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6813826 No.6813826 [Reply] [Original]

Guys can you recommend me a few good books to read?

I've just landed myself a job that provides me with a lot of free time, usually 4 to 6 hours per day, where I can pretty much do what I want

I usually just browse 4chan during my free time at home, but there is no way i'll do that at work and risk looking like some fucking autist

I figure now is as good a time as any to start a habit of reading, so anybody have any suggestions?

>> No.6813884

What's your job?

>> No.6813886

>inb4 "start with the greeks"
What do you like?

>> No.6813916

EMT. I work 24 hour shifts, once I do my crew duties (chores) I can do pretty much anything until a call comes in. Realistically, half my day is free time but past 2100 I try and sleep when i'm free
I like history, especially military history
Eventually i'd like to move up to some of the heavier stuff commonly discussed here

>> No.6814018

guns of august

>> No.6814023


>> No.6814028

>tfw sometimes I play car mechanic simulator

It's actually awesome.

>> No.6814066

Earning Money Sleeping I see. I've been there. Glad to be done with that shit though. I used to write inbetween calls rather than reading.

>> No.6814113

I love it so far, just wish the pay was a little better
$9.50 an hour to work ems in the ghetto

>> No.6814140

How are you liking the stair chair? That thing was the bane of my existence. Especially in the winter, in those shitty apartment buildings in brooklyn where the elevator never works.

>> No.6814144

Haven't used it yet
Literally just started 2 weeks ago
I'm brand fucking new

>> No.6814151

Oboy. You're in for a treat. Especially when you start getting lardasses who weigh upwards of 300 lbs. and can't walk

>> No.6814180
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This is a list of books on war recommended by the Westpoint academy. I haven't read any of them but you might find that site useful. I found the link on le reddit a long time ago and thought it would be neat, but I hardly ever read non fiction.

>> No.6814209

The 300 pounders can walk, or most of them can

It's the quarter-tonners who can't walk

>> No.6814223

Nah. You get plenty of diabetics with kidney failure who can't really walk because they've had toes feet of legs amputated. That and obese middle aged or old people.

>> No.6814579

Already had one of those
Training partner and I pulled a 250 pound lady off the toilet because she was "stuck"
Made us drive her to the hospital afterwards too
Partner and I asked a few times for any previous conditions or medications, some blood pressure meds she said
Then 2 minutes from the hospital
>Do you think I can get my Seroquel refilled there? I haven't taken it in 3 days
Partner gets curious and prods her some more
>Oh yeah, i'm a diabetic
>I'm bipolar too

>> No.6814588

Damn that's a pretty good list
Should keep me busy for a while, thanks friendo

>> No.6816370

I've read slmostbthat entire list. It's solid.