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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 605x403, 13-people-reading-poorly-chosen-books-in-public6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6810805 No.6810805 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me some stories where you got shit for reading in public or other awkward situations. Can't really contribute myself because where I live it's a perfectly normal thing to read on the bus or in the metro. But as I understand it's not like that everywhere in the world. So let's hear some of your encounters with plebs and idiots.

>> No.6810817

No one gives a shit about anyone reading in public, ever, anywhere.

Stop fantasizing about how beautiful would it be being persecuted you pretentious cunt.

>> No.6810832

>buying large magic hat to drink near stream with Gravity's Rainbow
>"what's that about?"
>uh... WWII

That's all I got. I won't read anything above like 400pages "in public".

>> No.6810837

I remember some funny stories on /lit/ of people getting harassed for "showing of how smart they are" just because they pulled out a book on a bus and stuff like that.
Good for you if it doesn't happen in your little part of the world, friend.

>> No.6810842

>I remember some MADE UP stories...
fixed that for ya my buddy

>> No.6810858

So what, I'm on 4chan. If the stories are good, I'm happy, pal.

>> No.6810865

fair enough

>> No.6810934
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>be 25
>reading in cafe
>Sorrows of Young Werther
>cute girl with short plaid skirt and knee high socks reading at table across from me
>make eye contact a couple times
>keeps adjusting her hair and clothes as she reads
>gathers her things and gets up to leave
>"hi, what are you reading" in super nervous voice as she passes me
>she hasn't real it but sits down at my table
>"what about you?"
>some YA book
>"how old are you?"
>mfw realize she's in an acadamy uniform
>mfw realize people in cafe looking at me like a pervert
>talk to her for a bit, give her reading advice, get the fuck out of there

>> No.6810951

Seriously when I was in highschool I used to read on the bus everyday to and from school. All I ever got was the usual deadbeats with the IQ of a potato asking, 'you're always reading... Don't you get bored?' .... Um no. You uneducated fucking prat.

>> No.6810955

People see me fiddling with my phone and give me a judgy look, especially teenagers and the elderly. When they see that I'm actually reading a book that quickly turns to disgust/respect (respectively).

In general a lot of commuters read. Particularly women who can conceal massive tomes in their purses.

>> No.6810957

I'm apparently attractive enough that I get girls asking me about what I'm reading or they'll discuss with me about the themes of the book, I guess in the world we live in today book reading is a bastion for those who want to better themselves intellectually.

>> No.6810966

There is literally nothing wrong with reading in public

>> No.6810967

>reading on the Metro
>arrive at destination

>> No.6810971

I don't read on the bus or whatever. I've always had the notion that it causes headaches or bad eyesight.

The only people I see with books outside are women reading the latest YA or some genre fiction novel.

protip:Don't read outside if you only want to show off that you are smarter than everyone else nobody will be impressed

>> No.6810976

A woman spat on me for reading Heinlein once.

>> No.6810987

Heinlein spat on me for reading a woman once

>> No.6810996

Spat womaned on me once for Heinleining read

>> No.6811002

Just half an hour ago I was walking home shirtless from the local threshers while reading off my e-reader when a hairy, shirtless old man in a beat up, dirty 4x4 pulled over to offer me a lift. Naturally I accepted.

>> No.6811047

When I was in Paris I was reading Proust at a cafe, when the waiter came by and mentioned how much he loved Proust, and that he was reading Sodom and Gomorrah at the moment.

>> No.6811066
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>reading on a subway train
>miss stop because the text was too engrossing and/or confusing

>> No.6811069

was it glory road?

>> No.6811072

>be me
>reading some dank Camus at a subway
>dude waiting in line says "that's a good book, I like Camus"
>he pronounces Camus as cum-arse
>half laugh, spitting coffee on my book
>say "ffffffuck!" way too loud
>when I look back he's making his order

That's the only time someone's acknowledged me reading something in public. Still not sure if he actually thought that's how it's pronounced or if he was intentionally baiting me and I fucked up the banter when I spat and then swore.

>> No.6811073


I was reading at the coffee shop down the street, and no one even noticed me

>> No.6811074

Heinlein read me for once spitting on a woman

>> No.6811080

Once spat on Heinlein for woman me reading

>> No.6811096

In reality he was probably just happy to see someone actually reading, not just in general, but something he personally enjoys that it also not part of the average person's library. You're just a prick and definitely not loving the literary lifestyle.

>> No.6811104

>laughing at people who learned from reading rather than hearing about it from others

>> No.6811105

Ebin, guys, ebin

>> No.6811113

Smells like Reddit

>> No.6811118

>be 20
>be sitting in lobby of college library
>reading "the mysterious stranger"
>girl sits by me
>"hey there, stranger"
> (^ : "hey there"

We dated for a little while.

She was the last girl I loved w/ all of myself

>> No.6811120

>reading on a train
>people get on at next stop
>40-50yo couple sits down on the other side of the corridor
>"Wow that guy is reading, you don't see that often anymore"
>"Yeah indeed"
>back to silence
>pretending I didn't hear anything

>> No.6811130

An old man once complimented my Henry James Bostonians in line at a liquor store.

A woman on a flight kept looking at me suspiciously while I was reading Homeric Hymns (in Greek, adding that because it matters here) then admitted at the end when I closed the book that she was worried it was Arabic and I was planning something.

I work at a university library and usually read art history books when I sit at the circulation desk once a week so I've had some decent conversations about those with various students and faculty and actually gotten good recommendations

>> No.6811132

Talk to old people when they do that. They're lonely and have run out of things to say to each other. They're usually pretty cool.

>> No.6811137

Guys I wasn't intentionally laughing at him or making fun or anything, it was just completely unexpected. If I hadn't fucked up so hard I would have apologized and tried to have a conversation. I probably still could have but I fucked off pretty much straight away because I'm socially awkward.

>> No.6811140


>> No.6811205

I've got a ton of positive reading in public stories:

>Reading Fromm in the cafe
>Cute woman makes extended eye contact with me
>Sits at the table directly next to mine later on
>I take a break from the book, and set it face up
>She gets up to leave, but casually remarks "That's a great book"
>We end up talking for 2 hours about behavioralism, empathy, clinical psychology, and our pasts

Turns out she was a Psych major, studying for her Master's, and on a break from San Franscisco

>> No.6811208

I was in Nashville, Tennessee last weekend and I went to a waffle house -- I'm not proud of it, I was hungry -- and I'm sitting there and I'm eating and reading a book. I don't know anybody, I'm alone, I'm eating and I'm reading a book.

This waitress comes over to me and asks, "what you readin' for?"

Now, isn't that the weirdest fucking question you've ever heard? I've never been asked that; not 'What am I reading', but 'What am I reading for?' Well, goddamnit, you stumped me.

"I guess I read for a lot of reasons", I said, "but the main one is so I don't end up being a fucking waffle waitress; that would be pretty high on the list."

