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/lit/ - Literature

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6816746 No.6816746 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most morally reprehensible author in your opinion? I'd have almost said de Sade (for poisoning a prostitute and working as a revolutionary judge) but then I remembered there are also those who have killed and enslaved by the thousands. To make it more exciting let only evil deeds count that have been committed before the literary works were finished that you're gonna be referring to.

>> No.6816862

Ayn Rand

>> No.6816877


>> No.6816879

Ted Kaczynski wrote a bunch of books, didn't he?

>> No.6816882

Hitler maybe?

>> No.6816883


Marx or Freud would be top contenders

Of course you could just say Hegel and call it a day

>> No.6816886

Does Stalin count since he wrote poetry?

>> No.6816888



>> No.6816900



top kek

Mien Kampf was a forgery

>> No.6816903

Real edgy, Rei. Where have you been? Did they give you a job at BK or something?

>> No.6816905
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Fenoxo n' gang

>> No.6816911



>> No.6816912

>replying to capslock autist
shhhh, only dreams now

>> No.6816916


Don't all the buns come pre-sliced?

>> No.6816920

What evil did they do?

>> No.6816933

They disfigured the human spirit.

>> No.6816936

Can one truly ruin that which is malformed from birth?

>> No.6816939
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Didn't John Green allegedly drown a small child at a lake in Canada once?

>> No.6816942

Well, yeah.

If you saw a guy hobbling along with one of his legs in cast, would you think it's okay to run up and break his other leg with a crowbar?

>> No.6816945

Althusser strangled his wife to death, that was pretty fucked up

>> No.6816960


Hegel lead to Marx, whose philosophy lead to the deaths of 100 million people

>> No.6816964


never seen anyone try this hard to be an edgy faggot. this is actually embarrassing.

>> No.6816973


and hegel was inspired by..

who was in turn inspired by..

who was in turn insipired by..

socrates & heraclitus are directly to blame for the millions of deaths that josef stalin caused. this is factual and not to be refuted.

(kill yourself you literal subhuman)

>> No.6816975

Just answer the question, kid.

>> No.6817000


the answers are obviously joself stalin, adolf hitler and literally every other man (or woman) who comitted genocide, since almost every relevant politician has at one point published something, even if it is just a poem.


jesus christ this is pathetic, kevin..

>> No.6817002
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>> No.6817013


You Take That Back Right Now. Back Off.

"Draws All Volumes Of The History Of Sexuality". One Strike You Philistine, One Strike Can End It All.

>> No.6817016
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any of the Frankfurt school degenerate cultural marxists

>> No.6817022
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>> No.6817028


butthurt samefag

>> No.6817040


>> No.6817042

Oh dear, /pol/ is leaking.

>cultural marxism

jesus christ

>> No.6817051
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>> No.6817055

>cultural marxist


>> No.6817063
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>> No.6817066

Definitely would tbh

>> No.6817079
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never forgive
never forget

>> No.6817087


Go back to your containment board

>> No.6817094
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>> No.6817114

>muh rage

>> No.6817133 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6817500

>evil committed before a published work

They asked for morally reprehensible authors. Not authors whose works were used to justify evils.

>> No.6817542

>but then I remembered there are also those who have killed and enslaved by the thousands.
Criticising people in war for this is basically pointless unless they've committed uncalled fro atrocities out of malice. Which Caesar never did, so calling the likes of him morally reprehensible is ridiculously ignorant. Countless of generals through the ages have killed and enslaved thousands within the accepted conditions of war, as part of campaigns acceptable to the morality, attitudes, and political realities of their times.

>> No.6817564
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Eric Gill must be a contender

>> No.6817900



>> No.6818609

>people itt genuinely voting for Marx

>> No.6818673


Sade and Crowley are both morally reprehensible historical persons, which is why I love them.

The phrase "morally reprehensible" probably has a specific American protestant flavor to it, which would be/is quaint in other contexts. But I get what OP was looking for: murderers, rapists, war criminals etc.

The people objecting to Hitler, gommunists, US presidents, and other safe (obvious) /directly responsible/ mass murderers are just undergraduate-types who are overthinking the prompt for a more stylish answer. The real answer(s) are from among this bunch.

>> No.6818688

But you're implying that Hitler had done something reprehensible

>> No.6818698


To be clear, Marx isn't among this bunch.

I'm sure that in between constant frowning and never having any fun in their personal lives, Marxists have done the thought experiment about what Marx would have thought of the attempted implementations, at various periods.

>> No.6818699


I was going to say /pol/ pls go, but you know what, you're right, 88 confirms it.

>> No.6819039

Bukowski was a fucking scumbag

>> No.6819184
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>> No.6819198

>that down-to-earth logic
>that flawlessly piercing through sophistry

you're doing the good's work, anon

>> No.6819202

reprehensible? really? why

>> No.6819473

Yup. Poetry was okay but he was a scumbag.

