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/lit/ - Literature

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6818873 No.6818873 [Reply] [Original]

Who has been the most interesting character in a book for you, the book doesn't have to be the best you ever read btw. The only one i can think of right now is Jay Gatsby

>> No.6818877

Ignatius O' Reilly. For being a farcelord, he sure has moments of mystique.

>> No.6818878


He's a riot

>> No.6818885

For me it's the Underground Man; intelligent, nihilistic and a wicked sense of humour.

>> No.6818887

the judge, blood meridian

>> No.6818888

The guy from Drive, because he's literally me

>> No.6818889

Quick selection off top of head--
Don Gately -- he's not a complex man, but he is though.
From the same work, James Orin Incandenza -- we know so little about him, yet we know everything about him
Moses Herzog -- I like the guy, but keep wondering how naïve he really is; a sharp wit whose motivation keeps being questionable
Obviously Stephen Dedalus & Buck Mulligan, the original edgemeisters
Somn to be said for Maslow & Cl. Kurtz as well, they are a match made in heaven somehow.
Gatsby is one of my favorites as well, although in the end what he wants is what everybody wants. Or maybe because, rather than although -- w/e.

>> No.6818898
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If 4chan users were turned into the characters they think they are half the population would be millions of the driver and Rust Cohle walking around..personally i'm both
Also, nice quadradub

>> No.6818903

I haven't read the book, but the movie Driver was only cool because he was a good looking stunt man who was good at killing people and seducing QTs.
If that's not you, you're probably just a weirdo.

>> No.6818906
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would have been interesting to have the read The Great Gatsby through Gatsby's eyes, but that would ruin the whole point of Gatsby i know. still curious though

>> No.6818920

well, i mean, we'r enot entirely lost- we can try to imagine him by some of the flashback-ish sequences near the end where Gatz unveils his true identity to Nick etc.
that said, i feel ya. we just wanna hang out with the guy some more, he seemed so rad.

>> No.6818924
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rad indeed old sport. rad indeed

>> No.6818925


>> No.6818927

nice quads


>> No.6818931

Irimias from Satantango, probably.
He really embodies all the mystery around that book.

>> No.6818933

what does it mean when you say rare to someone

>> No.6818934

sensitive like a seismograph, smiling with infinite prejudice in your favor.
...but was it all just a ruse to obtain le daisy? i mean, it's pretty much implied that gatsby was a mobster on the side. Who, in the end, was Jay Gatsby, apart from a romantic who wanted to achieve perfection through love and wealth?

>> No.6818966

It seemed to me that Daisy and all the people around consumed him, he became just another man with a big house and wealth. He still had some good in him which separated him from the others as we see from Nick's POV but his death was necessary, the only thing that kept Gatsby real was his hope. To me it's implied he lost that in his final moment the swimming pool and so Gatsby wasn't real anymore and had to die. To me the story is about how the world corrupted a good man, and his only friend recounts the times with one of the few real men of today, Jay Gatsby. Though he was doing what everyone else was doing his heart was gold and he did it for an honorable reason not just to show off etc etc

>> No.6818982

Remedies the Beautiful from 100 years of solitude. She was so pure, saintly and yet ate her own feces.

>> No.6818988

There was an /r9k/ trend called "rare pepes" a couple months ago where uncommon pictures of pepe were considered "rare" and to have value

There were several sites where you could actually buy rare, unseen pepes

So he's saying he hasn't seen that picture of pepe yet

>> No.6819020
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>tfw you will never wash her back

>> No.6819023

Lee from East of Eden

Also one of the most fleshed-out characters from any book I've read.

>> No.6819026

Also Faust from Goethe's Faust.

>> No.6819296

Atticus. To Kill a Mockingbird.

>> No.6819299

Probably Satan from Paradise Lost. The most powerful character I've ever read in literature and the ultimate tragic villain.

>> No.6819978
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The Peemster

>> No.6819987

Got to love Tommy Joad too.

>> No.6819989

I'm glad you said that. I'm 50 pages in now

>> No.6820000

JR Vansandt from JR

>> No.6820002

Razumihin, Crime and Punishment.