Then this trucker in the booth next to me gets up, stands over me and says, 'Well, looks like we got ourselves a readah". What the fuck's going on in this country? It's like I walked into a Klan rally in a Boy George costume or something. Am I stepping out of some intellectual closet here?

>> No.6811215

You can't end it on a cliffhanger, you fucker! What else happened?

>> No.6811219
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>being 20
>in FL
>winter is over
>meeting a friend at modern art museum
>wearing my cardigan over my guayabera over my undershirt atop my ironed khakis and boat shoes
>if I don't wear layers I shiver and can't think
>boat shoes chafing
>my feet hurt
>Carrying copy of Moby Dick
>decide to read in field by museum before friend arrives
>as I walk towards field I hear a young woman's voice behind me
>"why are you wearing a jacket?"
>she laughs
>pretend I don't hear her and continue to walk
>sit in field
>open copy of Moby Dick
>take off jacket

>> No.6811233

>on Contiki
>on cruise from Dover to Normandy
>reading To Kill A Mockingbird
>guy sits next to me
>backwards cap, white t-shirt, short blonde hair, blue eyes
>beta rage rising just looking at him
>'Hey, whatcha reading?'
>aww fuck he's speaking to me
>'Uh, t-To Kill a Mockingbird.'
>'Huh? That like a hunting book? What kind of shit is that to read?'
>'Not at all, the title is a metaphor-'
>interrupts me by laughing
>'Nah, son, (actually called me son) I'm fucking with you. It's all about racial prejudice in the Southern United States in the US.'
>I'm pretty surprised
>get into a conversation about other shit we've read (Lolita, Dorian Grey, Crime and Punishment)
>make a friend

My preconceived notions were completely incorrect.

>> No.6811244

As a native Floridian, I wouldn't have laughed, but wearing a jacket (even early in the year like that) is not a common sight. Funny, though, your map says Hillsborough River. I'm in the Tampa Bay area.

>> No.6811248
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I posted this before.

>Reading V. on the train
>Some grill sits next to me.
>Get to the part where Rooney sings about niggers
>It catches me by surprise so I burst out laughing
>Grill gets up and sits somewhere else.

>> No.6811249

>16 no clues at all
>reading Atlas Shrugged just for the fuck of it
>it's really dull and quite shit
>one of my class mates comes up to me
>qt 3.14 ect
>"hey anon, whatcha reading"
> i tell her
>"what's it about"
>"trains" I say
> she looks at me, and says "I Like Trains"
>I look at her with disdain, then returned to read
>2 months later I donated the book to good sammies with an inscription pleading the purchaser to destroy it

>> No.6811258

She didn't like trains, nobody likes trains, she liked you and wanted to talk to you, you fukken donk.

>> No.6811259


you fucker, you beat me to it

>> No.6811260


Its not his fault he laughed. how the fuck did that guy get "cum-ass" from camus? It should be "kam-uhs" if he was saying it phonetically.

>> No.6811263


>> No.6811265

The thing is, he knows that, but Ayn Rand is a red flag that any self-respecting person over 14 should be aware of. The girl not being repulsed by Atlas Shrugged means she deserved the disdain.

>> No.6811270

I fully realise this fact and I am powerless to reverse it, free me from this existence

>> No.6811277

Damn, you got me

>> No.6811298

>Reading book on the subway
>Reading book in the park
>Reading book in the library

Never had any qt ask me what im reading.

Should I just kill myself now /lit/? Or move to a shack on a mountain and live the rest of my miserable life there?

>> No.6811300

You should go back to >>>/r9k/ and stay there.

>> No.6811323

at the same time, there is some small part of me that wonders what it would've been like if I swallowed my prickheadedness.....

>> No.6811330

should have gone to the pancake pantry. it's across the street from a massive used bookstore and a few blocks from vanderbilt. no one ruffled by readers there.

>> No.6811332

When I was a young teen I stayed over at my friends house and the enzyme day when we were going home I sat in the back a read in silence, not engaging in the conversation.

It's only occurred to me now, years later, how rude/awkward I must have appeared.

>> No.6811342

I always got a book or my kindle with me in public, whether it's in the subway, in the bus, in the train, in class, at work, etc.

Usually, I get the looks people give themselves but nothing more. It makes me a bit sad, I wish I could struck up some convo about it, like you'd get from talking about movies or something. I tried once to bring it up with somebody who was reading a book I liked but he just acknowledged me and returned to it.

Books are too personnal, and nobody likes a reader because it's always about the meaning, the overall impression, rather than the plot.

>inb4 personnal blog

>> No.6811343
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Yeah I thought you pronounced it as "Ka-mousse" for the longest time after reading him.

I was in a literature class and my professor asked if anyone had read Resistance, Rebellion, and Death. I said that I had and "enjoyed Ka-mousses' defense of intelligence." The professor laughed at me, and came to the conclusion that I must be bullshiting and said that I never read the work. The worst part is that I was too embarrassed to refute his point.
Thinking back on it, about 200 people were in the classroom at the time.

>> No.6811386
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>be me
>be reading Technical Drawing (pic related)
>nobody talks to me
>nobody gives a shit
>I don't give a shit

>> No.6811391


>reading at the train station
>an older guy sits besides me, nods
>nod back
>time passes, I close my book to check the clock
>he notices the author name and engages conversation, saying that he loves him, etc

I nearly missed my train because of how interesting the conversation was. Talked a lot about the state of actual French literature (I'm French btw) and stuff.
Never met him again though.

>> No.6811392
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>joining in on a 20 minute old joke, 6 posts after it would have been relevant
>not even anonymous

>> No.6812008


>> No.6812019

beta af

>> No.6812021

Did they bury her alive one evening 1945?

>> No.6812023

And now you see why the 'lawful' part of the alignment chart is the tough part.

>> No.6812036

Not wanting to take a statutory rape rap isn't what I'd call beta.

>> No.6812106

>be me
>christmas day, outside of bar
>guard won't let me in
>too drunk
>phone is dead, waiting for some friend to pop out for a cigarette or something, can't remember why I was standing there
>reading the perennial philosophy
>dude comes up to me
>"I see you are reading Huxley, he's awesome!"
>"Fuck you."

>> No.6812115

>statutory rape

What sort of shithole do you live in?

>> No.6812116

fuck you, you clearly have no idea of what the world outside your precious little bubble looks like. cunt

>> No.6812124

>on metro
>im reading something on my kobo
>girl next to me is reading gone girl
>she is annotating gone girl
>are you annotating gone girl?
>yeah it's for my english class
>what's the class?
>film adaptations of modern english novels


>> No.6812131


lmao unless you're like a girl living in taliban controlled areas aint no-one cares hick

>> No.6812132

Always read in the bus on my way to the university, don't remember anyone commenting on it. Quite a few people read as well.

