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/lit/ - Literature

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6823139 No.6823139 [Reply] [Original]

Show of your fancy prose. Describe a man waking up in an unfamiliar room

>> No.6823158

A man walked into a room. He'd never been there before, there were no Hulkamaniacs there.

>> No.6823159

Shit nigga where the fuck am I lol

>> No.6823166

He woke, and, upon viewing the unfamiliar room through bleary eyes, attempted to wake again.

>> No.6823171

‘Quite like old times,’ the room says. ‘Yes? No?’
There are two beds, a big one for madame and a smaller one on the opposite side for monsieur. The wash-basic is shut off by a curtain. It is a large room, the smell of cheap hotels faint, almost imperceptible. The street outside is narrow, cobble-stoned, going sharply uphill and ending in a flight of steps. What they call an impasse.
I have been here five days. I have decided on a place to eat in at midday, a place to eat in at night, a place to have my drink in after dinner. I have arranged my little life.

>> No.6823180

Is that from MitM?

>> No.6823181

He rose fully clothed, awakened by the distinct scent of vomited semen. The room was painted in a garish red and blue color scheme which offended his hungover senses. While he had no idea how or why he was there, he knew he had to leave so he gathered up his belongings and quit the room.

>> No.6823186

Good Morning, Midnight.

>> No.6823202

>trying to write this as if it was part of the novel I'm actually working on.

He knew that one of these days it would happen to him as well. He basically grew up hearing of the dangers of working for the League, being an identified talmancer himself. And still, and still to actually have it happen to him, out of every other colleague, it was almost unbelieavable.
Instinct dictated the he must reach the belt where a flask of tamashkar would await, yet he could not bring himself to move, almost as if...
"I'm being bound by a pricolich, or maybe a lesha" he muttered, if only to confirm it to himself, the reality of the situation. Where was he, only the God of Kelp would know, for the room was featureless and its naked walls gave no indication of the location.

>> No.6823251
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>> No.6823296

pretty much this tbh

>> No.6823308

He wavered back to reality like a man emerging from a mirage. He rose unsteadily to his feet, thin blanket puddling around his ankles as he blinked, waiting for his surroundings to register. A small room, gray walls, shades down, a dim glow bleeding through. Daytime. Where was he? Awaking in unfamiliar surroundings seemed to have rendered him half dimwitted. He stumbled about from corner to corner, probing the wall. After a minute he paused, looked around. No doors were in evidence. He wondered if he was still dreaming.

>> No.6823317

He espied an ancient fountain, carved in stone through which a stygian, smoky liquid was flowing. Transfixed, he reached out to touch the hoary ichor.

"Ahhhh" he cried, recoiling in horror. "It's not hot!"

>> No.6823325

Kek what's so bad about it? As opposed to /lit/, I don't pretend to be some master at prose, and I'm solely relying on plot, characters, twists and interractions.
I'm, after all, writing fantasy or fiction targeted at young adults and adults, with compelling themes and insights.
I'm also already published and relatively well known locally, which is more than I ever asked for. I really have nothing more to prove.

So what's so blatantly and insultingly bad about it?

>> No.6823330
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>God of Kelp

>> No.6823353
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"I don't know this ceiling."

>> No.6823356

First of all, there was the room. Nothing could change the hard little shell of its existence. Its white plaster wall and its faintly arched ceiling. Its concrete floor and its windows across which a sheet had been tacked; folded over many times to keep out the light. Nothing could change it, because that was all there was of it. That, and the mattress on which he lay.

When, from time to time, a gust of clarity swept down upon him and he opened his eyes, and saw what was really there and knew where he really was, he fixed the walls, the ceiling and the floor in his memory so that he could find his way back next time. For there were so many other parts of the world, so many other moments in time to be visited, he never was certain that the way back would really be there.

>> No.6823386

First thing i thought of

>> No.6823431

Tao Lin walked into a room. He never left. The world's autism index was reduced by 75%. Only /lit/ remains.

>> No.6823558

Ow fuck me mate ma fuckin head is bangin oan n oan like some auld cunt in a mental hospital. Dinnae where the fuck ah am tae be honest.

>> No.6823593

I awaken next to a beautiful woman.Odd. The furniture is elaborately carved sandstone. Who does that anymore?

That feeling buzzing around isn't the usual disbelief I have when am with a woman. It's like when you get up to fetch something, and completely what you were getting, and can only stamp around in random directions muttering: "fuck."

Speaking of which. Luckily morning rituals remind for themselves.

I unzip my fly. Assuming this is a dream, which I do, there will absolutely no consequences for what I am about to do.

To be safe I've tied her limbs to the bedrock. A warm trickle of urine enters her nostrils, I have good aim like that. She sputters and coughs, wide-eyed, awake, no doubt eager to answer the many questions I have prepared.

>> No.6823631


>> No.6823659


>> No.6823662


>> No.6823669

JEsus youre fucking twisted! I read it andi like it! Submit this to a flash fiction contest - YOULL WIN!!

