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/lit/ - Literature

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6819819 No.6819819 [Reply] [Original]

What would /lit/ name it's son or daughter?

I'm thinking Zarathustra

>> No.6819820

Marcus Aurelius

Byron is good too

>> No.6819823

Whats this have to do with literature?

>> No.6819824
File: 17 KB, 456x384, 1436725588302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where else am I going to ask this question you retarded faggot?

>> No.6819830


>> No.6819838
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>> No.6819840

>not nordic
>clearly born in america with american name
>names his daugher bjorn
just go with a basic bitch name like ashley or jennifer

>> No.6819842


>> No.6819843


>> No.6819846
File: 366 KB, 520x680, PTE_MULTIMEDIA_IMMAGINE_12049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dante. Goes well with my last name too, so I'm kinda set for that.

>> No.6819851

Daughter: Freja. Maybe Freya if I become less edgy in my 30s
Son: Likely Alexander

>> No.6819863

I'm having a son soon, planning on naming him Benedictine, thoughts /lit/?

>> No.6819868

Cool names are all fun but consider how it sounds in the modern day

i wouldnt want my son to sound like a burn ointment

go with Maximilian

>> No.6819877

Sigurðr - Son

Rheya - Daughter

>> No.6819878

>name son Sigurd
>comes out gay

>> No.6819879

Lord and Lady Chodington

>> No.6819881


Won't even care, if he's a faggot he'll still be a bear mode nordic.

>> No.6819882


>> No.6819884


>> No.6819885

either Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
or Slavoj

>> No.6819887

Awful, give him a cool name, he will thank you for the rest of his life

>> No.6819888

Son: Leopold
Daughter: Anna Livia

>> No.6819894

If I wanted normie dweebs who are gonna name their kids shit like "Justin" and "Anthony" i'd go there

I'm asking my literary minded brethren for their creative historical names so that I may gain some inspiration for myself

>> No.6819897


Name him, "My dad posts on 4chan"

>> No.6819901

This, tbh

hi, /mu/

>> No.6819902


>> No.6819906

Both Justin and Anthony are great historical names you pleb

>> No.6819907

Son: Pepe
Daughter: Pepe

>> No.6819908

yeah and because of that, everyone is named that

do you think a diamond is something to be desired when everyone has a diamond in their ears? How about when nobody does?

Name him or her something that actually means something

>> No.6819910

Hey I'm not your brethren, philistine

>> No.6819914

Why wouldn't it mean anything to name your child after great saints?

>> No.6819915

Lilith for daughter
Aaron for son

>> No.6819916

I'm not your buddy, guy

>> No.6819919

I'm not your guy, buddy

>> No.6819920


>> No.6819921

im not your buddy, friend

>> No.6819923

You fucked up anon

>> No.6819955


is anyone else jealous of modern greeks' naming convention? It's perfectly acceptable to name your son Constantine, Aristotle, or Aletheia.

>> No.6819959

I'd never want my child to share their name with a Christian cult figure

>> No.6819960

Anon are you reeeeeeeeeeeeee-tarded?

>> No.6819963

Son: Lewy Lew (my last name is Lewis)
Daughter: Dippy

>> No.6819967

Your son's gonna be called Lewser

>> No.6819970
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>not emperors
Fucking christposters and your addiction to mediocrity.

>> No.6819971

My friend's name is Athanasios, it's pretty cool

>> No.6819973

He may as well be from a fanfic

>> No.6819975

"Lewy Lewser" would be more creative

fortunately he'll be 6 feet of nordic chaotic evil by age 12 if he's anything like me and that won't be a problem.

