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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 620x387, John-Green_2929212b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6823837 No.6823837 [Reply] [Original]

>I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.”

>> No.6823842


read the other 1k pages then come back. wanker.

>> No.6823867


lel well memed lel memed good sir well memed

top kek

>> No.6823869

>I do things like hang a noose around my neck and say, "The beyond," and tighten it.

>> No.6823874


hahahha very well funny my good meme friend.

you should probably make a meme of that lol

>the beyond

very good meme my good friend

>> No.6823877

I fucking hate this place and I have nowhere to go.

>> No.6823879

David's final words?

>> No.6823882

could be tbh

>> No.6823883


hahhaha very well memed and funny.

David would have laughed at that

>> No.6823889
File: 32 KB, 620x357, Jason Segel as John Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank God some bandanna wearing loser killed himself so I could play him to up my indie cred

>> No.6823890


very well put my philosoraptor friend.

>> No.6823927

Don't bully DFW-sama! He's sad :<

>> No.6823928

Dftba nerdfighters and Hank, I'll see you on Tuesday

>> No.6823929

Tfw you accidentally quote a post when you intended to only reply to the thread


>> No.6823981


that face when hahaha I can imagine your face aswell when you realised your mistake! I bet it was like something David would do.

top kek my good friend.

>> No.6824098

You idiot you need to use ironic emoticons (I.e. ":^)" and "XDDD")

>> No.6824469
File: 34 KB, 540x360, 1435748677139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of win

Epic xD

>> No.6824475

Literal autism

>> No.6824562

He's a cuck

>> No.6824601

what the fuck. not gay, but DFW was way better looking than that ugly schlomo

>> No.6824607


>> No.6825362

He is the new man.

The new sort of man. You all know the kind. He's been completely castrated. He's been divorced from anything primal. Completely shorn of any crimethink.

He's like a little, supple, baby-oiled infant. A modern Cupid. A little faggy nothing of a thing who believes in nothing and flaps in the goddamn breeze, whichever way it happens to be flapping.

Tell me, would you ever respect a man who makes a fortune telling 13-year-old girls what they want to hear? Would you ever respect a man who writes fiction for girls whose breasts are still budding?

Look at him and weep. You see a piece of yourself in him, don't you? That piece that you're ashamed of. That cringing little coward in the corner of your soul.

For like him you've never cut down a pine. Never stood on a cliff's edge, bare-chested, roaring into the great wilds. Never killed with your hands.

The fire is gone from his eyes. The fire that the ancients had. The great men of eminence.

And now we have "logic" and "reason" and they're a small consolation to a beastly heart, which still beats, faint as it may be, still beats.

Can you hear it in your chest?

>> No.6825372
File: 85 KB, 618x692, 1425184424522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally caved and bought Infinite Jest
>just as a movie is coming out

>> No.6825392

Easy there, chief running diarrhea.

>> No.6825430
File: 91 KB, 480x479, betaAsFuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6825440

chill it Tyler Durden.

>> No.6825444

actually meming outside of the
oh my God
you posted John Green with it
Im literally sad now

>> No.6825518



>> No.6825521

Nah. This is basically completely wrong. I read a bit of The Fault in Our Stars recently to see what the Josh Green meme was about. The way he went about writing from a teenage girl's perspective kinda made it seem like he wants to be a teenage girl.

Really I think he's a repressed Christfag who subconsciously wants to be a tranny.

>> No.6825526

OP's fault.

Permaban Green posters

>> No.6825530

I think he does a nice job as DFW from what I've seen.

I'm looking forward to the film

>> No.6825537


>getting rich by catering to the needs of teenage girls is somehow more pathetic than spending your life on a yemenese mosaic forum and pretending you'll become a writer one day

I think the cuck is you m8

>> No.6825538

Is this meme still alive I havent been here in months

>> No.6825540

I'm pretty sure it's the same guy making all of these threads every day.