>> No.6819514


Like there is any doubt it was him

>> No.6819528
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>> No.6819578

Marx, Hegel, Nietzsche and Freud all inspired evil. The most morally reprehensible writer, however, would probably be Jacques Lacan for what he did to his patients mentally, physically and financially. Others like Jean Paul Sartre and Slavoj Zizek are also morally reprehensible for their involvement with mass murdering dictators, like Che Guevara, and their justifications of genocidal, totalitarian regimes, such as Stalinist Russia.

>> No.6819595

Karl Popper

>> No.6819600

the most poorly written, predominantly non-furry porn known to humankind
you can feel that odor of maladapted neckbeard on the air

>> No.6819602


>> No.6819609


I've never used that game/website/whatever, but:

Who's the more pathetic, the bad content creator, or the critic who follows him?

>> No.6819612

fuck off

>> No.6819614

Blatant misrepresentation of Plato's, Hegel's, and Marx's philosophy.

Hur dur philosophy is the source of totalitarianism, therefore I will argue using philosophy

Backwards minded thinking for the justification for the decadence, corruption, and inequality inherent to capitalist liberal democracy. Support for anti-communist suppression during periods of revolutionary crisis, leading to an underhanded support for fascism.

The fact that braindead Popperbots are the one the most annoying assholes on /lit/

>> No.6819616

Oh, you're just a pinko. I thought you were gonna complain about science being white and male or something. Well, what you said was no better.

>> No.6819618

muh morals

>> No.6819619

The obsession with communists on /lit/ is as bad as the Nazis on /pol/. You both try to justify mass murders, or outright deny them, and you both think your stupid ideologies are perfect.

>> No.6819626

I'm not pink, anon, I'm red.

I think Popper is a moral degenerate because I think liberals are morally degenerate in general.

>> No.6819630

er, most of the commies on /lit/ aren't tankies

assuming all communists are stupid stalinists is like saying Bill O'Reilly is a liberal

>> No.6819638

He is, though, isn't he? The Amerifat republicans are liberals.
Nice circular reasoning.

>> No.6819646

Well, the thread was about moral reprehensibility.

Liberal ideologues like Popper are morally reprehensible, Popper just epitomizes liberal immorality.

>> No.6819653

I don't subscribe to the slave morality of Marxism, so your post means nothing to me.

>> No.6819661


I don't care about individualism or Nietzsche, so your post means nothing to me either.

also fuck off to reddit faggot

>> No.6819663

You don't care about individualism? You are really deluded by Ideology, my friend.

>> No.6819672
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>slave morality
>ergo I shall submit to capitalists and the anarchy of capitalist production
>deluded by Ideology

>> No.6819674

I don't think you know what slave morality is.

>> No.6819677

you're right, I don't

I just find it ironic that people actually use 'slave morality' as an excuse for someone above them to dominate over them tbh

>> No.6819683

Yeah, Stalin and Mao didn't rule over anyone.

>> No.6819751

>every commie is a stalinist
wew lad nicememe

u sure got me

>> No.6819829

well, every liberal is a nazi. I am a liberal democrat and when it came to personal contacts to the puertoricans and negroes my family has always to the far right from the KKK. We also think there are too few men of a christian extraction in the arts, in law and in the sciences although on facebook we're all for the civil rights, for gay rights, for abortion rights, for the environment protection, for more privacy and usually anti-war. We're liberals. And I know three other such liberal families which is why I cannot help but to deduce that those so-called moderate marxists are actually bolsheviks the same way we are nazis; not that they're planning the world revolution behind closed doors but if they lived in Socialist Cuba during the revolution they would have joined Fidel.

>> No.6819849

You wouldn't know this, but Stalin and Mao were both highly decentralized leaders. Stalin's only strong control was within the USSR section of the Party. Mao didn't even have that, and was functionally, if not officially, ousted a few times by counter-currents within the Party, but he maintained support from the peasantry that prevented counter-revolution until after his death.

>> No.6819856

what the fuck are you going on about

The Khmer Rouge was also incredibly decentralized, far more so than the CPSU and the CPC. Don't be a fucking idiot.

>> No.6820695

>what the fuck are you going on about
All leftists are stalinists just as all rightists are nazis.
The Khmer Rouge have been chiefly backed by Nixon. So: Nixon is a Marxist nao.

>> No.6820722


Of course. He wrote more than poetry.

>> No.6820724

I was just meming, mostly. I actually enjoy it quite a bit.

It and works like it aren't anything more than negative capability applied to the erotic principle.

>> No.6820731


>/pol/ always posts about how modern art is shit
>/pol/ always hates on Walter Benjamin

>> No.6820736

>Stalin's only strong control was within the USSR section of the Party.

You're not serious. While the old 'totalitarian models' of Stalinist society are undermined, the man's rule was uncontested.