>> No.6819979

He's gonna be like his dad: intelligent, nihilistic and a wicked sense of humour

>> No.6819984

Nah, people think its a pretty cool naem

we just call him thanos though

>> No.6819990

How the fuck has no one said Lolita yet

>> No.6820004

Upvoted my friend ;)

>> No.6820043

Boys - Nestor, Julius, Ezra, Eli, Anton, Leon, Leopold, Laszlo, Matthias, Augusto/Augustus

Girls - Charlotte, Wren, Ezra (again), Anastasia, Esther, Joyce, Rosa

Crazy - Publius, Aurelian, Zarathustra, Linnaeus, Tiberius, Anaximenes, Diogenes, Heracles

>> No.6820050

Boy: Levi, Gates, Ezekiel, Solomon

Girl: Sophia, Indira, Juliette

are you guys even thinking

>> No.6820054

why would anyone want to name their daughter something that relates to child rape?

the idea that "lolita" is actually defined as "a sexually precocious young girl" is so fucked up because it gives validity to the idea that young girls actually seek out sexual attention without there being deep-rooted psychological issues

>> No.6820057

son: adolf

>> No.6820063

>How the fuck has no one said Lolita yet
Her name was Doloreson the dotted line.

>> No.6820091

Abraham, Laurentius, Maximilian, Sigmund, Ludwig, Charles, Isaac.

I will not have any daughters.

>> No.6820095

Phillip Marlowe.

>> No.6820098

or O.

It's a male name. It means bear.

>> No.6820107

Male: Æthelwulf, Siddhārtha

Female: Sól, Luna

>> No.6820108

Boy: Albert, Aaron, Ivar, Anthony.

Girl: Sophia, Isabelle, Jeanne, Anna

>> No.6820111

Son: Adrian
Daughter: Diana

>> No.6820128

male: Dumbledore

female: Dumbledora

>> No.6820130

John or Jane

>> No.6820131

>tfw British.
>tfw can buy a Lordship, "Based on a genuine bygone Lord of the Manor title that supports the legal right to use the honorific title Lord or Lady."
>tfw comes with a five mtr plot of land that I can name to use at the end of the title, eg '... of Penswick manor'.

So, 'Lord [insert name] of Penswick Manor' can be used on a passport or drivers license.

I'm half tempted to buy one myself:

"Can I see your drivers license, sir?"
"It's 'Can I see your drivers license, m'lord' "
Pull out license
"Oh, err, I'm sorry, m'lord."

>> No.6820132

male: bob
I dont plan on having daughters

>> No.6820137

>Sól, Luna
What is with all these fanfiction-tier names?

OP, everyone knows many of the best names (that will not warrant bullying) are Hebrew: Noah, Ezra, Eli, Kai

>> No.6820146


>> No.6820150

I thought this had been debunked, and nobody would take you seriously.
An old family friend added "Lord" to their name on Facebook and they were asked by moderators to remove it, lel.

>> No.6820151

Class of 2005?

>> No.6820156


>jew name
>pls no bully

>> No.6820157

That is a rare meme.

>> No.6820158

I'm only having one. Girl would be Annabel, to continue the Poe theme from my name.

Boy would be Harry Rupert. He'll be teased, but we'd be the only ones to have a son in either family, so we need to use grandpa names.

>> No.6820160

>everyone knows many of the best names (that will not warrant bullying) are Hebrew: Noah, Ezra, Eli, Kai

>tfw called Noah
>"No, err" used regularly in high-school
>No, err, flood yet then? Still building your boat?
>No, err, pussy yet? You'll be a virgin forever when that flood hits. How's the boat?

>> No.6820176

I like slavic names but I'm not slavic, so my only chance is to find a gf from eastern europe
female: Galina
male: Jaromir

>> No.6820186

>I thought this had been debunked, and nobody would take you seriously.
'debunked', no a Lord of the Manor title is a real (and legal) thing. Nobody would take you that seriously though, it's more of a novelty. People buy lordships as novelty Christmas presents. What was 'debunked' was the fake Baron and Baroness titles being sold.

>An old family friend added "Lord" to their name on Facebook and they were asked by moderators to remove it, lel.
lol. While at the same time:

"Facebook users who don't fit any of the 58 gender identity options offered by the social media giant are now being given a rather big 59th option: fill in the blank.