>> No.6823940

The ceiling was, peeled differently that morning. As if he woke up wearing a new face, or with a new fingerprint rather, a man gazes panic-struck into the ceiling-fan, that was spinning swiftly on his axis like everything was just fine.

>> No.6823948
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>Instinct dictated the he must reach the belt where a flask of tamashkar would await, yet he could not bring himself to move, almost as if...
>"I'm being bound by a pricolich, or maybe a lesha" he muttered, if only to confirm it to himself, the reality of the situation. Where was he, only the God of Kelp would know

>> No.6823951

We see as the man awakes in a bedroom unfamiliar to us, and as the room turns blue by what we can only hope is the passing of a cloud, his expression change tells us that he too has never seen this room before.

>> No.6823957

"Huh." said the man. "I'm not familiar with this room."

And so began the story of our protagonist. His name will be revealed later. For now we must only ponder why exactly it was he was speaking aloud when, quite plainly, he was alone. Perhaps this mystery will never be solved. A competent narrator would surely not leave open a loose end like this without intended to tie it up later. Well, we'll come onto my competence later. Or perhaps we won't.

>> No.6823980

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling, as I usually do, but a patch of my memory was missing. I experienced the ego death one feels when they are staring into space in the back of a moving cab, and whenever I have such experiences, I feel like an infant who has not yet developed a consciousness. Who am I? What is my existence? Am I really a human on Earth, as I suddenly remembered that I am? Pawing around on my bed, I realized that I must have moved during the night -- or a woman called for me and brought me there -- into a dainty deco house with a high ceiling, somewhere in the jungle of Coconut Grove, Florida. I found myself completely naked under the bedsheets. I grinned reflexively but stopped, transfixed again by the room's brightness and vaulted ceiling, two gross features that fueled my anxiety.

>> No.6824008

John opened his eyes. He was in bed. He looked around the room. It was the morning; the curtains were parted, and a white light was coming in through the window. It glowed eerily on the walls and the floor.

John closed his eyes, and tried to remember his dream. It had been a happy dream. He'd had his arm around a starlet—he couldn't remember who it was. She'd really trusted him.

It was too much those days for you to look into a girl's eyes; it was enough to hear her soft voice beside you as you held her in a dark forest: "I trust you."

And you would hold her closer, for the sake of both of you—the night was falling; the stars were coming out; the birds had all stopped singing.

The covers were soft, but his feet were a little cold; nothing came to mind.

>> No.6824032

I woke up with a dildonic pain between my buttercream butt cheeks. The moonlight was still illuminating the portrait of Tao Lin on the bedside table. I knew what I had done but did not do what I had know. I would have called for help, but Tao Lin's gaping anus had been surgically sewn to my mouth. I screamed into the abyss, the abyss screamed back in fluctuating tremors of trembling flatulence

>> No.6824623
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>God of Kelp

PS don't Google "kelp god" you don't want to know

>> No.6824708

A pale light shown through a gap between the curtains hanging from the wall. That pale light however was enough to illuminate the inner bowels of the room. On the left hand side of the room sat a decrepit jute couch. The armrests of the couch were punctured with large gashes, holes and scratches, and the couch cushions were dented from prolonged use. In front of the couch sat a table. The table was furnished from mahogany, but the once vibrant brown wood of the table was now pale grey with dust. On the opposite side of the room sat a steel spring bed with a thin mattress sitting atop it, and atop that lay a frail man. The man's dull eyes flickered open. A cold frown traced on his face at the thought of waking up.

>> No.6824733

All his possessions were in their correct places: clothing in a small bench by the bed, glasses, lighter and pack of cigarettes on the nightstand, wallet and key chain safely under his pillow. He did not, however, recognize the red curtains, the only splash of color in the bare bedroom. The door was located in the most bizarre place of all, right in front of the bed, and bizarre also was the improper disposition of the furniture, which allowed for all sorts of bumping against them should one need to run to the window.

"What on earth has happened?", he murmured to himself as he groped around under the pillow and found his key chain empty and wallet still holding his money but devoid of documents.

>> No.6824734

Hopped up out the bed, turn my swag on
Took a look in the mirror said what's up?
Yeah, I'm getting money, oh

Hopped up out the bed, turn my swag on
Took a look in the mirror said what's up?
Yeah, I'm getting money, oh

Turn my swag on
It's my time to turn it up, yeah, yeah
I put my team on, did my theme song
Now it's time to turn it up, yeah, yeah

I got a question, why they hatin' on me
I got a question, why they hatin' on me
I ain't did nothing to 'em but count this money
And put my team on and now my whole clique stunning

Boy wat's up, yeah? Boy wat's up, yeah?
When I was nine years old
I put it in my head, I'ma die for this gold
Soulja Boy Tell 'Em, boy what's up?