Wish I could still read while commuting but the fucking trains are way too crowded to breath, much less read

>> No.6812133

seriously, I wish I could wear a giant mom purse. I always find myself wishing for some item or another I didn't take with me

>> No.6812135

With just a sister at her side?

>> No.6812141
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>> No.6812155

Is she not a little boy in Spain?

>> No.6812159

Playing pianos filled with flames?

>> No.6812179

I don't look at her facebook any more

>> No.6812267

>on a cruise from Dover to Normandy
>made a friend
That you were

>> No.6812298


>> No.6812308

I was buying a copy of Howl from a bookstore and a group of old women (70+) noticed. One of them said something along the lines of "I was about his age when I first read it."
"Good to see another generation picking it up."
Then they took a selfie with me holding the book.

>> No.6812323

I was dating a woman who borrowed Less Than Zero from me.
She freaked out over the part where Clay gets picked up by a guy at a club. I had to convince her that no I wasn't gay.
I stopped hearing from her at all not long after.
Not sure if it was the snuff movie or the gang rape of the 12 year old girl where she decided my reading material was a bit too edgy for her.
Got the book back outside my door though.
No note.

>> No.6812330


>> No.6812338
File: 185 KB, 2448x3264, 84614573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my public reading book, it wards off respectable women and invites deplorable women to my disdain.


>> No.6812342

Being a 21 year old male who looks 16, I would have gone for this.

Morality is a spook

>> No.6812356

Haha you're fucking retarded man

>> No.6812363

from the perspective of the man on that cover the greater than sign forms a phallic projection symbol, whereas from the female's perspective it reads as a yonic symbol.

male superiority confirmed

>> No.6812371

16 is all legal here, I would and everyone could eat horsepie.

I'm 24, and I don't give a fuck--pound that sweet smelling 16 year old puss raw.

>> No.6812374

the united states of america, probably

>> No.6812377

meh, what am I? Her babysitter?

>> No.6812382

Not him, but Atlas Shrugged is virtually unknown in the UK
I only heard of it because a Polish friend told me about it, and I've only met one other British person that has read the book

>> No.6812383

I'm not entirely sure if one can wear a bookbag without looking like a hipster douchebag, but they exist friendo

>> No.6812388

This is good comic material....

>> No.6812389

>how many times has this happened to me...

>> No.6812390

A girl saw me reading A Winter's Tale at a cafe. Started talking and her favorite play was Richard III. I recited Richard's opening 40ish line speech and we slept together that night. I could live another 100 years and never have so perfect a sequence. Unfortunately she was a posing idiot so I probably could've spliced together random lines and achieved the same end.

>> No.6812392

sure is young in here. this is bill hicks, you clowns.

>> No.6812399

Sometimes I read on the tube on the way to/from uni
Nobody has ever commented on it in any way or thrown any admiring glances at me ;_;
I see qts reading all the time, but I don't have the balls to engage them in conversation

>> No.6812400
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>go on bus
>read book
>teenagers laugh at me and call me a nerd
>have to put book away

the only time I try to read in public...

>> No.6812405


>> No.6812429
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You want an ice breaker? Right here m80s.

>> No.6812430

was she quoting asdf?

>> No.6812441

>nobody likes trains
looks like somebody didn't read trainspotting

>> No.6812445
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>> No.6812451

a girl in an English lit class saw me reading American Psycho
"how could you read that?" she asked with unmistakable disdain.
I told her I thought it was funny in parts.
She wasn't attractive so I didn't really give a fuck what she thought.
But even so I didn't tell her that the book gave me boners too.

>> No.6812481

>having a girlfriend even care at all whether or not you may turn out gay or are in a way gay by being bisexual
hope this never happens
it's pretty pathetic tbh -- like the opposite of the fratboy who's so insecure in his sexuality that he cages himself in the smallest one they got

>> No.6812488

I think I just understood the remark Nabokov made about the gorilla and the drawing of the cage

>> No.6812492

us-/lit/ is awake again and all discussions will turn to shit like every night.

>> No.6812557

>be 20
>reading book in picture on the side of the business school at university
>girl comes up and asks why i'm reading outside
>tell her it is nice out
>the end

I think that is pretty much how every encounter I've ever had while reading in public has gone. The only exception is when these people started complaining about the bus being late and myself and the woman in front of me in line started laughing at how mad they were. Realized she was reading F. Scott Fitzgerald and had a lovely conversation about the man.

So if you're out there right now lady, thanks for laughing at people in public with me.

>> No.6812562

i was reading on the metro once and as soon as i got my book out this hot chick yelled "HOLY FUCK YOU READ" then she pulled down my pants and sucked me off for a while and then we did it anal with everyone watching and i got arrested and went to jail for a month

>> No.6812564
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forgot to attach picture. oops.

>> No.6812579 [DELETED] 

i'm off to get laid.

>> No.6812602

I got caught out reading Atlas Shrugged by a qt once and I was trying to describe it to her
>political philosophy
eventually I said dystopian and she recommended that I'd read hunger games
has anyone read hunger games? she was insisting that it was better than the plot-hole ridden movies but it was fun to tease her anyway

>> No.6812617
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>Reading Lolita in bus
>Co-worker sees me
>We say hi, he asks what I'm reading
>Tell him it's about a guy that is in love with a youngster and the novel implies a passionate romance between these two
>after service
>Boss wan to see me
>Tells me Josh said something about me reading pedo stuff and enjoying it
>Got fired from that

>> No.6812663
File: 14 KB, 236x334, f76ec6ba4a37c079db893f35ea7deea6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>At Prince Edward Island Canada
>Bus loads of young Japanese girls and their families come to visit due to their love of Anne of Green Gables
>Sit reading The Fountainhead on a park bench near where the bus loads of tourists gets dropped off
>I chose this spot because I like leering at pretty Japanese girls
>Hear gleeful squeals whilst reading
>Look up
>A cute young japanese girl is in hysterics at "finally arriving"
>She's with her family
>The entire family comes to me, white gajin, to ask for directions, but they must have been looking for something specific because I don't know what the hell they wanted specifically.
>I just point them to the direction where they should continue traveling
>Japenese girl loses patience, grabs me by the hand and pulls me hurdling toward the house of LM Montgomery
>Her family looks on at us with gleeful amusement as we run away from them toward the house
>We get there
>There is a water pump
>Easily excitable japense girl starts pumping water outof it
>Notice her lily white hands pumping the huge handle and water spewing out followed by her giggles
>I thirst
>I take her by her dainty nymph wrists into the near by forest
>Her demeanor turns from glee to scared curiousity
>She tries asking me in japenese where we are going
>Get to a gigantic tree and hide behind it
>Press her small body against tree
>Squeeze her small breasts and thrust my mouth into hers
>She makes noises of excitation, half pleasure half fright
>I start rubbing her down below
>She refuses to allow me to
>Turn her around
>Press her small body against the trree with mine
>lift up her skirt and continue rubbing her nether region
>Rip her painties loose so that I can enter her
>She doesn't scream by meekly protests in pleasurable tones
>Her body is so warm pressed up against me and the tree
>pull out my cock and probe to enter
>It's so tight I'm worried that I might be trying to enter the wrong hole
>She's in pain and let's me know
>Use my hand to guide my member into her pussy to make sure it's going it properly
>She's crying
>I eventually do get it in, but it's so tight it hurts
>I can't make full thrusts
>I have to make jittery little thrusts
>She begins moaning and crying
>I lick the tears from her face, and kiss her small pink lips, and nibble her ear
>I manage to climax inside her
>She knows and moans in sync
>Pull out
>Calm her down with hugs and combing her hair
>She submits like a little girl to her father
>Walker her back to the house
>Parents arrive back
>Tour continues
>Family insist I tag along
>She is no longer gleeful in giddy
>Her parents have no clue
>She just looks at everything with dull sullen curiosity but every time she gets a chance she looks at me with a look that seems to say "why" and "I want it again" at the same time.