'Now, if you do not identify with the pre-populated list of gender identities, you are able to add your own,' said a Facebook announcement.

Facebook software engineer Ari Chivukula, who identifies as transgender and was part of the team that made the free-form option, thinks the change will lead to more widespread acceptance of people who don't identify themselves as a man or woman."


>> No.6820195

Children will find a way to make fun of literally any name. It's how you respond to it that matters. Hate the player, not the name.

>> No.6820202

Daughter: Marceline, Lain, Amelia, Belinda, Caitriona

Son: Bruce, Stefan, Muir, Eoin

>> No.6820205


>> No.6820208

Make fun of Tim, the worst I ever saw was 'Tim Tam'

>> No.6820213

Tim, Tim, nice but dim. Tim the quim. I don't know, I'm not a child.

>> No.6820216

You can get bullied for literally anything. I was talking more in terms of respect from both adults and kids. Being a sickly white kid named after a Greek philosopher is probably the most beta thing I can imagine.

Are you implying "I have a mental illness that makes me identify more with the opposite gender" (or on any other point on the perceived "spectrum") is equatable with "I want everyone to treat me as their superior because I purchased a certificate"? Delusions of gender, a rather pointless idea to those that aren't taking it seriously in the first place, don't bother me half as much as someone devaluing a real title that is supposed to carry weight

>> No.6820231

>Make fun of Tim
>Tim, Tim, nice but dim.

>> No.6820238

I've named my son (he's due in about 8 weeks) Thucydides after my favourite Historian. Was either going to have that or a biblical name like Samuel but I wanted him to have a name that had a bit of meaning behind it.

>> No.6820242
File: 191 KB, 540x616, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is with all these fanfiction-tier names?
Norse and Roman Mythology respectively.

>Hebrew: Noah, Ezra, Eli, Kai
Norse, Germanic, Greek & Roman Mythology > Hebrew Mythology.

Bonus: Mithra(s), Jezebel.

>> No.6820243

So are you going to call him Thucy as a nickname? That's one hell of a name for a modern person to be carrying around for their entire life.

>> No.6820249
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I was going to name my comic ZARA.

>> No.6820253

>every teacher will initially call her 'frayja'
go with freya

>> No.6820257

My dad was initially going to name me Geronimo, and my brother Captain. No shit.

I'm so goddamn glad my mom talked him out of it, don't give your kid a shitty snowflake name.

>> No.6820261

Biblical names are quite commonplace, whereas these other names are unusual and would certainly stand out to a fault.

>> No.6820271

>is equatable with "I want everyone to treat me as their superior because I purchased a certificate"?
Nobody is stating superiority. Again, it's a novelty thing in the UK, most commonly given as a Christmas or birthday present. It's like Hunter S. Thompson buying his mail order 'Dr. of Divinity' certificate and calling himself Dr. Thompson. You shouldn't take everything so seriously.

>don't bother me half as much as someone devaluing a real title that is supposed to carry weight
Lordships are trivial land titles and don't carry weight as anyone can become a Lord of the Manor. This is different to the political title held by a member of the House of Lords.

The ones with weight are nobility titles: Dukes, Marquis, Earls, Barons, etc... Official honors and orders: OBE, MBE, Knights and Dames, etc. and Service medals/military decorations and titles. Nobody cares about Lords. Again, relax and stop taking shit so seriously.

>> No.6820273


Underated post

>> No.6820289



I told you I would destroy you Eli! I am the third revelation!

>> No.6820290

>naming your daughter after a genocidal socialist bitch
he can call him diddy, like the kong

Boys: Apetnak, Ashot, Hovhannes
Girls: Astghik, Haykush

>> No.6820302

You're right. I suppose it boils down to preference. But Æthelwulf, Siddhārtha, Sól & Luna aren't obscure or difficult to pronounce, they're just not commonplace like biblical names and will certainly stand out like you mentioned, but that is exactly what I'd want.