Hopped up out the bed, turn my swag on
Took a look in the mirror said what's up?
Yeah, I'm getting money, oh

Hopped up out the bed, turn my swag on
Took a look in the mirror said what's up?
Yeah, I'm getting money, oh

I'm back again
I know a lot of y'all thought I wasn't coming back, yeah, yeah
I had to prove 'em wrong
Got back in the studio and came up wit' another hit, yeah, yeah

I told the world my story
The world where I'm from
Souljaboyxl.com, boy what's up?
Yeah, yeah

Now every time you see me spit
Every time you hear me rhyme
Every time you see me in your state or town
Say what's up? Yeah, yeah, Soulja Boy Tell 'Em

Hopped up out the bed, turn my swag on
Took a look in the mirror said what's up?
Yeah, I'm getting money, oh

Hopped up out the bed, turn my swag on
Took a look in the mirror said what's up?
Yeah, I'm getting money, oh

>> No.6824735

Do your own homework faggot.

>> No.6824793

These are nice. Especially like the last one, for personal reasons.

That's very po-mo of you. It's also shit

Thrown up semen does not have a distinct taste.

>> No.6824810

How would you know if it does or doesn't?

>> No.6824817


> I don't pretend to be some master at prose, and I'm solely relying on plot, characters, twists and interractions.

then you better think of some more original names than The League, tamashkar, or "God of Kelp". Also, why not aspire to good prose in addition to good story? You need both to stand out, the fantasy market being as oversaturated as it is.

>> No.6824819

I regurgitate cum for a living

>> No.6824831

Not >>6824819 lel, but I have thrown up cum a few times. Lots of alcohol plus being on antibiotics makes your stomach sensitive and this plus, obviously, swallowing cum results in throwing up cum.

Also one man once had semen so nasty that you either had to throw up or feel nauseous for hours. Not swallowing didn't cross my mind until much later.

>> No.6824848

Dark. Nigger. Cats. Tranny. Fuck it. Let him/she suck my dick.

>> No.6824883

Ezra woke up.

This was not his room. His body froze, paralyzed by panic, while his mind raced:

i fell asleep in his bed didnt i im sure i did did something happen to was i kidnapped not kidnapped im too comfortable this doesnt seem dangerous did i have an episode did i do something wrong unconscious i dont fucking remember was i in a coma this is not an hospital though what the fuck WHAT THE FUCK HAP-

Outside, he could hear a kid's voice. Cars passing, too. He was in a city, yes, the window showed this was his city.

>> No.6825790

My ass is burning. Semen running down my legs. Oh my god! OP was here while I was sleeping!

>> No.6825868

Traditionally, OP is a catamite, not a sodomite.

>> No.6825936

I emerge from the depths of unconsciousness to find myself in a room I have never seen before. The walls, red illuminations engulfed by darkness, glare at me from all five sides. Faint cries of candid horror and perverse delight barrage my senses from all sides beyond these thick walls. I feel a familiar impulse sprout inside me once again, battering on my door of consciousness. The Seven Savants have ripped me back into existence. May god help all who wonder.

>> No.6825972

in addition to what this >>6824817 guy says, I really disliked how your first two sentences contradicted each other "knew it would happen, but I can't believe it!" seems like the author was lazily rapid-firing cliches without paying attention to the meaning of the words. Also the "talking to myself to inform the reader of all the crazy shit going on" is tired and awkward. Basically your writing is bad.

>> No.6825990

He opened his eyes, still hanging halfway in what he now realized was a dream. There was no mansion, it was morning and not day, and there was no beautiful woman.

He rolled over and found that last detail to be untrue.

>> No.6825994

"Why is it dark?, Christ, I need a shit." He tried to stand, and fell against something enamelled, smooth and inviting.

"Better'n the floor", thought his torpid brains, and he dropped trousers, seating himself over the side of what he slowly reaized was probably a bathtub.

The room was pitch black, and though the presence of a bathtub indicated that a toilet could be nearby, he knew that he couldn't hold himself long enough to find it.

"I'll deal with it in the morning",
he reasoned, and promptly shat a great turd into this strangers bath tub, and barely before it had hit the bottom of the receptacle with a wet thud, he fell back into his drunken stupour, without so much as pausing to wipe his arse.

>> No.6826008

Is this from trainspotting

>> No.6826041

I awoke in a room I found to be unfamiliar. I lazily grabbed for my phone and found it between the sheets. 3:42PM. No notifications. I turned over and went back to sleep.

>> No.6826048

Some weeb doll shit?

>> No.6826055

Written on the can.

He stepped inside and immediately turned back around; it wasn't his room, and was likely the bedroom of his next door neighbor who had frequently plagued his evenings by playing a loud and constant drone of Indian Raga. Before the door could close, the man's hand shot back to prevent it from barring him entry. He realized his luck, the door being unlocked and no signs of immediate return. A few steps to the right and he found himself poring through drawers and looking for something to take, a tax or a fee for noise violations and general tenant disturbance.

A bag of marijuana, a lighter, a pipe, a bag of change, a little box with scores and markings across the top, all went into his pockets and were written into his head as standard deductions for misconduct. A piece of paper with a phone number stayed.