>> No.6812673


>> No.6812677

baiting tbh

>> No.6812684

not enough foreplay tbh

>> No.6812688

Awh shit that's so fucken hot

>> No.6812716

lol everyone went to go fap after this, hence why thread is dead.

>> No.6812720

dated a gril who freaked out after reading Steps by Jerzy Kosinski
this is after she told me Story of the Eye was one of her favorites
she told me I was a sociopath
I might be a little empathy challenged at times but sociopath is a bit much

>> No.6812772

...wherein you came under the tutelage of an old and wry but genial gentleman. A man who saw your striking glimmer of potential and taught you well in the trade of master thiefsman and set in motion a sequence of events, while true, are too incredible to recount in these humble paragraphs.

>> No.6812773

Make a full blown erotica short story about this. You'll make money.

>> No.6812781

>I thirst


>> No.6812796

Sad, how can a country with such amazing gun laws be so backwards when it comes to banging 16 years old smh

>> No.6812815

some states have 16 as age of consent

i grew up in california where the rule is a hardline 18+ only. No exceptions even for a 17yr old dating an 18yr old (at least legally, in practice these things still happen). Now I'm in PA, where the age is 16. I didn't even realize this until like 4 years after I moved here, but now I'm sharp-eyed for opportunities to let the creep flag fly.

>> No.6812819

I have a true story about the adversity I faced while I was starting with the geeks. This modern culture is hell for someone as patrician as me.

>anon you aren't reading the greeks again are you?

>> No.6812820
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>tfw Japanese gf had a huge crisis over medical school applications and moved back to Japan
This story was nice to read after all that.

>> No.6812825
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>writing posts in prose

>> No.6812836

>starting with the geeks

>> No.6812854

every single time

>> No.6812892

I was reading penguin edition of On the Road once on the train (it's shit by the way) and this guy asked me what I was reading and I said what and he said "well it must be good if it's a penguin classic", then I took out my switchblade and killed him ,though not really I just said yes and then awkwardly answered a few more of his questions wanting him to shut the fuck up the entire remaining ride

>> No.6812958

I actually love teens, I just have a history of risky behavior with them which stressed me out over the years and so I've been trying to control myself.
That's awful. Sounds fake though, couldn't just name drop Nabokov?

>> No.6812978

>I actually love teens, I just have a history of risky behavior with them which stressed me out over the years and so I've been trying to control myself.

>> No.6813000

I only read soldier memoirs in public and never really got a comment about it.

>> No.6813002

>penguin edition of on the road
the book or the publisher

>> No.6813006

Lolita by Nabokov is very very well known in the 'popular consciousness'
His being fired is a plebian thing of his boss to do.

>> No.6813010

>Be me
>15 yo
>Reading Plato's Republic at school during the break
>"Hi anon, what are you reading?", said one of those sport guys, while taking off the book from my hands
>He reads the title
>"Cool dude"
>Gives me the book
>Never talk with him again

>> No.6813012

Bullshit. They can't fire you for reading Lolita, that's completely illegal.

>> No.6813033

I'm already a sperglord, so I'm going to look weird no matter what I do. That's why I just look at the book until I arrive at my stop.

>> No.6813044

I always have a book with me wherever I go because of a combination of golden, perfect concentration which allows me to read anywhere and a low tolerance to boredom which forces me to read anytime I have nothing to do.

I'm from a shitty 3rd world country and still the only comments I've ever gotten were about this particular habit, never about the book itself or the general concept of "reading".

>Anon, you do know you're at a party? Why are you reading? How can you possibly read with all this distraction around?

I remember you

Well, that was... nice.

>> No.6813060

>Write smut


>> No.6813065
File: 54 KB, 720x720, 1378449234917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see someone reading in public I always try to inconspicuously see which book it is. It's disconcerting how often it's an ASOIAF book these days; the series makes up at least 1/2 of the books I see being read in public.

>> No.6813067

That's kind of adorable.

>> No.6813071

underrated kek

>> No.6813091

...is this a Fountainhead joke?

>> No.6813110
File: 1015 KB, 475x475, nQJKaTL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>middle-aged men reading teenager self-insert fantasy shlock

>> No.6813117

Glad I don't live in a 3rd world country.

>> No.6813150

This really triggers my autism. Seeing this makes me angrier then it should Maybe I just subconsciously hate black people.

>> No.6813155

>waiting in the hallway before class
>reading Dosto's Idiot in boring red hardcover
>arab guy walks past
>"that a bible?"

why the fuck does everyone think books are bibles?

>> No.6813166

maybe cuz bible means book

>> No.6813168

Yea, in the fountainhead there is an implied rape that the woman likes because it shows the man is assertive.

Anon took the liberty of making it an asian woman, and the location and tour.

>> No.6813173

All quasi-rape=Ayn Rand

>> No.6813183

I'm aspie and I don't give a shit to them.
Just reading.
Autism wins.

>> No.6813190

I don't read physical copies of books because I live in 2015 and I'm not a pretentious cunt.

>> No.6813192

underrated Dickens post.

>> No.6813193

dear god buddy you are just swimming in absolutes.

>> No.6813206

My work has me on the road, so I read in coffee shops on my breaks every day. About once a week some fat white lady will ask me what I'm reading. No matter how popular it is:
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Animal Farm
>The Picture of Dorian Grey


Always fat white math teacher looking bitches too.

>> No.6813212

i would smoke weed with those kids after school and tell them about what i was reading. if you can refrain from being an elitist dick they actually have some interesting opinions.

>> No.6813229


>> No.6813241

Nashvillefag here. What's the problem with Waffle House? Their patty melt is delicious as fuck.

>> No.6813248


I havent read atlas shrugged, but i found The fountainhead quite good.

>> No.6813413

This is correct.

