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6813633 No.6813633 [Reply] [Original]

So what books have you started reading but quit part way through? Why did you give up on them? I'll start:

>Madame Bovary
I found it incredibly dull and not nearly edgy enough for my tastes. For some reason reading anything set in Victorian England bores me to pieces.

>Jude the Obscure
Same as above

>A People's History of the United States
I found some chapters interesting, but I just don't have an interest for 19th or early 20th century US history for some reason.

>> No.6813681

nigga did you just imply that madame bovary is set in victorian england

>> No.6813705
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>not finishing every book you start regardless of how you like it

>> No.6813724

It was close enough. I read it in a proper English accent

>> No.6813736

Kill yourself.

>> No.6813877

Gravity's rainbow. Didn't make any goddam sense

>> No.6813944

>not nearly edgy enough for my tastes
in orbit

>> No.6814567

Infinite jest. Started with the reading group but just lost interest along the way. Might have finished if it were 1/4 the length

>> No.6814582

I hated Mme Bovary, can't blame you. Un coeur simple is even worse. Flaubert a shit.

>> No.6814750

How can anyone hate Flaubert ?

>> No.6814752

>set in Victorian England

>> No.6814756

True. Proust>>>Flaubert

>> No.6814767

Can you please explain why you think Proust is relevant here ? Are Proust and Flaubert the only authors you know ?

>> No.6814770

Just consider how many books you'll actually be able to read in the time you have, and then consider whether you really want to spend a significant chunk of that time on books you hate.

>> No.6814775

Notes from the underground
felt like I was reading some nonsensical jibber jabber

>> No.6814781

It's called Russian.

>> No.6814795

>80 years
>50 books a year
>4000 books
I've got enough time mate

>> No.6814803

The Charterhouse of Parma
holy shit why does the book start with naming so many irrelevant people

>> No.6814812

Proust is the greatest French writer of all time. I suppose it was trivial to compare him to Flaubert, but irrelevant? Fuck off.

>> No.6814839

>Proust is the greatest French writer of all time
Such a stupid comment to make...

>> No.6814853

Greatest writer of all time. Why are you even replying to me if you don't prefer Proust over any other writer. Do you think it's relevant?

>> No.6814871

hi guys

wondering if there is some kind of mega archive of epubs for #teamebook?

>> No.6814877

OP should have kept reading Jude the Obscure. SO edgy

>> No.6814881

is this because of the TPP?

>> No.6814886

I Am russian tho

>> No.6814923

>The Travels of Marco Polo
Made it till half of the book. One of the most repetitive books that I've read.

>Plato - Republic
It was my first greek book and I decided to save it for later.

>Kafka - Metamorphosis
I'm really ashamed by this one. Considering its lenght and the fact that I've read most of his other work. I'll finish it one day.

>> No.6814946

World according to Garp.

I stopped at the end of whatever the second story within the story was about the lady who murdered her rapist while he was raping her.

I didn't feel exhausted by then end of it and I felt that because of that Irving might make me read more of these stupid stories within the story.

Garp was too disappointing for me to be interested in his life because weather he ultimately had success as a writer or not nothing in the story could have been interesting. He had a lot going against him but just the same he never seemed interested in rising to the challenges of life and because of that he could never be anything other than the faggot that got cucked by a bisexual.

>> No.6814974
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>Madame Bovary
>For some reason reading anything set in Victorian England bores me to pieces.
>Madame Bovary
>Victorian England

>> No.6814978

I wish I'd stopped reading Irving's massive clunker Until I Find You, but instead I finished it and regretted the time wasted on it.

I did like some other Irving books when I read them a few years ago, but he repeats himself so much (bears/wrestling/incest/Vienna/etc) that you're better just to read one or two and move on once you start getting sick of him.

>> No.6814986

>Joyce, Ulysses

dreadful "book"

>> No.6814987

Proust is garbage. I'm no Marxist but Proust is the essence of Bourgeois insipidity.

>> No.6816498

>Proust is the greatest French writer of all time

>> No.6816612

Roth >>>> Hawthorne

See how stupid that line of comparison is?

>> No.6818065

I'm glad I'm not the only one who hated Madame Bovary. I forced myself to finish it though and hated it so much I've only been reading irregularly since.

>> No.6818078

But it's less than 150 pages why not just finish

>> No.6818097

Madame Bovary is really boring unless you're reading it in French.

If you know anything about French literature, you know how much work Flaubert put into his prose in Madame Bovary. There's no reason to read it in English translation other than pure ignorance. Older translations are garbled and bland, and the new translation by that narcissist Lydia Davis is florid and vulgar.

>> No.6819450

To me Madame Bovary is the most powerful masterpiece of French literature I've ever read, especially when i were reading the book in Russian language because English is still too retarded in order to bring whole details in full measure, however it's merely my based opinion so you mustn't pay attention on my last words.

>> No.6819472

It wasn't scary or interesting

>> No.6819981

>muh prose meme