>> No.6820306

Emmett or Dean for boys

Holly or Hazel for girls

>> No.6820310

I'm thinking of naming my son Artaxerxes after the persian king; my girlfriend seems to like it, but I'd like a third opinion. Thoughts /lit/?

>> No.6820321

How about you fucking don't

>> No.6820328


>> No.6820329

One of my friends is named Zebulon.

>> No.6820348

Fucking breeders.

>> No.6820353

Why not? My other idea was Anixagoras after the philosopher. Is that better?

>> No.6820354


>> No.6820356

Is Ariana-posting a thing?

>> No.6820359

if only

>> No.6820362


>> No.6820369

but faust is book, idiot

>> No.6820371

So I take it that you've been enjoying the sweet monkey lovin' with a chimpanzee? You dom or sub?

>> No.6820372

I am glad most of you manchildren won't manage to procreate

>giving your child a permanent fixture from a fleeting literary obsession

>> No.6820384

What's /lit/ got to do with literature?

>> No.6820385

Jorah the Andal for son

Deanarys Targaryan for daughter

>> No.6820396

Agreed. Any kid that's named after a character is going to become alienated as hell from their parents once they learn who they were named after. They'll probably think that there's some expectation to live up to the character, which could fuck them up psychologically.

>> No.6820407


I'd name him after myself, since I'm named after my father. 3 generations of the same name would be pretty cool.


Sophie, Rosa, Virginia...I don't really have a strong preference. Would probably leave it up to the mother.

>> No.6820412

almost all names come from fiction and literature, retards.

>> No.6820435

Just read the Iliad. Greeks have the coolest names.

>> No.6820482


>> No.6820483

>Dad, why is my name so weird?
>4chan, son. 4chan...

>> No.6820496

Boy: Linden, Maynard, Eugene
Girl: Georgia, Gertrude, Josephine

>> No.6820512

Antonio Elio [my Last Name]

>> No.6820518


>> No.6820526


Why all the old Norse names ITT?

>> No.6820538

Recent influx of stormfaggots, regular faggots

>> No.6820544

I'm thinking of NegroBonzibo just to piss the sjws off

>> No.6820545


>> No.6820549

Boy: Karl
Girl: Rosa

>> No.6820557

my whole name is formed out of great Christian figures -- so are everyone of my siblings'.
not emperors.
and frankly not even that cool of figures.
I would've loved a Lilith or Elisha in the family.

>> No.6820572

[Marxism intensifies]

>> No.6820580

nemo, armand, yan, marko, yusif

>> No.6820626

Boy: Charles, Ezekiel "Zeke", Luther, Dunbar

Girl: Annabel, Bonnie

>> No.6820661

inb4 anon never has kinds or has a slut daughter who changes her name once she rebells at 18.

>> No.6820664

That's a boy's name surely?

>> No.6820681

This is clearly just an elaborate ruse OP is using get names for his characters.

>> No.6820690


>> No.6820730

Donkey Shot

>> No.6820741

I genuinely would like to name my son Kafka but I doubt I'll find a woman who will go for it.

>> No.6820750


I know a girl named Dante. Huge tomboy. I wonder if there's a connection.

>> No.6820761


Reproducing with you or giving her kid a surname for a first name?

>> No.6820764

For a girl, Millicent, Peregrine, Beatrice.
For a boy, Henry, Peter, William.

>> No.6820771

Jesus Christ. I remember my Literature teacher saying she wished to name a son (if she had one) Tennyson. Never do it.

>> No.6820792

Son: Julius/Julian, Maximilian, Hector, Alexander, Luther, Abraham, Albert, Henry, Anderson, Chandler

Daughter: Sophia, Lilith, Charlotte, Clementine, Marcelline, Isabelle, Anabelle, Katerina

>> No.6820844


this tbh

>> No.6820856

Björn is my "middle" name but I really like it, because of the connotations and because it is a family name .Should I start introducing myself as Björn instead or will that confuse people?

>> No.6820862

Introduce them to your first name.

Sign signatures, and sign offs your full name.

