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File: 27 KB, 851x315, hYmapBGdaR3u4aA96EB7erlP1M7E7mLDFssOc8zyAWEZuuGJtGlCf7ByvWidDBgx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6825076 No.6825076 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/, when did you outgrow atheism?
Pic related - its what you actually believed in once.

>> No.6825093

Go away /pol/

>> No.6825100

You don't outgrow athiesm and go back to believing in circular logic, the only logical progression is agnosticism.

>> No.6825106

>Imagine a world without religion maaaan!
>so peaceful!
You can still reject religion without being this stupid about it.
>I'm a spiritual atheist
No, you're an agnostic.

>> No.6825108
File: 195 KB, 992x748, Constantinople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, /istanbul/, when did you outgrow Constantinople?
Pic related - its what you actually looked like once.

>> No.6825110

not all atheists are dawkinoid edgelords.

but yeah i did believe that once, but hey, i believed a lot of shit during puberty

>> No.6825116

man, i wish

>> No.6825123

I ensure you most of /lit/ are still, and will remain - atheists.
As for when I stopped being an edgy atheist who thought it was the endgame of thought and a most-advanced conclusion? Like 16, I guess.

>> No.6825128

yuo can't know

>> No.6825449

Oh, DO fuck off.

>> No.6825472

I am a post-theist, or maybe post-atheist, idk

aka a deist or soft naturalist/materialist without a strong stance on divinity. need to read more metaphysics. specifically greek and german

>> No.6825478

I'm an atheist and I never believed that.
I just wish religion would retire to being a cultural thing so it wouldnt get in the way of science and medicine.

>> No.6825501

>I'm an atheist and I never believed that.
same, OP you're scum

>> No.6825516
File: 70 KB, 595x447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheism = peace

>> No.6825525

How many atheists do you know of that have killed in the name of atheism?

I'll wait.

>> No.6825535
File: 15 KB, 220x291, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, you meme loving fuck. and if religions weren't around, there would still be wars, genocides, and power struggles. it's just an abused facet of expressing that.

>> No.6825544

>if people didn't believe in God everyone would get along!!!

go back to reddit until you turn 18

>> No.6825565

This post reeks of pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.6825570


>religion getting in the way of science and medicine

>forgetting all about the middle ages

come on m8 the church was a bastion of learning for hundreds of years, thats not fair.

>> No.6825571

People who happen to be both Atheists and dicks don't count. I'm still waiting.
>if religions weren't around, there would still be wars, genocides, and power struggles
I agree with that. Though I do believe there would be less.

>> No.6825575

Just because it wasnt in the way 500 years ago doesnt mean its not in the way now.

>> No.6825580

I will when religious people present evidence for their god.

>> No.6825582

The Vatican pays for many laboratories :^)

Don't lump americuck Protestantism and shitskin anti intellectualism with Catholicism under the vague branch of religion

>> No.6825587

Still an atheist, but I think most of us grew out of crude logical positivist "New Atheism" the first time we read a decent work of philosophy.

>> No.6825588

lmao i admitted to not knowing shit i don't know how more obvious i can be about not thinking my opinion should be held in any regard of importance

>> No.6825589

The Vatican protests condoms and abortions. Thats like a crusade against medicine and health in many regions of the world.

They also protested cloning for the longest time and kind of killed it in its infancy, when there was plenty of hype for funding.

>> No.6825594

>muh proof

Did Plato teach you nothing? Why do you still see exclusively with your eyes!

>> No.6825599


no. We aren't doing this


>> No.6825602

>not being a christian-transatheist

Fuck off, grandpa.

>> No.6825605
File: 29 KB, 518x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mao killed in the name of atheism. Communism is against all forms of religion.

>> No.6825618

I guess I was about 14 or 15. I started reading a lot of Taoist texts, and realized that their conception of Tao was very similar to a what you might term a universal sum of all things, which presumably exists if you "zoom out" far enough, so to speak. Basically I realized that the pop culture concept of a god who was some bearded dude was not the only concept of the supreme, and that it was not necessary to box in the divine by defining it with human traits. Eventually, I returned to early Christian church writings and lots of Jewish texts to understand what their actual, theological concept of God entailed, generally speaking. I guess I was surprised to find no trace of the strawman god that Dawkins, Hitchens, et al, wrote so vehemently against.

Religion is definitely one of my primary interests these days, though I don't consider myself a follower of any of them. I've been mainly immersed in Buddhism these days, though I spent some time at a Saivite monastery for a while and learned a lot about Hinduism as well... Talk about a misunderstood theology.

>> No.6825620


>not unfalsifiable horseshit

Pick one

>> No.6825625

Atheism is compatible with capitalism.

>> No.6825630

>le logic isn't a human construct meme

no for real though logic cucks have autism and can't comprehend anything that's not math equations

>> No.6825633

Okay, then let me rephrase. How many MODERN groups, acting under the ideals of Atheism, have killed or terrorized groups of people, compared to radical right-wing Christians and extremist Muslims?

I'll wait.

>> No.6825639

I jerk off into the toilet daily. Does that count? My sperm count is very high.

>> No.6825644

Why is that relevant? Are you some libertarian randroid?

>> No.6825651

He is trying to tell you that Mao killed in the name of Communism, not Atheism.

>> No.6825653

>organized ideological groups have more organized ideological groups than communities based solely off individualism

you got me, /r/atheism! you forgot to post your picture of le sassy black science man!

>> No.6825657

Agnostic-Atheist here.

I ain't even a mad Atheist anymore.

I used to be, but not anymore.