No one gives a shit unless you are somehow intentionally drawing attention to yourself or the person is just trying to make friendly conversation and you interpret it as them insulting you.

ahahhah what the fuck how do people like this exist

>> No.6813430

If you can summarize well/tell a good story they at least listen attentively, and may even try reading it themselves. I got a guy like that at work to check out As I lay dying, and he liked it and reads a little now.

>> No.6813435

>White math teacher looking bitches

Laughed, what identifies someone as looking like a math teacher?

>> No.6813510
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>implying I won't be reading don quixote in the airport tomorrow

>> No.6813514

not in some states of the united states of america

>> No.6813519

it's popular. you ever see uh self-publishing threads on here? i think there's been one or two, and it's all just
>write erotica!
>it's popular!

>> No.6813628
File: 278 KB, 1161x869, 1410458443313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have 4 hours between classes
>go to a cafè near the university to read before classes
>pull out a huge linguistics textbook
>drink tea
>revising before classes
>always sit at the table in the middle
>people from all directions dart curious glances at me
>It's distracting
>go to class
>didn't remember anything since I had to stop every few seconds due to the piercing eyes
>passed linguistics with a B+

I like to tell myself that it is because these people ruined my first reading of the chapters, but deep inside I know I got a B because I suck and I can't accept the blame for my own mistakes.

>> No.6813642

>fat white math teacher looking bitches
kek I actually had one as a teacher I know the type
math gives you the sort of autistic enthusiasm that makes you forget social contexts -- it's the behavior of the fat math teacher that points her out as a math teacher, not her general appearance.

>> No.6813643

He could still have pulled up the wiki page or something.
I do the same, except if I really want to know, I don't care about being conspicous.

I have another one.

>be 23
>walking to martial arts class
>reading The Master and Margarita as I walk
>cross intersection after crossing bridge
>cute girl with short dark hair in passenger's seat of red geep calls out to me
>"hey you, you're beautiful"
>have crazy gf at this point
>"thank you"
>keep walking
>"don't go, baby come back"
>look back once, her arms are out the window gesturing for me
>keep walking, don't look back again
>pass two crunchy skater guys who saw the whole thing
>one says "dude I think that girl wants your dick"
>get on with my day

>> No.6813648

read thread -- bill hicks joke -- go ask him.
but, it's a poor-person's-place-to-eat

>> No.6813659

frankly if a girl is thirsty I don't give two shits

>> No.6813662
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>implying a B+ is bad

>> No.6813675

No reward without effort.
No joy without struggle.

>> No.6813684

oh -- you're saying that only sex with a significant other is at all meaningful or ecstatic?

>> No.6813689 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 500x500, 1406838931835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they only care about passing

>> No.6813691

America, everyone

>> No.6813696
File: 45 KB, 720x960, mnsw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just subconsciously hate black people
What did I do?

>> No.6813698 [DELETED] 

I'm Bulgarian

>> No.6813699

I agree to an extent, but I found the spontaneity of the thing, along with her willingness to put herself out there like that, pretty attractive. Plus she was probably a reader, who knows of what though. I never will, I guess.

>> No.6813700

>Unfortunately she was a posing idiot
so many encounters end this way

>> No.6813710

Passing is all that matters.

If you can combine an A+ with a non autistic approach to life you will go far.

>> No.6813719


Think I could achieve the same effect by reciting Poe?

>> No.6813755


that has got to be the biggest self-confidence boost one could get

what a nice girl, too

>> No.6813771

no you autist -- the fuck, ugh. I was saying that the ideas or notions contained within the post were exemplary of America jesus fucking christ ugh why are you even here ya illiterate fuck

>> No.6813797 [DELETED] 

I understood it. But I did it to refure your overgeneralisation, in which, however, you include only America because you link a kind of behaviour only with the American way of thinking.

Pretty dumb tbh

>> No.6813853

It was actually a wonderful experience. I had just missed signing up for the GRE and disappointed everyone, didn't know what I was going to do, would have to wait an extra year before applying to grad school. She just shouted and flailed the misery out of me in 20 seconds. It was a lovely thing to do.

>> No.6813867

shitskin weakass pussy

>> No.6813874

You transferred your misery to her as you walked away

>> No.6813888

idk why you think this is pretentious, but i rather read a physical copy.
i use my kindle when im commuting because it is much easier to handle in the subway and whatnot, but why is the physical book for pretentious cunts?

>> No.6813900

I was reading some King novel in junior high, just at lunch, think it was 'Salems Lot, and something in it made me laugh. The tard near me and two chucklefucks couldn't seem to understand how someone could laugh at something in a book, like "how could words on a page be funny" kind of stupid.

I forget some times that for most of the people you meet out in the world, reading is this thing they did in school that requires a lot of concentration and effort, and the only reason to do it is necessity.

That's one of the ancedotes that made me start thinking of my peers as sub-human. I got a lot less edgy through High School and beyond, though. Still kind of treat people like that as dumb animals, though, I can't really speak to someone that can barley read the way I would a full fledged person.

>> No.6813913

>reading Clockwork Orange
>people think it's just perverted shock shit because of the movie

>> No.6813915

Invest in a good backpack. You might feel like a dork at first but it's a huge jump in quality of life away from home. Once you have storage space all the time it's hard to go back.

>> No.6813923
File: 2.70 MB, 500x281, tip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand where you're coming from but I'm still going to post this video with fedora tipping.

I was so disappointed the last time displayed interest in what I was reading. I thought they knew Vonnegut until they asked about the book cover I drew.

>> No.6813928

Will back packs on people past a certain age ever not look weird? Perhaps one day, but not any day soon.

>> No.6813943

I just got so used to being able to cart around my Chromebook, charger, phone charger, water bottle, spare tissues/paper towels, headphones, maglight, small binoculars, pens, spiral notebook, spare multi-tool, snacks, and cargo space for anything I buy while I'm out and about so I don't have to carry around shopping bags.

Plus something to read, of course.

>> No.6813954

that'd be too much for me tbh
but i'd like to have you as a friend

>> No.6813956

I believe we should be promoting satchels for men on /lit/.

Adequate storage, leather option, age appropriate, the second choice of working professionals.

>> No.6813958

I was always a fucking dick about my reading comprehension in school. I remember in Kindergarten when they first took us to the library and we took a STAR test to see our individual reading levels and determine what we could check out. I aced its asshole harder than any of my peers and got in trouble for laughing at this redneck kid who got a literal 0 and couldn't check out a book.

That same reading comprehension always made me feel a lot smarter than I actually am and led me to some arrogant habits that ultimately fucked over my grades. Stay humble, /lit/.

>> No.6813959

Well, if you gather that from the movie, you're just a goddamn apish retard. I doubt anyone who has that view of the movie would be capable of understanding the book anyway.

>> No.6813988

>who got a literal 0 and couldn't check out a book.


How long into kindergarten were you? He couldn't read at all? I'd laugh internally but now that I'm older few things make me sadder than illiteracy.

