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/lit/ - Literature

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6810503 No.6810503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you like him, you are what's bad about /lit/.

>> No.6810521


>those fucking coffee sips and try-hard humour

>> No.6810530
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>if you enjoy listening to other people's literary views in a lighthearted manner, you're whats wrong with /lit/

thank god, i've been waiting for an excuse to stop coming here

>> No.6810533

don't listen to OP, he is trying to force this guy to turn into a meme

he's a genuinely nice dude and he doesn't deserve it

>> No.6810536


I don't even know who THAT is, nor do I care... I have books to read.

>> No.6810537

Who's that?

>> No.6810544

not a meme, but for me he represents snobby kids who run their mouths about reading classics.

Nothing he says is of any worth whatsoever. It feels like he babbles away 7 to 10 minutes and manages to say even less than your average quick goodreads review. And upon further watching, he is no different than snooty teenagers who say their favorite novel is 2666 and opine about popular cult indie groups.

>> No.6810551

OK, shill, at least tell us who he is so we can watch his boss, that is your end goal, right?

>> No.6810558

It's betterthanfood reviews, here https://www.youtube.com/user/booksbetterthanfood/videos

it's already a figure occasionally thrown around here, I have but a little effect on his popularity by mentioning him.

>> No.6810560

The guy seems like /lit/ personified at times, with all the good and bad things that entails. Still, better than the YA shit you usually get on booktube.

>> No.6810567

>it's only smellz

>> No.6810628

still an attention whore
real litizens write (critical essays/papers) than stroke their own ego babbling on about meme books in a tanktop with terrible facial hair

>> No.6810632

>male booktubers

Why is this a thing?

>> No.6810649

He's pretty cool. Watch his most recent video on his dad's death. It's a smacker in the feels.

>> No.6810652

If you post about him at all, you are what's bad about /lit/.

This includes me for even giving this thread attention.

>> No.6810653

I like him. 2666 was a good book, I don't see what anon's problem is. I only think he should do a bad review once in awhile, so far he has only done favorable reviews.

>> No.6810710

Sometimes I try to imagine watching a review of a book on youtube, and it cracks me up. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people?

>> No.6810712


>> No.6810719

it's the nature of all hobbies

eventually you lose the ability to enjoy something and can only derive enjoyment from watching other people enjoy it

>> No.6810725

who are the best male booktubers?

>> No.6810736

yes, it's called the Final or Cuck Stage of reading.

this very board for instance is populated by anons who don't read anymore, but get off under the impression that other anons do read. in fact, none of us do.

>> No.6810750

I've seen a couple of his videos. He never seem to have anything particularly insightful to say but he was also never annoying or blatantly wrong.

Inoffensive seems like a good word for his videos.

>> No.6810754

John Green

>> No.6810762


What if I don't know who he is?

>> No.6810770

I really didn't think I would enjoy his videos but he's alright. His Huysmans review is basically him saying "fuck that was so good" for eight minutes and I didn't even mind.

>> No.6810773
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If you like her, you are what's good about /lit/.

>> No.6810780

Post your favourites


>> No.6810791


agree. he seems pretty chill overall.

the previous anon itt is right, he is too inoffensive to really catch on as a point of hate on this board. his videos aren't brilliant, but they aren't trash either. for what they are they're actually pretty good. in the end all he is doing is trying to share quality lit with people and he's going about it in a witty and casual way. i don't get what the issue is here.

>> No.6810831

She's pretty great.

OP, he's no different to anybody else really. He's just somebody with an opinion like any of us. Take Anthony Fantano. He's just a guy with a camera and an opinion. Nobody is forcing you to watch them and obviously he has fans that like to so what's the harm?

Opinions only carry as much weight as you're willing to give them.

I'm not interested in other people's opinions on albums so I don't watch or read album reviews. I might read analyses to get a deeper understanding of them, but even then they can be completely subjective.

Making threads about things you dislike, while a staple of 4chan since its inception, are utterly pointless if they have no topic of discussion.

>> No.6811153

Can anyone name other booktubers who don't talk about YA Literature and aren't too obnoxious ?

>> No.6811189


>> No.6811194
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>disgusting materialist book-tubers

At least the guy in the OP talks about literature and doesn't just show how many books he owns

>> No.6811197

Nigga, she speaks ancient Greek.

>> No.6811198

>literally who
fuck off with the booktube threads, quit trying to force this meme, it's always pathetic.

>> No.6811222

Who is he? Scanned the thread can't find anything.

>> No.6811241
File: 57 KB, 600x600, CCvZNJQWMAIAlwX[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the meme Charlie Spgahetti
Nice trips btw

>> No.6811266

but op, christians don't like him

>> No.6811269


>> No.6811282

his interest in amoral outlooks

>> No.6811305

Judith Butler sure let zirself go.

>> No.6811361
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criminally underrated post

>> No.6811375

because the every female booktuber is the vapid, spoilt daughter of yuppies, showing you her YA (a misnomer if ever there was one) book hauls in her all pastel bedroom that looks like the set for a sexual assault scene in a LifeTime movie.

>> No.6811435

Seriously, if we were to get the female equivalent to better than food, some booktuber who isnt complete trash and is a girl, everyone would hop on her dick including me and thered be a genuine, longlasting waifu generation on /lit/.

>> No.6811442

You know why?
Because she would be RARE

>> No.6811467

I subscribe to a booktuber like this and I can tell you there's no way I would ever share her with you cunts

>> No.6811489

he's especially gold for the general/cultural context of the books he's reviewing; on his good reads he's leading Ulysses so I think that's his next video

better than food, I posit, is the only worthwhile booktuber

>> No.6811511

I will hubt you down you fuck

>> No.6811525

>he is too inoffensive to really catch on as a point of hate on this boards
>his videos aren't brilliant, but they aren't trashy either
>also he is not a woman

>> No.6811587

what's his goodreads account please ?

>> No.6811660

I would "fuck" him

>> No.6811665

kinda like /lit/ muh purchase muh bookshelf threads
/lit/ is becoming youtube 1.0

>> No.6811682

>/lit/ is becoming youtube 1.0
/lit/ is youtube's comment section, over and over.

>> No.6811897

>reading books
Out with you.

>> No.6811911

>watching booktubers for their opinions
We watch them for the qts.

>> No.6811969
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>one like/dislike encapsulates someone's entire personality
Thank goodness you've shown me how easy it is to figure people out.