A set of keys lay on a table and those were taken too; likely the only key ring the neighbor had. A final thought brought the man to the speaker setup, where he kicked in the soft mesh and foam to prevent any more music from impeding on sleep.

The door was locked and deadbolted from the outside after he left, the final act of justice to be meted out for the day. He left with a smile that hadn't been there since he left Sheila at the top of the falls to walk all the way home.

>> No.6826058

I woke up in this room, which you could say was pretty unfamiliar, but this wasn't one of the unsual nights. A bit of XANAX here and a bit of booze there. and you end up in a situation like this. Happens quite often, but what was unsettling was the torn belt on the floor, the side-ways laying stool on the floor, and the marks on my neck. Guess I tried to kill myself again. I hope this didnt bring bad Vodoo to the home-owner. I got a Interview in half an hour, guess I gotta wear some turtleneck pullover to cover up my failed attempt...I hope the don't mind me walking in looking like some shitty Steve Jobs double.

>> No.6826122

Ah, but he was awake. These were his starched white sheets and the musty maroon bedcover he threw off his legs was his, and the faded blue carpet that touched the soles of his feet sent dust and chalk and lint floating in slow chaos that were his by the measure of decades. But the world was unfamiliar. It flickered at the edge of his senses, a disreality, like he was missing a limb and the grey seep of shock foundered him, tottered his mind into disarray. His feet were a million miles below him and his head was straining the edge of the universe like a balloon. The walls bowed with incredible speeds and appeared distorted to him. The silence of the empty room battered him, pounded ferociously at his skull, stopped his heart and held clutch to his breath. His arms were lead and he wondered if he were dead and a ghost, trapped in limbo.

He groaned. It had been VERY good tequila.

>> No.6826124

Yellowed stucco and the unfamiliar smell of cheap detergent were the first to assault his senses, rousing him from his tired daze. A brief blurry glance at the walls around him told him that he was in uncharted territory. The peeling plaster walls adorned with the bargain bin pastiche of an unknown era and the yellowed imprint of the countless smokers who shared this room before him were his only points of reference in this windowless room. He laid his head back down, sweat beginning to drip down his furrowed brow, when he heard a squish. The sound of fluids rushing out beneath his tired body as he dropped it back down upon the bed. His shaking gaze scanned down the ruined plaster, past the shredded wainscoting, and to the bed his body lay upon. White. Milky white.

His confusion turned to traumatic fear as his brain, exhausted of any other possibility for this perceptual information, came to its final tragic conclusion. He was floating in a milky white sea of cum. The entire bed, a mere vessel for the veneer of sticky man-juice that blanketed the room like fresh snow. Floating upon a sea of the pure manifestation of masculine passion. The man- if a man still remained- slowly crept up the bed, a deep visceral squish accompanying every movement, when he saw it. A laptop, laying squarely in the middle of the floor, under the shadow of the bed, fresh cum dripping from its screen. His eyes adjusted to the light, anticipating the images on the screen to give him some clue of his fate. As the screen floods the room with a pale powder blue, a red figure appears over the screen. "/lit/ - Literature". Suddenly, he knew. His fear dissolved into cackling laughter, pure with relief. He knew exactly. His hand reached down to meet his now throbbing cock between the growing laughter. He was home.

>> No.6826146

He attempted to open his eyes.
Attempted, but failed. After a moment of confusion he deducted his lids were cemented by dried gound.
A forceful pull - and there was light. He glimpsed the room, thinking his dried eyes distorted the usual view of his master bedroom, with it's gray walls and sheets of questionable odor, a sign of proper values and order.
But he found none of that. Instead, his eyes met with walls covered in paintings, displaying the lowest of taste. Carpets, ones that signified the abundance of money and lack of aesthetic sense. And the very bed he lied in left a strong sense of visual distaste in his retinas, already violated by this vile field of nouveau riche.

>> No.6826244

I don't understand why the "knew it would happen yet it was unbelievable" is so bad. I wanted to express the impossibility of the situation.
I mean we all know we would 'eventually' die someday in the future, yet someone who would randomly shoot you in the chest right in this moment as you sit on the PC browning /lit/ would be so impossible, that you would literally not believe it as it happened.
Maybe the way of expressing it was utterly garbage, but that's what I wanted to express and I don't think it's bad. Just the prose.

>> No.6826262

A persistent dawn bled into his eyes, eyes on the spotted white ceiling, a coarse sheet meant to keep men dry and keep men safe. What good was it when a man wasn't safe from himself, when a man was made wet by his own tears?

The red curtains refused to flow. Wooden walls rose high and harsh, each and every beam and plank bearing within its very being the wherewithal to stand on Calvary and suffer its tempestuous load with naught a word of protest, and so they did here, in their own way, in the way of things that sense not and will not be sensed, they bore the burden they'd been conceived for, and the man in their midst did likewise.