>> No.6814001

The STAR tests were tests we'd take every year on school PCs that were basically a raw judge of where the students were at in terms of reading comprehension. They had nothing to do with school curriculum. We took this one within the first week of kindergarten, it was our first, basically to see where all the new kids in the ISD were with their reading ability.

It was mostly shit like

>I can ___ my shoes
>A: Tie
>B: Eat
>C: Sell

It was on a timer, and the questions went from literally that stupid to multiple grades ahead as you went through the test, which was on a timer. I don't believe it penalized you for skipping questions, just by answering wrongly, but it's been a long time. It eventually got into things like sentence structure, syntax, ect.

Some kids could start checking out grade 4 books on day one, others like that poor hick kid had to take special lessons or some shit to catch them up, I believe.

>> No.6814006
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You can do all 3 of those though.

>> No.6814010

>others like that poor hick kid had to take special lessons or some shit to catch them up, I believe

I'm no "everyone gets a trophy" type of guy. You should be allowed to fail and not led to believe inadequacy is ok, but this read like it kills the self esteem.

>> No.6814014
File: 2.94 MB, 696x528, Like a female charlie chaplin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6814030

I banged a girl because I was reading Hintikka on a bus.

>> No.6814042


>> No.6814045

I'd invade her beachhead if you get my drift.

>> No.6814050

A collection of essays on Wittgenstein, I'm not much interested in Russell revisionism.

>> No.6814083

I never read in pubic but maybe I should start. Even though I'm reading two books in English right now and I'm in a country with a low percentage of English speakers, not so inviting to conversation. It will look pretentious as fuck though.

>> No.6814087

>It will look pretentious as fuck though

I feel sorry for everyone who can't get off on good ego stroking opportunities. The greatest fetish.

>> No.6814134

Eh, there was really not much else they could do. The curriculum was already pretty barebones stupid, and what the hell are they supposed to do if these backwoods spawn can't even do the most basic of basics?

It was more self-esteem harming in Junior High where the material went up into "College" levels if you got far enough in, and a lot of kids (mostly slacking, stoner Mexicans) got results that were several grade levels below their current one at the time. To be fair that one had some shit, a lot of shit actually, that none of us had been exposed to yet. The STAR test for grades 1-4 were pretty much shit that any kid should be able to comprehend before their first day in public school, then there was a curve of sorts in the difficulty.

>> No.6814504

I know the feel. I'm not making much progress on this Dazai Osamu book I'm reading right now because most of my reading time is in public and I feel like a phaggot reading books in Japanese as a white dude in a predominantly English speaking country. Though I feel like a phaggot for not doing it, too, so maybe I should just do it anyway and see which one makes me feel like less of a phaggot.

>> No.6814828

I always read books in foreign languages, maybe that's why nobody strikes up conversation...

>> No.6815054 [DELETED] 

> taking a walk along the riverside
> theres a crop of farm land between the river and the road
> find a large tree to sit under, take out lotr and start reading
> after forty minutes a man appears suddenly in front of me
> "are you a cow?"
> "no"
> "well get the fuck off my land"

>> No.6815057

that's incredibly fucking stupid, every kid should have as much access to an many books as possible

insisting on very exactly mandated gradations throughout academia is really fucking stupid, people act like it would somehow corrupt children to teach them philosophy or physics, kids are natural philosophers the way they ask questions about everything

i used to sometimes wonder if when i exited a room the room still existed, and it just popped back into existence when i opened the door again

i didnt have a word for it then, i didn't know the concept or even the word "philosophy" because i was only allowed to learn the alphabet and what sound different animals make, but i was unknowingly flirting with solipsism, it wouldn't have been a stretch at all for a teacher to say to me "you know, some people believe that they are the only one who really exists, this is called solipsism" but adults seem to think it will give kids nightmares or they will hold their heads in agony and yell about how philosophy is hurting their soul

jesus fuck i hate how inefficient education is

i remember in 1st or 2nd grade, the teacher had to literally pretend negative numbers didn't exist, that there was nothing left of zero on the number line, so "what's 3 - 5?" "you can't do that!" "that's correct, student!" and some kids would say "no, it's just negative 2" to each other and she wouldn't address it at all, to be fair maybe she never heard a kid say it to her face, but they were definitely saying it to each other
but i guess the school district decided we weren't mature enough for negatives and had to wait another two years or some bullshit to learn something half of us already knew

anyways, to be on topic, i study criminology and i'm kind of afraid to be reading a book on child sexual abuse in public, especially diagnostic books with pictures. I do 95% of my reading in pdf form anyways

>> No.6815064
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Don't say that anon

>> No.6815107

Not in public and not 'getting shit', but I guess it's kinda relevant as it's about reading seriously though nobody gets shit for reading anywhere

I was at middle school, when I started actually reading, and I was reading furiously at those years. Anyway, somehow I started dating a girl during middle school.
She knew I loved to read so she wanted me to stop reading at least when she is around -we were in the same class so it meant a long time-. At first days I did, but later on I couldn't get myself to ignore the books and show interest to her. I mean there was nothing interesting, we were just 13 and we were muslims she was at least so there wasn't anything really interesting going on between us.
This went on for some two months and one day, after I was done sighting my English teacher's legs at the school garden, I went up to the class and I found myself a drama: She was crying and everyone was around her. Her friends were angry at me for some reason, both males and females. I asked what happened, and they said she had decided to break up, because I wasn't 'caring' coqueting enough for her.

>> No.6815114

>after I was done sighting my English teacher's legs

>> No.6815239

I don't even understand why she started crying.

Was the shell hot and it burnt her through her glove? Or was she just generally embarrassed/terrified?

>> No.6815343

shock I think

>> No.6815351

Someone post the reading plato on the subway meme

>> No.6815357

Cool but spooky picture

>> No.6815364

I know that feel

>> No.6815384

>develop habit of reading while walking places
>constantly wind up in the wrong places
>elderly guy sees me
>"that must be some book!"
>mumble and keep reading and walking

>> No.6815392

memeone meme the memeing memeo on a memeway meme

>> No.6815402


>> No.6815419
File: 2 KB, 210x187, 1304179824829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lend Less Than Zero to my cousin
>he says it was boring and shied away from the horrible stuff too much
>says he wants something more extreme

>> No.6815425
File: 116 KB, 304x287, 1367368873109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have job at storage facility
>job consists of sitting behind a desk processing two or three transactions a week and making sure nobody walks in with bolt cutters
>get a lot of reading done
>read the Misfortunes of Virtue in plain view of the customers
>nobody cares
>tfw desk hides my awkward and shameful boners

>> No.6815456
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1348593379875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do tests in third grade
>whole class is reading the Boxcar Kids series
>really excited to read them too and talk about them with my friends
>test puts me at a college reading level
>not allowed to check out kids books
>spend my childhood reading michael crichton and tolkien because I had no direction
>submit book report on jurassic park
>teacher chides me for not using an age appropriate book

>> No.6815487

Oh this was meant for >>6813874

>> No.6815524

Used bookstore owners are the most interesting ones. Otherwise, most old people I've met just talk about their kids and grandkids.