>> No.6820867


I think that, if a son, Leonardo.

If a daughter, Elizabeth.

>> No.6820870

you should name your daughter Ligeia

>> No.6820884

>naming your child after a pokemon


>> No.6820902

Son: John Green
Daughter: Jen Green

>> No.6820935

Ever since the FIFA in Africa, I've wanted to name a daughter Vuvuzela.
Lit names I've always given to my pets. Turtles named Edgar and Jackie Collins.

>> No.6820951

Alessander or Sophie

>> No.6820983

Constantine II

Me being Constantine I obviously.
Hopefully I can start a linage of cool family names.

>> No.6821017

Son: Loki
Daughter: Freya, Herja (Freya might not work because it's a friend's name)

>> No.6821043

Dubs and I name my firstborn Dindu

>> No.6821089


>> No.6821091

ralph, its a good strong name, embodys some archaic england thats long lost

>> No.6821235

Kill urself my man

>> No.6821274

Julius obviously

>> No.6821287

Émile, male
I'm not french

>> No.6821318

Just be sure people shorten it to the immensely masculine Leo instead of Leonard

>> No.6821323



>> No.6821353


>> No.6821369

Boy: Ando
Girl: Annie May

>> No.6821374
File: 61 KB, 640x480, 1764799-andross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boy: Andross

>> No.6821378

My wife won't let me do it with any potential kids but I recently bought two dogs and named them Tristram and Trismegistus. I'm waiting to see if this impacts their success in life.

>> No.6821383

My high school English teacher named her son that, thought it was pretty cool.
Lance is cool too.

>> No.6821388
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>tfw I want to name my daughters after my ex-gfs

>> No.6821397

>tfw I want to name my daughters after students I had affairs with as a TA (while married)

>> No.6821401


>> No.6821405

youre a gay cunt

t. an australian

>> No.6821410

Pretentious faggot. Because what else do you call someone when they grow to be a pretentious faggot?

>> No.6821418

and towns are named after people

>> No.6821441

No, towns are named after places in England :^)

>> No.6821461

5 star male names. Sounds like classic Southern American boarding/prep school.

Male: Atticus, Robert, and Roscoe are family names that I'd like to see continued, but I don't feel very strongly about it. I think Atty and Rob work but don't like Ross at all. I think Hektor/Hector is a great name, and the Iliad has been one of the most important things in my life, but you know. Historical names are iffy.

Female: Catherine, Elizabeth, and Hildegard are familial, but again not too driven to them. I really like Daria, Evelyn, and Dalia.

If I ever get a dog, it's name is Yorrick.

>> No.6821477

My children don't just serve as a dumping ground for references to my retarded interests and hobbies, I'd name them something fucking normal and give the kids that will inevitably pick on them at school less fodder.

>> No.6821496

Why the fuck would you name your child after the last name of a famous author?

"Hey, what's up, my name is Shakespeare Wilson but you can just call me Shake,"

>> No.6821514
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>> No.6821531

So you all want your children to be mercilessly bullied?

>> No.6821535

You are retarded. Be more subtle, like give them a last name starting with K (a real name though). That way they'll have K. in their name

>> No.6821912


>> No.6821939

Naming my daughter Khaleesi so that she knows I'm a raging faggot

>> No.6821961

Alexander or David for son

>> No.6822027


you mean /mlp/

>> No.6822058

Ophelia, Sofia.

Hector, Magnus.

>> No.6822063


>> No.6822066

Top two daughters:

Top two Sons:

If I'm ever blessed with a wife who wants kids and is happy with one of those names, I'll probably be pretty happy.

>> No.6822072

Boy: Vladimir
Girl: Vivian

>> No.6822073

>implying any of you autists will do sex on a woman let alone reproduce

>> No.6822076
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>> No.6822077

What is adoption

>> No.6822082

You realize they don't just give children away, right? If you're a single man with no real good reason to adopt, they're not going to give you a kid.

>> No.6822129

why not just V.?