Aged arms stretched forth towards the desert above, towards a barrier and past it, turning it against itself, making it the engine that would crank a weary mind and restore the vigor it once possessed.

>> No.6826278

It did not feel like waking up, or rather, it felt like waking up from someone else's dream.

>> No.6826302

Rhys right?

>> No.6827833

a man woke up in an unfamiliar room. He had had a headache and getting up hurt him.

>> No.6827910
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Thank you.

>> No.6827922


>> No.6827961

It's easy to describe a room in which one's never been. Any room in which one's never been fits the description, from famous rooms like the Oval Office to obscure rooms like the women's bathroom at the McDonalds' in Time Square. Furthermore, said room doesn't have to exist; the mind can conjure an infinite numbers of rooms in which one's never been.
Unfamiliar rooms are trickier to describe, because any worthwhile description familiarize them. Any TRUE unfamiliar room can never be described, beyond saying the room is unfamiliar, or saying what the room is NOT, else our ability to say what it is would allow us to relate it to other rooms and thus become familiar with it.
Allen found himself awake in an unfamiliar room. A room which his mind, for the infinite amount of non-existent rooms it could imagine, was unable to describe. This was not a place he wanted to be.

>> No.6827973

Bravo, very clever ending. You could be the Borges of comedy if you keep at it.

>> No.6828015


"Oh fuck, not again."

>> No.6828027


>> No.6828064

Blank faced, half naked and feet resting on the floor, he stared. He tried again, applying pressure from the balls of his feet, seated from the bedspread.
At first sight the room appeared to be home. Tile cracked, fan half speed, a book with a cracked spine. Had he been reading Hamlet? Does he read at all?
He pressed down slowly.
The photos hanging of familiar people, above the bed they watched him straight lipped. They looked vague to him, he refocused on the glass frame reflection. And noticed the dog, breathing in the dark corner. Did he have a dog?
Creaak. The door was open. No, this isn't right.
In the reflection, eyelids revealed two golden drops of diamond eyes. He stood up to face the creature but not before he felt claws dig deep into his left arm.

>> No.6828303
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>> No.6828430

The room where he had all of these good memories was now tainted, strange and unfamiliar to the young man as he stood in the doorway.
So much had happened. His life would never be the same.

He breathed in deeply, sighing as he exhaled. He could still smell the damn dog's scent in the room. It wasn't fair.
That fucking dog and the leeches that pretended they were his friends were all dead now.
Killed in this room.
He had spent hours scrubbing the blood out of the carpet and cleaning the room, trying to erase any proof that any of them had ever been there.
Oh well, he was running out of time. He still had to get rid of the bodies. Luckily they were ready to go, already loaded into the van. He scanned the room quickly and closed the door for the final time. He'd never see it again.

Shaggy smiled to himself as he got into the Mystery Machine. He'd never have to share a scooby snack again.

>> No.6828964
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>already violated by this vile field of nouveau riche.

>> No.6828968

Perhaps with thine mind thou sees a vice-squeezed breast, milked by an occupied glove, but here Patrick with his eyes sees a room stripped naked from the robe of memory; awake, he knows not this as the product of a dream or the early tartar of wakefulness.

>> No.6828970

When he wakes up his head pounds, and his stomach is nauseous. Forcing his eyes open, he observed a ceiling. This startles him. His surprise stemmed from the fact that it was not the bus station where him and Stevie had been roughing it with the hobos for that past week. With sore elbows, he propped himself up against the headboard of a bed, an actual bed. He looked around with his neck, fighting against the pain of each turn. He jumped when he saw a woman, sitting, drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette. She was completely naked.
Turning to him, she smiled.

>> No.6828976
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>> No.6828989

That's a lot of posting effort for a ruse.
made me wonder if it was genuine/10

>> No.6829031

He woke up in an unfamiliar room, which was strange. He couldn't remember anything that had happened the previous day, and trying to do so filled him with a feeling of unexplained shame that made him immediately stop. That was also strange. But the most strange thing of all, that seemed completely impossible for him considering who he was and his life experiences, was that he woke up next to a woman.

This was going to be a strange day.

>> No.6829058

The light that covered the walls was the same, but the walls were different.

>> No.6829084
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A scream.
He startled awake in a dimly lit room. He slipped out of the soft sheets that covered him and looked around. A glimmering lamp revealed the outlines of the things surrounding him; to his left was a large shelf crowded with books and various objects, on his left hung a large picture of bizarre composition, and in front of him, stood a door. Everything seemed strangely vivid and palpable. A feeling of uneasiness crept over him; that setting was unequivocally new to him, and yet he had the impression of having been there before.
Another scream reverberated, this time right behind the door, and it finally dawned on him. The latch turned, and as the door opened he faded away.

>> No.6829114

The stained drunkards of the world will tell you that any room can be unfamiliar if the night before shrouds itself in a white veil that smells of liquor. Any aphorism from a mouth rimmed with brandy-tinged vomit should be considered with some degree of skepticism, but maybe there's some truth in the swooning slurs of the local Dionysus. This is, after all, how the man who fell asleep in his mother's bed woke up with an electric panic to find he wasn't exactly sure where he was.

