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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 86 KB, 460x580, modernism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6814463 No.6814463 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this so completely inaccurate?

>> No.6814475

it's not, it's just being general. you can find almost any one of those instances at any point in literature, but they really only become central concerns in their respective epochs.

>> No.6814483
File: 140 KB, 260x260, ba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man vs.............reality?

some book rec's for this subject pls

>> No.6814495

No, the postmodernism section is ridiculous. Man vs Technology is a central conflict in modernist fiction. The whole idea of modernism grew as a reaction to the industrial revolution and the way it fundamentally changed the lives of the average individual to the point where the old methods of storytelling are outmoded.

>> No.6814501

i think man vs technology and man vs reality can be lumped as the same thing

>> No.6814505

is phillip k. dick post modern

>> No.6814512

nah dude

>> No.6814520

the picture clearly shows a distorted dimensional wavy world

>> No.6814528

the eros is sick, anon

>> No.6814559

because no one has a clear understanding of what it means to be "postmodern"

>> No.6814668


That means he's in the Matrix.

>> No.6814693

that's what i'm sayin tho

>> No.6814774


When people complain about post modernism, it seems most of the time they are really talking about modernism.

>> No.6814926

He is if you can pontificate eloquently enough as to why.

>> No.6814935
File: 12 KB, 200x316, VALIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PKD in general. Lots of science fiction skirts these ideas. I would also consider some DFW and Kafka as "vs reality". These are the only authors that I enjoy off the top of my head that deal with metaphysics in their fiction.

Read pic related. It's one of my favorite books ever written.

>> No.6814942

And then of course you have the post-autism.
>Man vs The Internet
>Man vs His Own Delusion
>Man vs Language

>> No.6815031

>Man vs Google Chat

>> No.6815244

>Three kinds of literature
>Classical, Modernist and Post-Modern literature frequently break all of those conventions.

>> No.6815403

Seriously what is post modernism?

>> No.6815528

You don't need books, just read /pol/

>> No.6815540
File: 120 KB, 800x509, spirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the ego vs his own?

>> No.6815557

That's because postmodernism is a label that a few modernists have applied to themselves to distinguish themselves from previous modernists. PoMo is just modernism that's alienated itself from itself through its own natural movement and progression. History books won't differentiate between the two terms.

>> No.6815574

Essentially this image is wrong about everything.

1. The way they divide literature (Classical, Modern, Postmodern) is fucking retarded and dooms the image from the outset.
2. All of the conflicts under Modern are common in "Classical" fiction as well.
3. Man vs. technology was a huge part of modernism, and I'm sure you can find examples of it in older movements as well.
4. Man vs. reality is a timeless theme.
5. Metafiction existed before postmodernism, though I suppose it's fair to classify it as a chiefly postmodern device.
6. Themes from the older "periods" in this image are also found all the time in the later ones, though I'm not sure if the image is trying to imply otherwise.

tl;dr all of these conflicts are found throughout literature, more or less.

>> No.6816277

>sophistry intensifies