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/lit/ - Literature

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6823727 No.6823727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/p here,

Photographers need very advanced literature skills and would probably surpass most people on this board. For example we have to come up with arty names for all our photos that are good every single time.
It can be one word to one sentance long and must perfectly capture the image.

Take this one for example.

What would you call it that perfectly captures it and turns it into higher level art?

And if you can beat "The day the world went away" i will be very suprised and you are half way to /p level.

>> No.6823733


>> No.6823736


thats actually pretty good.

>> No.6823738

If this is an attempt at getting people riled up or interested this is so fukin boring of a try. jesus mate be a little more creative. also

>posting low res small sized photo and saying you come from /p/

you're an insult.

>> No.6823739

I would call it

"the day /p/ went away"

>> No.6823740

Dark Faith

>> No.6823744


gets riled up claiming this is a bad attempt to rile people up.


>> No.6823749

>For example we have to come up with arty names for all our photos that are good every single time.

you don't have to. most art photography is just a descriptive title. other art photography tries to undermine the purpose of text as a supplier of meaning/something the image lacks

is this goddamn amateur hour

>> No.6823751

a.k.a. edgelord

>> No.6823754
File: 36 KB, 358x310, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6823755

Nice try /b/.

Actually, no, it was a poor try.

>> No.6823756


Just keep calling your photos names like "light and shadow" then buddy along with the 5 million other people naming there photo exactly that every day.

>> No.6823759

I'm riled up over the fact you thought this would be funny when you clicked 'Submit'.

>> No.6823765

"Sturm und draang in the city."

>> No.6823766


Whats wrong, cant handle the rile?

>> No.6823774

is this a new meme

>> No.6823776

i don't see why not if someone is producing some shit like OP photo which is literally just an exercise in photographing someone's silhouette. a clever title doesn't raise it above the rest of the heap

>> No.6823783

I'd gladly call all my photos "Composition in Colors #..." all day erryday.

>> No.6823788

>Rape "Victim"

>> No.6823791
File: 129 KB, 600x399, 1436861219363aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6823793

>a clever title doesn't raise it above the rest of the heap


>> No.6823798


It absolutely does, typical /lit completely underestimating the power of word as usual.

Writing one word beside a photo totally changes the dynamic and meaning of it and can add alot.

I am shocked people in this thread seriously think artists just name there picture any old word to describe it so they know which picture it was. The name is totally adding meaning and good luck finding any art gallery in the world where the picture are not titled.

>> No.6823803

if you need a word to add some artistic dimension to your photograph you probably don't have a good photograph

>I am shocked people in this thread seriously think artists just name there picture any old word to describe it so they know which picture it was. The name is totally adding meaning and good luck finding any art gallery in the world where the picture are not titled.

like i said previously, these works are usually given a descriptive title

>> No.6823804
File: 146 KB, 540x473, 1436776749386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For example we have to come up with arty names for all our photos that are good every single time

literally every channer can do this by renaming reaction image filenames.

>> No.6823806



>> No.6823821

What do you think is more important, the aptness of the title or merely its reflection of the artist's intention and moreover perspective?

>> No.6823850

that it reflects the work is what makes it an apt title

>> No.6823985

Your hobby is garbage, especially if you need to name it with something edgy to make it stand out from thousands of exactly the same photos.

>> No.6824001

You photo is garbage and your name is garbage and I'm pretty sure I've seen the name and the photo 12 times.