>> No.6820181


>came here for this
>Maybe Ishmael as a second choice

>> No.6820197


>> No.6820199

Quentin Compson and Ivan Fyodorvich.

>> No.6820535

monsieur meursault from the stranger

>> No.6820552


William Shakespeare, in “Nothing Like the Sun”, by Anthony Burgess.

This character is my greatest inspiration and a source of strength and comprehension when I am facing hard times.

>> No.6820630


/pol/ please go

>> No.6820646

Paul, taipei

man tao lin really knows how to speak too me

>> No.6820659

Holden Caufield. Whether or not you like him or can relate to him, Holden is hands down the most three dimensional, lifelike, and fully developed character I've ever read. Every detail about him is spot on.

>> No.6820671

Reddit leave

>> No.6820673

>and seducing QTs.
You mean having a platonic relationship driving a slut and her Mexican offspring around until her husband gets out of prison and fucks her again?

The driver was beta as fuck.

>> No.6820682

Ivan Denisovich

I could always go for a bit of banter whilst bricklaying with my main man Ivan.

>> No.6820685

did u see what he did to that man in the elevator?

>> No.6820686

Gatsby eqant interesting at all and was fairly one dimensional

>> No.6820704

Did you see what Elliot Rodger did to those pedestrians?

>> No.6820708

Burmese democracy quads.

And the kid from Blood Meridian.

>> No.6820715

John Galt.
I just wanted to know who he was.

>> No.6820906

Milady de Winter - The Three Musketeers.

>> No.6821078


Top Lel

>> No.6821145

I'm just going to be honest even though my answer is pretty basic.
Alyosha from super karamazov bros

>> No.6821165


shit taste my friend

>> No.6821172


>using violence now somehow makes you an alpha

next time a child tells me i'm wrong i'll just fuck it up, then everyone will consider me the superior le alpha male!!

>> No.6821178

don;t kid yourself u fucking beta. you dont have the guts to do what he did lmfao

>> No.6821218
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Clare Quilty from Lolita. The edgiest fictional character of them all. Depraved, ineffable, and filled with condescending sarcasm even at gunpoint. my man.

>> No.6821380

Long John Silver

>> No.6821391

Patrick Bateman. He's a total cartoon character, but he's endlessly entertaining to me.

>> No.6821616

it's still a trend.
it got and still has a lot of traction on a certain selection of meme-loving tumblr that would probably find [s4s] hilarious but would never go because '4chan is icky'

>> No.6821642
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>> No.6821654

I always thought that he was very similar to HH

>> No.6821673

>being rustled

>> No.6821757
File: 51 KB, 400x400, palmer-eldritch_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palmer Eldritch. Billionaire industrialist who left our solar system to explore another galaxy, where he found a hyper evolved alien race who grew cosmic level psychedelic mushrooms, which he took in every way it's humanly possible for a person to put a substance in their body, ascending his consiousness to a higher dimensional existence and understanding, only to return to our solar system and try and swap his consiousness into the body of a colonist farmer on Mars and live a simple life of solitude.

That's not even mentioning him trying to slowly assimilate the consiousnesses of each individual human being in our solar system into an alternate psychedelic world experienced by consuming his extra galactic psychedelics, where Eldritch is an omnipresent entity and controls the world like God.

>> No.6822362

Alright we get it, can you find you're own sense of humor now?

>> No.6822386

I thought Bozo was pretty interesting. same with Raskolinov

>> No.6822433

I seriously started to think he was going to end up literally being Satan incarnate somehow by the end of Blood Meridian.

>> No.6822576

the dude in Gravity's Rainbow who starts thinking the daughter visiting him every year is actually just a different concentration camp prisoner sent each time

>> No.6822601

Hagbard motherfucking Celine

>> No.6822802

Gatsby and everyone in that book was 2D as fuck. I don't understand how you can find him interesting. Fitzgerald's worst book easily

>> No.6823046



>> No.6823073

Raskolnikov is a weird fucker, isn't he?

>> No.6823272

There were some definite hints that he was something other than human, not very subtle ones either.

>> No.6823580
File: 39 KB, 309x475, idoru-uk2_zps24401d72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kieth blackwell