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/lit/ - Literature

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6821016 No.6821016 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ they made this into a TV show. It might be passable.
All the actors are pretty b-list though.
That is all.

>> No.6821021

Having watched the first episode I strongly suggest nobody who likes the book watch this filth.

>> No.6821025

go to /tv/ you fuck

>> No.6821030

Noted, thanks.

>> No.6821048

>. It might be passable.
The trailer looks horrible though.

>> No.6821057

honestly the pilot was pretty good
i'm not entirely convinced with the grasshopper lies heavy being film reels rather than a book, but it works for a visual medium i guess

>> No.6821062

I saw that being filmed. There were signs cautioning people not to be triggered by the nazi iconography.

>> No.6821208
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>mfw I read through threads about this on /tv/

Bunch of mongoloids, the lot of them.

>> No.6821214

/tv/ is full of retards. I love cinema but I would never go on there.

>> No.6821266

We know. It was... yes, passable I suppose? All I remember is they were trying to trick their investors into thinking the series has a martial arts girl protagonist. Either that or they did really just ditch the art dealer from the story.

>> No.6821272

One of my favourite books but the acting was subpar in the pilot and and I can't see it being good enough to watch going forward, some books just aren't adapted well

>> No.6821291
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Tfw you will never have the funds to direct a film adaptation of three stigmata.

>> No.6821566
File: 43 KB, 1582x1080, mhc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The man in the hight castle

>> No.6821678

>It might be passable.

Took a look at the pilot on Amazon. The acting was so unbelievably bad I couldn't finish it.