>> No.6829130

so gay

>> No.6829143

The fan's buzzing echoed the one in my head, growing more agonizing with each rotation. It must have been this which roused me from my usually stressful slumber.
I don't own a fan. This is not my room. A stench of piss and vomit that had nestled itself in my nose finally hit the receptors as I came to; I was shocked to find that the source was inside my trousers and splattered sporadically over my shirt.
Not again. I have relapsed.

>> No.6829486


>> No.6829655

He had thought this would be the study, or one of the studies in the great house, but the plainness of decor seemed a shout against the baroque mess of the whole manor. Despite having been a regular guest since he was a boy there were no memories he could recall of this place except maybe half formed shadows such as the musing on ones dreams in the afternoon.

It was at that point he noticed the grotesque mask mounted upon the wall.

>> No.6829663

John opened the door and walked into the unfamiliar room, and in the process the form of unfamiliarity left the room for the form of familiarity. It was a room with a blue chair.

>> No.6829703

meme meme room meme meme not mine meme meme dank meme meme

>> No.6831196


>> No.6831204

he woke up and as his brain adjusted to the reality around him it realised that the room he was in was unfamiliar
'how did i end up here?' he wondered

>> No.6831826

Dear Mr Diary Book,

I woke up in a weird room today. I don't know how I got here. There is no door and only one window. I do not know how to get out of here. I have just been sitting here masturbating all day.

I will write you tomorrow. Cherrio

>> No.6831879

An empty room. How long was I going to be here? There's a pang of curiosity, or maybe excitement, about some place new. Like when you meet a celebrity or check into a hotel room. For just a moment you're unsure to how to behave, and different set of rules might apply here, wherever you are. No such luck.It's just an empty room. Time to get in some me time.

>> No.6831901

John woke up in a room, which was unfamiliar to him.

>> No.6831903


He woke up at 4 AM. He was coming out of his dream. His head hurt. When his eyes became non-blurry, he sat up in panic. He didn't know where he was. A woman was sleeping next to him. It was totally dark out. He concluded that he must have gotten very drunk and slept with this woman.

>> No.6831941

He woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was unfamiliar as to a man waking up in an unfamiliar place. The suns still gentle fingers familiar to a man waking up in time for the rising sun, reach through the jalousie splaying throughout the crass concrete.

>> No.6831956

He woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was unfamiliar as to a man waking up in an unfamiliar place. The suns still gentle fingers familiar to a man waking up in time for its rising, reach through the jalousie splaying all over the crass concrete.

>> No.6832311

Before even opening my eyes, I had sensed that the air I am breathing is not the air I am used to. Not one of the smells from my home are here. This blanket is not mine, and neither are these sheets. With my eyes now open, I can see for certain that this room is not mine, nor is this bed. How I arrived in this place is a mystery, but someone must know. I pull myself upward to a sitting position, and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I glance over to a window that is covered by a curtain. Its letting a small bit of light in, just enough to see. I look down at the floor and am immediately overcome by a sense of vertigo. I think to myself "This seems so much higher than my bed". There was a pair of slippers on the floor, so i put them on before getting off the bed. The floor was so cold that I could feel it through the cloth of the slippers, and even so I felt so warm. It was a strange sensation. I took my first step on the cold floor, and began walking toward the light coming through the window. I caressed the wall with my fingertips along the way, trying to get a feel for this place. I saw a door, but I was more interested in letting more light in. The light became more blinding the closer I got. I gripped the curtain and closed my eyes, pulling it back I could feel the heat of the light touching my skin. I feel the edge of the windowsill and hold myself close to the glass. I slowly open my eyes to adjust to the light. My blurry vision shows an image of something I cant quite make out, and as my eyes become comfortable with the brightness of the light i can see outside. What I saw took my breath, gasping in terror. I fell backward onto the floor, faint. On my knees I creep toward the window and reluctantly pull myself up so that only my eyes could peer through. I set my gaze on the thing outside, and watched curiously horrified. "What is this that I am witnessing" I ask myself. With that utterance the thing looks up in my direction. I ducked down below the window and sat as close to the floor as I could. "I know he was looking at me, I could feel it. He heard me and he saw me" I think frantically. I am stricken with a sense of dread. My heart is racing, and the cold floor doesn't seem so cold anymore, for my skin is ice cold. I am in shock. I use the last of my wit to take one more look out the window. That thing is gone. For a moment I felt a sense of relief. But that moment is a short one, as what happens next would render me petrified. "Knock Knock". My eyes swiftly observe the door as my heart sinks. I don't move. I hold my breath. I simply sat quietly and kept my eyes on the door. "Knock Knock" I can feel the air around me grow cold. The sweat from my brow is the only thing keeping my eyes from blinking. "Bang Bang". The heavy hand on the door makes it sound as if it were to break apart. I gather myself together and in fear crawl across the floor to the bed and slide underneath. Looking out from the foot of the bed, I see a light

