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/lit/ - Literature

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6809986 No.6809986 [Reply] [Original]

literary confession thread

>> No.6809993

I'm scared to begin writing again; i keep coming up with excuses

>> No.6810002

I'm pursuing a philosophy BA

>> No.6810003

i read translations

>> No.6810013

What happened the first time?

>> No.6810017

I like Murakami

>> No.6810022

I deleted everything I ever wrote just yesterday

>> No.6810025

the only book to ever make me cry was ya fiction

cried harder than before or since

>> No.6810027

me too tbh

>> No.6810030

Without any cause, I start talking about pre-socratics to people, and most of the time they don't give a fuck but I just keep talking.

>> No.6810033

fucking normies man

>> No.6810036

haha that's cool

>> No.6810042

Yesterday a girl said, in a real cross manner "No one knows what the hell you're talking about..."
I was enlightening them with Parmenides.

>> No.6810044

I have not read many books.

>> No.6810046

butters, you just seem to keep posting in my threads:

well, I've just been too busy reading, which has prevented me from writing. I also haven't had any good ideas as of late that I'm serious enough to write about. ill probably start writing fiction again when i graduate from university next year, tbh

>> No.6810048

books are the only thing I enjoy in life

>> No.6810052

how will you learn if you shun that which you do not know?

>> No.6810053
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I've never read a footnote that told me something I didn't already know

>> No.6810054

I wasn't born to an ancient patrician family.

I'm a dirty Vandal.

>> No.6810056

I don't care about literature.

>> No.6810058

I didn't start with the greeks.

>> No.6810059

i don't actually read, my literature knowledge comes from /lit/ memes

>> No.6810063
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>mfw i can relate to this

>> No.6810103

It's okay, so do I.

>> No.6810512

I don't read poetry that does not rhyme (except some epics)

>> No.6810541

All that I know of philosophy is from wikipedia articles

>> No.6810548

I can't write a basic story without going overboard on purple prose.

>> No.6810576

Almost the same. Only cried harder at the end of The Man Outside.

>> No.6810578

And yet, you read all of them, right?

>> No.6810589

it's the same for me. When I'm drunk I start annoying my friends with literary and philosophical stuff

>> No.6810596

I oftenly annoy my friends. Remember that guy that crashed the plane a few months ago? I tried to convince them that he was good. I also tell them why they should commit suicide etc.

>> No.6810604

Yeah you do sound pretty irritating

>> No.6810625

Soz m9. English is my 30th language.

>> No.6810835

I've read the Hunger Games trilogy in a week and I loved it.

>> No.6810866

stop mansplaining

>> No.6810868

Whatever I wrote happened in real life.

>> No.6810887

when im drunk i recite poetry a lot, its probably pretty obnoxious but i cant help it.

>> No.6810889

keep reddit in reddit

>> No.6811044

I graduated with a philosophy BA, now I'm a mailman.

>> No.6811064

I read books

>> No.6811089

We all do we just pretend like we don't

>> No.6811124

Why, anon?

>> No.6811127

I have a crush on my English professor.


>> No.6811156

My friends call me "well-read" when, in fact, I have probably read less than 100 books in my life.

>> No.6812395

Gee, that's pretty bad.

>> No.6812404
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Catcher in the Rye will always be my favorite book and you can't change that.

>> No.6812421

I only speak 3 languages.


>> No.6812426

You deserve what you get for being so economically unaware

>> No.6812436
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>> No.6812439

I have an entire row on my bookshelf dedicated to "Greco-Roman Classical literature".

I haven't read one of those books in their entirety yet.

Feel like a fag.

>> No.6812465
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I'm pretty sure one of these days I'm going to snap just like Don Quixote from reading too many fiction books

>> No.6812473

I like audiobooks

>> No.6812484

i know that feel

>> No.6812486

I got bored as fuck when I read Lord of the Rings.

>> No.6812490

i hope your children wither and die inside you

>> No.6812544

i fall in love with fictional characters

>> No.6812902

I haven't read a single one of /lit/'s top 100.

>> No.6812916
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I'm too dumb for a STEM degree and not creative enough for a Humanities degree

>> No.6812933

i seriously expect myself to keep writing until i create something that is worthy of being called timeless and getting me enough fame and money to get by without having to do a menial job. I know this is unlikely but I really don't feel like I have something better to do. However, my faith in my own talent and devotion is fickle, and sometimes deserts me entirely, at which point I will sit around for weeks smoking weed and not writing. Furthermore I see writing as a spiritual thing and am therefore completely anachronistically fucked.