>> No.6822131

It depends on what country you're talking about. You could probably move to a third world country and get away with all sorts of shady shit so long as you had enough money, stayed there, and they didn't have extradition agreements with wherever you came from originally.

>> No.6822204

Boy: Lucan
Girl: Leonora

I don't know if I'll have kids but I think these are pretty cool names. They are different and interesting without sounding weird (at least at my country).

>> No.6822209



>> No.6822263


>> No.6822270

you guys like some stupid-ass names.

>> No.6822278

Justin Vernon

>> No.6822282

it was a joke on an anagrammatic character in Lolita, but I do like the name Vi.

>> No.6822284

*tips menorah*

>> No.6822364
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>Ctrl+F Oedipa
>0 results

You have disappointed me, /lit/.

>> No.6822369

Prairie is QTer

>> No.6822382

Dilbo Faggins

>> No.6822384

what does it even mean

>> No.6822408

patrician taste

>> No.6822437

>mfw i see him later this week

>> No.6822442

>it's a boy!
Mike Fallopian [my last name]
>it's a girl!
Oedipa Maas [my last name]

>> No.6822445

Asenath for a girl
Armitage for a boy.

>> No.6822468

I've decided if I have twin boys they'd be Sigmund Freud [surname] and Carl Jung [surname]. I guess if I had a daughter as well I could name her Hermine after the character in Steppenwolf, as Hesse was quite fond of those two psychiatrists

>> No.6822480

It's a feminine version of Oedipus.

>> No.6822487

If I have a daughter first I'd name her Sophia, then roll for a son next to be named Joshua or something. Then force my daughter to name her first born son "Ialdabaoth"

>> No.6822505

>all these people thinking that naming a kid is the same as naming an MMO character

>> No.6822529

Son: Nathanael

Daughter: Lydia

>> No.6822531

Son: Octavian
Daughter: Persephone

>> No.6822539

Isn't though? I was named after the character Brandon Walsh from Beverly Hills 90210, which was not art. If I name my own children after literary characters, they'd be destined to surpass the patricianhood of their own father

>> No.6822565

I think people are more resilient than that but it could become a single problem

>> No.6822571

No, they'd grow to resent you for being such a faggot because you named them fucking Raskolnikov even though you're of mixed Irish-German descent and you live in Alabama.

>> No.6822580

Tom Cruise

>> No.6822583


What do you think

>> No.6822584

Everyone in my family is named after other people in my family, ageing or dead. Maybe I'm just too autistic for the joke.

>> No.6822590

>tfw name is Red
>everyone says it's the coolest name ever
will be naming my kids after the rainbow

>> No.6822591

Dmitri, Ivan and Alexei

>> No.6822594


>> No.6822602

You'll have to rape some passed out drunk skank to complete the picture

>> No.6822724

Maybe it's because your Irish

Boy: Ulysses

There will be no girl

>> No.6822861
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Something Greek without Americanizing it. My screenname 'Xenos' is based on a relative's original Greek name which is also the name of a saint.

Always did like Athena, but that is pretty common in America. Zoe (life) too.

Evangelios (gospel) is tempting, epsecially as a former /a/ weeb. Had a sunday school teacher with the female version of the name, Evangelia.

Leonidas was the name of a beloved friend of the family I called just Leo as a kid. Plus my grandma who he was good friends with always told me about the 300 Spartans (even if it was my other grandpa whose family was from Sparta). It's not just Leonard and Leonardo. Though I am a DaVinci fan too, Leonidas is less known or used.

>> No.6822894
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Sol and Luna are common names...

>> No.6822940


>> No.6822978
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Arkady is a great girls name.

>> No.6823004
File: 56 KB, 950x534, robin-williams-daughter-zelda-star-in-commercial-for-ocarina-of-time-3d-video--8f48b8a723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. My sides.
> Opehlia
I would hate to burden child with that.. history.
Got too many relatives already named it.

> Zelda

>> No.6823012

i am going to name my daughter hippolyta.