>> No.6832316

come from under the door, and also a shadow. The eerie sound of metal grinding on metal shrieks through the room as the big wooden door slowly opens. I back away toward the headboard, still looking to the door. The shadow moves across the light now pouring into the room. Its a person. Hes wearing a suit, and his shoes are big, and his stride is wide. He seems to be very tall. He calmly walks toward the window where I once stood, and shuts the curtain. In that instant the door slams shut. It was as dark as a cave. The sheer amount of fear I was in kept me from thinking clearly. I had to get out of this room. I couldn't stand to be here anymore. There was no choice. I pulled myself out from under the bed and jumped onto my feet and ran for the door. Quickly opening it toward me I threw myself to the other side, not once taking a second to look back. I paused at the accomplishment of this feat and ran down the hall, faster than I ever had before. I looked back for one second and "SLAM", i had struck a wall. I fell to the floor dazed, and sort of confused. Looking up from my laying position I saw that there was no wall there. I took a moment to rest my self after a hard hit like that, but abruptly got up when I realized "There was no wall there!" I began to run again and was stopped by a wall that simply was not there. I put my hand forward and felt an invisible force. "There really is a wall here. That isn't possible. I can see through to the other side", I said aloud. I looked back down the hall and felt uneasy. I touched the invisible wall once more, and turned around to go back the way I came. I had come to another invisible wall. The white walls of the hallway, and the invisible walls were enclosed and I was trapped. I mad a quick turn around in place to assess the situation, and as I turned the space around me became a white cube. It was a cube, and I was inside it. It was a bright white, even though there was no light. Perhaps the light was trapped in here with me. "No thats not possible" I thought. "None of this is possible". The white cube suddenly became black. A moment had passed and I found myself back in the room i started in. I rushed to the window and drew the curtain, as well as the other three curtains filling the room with light. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something peculiar. But it didn't strike me immediately. I walked over to the first window and looked out. That thing was not there thankfully. But I felt scared wondering where it had gone. I walked to the second window and looked out. I saw children playing. It was strange, the windows faced the same direction but I couldn't see the children before. I ran back to the first window and saw nothing of the sort. Confused, I ran to the third window. I saw a funeral taking place in the evening. Some of the children were there as well, but they were no longer playing. "How?!" I thought to myself. "How can this possibly be!?"

>> No.6832321
File: 28 KB, 307x422, goodbye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sprinted to the first window and saw daytime, to the second window, and saw daytime, and to the third window it was dusk. I slowly turn to the fourth window, dreading what I may see. I walk toward it apprehensively, knowing that no matter that I feel it is inevitable that I look through it. Step after step, the fear in me grows ever more. Turning my head away, and closing my eyes, I grab a hold of the window frame and muster up the strength to face the pane and open my eyes. It was night, and by his shoes I knew it was him, standing under the lamppost. He was looking at me watching me. He knew I was there watching him. He simply stood there, shadow cast on his face and menace in his eyes. I stared him down in his eyes out of defiance and fear. For that moment I didn't feel afraid. In that moment I felt empowered. I was facing my fear and I was strengthened by it. I opened the window and shout with my head outside. "Leave me be! What do you want!?" My confidence left me, and I stammered back from the window still looking at him. He made no reply. Not knowing what to do, I decided to leave. I opened the only door and was confronted by the man in the suit. He gave me a malicious smile and said "Good morning", simultaneously covering me in his dark cape. I closed my eyes in fear, as I always seem to do. When I opened them...

"Oh, yes. Good morning. I had the strangest dream. It was so real, but I'm afraid I cant recall it now." I said quietly to my children. "I'm glad to be awake now to your smiling faces. Those smiles are what keeps me going through these days. This ceiling is getting quite boring for my old eyes." I turn my head to the window and think to myself "Maybe today will be the day".

>> No.6832328


Thanks Faulkner.

>> No.6832373

His dark,big eyes explored the room but did not know the walls around,on hard spring mattress lied his body, his clothes were sprawled on the ground.A ray of moonlight shyily creeping trough the window from outside, was all the lightsource that was breaking his dark room's endless night.The man stood up,his face was sweating,as it dawned into his mind:this was a prose thread but instead all that he wrote tonight had rhymed!

>> No.6832501

He began to open his eyes, the sun shone differently this morning. The light trickled in between velvet curtains. Drawing his first breath the air tasted too musty, it reminded him of visiting his grandmother as a young child.

>> No.6832649

The sickness was there before he opened his eyes. Where the fuck was he, anyway? He had nothing: No money, no shit, and no idea where he was.

>> No.6832662
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He arose, his erection throbbing like it was going to explode in his fucking paints.
"Calm down lil buddy." he said adjusting his nuts.
He got on his fucking feat and spat and looked around and realized that not only did he not recognize where he was, he was also out of cigarettes and booze.