>> No.6815560
File: 6 KB, 200x166, 1489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading at work
>fat co-worker
>she looks like a 45 year old female truck driver
>not the brightest
>thinks highly of herself because she was given an easier job
>any time she comes by and I'm reading, she tells me to "wake up"

I need to find another job like this

>> No.6815571

Read the things. Second book was nice. Third book was terrible mush.

>> No.6815578

Once on the bus an old man started ranting about the author of what i was reading (Jan Guillou)
wish he'd just let me keep reading tbh

>> No.6815602
File: 120 KB, 670x229, platoonthesubway.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go mate

>> No.6815638

Hahaha saved. Also, different anon.

>> No.6815653




>> No.6815824

>be me
>have high school reading level in grade 2
>read boxcar children anyways cuz it was fun

>> No.6815859

Avid book-people-are-reading-looker here as well. I make a point to always ask what someone is reading and try to talk to them about it, or just ask questions/book recs.
My findings are:

>40% Bibles

Majority 55+ men and women, more Hispanic than non Hispanic

>30% YA shit

women age 12-45

>15% Genre Fic/Pop Lit like King or GRRM

demographics rarely show correlation in this category, other than a surprising lack of men age 28-35
>10% nonfiction
usually military/history by men age 40+

>2.5% books with "literary merit"

usually white college age males

>2.5% books I've never heard of/foreign language

mostly Spanish language books/random mass market paperbacks. No discernible demographics.

I live in the buckle of the bible belt though, so I'd be interested to see what kind of stuff I would find other places.

>> No.6815928

>listening to Plato lecture in the Academy
>talking about Parmenides, struggling to understand
>crazy beggar next to me glances over
>"Are you an honest man?"
>"Not really."
>"That's why you study with Plato"
>he smiles and holds up a lamp
>come home and try thinking of comebacks while strigiling

what the fuck

>> No.6815939

>be me yesterday
>start reading Ham on Rye on the beach
>walk over to Dogfish Head for a beer
>set book on bar
>qt next to me gives me a high five for reading Bukowski
>finish book this morning
>high five was unwarranted for that shifty book

>> No.6815945

this meme will never get old

>> No.6815946


I was carrying my massive, single-volume collects works of Shakespeare on the subway in Madrid and some kids came up and asked how many pages it had. They had been placing bets on it.

>> No.6815952

I'd be left wondering years later

>> No.6815966

Hey guys? Usually I just lay on my back and masturbate by massaging my dick, but in this instance I noticed a bottle of baby oil I had lying around for non masturbatory reasons. On a whim I stood up and jerked it the way I've seen in porn. When I came just a few minutes ago I went deaf, lost my balance and nearly fell, got a mild headache, my entire body nearly went limp, and I felt as fatigued as the second night of a tough hiking trip. Oh, and I came buckets.

That's when I realized even if people cared I was reading in public, I doubt they'd say anything.

>> No.6815993

>reading Gravity's Rainbow on the subway
>Part 3: In the Zone, struggling to understand
>old guy with protruding front teeth next to me glances over
>"Have you ever done the Kenosha Kid?"
>"Not really."
>"That's why you read Pynchon"
>He grins and floats away while peeling a banana

>> No.6815997

>be in South Carolina shopping center
>reading chicken soup for the volunteer's soul
>group of colored comes by
>"eeeeeeehahahaha look at this book readin ass nigga brought his school out shoppin wit him ol learned ass nigga fuck outta here wit that word shit"

>> No.6816017

What are the soup for soul series of books about anyway? Feels?

>> No.6816028


>> No.6816051

It's ka-moo right?

>> No.6816055

no, it's pronounced chay-mus
here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqDEFhiQQuM

>> No.6816060


It's also good nigger repellent.

>> No.6816071

top fucking kek

>> No.6816072
File: 86 KB, 1300x1198, 2539301-Handsome-college-age-man-gesturing-to-himself-in-surprise-Isolated-on-white--Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white college age males reading in public
Oh my god! That's me!

>> No.6816087

that's some bullshit anecdotal evidence there friend

>> No.6816095
File: 360 KB, 500x375, EvaBrown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 12 and black reading Harry Potter on subway
>notice disheveled man smelling of feces sleeping, having claimed an area around him with his scent
>sit down within smelling distance
>it is in my power to ignore the smell
>wakes up and begins stalking up the car
>getting closer towards me speaking gibberish to everyone he passes
>continue focusing on book
>my hardcover lambs blood worked, ignores me
>man standing next to me yells at him to return to his area
>he sheepishly returns to his seat and leaves at the next stop

I still wonder about the circumstances that led him to smelling of shit on a train, as well as the man who so confidently demanded he return to his seat.

>> No.6816116

I was reading Ovid in the hospital and had a brief conversation about it with a hot Italian nurse. Then later I got a semi while she was giving me a sponge bath and I didn't speak to her again after that except to request new piss boxes.

>> No.6816131

I plan on reading babyfucker at one point. And inevitably, I'll read it in public. So that should be fun.

>> No.6816177
File: 25 KB, 298x233, dfw I hit the blunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading In Cold Blood in a nearly empty restaurant during my lunch break
>waitress says she liked it
>say I haven't read any Capote before and I'm enjoying it
that's about it

>> No.6816181

Please, someone, somewhere must have the story of the guy who gave a tramp he met on the bus a red rubber band...

>> No.6816212


>> No.6816347

>be me 3 years ago
>be 19, working as a porter at a resort for the Summer
>job's boring as fuck
>I'm reading Kafka on the Shore
>cycler woman in her mid-to-late twenties comes up to me she's also read that Murahack book, as well as a few others
>she liked them
>I try to initiate a conversation about the themes in the book but it dies down quickly
>she leaves
>I go back to reading

>same job
>old man comes up for a talk
>we talk in short about how he knows the book and how his son translates from JP occasionally or something and he goes on about how he likes to play video games for some reason

That's all I've got.

>> No.6816435

This. The made up stories are funny, but being conscious of strangers opinions of what book you're reading/buying is batshit narcissistic. No one cares.

>> No.6816451

This. It smacks a little of that genderfluid video, all those people who are obviously biologically female pretending that people ask them if they are boys or girls. Get over yourselves, no-one cares.

>> No.6816454

I notice and have opinions of what strangers are reading and buying. Why shouldn't I expect the same?

>> No.6816483
File: 150 KB, 326x52, What The FUCK Did You Just....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I want to find someone to talk about my interests with and as much as I read for it's own enjoyment, in the back of my head I'm hoping someone will decide to strike up a conversation over whatever I'm reading.