>> No.6823014

Someone in my family of my grandparents generation were named Arkady. Forget the English name he took.

I know Achilles was nicknamed to Killy like the Irish Killian.

>> No.6823022

I hope she is a sculptor and names her daughter Diana (who she has in vitro and raises as a single mom in an a women's commune).

>> No.6823038
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> Atticus
Uh.. I may have some bad news for you, anon.

>> No.6823047

In my Hesiod, when he's naming the Nereids, he calls two of them "rose armed"
Eunike and Hipponoe.
I just imagined these two redheads hanging out together on some cay. Nicknamed Niké and Noé

>> No.6823069
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>this fucking thread

I seriously hope none of you retarded faggots find a woman to procreate with

>> No.6823170

>What's this? Not boring and overused names?
>You better all be sterile, or help me god...

>> No.6823300

my kid should be born sometime in september

originally, if it was a boy, we were to name him Donatien but she wanted Raphael instead

if a girl, we're to name her Fyerryl

neither of us know the sex yet, except for a close friend who's gonna throw us a party this weekend and we're going to find out by cutting a cake (red velvet for girl/chocolate for boy)

>> No.6823302


>> No.6823307

this is nauseating

>> No.6823312

forgive me for having friends and a wife, we can't all be reclusive NEETs

>> No.6823320

it's not that. my child will be born in october. it's just the way you've posted about it and the whole baby shower thing and the names and the yuck.

>> No.6823323
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master b8

>> No.6823326

Girl: Sophia, Alicia, or Amelia
Boy: Linus or Paul

>> No.6823340

yeah, tbh i'd rather just be surprised at its birth but she read about it in some magazine and well...

donatien is my favorite writer (marquis de sade) and coincidentally also her great grandfather's name

fyerryl is the goddess of fire and guardian of the north

raphael has some significance to her but i like to think it's the ninja turtle

you're girl names are awesome, would set up playdate with

>> No.6823345



>> No.6823350

Are you just tryingn to make sure she doesn't get fucked by naming her something like that?

>> No.6823369

linus and paul will almost guarantee your son gets bullied

>> No.6823382


>> No.6823383

in public school perhaps but at my school people were bullied on who they were not trivial b/s like names

i went to school with this guy named crixus (yup) and he wasn't bullied. my bullying started only after i sharted in class, luckily it only lasted about a semester

>> No.6823396

Jimmy "The Iron Fists" Burns

>> No.6823398

>sharted in class

>> No.6823425

nothing too bad

>feel stomach bubbling
>look at clock 11:30 (or w.e. time it was but close to end of class)
>i can hold it
>five minutes go by
>cannot hold it
>raise hand 'may i use the restroom'
>prof 'nope'
>five more min, like ten min left or so
>maybe i'll relieve some pressure by squeezing out a silent one
>not silent
>starts of squeaky before a series of loud bubbly pops
>so obvious it was wet
>prof excuses me to use the restroom
>throw away briefs in restroom
>some asshole, whom i won't expose (Joseph Bergamaschi) grabs my shitty briefs and runs down corridor showing everyone that i shit myself
>taunting ensued

>> No.6823429

>>some asshole, whom i won't expose (Joseph Bergamaschi) grabs my shitty briefs and runs down corridor showing everyone that i shit myself
Kek why would someone do this
I like your story anon

>> No.6823452

thanks for enjoying my pain, anon lol
but i will forever remember that asshole's name

>> No.6823478

If its male:
or Bartholomew

If the child is female:
or Alice

>> No.6823486

Its really more about the vibe you put off
My name is Yeshua but it was only till I started spreading views of worldly peace and growing my hair out that I received any bulling in high school

>> No.6823563
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>> No.6823721

thus spoke a faggot.

>> No.6823761

Pretenia, Dadireedsbükz, Beetmiyup, Styupidnámé

>> No.6823775

Boy: Charles, John, Frederick
Girl: Hadn't even considered it

>> No.6823785

Vignette, or Novella.