With that said, I'm terrified of relapsing back into Christianity.

>> No.6825661
File: 360 KB, 484x397, [crown tipping intensifies].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6825663

What about an epic 1500 page novel called Religion and Atheism? Richard Dawkins and his army is invading the Vatican and the only person who can stop them is the unreliable narrator who is fighting against scientists and his methods using his prose.

>> No.6825664

why ?

>> No.6825674

nice meme


>> No.6825680

>Calls him a meme loving fuck
>Conflates the aims of commie dictatorships of the 20th century with atheism despite having nothing to do with it, a popular Christposter meme

>> No.6825684


>meme spouting faggot
>accusing others of meme spouting

How rich

>> No.6825688

>you got me, /r/atheism!
Fuck, you got me there. I ain't even gonna try to deny it.

>> No.6825693


>> No.6825699

He's implying war happens regardless of religion, not blaming atheism for wars. You're essentially agreeing with him on all his points but greentexting and calling him a Christposter anyways.

>> No.6825700

There is only one religion, the True Eternal Religion (Sanatana Dharma).

>> No.6825711

But to an atheist, there isn't really much to gain from such actions outside of edgy spite. There's no notion of some entity approving of your actions, and if you fuck up and get shot by a cop there's no reward awaiting you at the end of it, most likely just some empty void. Atheism encourages individualism and a sense of making the best of the time you've got.
This isn't to say such things aren't possible, just less likely. An atheist could still be a /pol/-tier asshole who wants to racially cleanse the earth or something.

>> No.6825729

I was 14-15 years old when I rejected atheism for agnosticism, so no, I didn't even need a decent work of philosophy. Philosophy broadened my mind a lot further than the tiny logical leap it took to convince me New Atheism was a load of crap (I actually never really bought into that). What are you, anyways? A woman?

>> No.6825740

>(I actually never really bought into that)


God, you're such a fucking spineless coward. Not even man enough to admit you think you were wrong at the time, you have fully convinced yourself that you weren't 'really' into it all along.

I bet you've written long butthurt diatribes about modernism as well. This is pretty ironic, since this little phrase you typed is modernism is a nutshell: all appearance, all talk

>> No.6825755

So just form him saying NO you deduced all that?

>> No.6825759

Your experience mirrors mine closely, in what way would you say Hinduism is misunderstood?

>> No.6825764


Absolutely. I've seen people like him again and again. Believe me, he shows all the signs of a spineless talker who just jumps on bandwagons out of popularity

>> No.6825766

I switched to agnosticism when I realized an active belief in no-God is just as ridiculous as an active belief in God.

>> No.6825770

>>6825525 said
>How many atheists do you know of that have killed in the name of atheism?
He replied with a Mao pic saying
>here, you meme loving fuck.

>> No.6825796

It feels that after a small group of socially awkward militant atheists got their soapbox in social media (the birth of the fedore meme) people have got this need to oppose this kind ridiculousness with another kind of ridiculousness by stating that they are devout christians and people who aren't are neckbeards who regularly nag in r/atheism about how ridiculous people are idiots.

My non-educated guess is that most people don't really care about religion and if pressed hard about it they'd either state to be atheist, agnostic or christian in the sense that they believe in some sort of higher power, but don't follow the Bible in any literal sense. But instead these /pol/types have to create this huge distinction about them and the pariah group to feel better about themselves.

>> No.6825851

I don't have asked for these feels

>> No.6825871

>My non-educated guess
Stopped there

>> No.6825893

>implying i outgrew atheism
>implying that pic doesn't make me cringe

i'm pretty sure there isn't a god but i guess itd also count as agnostic

aka who cares

>> No.6825907


Thankfully the Church survived the rule of atheist and anti-clerical regimes. They still killed tens of millions though.

Try reading about the Albanian persecutions or the actions of certain communists bands in Spain

>> No.6825914

I never believed that.

I just thought it was stupid.
now I recognize stupid is the universal condition of people.

>> No.6825917


>In 1967 Hoxha proclaimed Albania the 'world's first atheist state'. Hundreds of mosques and dozens of Islamic libraries — containing priceless manuscripts — were destroyed.[65] Churches were not spared either, and many were converted into cultural centers for young people. The new law banned all "fascist, religious, warmongerish, antisocialist activity and propaganda." Preaching religion carried a three to ten years prison sentence. Nonetheless, many Albanians continued to practice their belief secretly.

Cleary nothing to do with atheism!

>> No.6825934

They can go back to wearing togas.

>> No.6825946

Well, it depends on the Pope.

It's like a president you can't vote for. But just like you don't stop being american or whatchareu because you disagree with the president, you can still be catholic even if you don't agree with all it's policies.

>> No.6825967


>All bats are animals.
>Some wooden objects are bats.
>Therefore, some wooden objects are animals.

>> No.6826022


lol no

The Vatican isn't like a religious equivalent of the Democrat party. Its not like you have a Bernie Sanders or a Hillary Clinton who will propose vastly different views.

The church is the bearer of 100s of years of spiritual teachings and traditon. The pope cannot and should not be able to ride rough-shod over the Magesterium. He can contribute his own theology and philosophy, but he is not there to modify what went before.

If, as liberals think he should, the Pope declared that gay marriage was acceptable, that abortion was great and that women should be priests, he would not only be rebelling against the totality of Catholic teachings, he would also be destroying his own authority.

The Church would no longer be the Church, but rather just another form of Protestantism

>> No.6826039

>i-its not true atheism guyz!!!

atheist mexico also comes to mind

>> No.6826043


The Power and the Glory is one of my favourite novels