104765271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it fits >>6828516


>> No.6828529


>> No.6828534

Literature, by it's very medium, is more apt to exploring deep thoughts and theories, and reflections on the human condition through its characters.

Disparagingly calling people "posers" for acknowledging that literature is a higher art form than anime does nothing except reveal your insecurity in this fact.

>> No.6828535
File: 43 KB, 225x350, 1428446584353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an an anime board rtard

>> No.6828538


>> No.6828542

Well, sure it does... but if you want to feel emotional we might have to turn down the quality a bit...

>> No.6828551

I can guarantee you that if that many chicks are looking at me that statistically at least one of them is sexually attracted to me.

>> No.6828553
File: 223 KB, 590x335, 1337118592878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on you i always wanted to be the little girl.

>> No.6828554
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>he didn't watch Plastic Memories

>> No.6828559

>animefags coming out of the woodwork

We need a threadban. I'll gladly sacrifice myself to make /lit/ a much better place.

>> No.6828562
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>anime board

>> No.6828564
File: 39 KB, 716x447, ple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of you

>> No.6828565

Nice lie there.

>> No.6828570

It was Neon Genesis Evangelion, wasn't it?

>> No.6828572

Muh 4chan is for LE animu, I take it very seriously and defend it at any turn!

>> No.6828574
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>Literature, by it's very medium, is more apt to exploring deep thoughts and theories, and reflections on the human condition through its characters.
Because you said so.
>Disparagingly calling people "posers" for acknowledging that literature is a higher art form than anime does nothing except reveal your insecurity in this fact.
Undergrads are so cute.

>> No.6828578

No shit

We already knew that you fucking failure

>> No.6828583

What the fuck is this thread? Why am I even on this board? Jesus Christ.

>> No.6828584

I'm not sure it actually happened that way though.

It felt more like he made the pilot and first 13 episodes in a very conventional manner in order to be produced and distributed.

Once he had generated enough attention and capital he decided to turn the series into his pet project. hence the marked shift in tone from episodes 14-26, and in particular the really experimental final two episodes (which i loved for the record)

I don't think that it was something that he had been planning on doing since the beginning though.

then again i don't really know enough about the production of the series to comment.

>> No.6828590
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>I'm 15 and very angry

>> No.6828591

What are they? Or at least some of them. I've tried to into animu a few times and not been able to get past about 10 episodes of anything. Plz help.

>> No.6828600
File: 314 KB, 640x800, 4b24fb05001b433c86a7b17a3f75931e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason "moeshit" is the best of anime is because anime is made for presenting cute girls to the viewer in a pleasing fashion. This is the emergent value of anime, anime being a marketing tool first and an entertainment product second.

In the same way that the finest literature must have the finest prose before any sort of story should have any true relevance, the finest anime must have the finest cute girls, and preferably no story, because the way anime is produced defeats any ability to create decent stories or reasonable conclusions anyhow.

>> No.6828602

Yes it was all planned and Anno got (and still get) a lot of death threats because of that.
Watch EoE if you havent.

>> No.6828611

He's memeing.

>> No.6828613

The important thing is to realise that it's a medium for kids and teens.
once you get passed that it becomes a bit easier to absorb the shows. check out NGE and watch it till the end.
other than that theres basically nothing.

>> No.6828618
File: 85 KB, 750x1000, memer.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've finally accepted it:
i want nothing more than to be a perpetually aged nine little girl

>> No.6828626
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>By it's


But, no, I tend to agree with you. I love anime because it's mindless and colorful and largely masturbatory. I don't expect any sort of clever characterization or insightful ideas to be presented. It's a sensory experience very much detached from the process of reading a novel or essay. It's some of the "purest" entertainment I can think.

Also, anime is necessarily a product before it is "art", and requires many more people to produce a show than anything written (outside of perhaps an encyclopedia or or advanced technical textbook), which muddies any original vision while being primarily privy to the needs of investors and market demands.

>> No.6828630
File: 561 KB, 2693x3594, marinathediamonds02 00-48-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading up on it now. thanks anon, thats actually quite interesting.

have a pic of my waifu

>> No.6828635

Coming from a lonely permavirgin, these are some good series to watch.
Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei(shallow but good visuals), Mushi shi(episodic nature holds it back a little), Mononoke(shallow but good visuals) and Bakemonogatari(pure fanservice).

>> No.6828641
File: 46 KB, 570x300, Monster-Anime-Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you lot think of Monster?

Personally, I feel like there were quite a few unnecessary episodes and some general pacing issues, but other than that the character development is off the fucken chain and it deals with some very mature themes.

>> No.6828649

>Also, anime is necessarily a product before it is "art"
This is why manga as an art form is far superior to anime, it's just not as popular. Too bad people seem to hate the idea of having to read words instead of hearing them.
>clever characterization or insightful ideas to be presented
Just like reading a stephen king or Stephanie Meier novel provides right :^)

>> No.6828650
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plz tell me works by Shakespeare and Melville are more mature than cartoons

>> No.6828654

I like ping pong

>> No.6828655
File: 44 KB, 474x713, thai-ladyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stephen king or Stephanie Meier
ayy lmao

>> No.6828656


Catch 22. Dry, clever humor. Mild social commentary. Thematic climax falls flat but it's only one or two pages long, hardly ruins the book.

>> No.6828657


Manga is trash because of release structures(one chapter a month for 20 years), but there are some gems.

Anyone who reads manga that is serialized better be prepared for misery, though.