>> No.6823829

Charles is a great name, but I've always disliked that people could call him "Chuck" or "Charlie"

>> No.6823831
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>> No.6823832

don't name your child Zarathustra you fucking embarrassing pretentious cunt. I'd hate my parents if they had

>> No.6823839


>> No.6823863

Nicknames only bother me when people use them as if it were their real name or when they have one as their legal name. There's a trend in Britain right now of people naming their children things like Alfie and Freddie, it's horrific

>> No.6823864

this is teh whitest thread on the board!

>> No.6823900

who's this semen demon?

>> No.6823905

Boy: Jamel
Girl: Shaniqua

>> No.6823931

But that's a boys' name, guys. Why are you raving about daughters.

>> No.6823935

I'd love to have twin girls and name them Amelia and Cecilia. :3

>> No.6823967
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Alexander and Diogenes

>> No.6823970
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>> No.6823996

You weren't interested in sex at a young age?
You don't think much of Freud either, huh?

Ok names. Noah an Kai and Eli aren't so great though tbh. I prefer Ari, Ira, Joel, Anders, Hagbard. For girl, Esra, Samira, Ester.

>> No.6824005

Middle name my main man, middle name.

>> No.6824012

Alkibiades. The best name yet I doubt my child would do as many things as the original.

>> No.6824033

For a son Alfred, for Alfred the Great of England. Only because you can't name a child Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Tyr, or Diogenes.

For a daughter maybe Elizabeth or Freya.

>> No.6824045

Already have kids
Boy- Noah
Girl- Sophie

>> No.6824046


>> No.6824069
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>wanting your kids to get bullied

>> No.6824074

I feel bad for 99% of your future unborn kids

Charles and Joan.

>> No.6824078

Shlomo detected

Daughter: Karen, Ida
Son: Erik, Karl

>> No.6824090


>> No.6824101

Girls: Andromeda, Dolby or Grandma
Boys: Nivek, Hippokrates or Puerto

>> No.6824422


>> No.6824426


(Captcha was cakes)

>> No.6824471

ITT kids who will be bullied during all their infancy

>> No.6824505

>bought two dogs and named them Tristram and Trismegistus
That's fucking retarded. Dogs need short, simple and easy-to-call names that they will learn to recognize soon. Besides the fact the other name at least is way too long and complex for a dog, it's really stupid how similar the names are. No one will bother to shout "Trismegistus" every day, you're going to come up with a shortened version for practical reasons. And since both of the names start very similarly, your dogs will probably confuse them and have problems learning which is which.

>I'm waiting to see if this impacts their success in life
You fucking doomed them m8, their identity crisis is already taking place. Eventually they'll kill you and go separate ways to make a life for themselves instead of being Tris & Tris the two-dog-duo.

>> No.6824513

Top kek

>> No.6824536

I would commit suicide to be honest
Respect for not? I guess?

>> No.6825107

Diana is cooler.

>> No.6825355

For a girl, I thought Selene/Selena. Lena/Leni as nicknames seem cute. I like the moon, and I speak greek so it wouldn't seem pretentious.
Salome or Lou are up there, too. After Lou Andreas-Salome.

For a boy, Michael (pronounced Mi-cha-el, not Mike-El), after the arch-angel.
Or Hagen. Not necessarily after Wagner's character and the Nibelungenlied. I don't want to be Alberich. But I like the sound of it.

I am german (and unlikely to ever name a child), what do you think?

>> No.6825370

Embla for a girl.

Not sure about a boy, maybe Constantine.

>> No.6825452

I'd name him or her Blue Danube.

>> No.6825704


>> No.6825754



I like these

>> No.6825781

I know my next dog is going to be called Fyodor

>> No.6825797

Eirik, Stein, Knut, Engebret, Einar, Syver
Elisiv, Gunnhild, Hildegunn, Alfiva, Liv, Siv

>> No.6826141

>Nestor Molester
Horrible choice.
Julius I like, though it sounds a little anachronistic.