>> No.6832669
File: 63 KB, 600x300, nmh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semen stains the mountaintops.

>> No.6832742

This is no longer my moment of death. I open my eyes. Confusion riddled my brain, momentarily. "I don't know this ceiling." I stated, in the attempt to visually ground myself to an alien environment. I focused on a ceiling fan. The device spun quite gracefully. I grew envious of it's simplicity. I found myself atop a large firm bed. It it didn't feel lived in, almost as if it was created the moment before I awoke. I appear fully clothed in the monotone suit I was wearing before I found myself unconscious. I noticed a red stain that appeared to be blood on the left collar of a now dirtied white shirt. My finger met a healing scar on my lip. All these clues, yet I couldn't remember what brought me here. I shuffled through my right pocket to find a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. There were three cigs when I opened it up the pack. I placed one in my mouth and lit it. My lip started to sting.

I started to inch out of the bed only to meet a surge of pain in my legs. I awkwardly moved my legs unto a floor that appeared to be carpeted. The room was small and utilitarian with with walls painted with a shade of green. There was a mirror in the corner of the room. I was walking slowly towards it, slightly unsettled and unenthusiastic to where I might find myself on yet another damned crusade of mine and the CIA. The street was damp with rain and the sky was grey. The street was narrow and desolate. Tall buildings surrounded the area, some taller than others. I was distracted. I needed to find out where I was. I found a street sign that read in Deutsch. "Germany" I whispered with perturb. I grew disinterested in the window and desired more to find out who brought me here and why.

I walked into the ensuite to splash some water in my face. The sink was stained and discolored. I rose from the sink and started to stare at the mirror that appeared in front of me. "You look like shit" said my reflection.

>> No.6832746

>There was a mirror in the corner of the room.

>> No.6833295

>God of Kelp
give me the formuoli

>> No.6833388

He got up after a minute of trying to get up only to wake to a room that was not his own.

>> No.6833551

The bottle lay on its side exactly where the young man would find himself dead at the end of the night. He came to stay a single night and rest from the long ride in by train. Speaking nearly two hours on the taverns single phone line. Business was the only things he could keep on his mind even though a child with his name and blood sat silent at home waiting for the arrival of a father he never met.
That night brought one guest to the mans room, a tall round at the waist man named Julies. A businessman who came from Ireland and had a tongue for drink and deception. Knowing this the man stumbled for an excuse to not let him in but with fear of loosing his job he surrendered. Mexico was not safe land at this point, and that was also why the man had come. With this much liability the reward was always bigger.
Julies walked in as soon as a large enough gap appeared between the door and the man. Placing a bottle on the painted tile table he sat at down immediately and become comfortable, "what can I do for you sir" the man remarked sharply. "Just let me rest a moment before I tell you how to get out of here" said Julies. "What are you talking about sir? I'll be leaving tomorrow" the man replied.
"O I see they have not told you"
"No I am not sure what you are talking about, and what is this visit about?"
"Everything is alright, I've come here with the corporation and am going to get you out of here"
"I don't need to leave I just got here and will be meeting with the council tomorrow"
This is where the night began to change as a sign of peace glasses were laid out and a cork was pulled. As both men began to drink the situation became clear to the man, Julies had been mistaken and would soon leave after he felt dizzy from consumption. This was not true though, Julies was not there to take the man away from the hotel, but to take him away from this earth. Julies had come on behalf of his corporation in fact, but to do the small task of killing the man who let him in.
When they were both agreeing on the movement of the room and a few unimportant and irrelevant business maters Julies agreed to retire only after he used the washroom. It was in there that something clicked inside the mans head and he knew Julies was sent to murder him. The man silently walked to his bag and grabbed the AMT hardballer he still kept from his days in the Army. Walking over to the washroom still in gentle conversation with the man everything went silent. Both men began to shoot and both men lost flesh as gore painted the walls and floor. Two men died that day, one walked out of the apartment later to fail on the stairs and waste away in the nights air. Both sent to kill men they knew nothing about, both earning full pay for the kill, and no way of spending it.

>> No.6833589

Pumping music and an unfamiliar color coating the walls. Still but breathing but unfamiliar form beside. Cold sweat running into my eyes made it hard to distinguish but although the reality was unfamiliar the sensation was always the same.

This is not my beautiful house. This is not my beautiful wife. How did I get here?

>> No.6833608

I like this one. Fourth wall breaks are my favorite

>> No.6833620

The man woke up. "Where the shit am I?" He decided not to worry about, as the sandman sucked him back into his iron grip like... Well.. Ahum....Quicksand I suppose.

>> No.6833650

>Click here
underrated post

>> No.6834036

God of Kelp

>> No.6834144


>> No.6834162

I like the idea but...
>perhaps x2

You sound like an asshole.

>> No.6834279

You sound like a pleb tbh
I bet you're the same guy who's angry about the word "inherent", and your idea of criticism is to use the word "pretentious"

>> No.6834314

Then suddenly he was and everything was wholly unfamiliar.