>Just like reading a stephen king or Stephanie Meier novel provides right :^)

Trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.6828661

Care you post a picture from manga you consider particularly artistic?

>> No.6828663

No, not because "I said so", it is self-evident through it's very medium. The medium is the message and written text is about as straightforward and introspective as you can get without it being clouded out by anything else. At it's most base form it can be used to list or document pure information or thought processes. When applied to literary fiction it is a combination of this with the plot as guide. Writing literary fiction requires a broad knowledge encompassing many different areas of life and a deep understanding of the human condition.

Anime is a primarily visual experience; you could define it as a sub genre of television. The clue is in the name really, television is primarily visual. Anime is particularly distanced from reality as far as television or film goes, it features portrayals of women that are entirely distanced from reality and how women actually act, and the same can be largely said for the world that the characters live in. They tend to be unrealistic even when compared to society in Japan. In fact, as others have already remarked, this is primarily the reason why people tend to watch anime in the first place -- and why it tends to attract this specific neckbeard demographic -- because it is completely divorced from reality, and therefore can act as an escape.

Therefore, literature, by it's very medium, is more apt to exploring deep thoughts and theories, and reflections on the human condition through its characters.

Go ride a bike of dicks you weeaboo cunt.

>> No.6828680
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>> No.6828682

>It's evident
Undergrads believe this is an argument.
>that femen rant
Put your trip back on, buttercunt.

>> No.6828683
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>The medium is the message
>human condition

>> No.6828685

It's a bad habit of mine when typing that's all.

I don't necessarily agree that it is "pure" entertainment. It's not a purely sensory experience, you are experiencing something that resembles human characters, and therefore there is a plot and you are following the stories of other human beings. From this your brain is in a malleable state and you will be influenced by what you watch, therefore potentially picking up bad habits or behaviours from anime.

Probably not a problem in small doses but I wouldn't call it "pure" visual entertainment. There is something there that you are picking up on, and if you spend too much time doing it you'll probably get a bit weird.

>> No.6828694
File: 66 KB, 540x408, spookware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy spooks, batman.

>> No.6828695

kewl. do u like charles burns?

>> No.6828707

>still playing the undergrad card
I'm not an undergrad, undergrad.

>grasping at straws calling me a feminist
I'm simply pointing out, in a completely neutral way, how the female characters in anime are completely distanced from females in real life and therefore anime is not a good medium for exploring the human condition.

Check and mate weebs. Reminder that anime will never be real.

>> No.6828718

>I'm not an undergrad, undergrad.
>I'm simply pointing out, in a completely neutral way, how the female characters in anime are completely distanced from females in real life and therefore anime is not a good medium for exploring the human condition.
Not an argument, irrelevant and arbitrary. Take your dried out cunt back to Ribbit, buttercunt.
>exploring the human condition.
Why is that relevant?
>Check and mate weebs. Reminder that anime will never be real.
Get off 4chan, it's an anime website. Take your garbage meme philosophy and lolsorandumb literature back to your college socialist club.

>> No.6828722

i am on disability for the sole purpose of living at home and being around anime. it is, indeed, my reality.

>> No.6828726

Don't tell me that you're taking shounen or ecchi anime series as a decent representation of how women are treated. Have you tried anything adapted from a josei or niche seinen series? I'm not saying that they are all well written or mature, but anime as a medium is not as uniform as you think it is, and there are decent representations of women and men, especially those written for women or older men.

>> No.6828730

>this is an anime website
top kek, argument nullified

>> No.6828732

Shame it will never end because >>6828657

They have made so many layers to be between the actual state of the story and the objective of Guts, that there's no way it will be finished before the mangaka dies.

>> No.6828742

You are this ignorant of 4chan, yet are proud?

Go back to Ribbit.

>> No.6828744

Is the rest of the manga in question in that artwork style?

>> No.6828757
File: 293 KB, 1200x858, berserk-2436915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least they are gonna get out of the boat.
For almost 20 years.

>> No.6828762

Anime is shit. The only few worth something are Lain, Ghost In the Shell, Haibane Renmei, Mononoke and Kons work.

>> No.6828816
File: 333 KB, 915x739, scr6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tbh

this is a very well drawn anime

>> No.6828818

>This is why manga as an art form is far superior to anime, it's just not as popular.

What? Manga is much, much more popular than anime. Anime is niche in Japan but almost everyone there reads manga.

>> No.6828853
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anime causes gender identity disorder

japan has subverted the masculinity of the west and is already winning WW3 before it even began

>> No.6828854
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I've watched a lot of anime but tbh the original gundam and gundam zeta are 2 of my favorite series. I was surprised it portrayed war pretty seriously as far as anime goes.


>> No.6828856
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Story is rather dull, but the drawing is really good.

>> No.6828862

I don't really get into anime but damn Goodnight Punpun is solid fucking work

>> No.6828866

everywhere I got it's smug anime girls and stutter typing. Do these people honestly think it makes them feminine or what? It's autismal as fuck.

>> No.6828874
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W-w-why are you so mean?

>> No.6828877

A friend of mine started crossdressing soon after watching anime, and my sister shows boyish behavior after watching so much fujoshit.

So yes, you might have a point.

His boypussy was S grade shit, though.

>> No.6828878

Is S grade good or bad?

>> No.6828880
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nice dubs faggot

>> No.6828890
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clean with douche or eat him out

>> No.6828900

Better than an A+

>> No.6829038

Anne is the best written anime by far