>> No.6825558

>liking Franken-DFW

>> No.6825626

I'm not sure if this is bait but you know the film isn't about Infinite Jest, right?

>> No.6827085

Did you really take the time to click on every one of those posts? Are you okay?

>> No.6827109

someone linked a John Green video in a thread yesterday that was supposedly really cringey, but I didn't watch it because I was on my phone. Anyone remember what it was? I'm still looking.

>> No.6827114

This one I believe


>> No.6827120

>Being a Nerd

Oh, fuck off.

>> No.6827162

yes, thank you. watching now

>> No.6827216

>wants to be a teenage girl

this is the exact impression I get whenever his videos are posted

>> No.6827250


>> No.6827263

>not yemeni


>> No.6827280

Will this film feature full-frontal "audience pussy"?

>> No.6827292

i kinda like the guy after this video. yall hatin

>> No.6827296

Yeah, the videos definitely give off that "I wish I were a quirky teen girl" vibe.

>> No.6827468

of course i jerk off to predator. who wouldn't? all this real, old school masculinity in one place gets me rock fucking solid. nothing gay about it i just get hard when things get so manly.

>> No.6827513
File: 2.00 MB, 250x158, 1412632582475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a Mason and Dixon I see on the shelf?

>> No.6827966

he's just saying lots of people will probably be reading it once they see a movie about the author

>> No.6828043

>Would you ever respect a man who writes fiction for girls whose breasts are still budding?
I'd write fiction with girls whose breasts are still budding :^)

>> No.6828076

Jesus Christ, what a child.

>> No.6828491

Are we really this sad? Did we really educate ourselves this much just to bounce may-mays off each other and brag about all our inside jokes the "normies" would never comprehend? Is this fucking literature to us? I hate the cancer replying to this as much as I hate my own reply. I hate myself. Fuck

>> No.6829276
File: 40 KB, 563x406, 08c8964cd4fd63550f52840f7649c5fa240b03b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on Aristotle whenever he can
>Nothing but praise for Thomas Aquinas


>> No.6829284

>implying he's read either

>> No.6829293

This thread belongs on r9k you robot fucks

>> No.6829297
File: 424 KB, 643x453, 1436808439638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For like him you've never cut down a pine. Never stood on a cliff's edge, bare-chested, roaring into the great wilds. Never killed with your hands.

sharp decline in bait quality

>> No.6829310

He is a nerd in every way. Emotionally stunted, loves fantasy fiction, watches Hollywood movies at midnight. It's the same as listening to rock music and reading Philip K Dick, just different packaging. Sorry to break it to you.

>> No.6829320

Anon, the quote from the OP isn't even from him.
Green doesn't even read(other than maybe fantasy fiction you mentioned).
And 'romanticizing' him is a post-ironic hot meta meme favourited by the neo-/lit/ meme experts.

>> No.6829322

>trolling this hard

>> No.6829329

Don't do this. He's dead Anon. DFW is dead and you do this.

>> No.6829336

I know the DFW John Greene meme, and I know they're romanticizing him ironically. Maybe my post came across as if I took the bait; instead, i'm encouraging more /lit/ people to read him because with how many redditors we've had join the board in the last couple of months, I think they might actually find solace in his work.

>> No.6829431

Oh my.
Well I guess yeah, he's mediocre and insipid as a person/writer, but paradoxically this is what makes him vulnerable to becoming a competent meme; he's basically the opposite of usual high-brow genius author that gets memed ad infinitum, exactly what avant-garde memefags crave.

There is no hope.

>> No.6830306

>that picture name

>> No.6830311

It's not "the dfw josh green meme" It's just the josh green meme. It's been done with a lot of different authors probably by the same exact faget every single day.

>> No.6830320

The best are the Harold Bloom ones. JohnGreenAnon needs to step his game up.

>> No.6832180

odd taste.

>> No.6832192

Most of those seem like shit teenage girls would read. Also Infinite Jest.