If that makes me a narcissistic ass, then so be it.

>> No.6816489

I meant that a thread whinging about people being rude to you for reading in public, or for what you were reading is cringeworthy. I don't see why you shouldn't hope to strike a conversation about it.

>> No.6816512
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Just reread the OP. I getcha.

>> No.6816570

Stop pretending to be above every basic curiosity, you faggots

>> No.6816618



>> No.6816635

>be me
>driving in a bus, 5 hour trip
>reading Aquinas
>no one cares
Tfw no literary gf

>> No.6816729

in Houston area?

>> No.6816794

I read in public all the time and noone cares. Which is fine by me, because who wants to be disturbed while reading?

I do. Oh god, I'm so alone ;_;

>> No.6816814

>mfw realize people in cafe looking at me like a pervert
You were just nervous

>> No.6816824


>> No.6816825

>Hey is that Joyce you're reading?
>[wipes tears away] Y-yeah, you like Finnegan's wake?
>No, I'm just wondering what sort of loser reads this scat fetishist. Hey everyone! This guy likes eating farts!

>> No.6816836

I sit in the park reading every day hoping that someone will come and talk to me tbh

>> No.6816908


what anime is this from? seems familiar

>> No.6816921

I was reading The Tunnel by William Gass and I turned the page to find a giant swastika. A black dude was reading over my shoulder at the time.

>> No.6816924
File: 2.92 MB, 2610x3700, Worthwhile Animu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.6816932

Only had a reaction twice.

Once I was just starting to read some book by Eco (Opera Aperta I think) and a girl sat next to me in the bus and also began reading something (on psychology I think). After about 20 minutes she tried to start some convo but I was tired as fuck and not in the mood, so my answers were short. I also was about to get off the bus.

The other time was while I was reading a New York Review of Books, also in the bus - and next to the stop - and a grill seating in front of me asked where she could buy one of those. I said I was a subscriber but that she could possibly buy them in specifics bookstores.

That's all, I guess.

>> No.6816944

Around blacks, never relax.

>> No.6816946
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>King's Cross to Edinburgh
>reading Proust
>Vol. 3, The Guermantes Way
>get up to go to the bathroom, leave book on tray
>sit back down
>girl in next seat pipes up
>"that looks like an interesting book, what's it about?"
>"er... its hard to explain?"
>mfw I was actually asked to summarise Proust

>> No.6816951

>be 19
>summer job where i rent electric boat
>no client at all, read Anna Karenina in a week and got paid 300e to do it
>only an old woman told me that it was “a nice book“

>bring girl back at my place
>small room for uni where there's a bed, lots of books and my computer
>“you don't even have a TV here ? you really live like an old man“

>at a friends birthday
>morning after, everybody's still sleeping
>wake up, take some coffee and read a book outside while smoking cigarets
>qt appears
>“wtf how can you read in the morning“
>she sat at the table and talked about bullshit so I had to stop reading

fuck people

>> No.6816971

She just wanted the P

>> No.6816976


thanks, friend. still so much anime I haven't seen.

>> No.6816984

>typical packed London morning commuter train
>reading Anna Karenina
>girl opposite taps me on the knee
>look up
>"we're reading the same book"
>she holds it up to show me
>its Crime and Punishment
>smile and nod politely
>not sure if mental, confused or making an elaborate joke
>hide behind Tolstoy for rest of the journey

>> No.6817005


how fucking cute, great sense of humour, too. kind of sad your autism blew all your chances, she was a keeper.

>>not sure if mental, confused or making an elaborate joke

really, dude? she checked out your book, she was obviously facing the cover since you were reading it. unless she looked like she had down syndrome she was clearly joking.

>> No.6817014

>looking at my new copy of Gravity's Rainbow outside Waterstones
>girl comes out of the shop
>that's a big book
>f-for you

>> No.6817018

>not sure if making an elaborate joke
how can someone read literature and not recognize this obvious attempt at humor

>> No.6817034

most women are mentally ill. its usually a safe assumption if you are talking to a woman she's on some kind of anti-depressant or anti-psychotic medication

>> No.6817045
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it doesnt get more deluded than this, point & laugh

>> No.6817105

its NOT a passionate romance though.. it's literally just about how she was being raped but still kept happy

>> No.6817143

>be me
>walk in bus
>robe almost gets stuck in the door
>chains rattling
>people looking at me weird
>sit down
>check my phone but the battery is empty
>decide to do some light pre-class reading
>summon my tome of the Higher Mysteries and a few scrolls on old druidic spells and incantations
>get comfy and start reading while my vape heats up
>hear people freaking out in the back
>turn around to see what's going on
>some fag throws his iphone at me
>'what the fuck?'
>they all start throwing shit at me
>driver slams the brakes and pulls out a pitchfork
>start to sperg out
>need to get out of here
>tfw still in my 2edgy4u demonology phase and only pretending to study other non-pleb magiks
>clumsily summon a siegller imp
>it materializes with two huge cocks instead of arms
>proceeds to decapitate everyone on the bus by sieg heil-ing through their necks
>jizzing all over the place with every heil
>kick the fucker down the hellgate and close it up
>get out
>walk home all traumatized and shit
>completely forget about class

reading in public
even once

>> No.6817314



>> No.6817346
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>> No.6817396

yes, use google.

>> No.6817487
File: 6 KB, 251x238, 1310497258732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading The Iliad
>Girl asks me what it's about
>"The Trojan War"
>"Oh, does that have to do with the Holocaust?"

>> No.6817491


>> No.6817497

lurk moar

>> No.6817501
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Is this for real?

>> No.6817530

That was a thorough reking

>> No.6817535


>> No.6818260

Fuck off

>> No.6818282

Keks achieved though.

>> No.6818391

i live in a third world country and it is literally legal to fuck a 14 yrs old

>> No.6818422

>me at train station
>mfw 2 hour wait between trains
>read Farewell to Arms
>no one looks at me
>text goes blurry
>cant read the pages anymore
>buy glasses on amazon
>still lonely

>> No.6818625

>be at airport
>reading kafka
>qt 3.14 approaches
>"whatcha reading"
>"The Trial"
>"what's it about"
>"i don't know i just started"
>then she walked away from me and out of my life forever

Bonus story

>airport again
>doing crossword
>easy short one in local paper
>7/10 sits next to me
>lots of seats open at the gate
>"are you doing the crossword"
>"do you need help"
>"oh" she sighs
>pulls out phone and sits next to me silently until boarding
>30 minutes


>> No.6818912

she realized the true futility of war.

>> No.6819012

Not that guy, but what's the joke here?
They're both long, russian, and set in the 19th century?

>> No.6819185

Damn, this turned out to become one big ass thread.

>> No.6819273

for you

>> No.6819828

Act in haste, repent at leisure.

>> No.6819860

probably b8, but autism

>> No.6820073

>what are messenger bags