>> No.6812963

you guys are like wacky sensitive geniuses! haha when ever i get FUCKED UP DRUNK (haha just my life man) I start getting all philosophical!! good thing no one catches me reading my books or else theyd think i was a real geek!

>> No.6812996

I have yet to write something that I don't cringe at a week later and I unironically think that baneposting is hilarious

>> No.6813018

honestly he's pretty ok. He's a one-trick pony but he writes in a finely crafted albeit minimal style, and he occasionally stumbles into a good character. I actually quite enjoyed his last book.
It's sort of litterchure-lite.

>> No.6813021
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i also am drunk

>> No.6813036

>being this perpetually butthurt

>> No.6813037

I am in constantly imagining what it would be like to have a qt gf who actually reads lit, even if it is plebcore. It makes be depressed when I realize that I don't have a gf and I am still living at my parents despite having graduated with a social science degree (that I regret).

I do this to.

>> No.6813049

I don't think Communism is the necessary result of the material dialectic as it proceeds past Capitalism.

>> No.6813051
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You are just outlashing against aspects of your own life of which you hate. You hate the fact you cannot recite pre-Socrates or even Greek philosophy in general. You probably lack friends, and don't spend too much time drinking, but fantasize yourself as 'that guy' who is the the group's -Sherlock Holmes esc- intellect.

Get on it, or get off it brotha, your life is melting away one moment at a time.

>> No.6813073
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>> No.6813088

Saw Inside Out, realized I could never write anything that beautiful or make anyone feel anything at all.

I'm sure it's a common feeling. Maybe I'll be a bricklayer, instead.

>> No.6813101

I'm a grill and I enjoy it, sexism gives my life a diffuse sense of purpose, a sense of being in a constant game.
I read Nietzsche and decided I did not want to be reactive/passive so I started hitting on boys I was attracted to. I'm convinced this was the silliest effect his words have ever had.
I'm ashamed I come on lit, you people fucking suck and there's nothing but shit posting here. But I don't avoid it because it's fun, shitposts and memes about something I'm into give me some weird satisfaction. It's like a niché /b/.

So what you dislike is not their pretentiousness but rather their embarrassment about showing how smart and well read they are? You think they should talk about their stuff more openly and not as if it's a secret?
If so, I like you.

>> No.6813137

I find literary fiction boring beyond belief.

>> No.6813139


>> No.6813152

I'm dumb as shit but doing software engineering bro, it's just practice and technique.

>> No.6813164
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I often wonder why I still come to this board knowing that /lit/ is infested with plebs. People who hold the view that Bukowski's a better writer than Fitzgerald are a dime a dozen.

>> No.6813186

This board for everything but memes is complete and utter shit. Its nice for a quick laugh, but mostly its best to laugh at /lit/, and not along with it.

>> No.6813189
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For the longest time I was convinced that a man looking like David Foster Wallace wrote both Infinite Jest and Ulysses.

>> No.6813268

Well memed

>> No.6813399

Nigga I make bank and walk around all day listening to audio books. Not at all upset

>> No.6813443

I like to write Chivalric Romances

>> No.6813466

I like you.

>> No.6813484

>dime a dozen
Oh the hypocrisy.

>> No.6813543


> none of my first drafts are perfect

No fuckin' way?

>> No.6813554

I only got through like 100 pages of Infinite Jest, at that point I had a small existential crisis and mused at why I was forcing myself through this fucking drivel

>> No.6813743

Shh, me neither

>> No.6813932

It's all relative, anon.

>> No.6813938

That's...a perfectly reasonable reaction.

>> No.6813950

I haven't even begun the greeks tbh

>> No.6813972

I like Beowulf

>> No.6813981

>Not quitting when you get to that god awful pseudo-AAVE chapter.

It's like the first chapter is pretty good and then after that it is a rapid free fall into the depths of mediocrity and have-not-having-any-talentdom.

>> No.6813992

I fucking hate novels placed anytime past the 1900s

>> No.6814025


>> No.6814061

I am going to pursue a degree in journalism, despite suffering social anxiety, and being more or less incompetent with people. At least I can write, I think.

I could teach English or history, but I'm not very patient.

me too

>> No.6814076

Oedipus Rex is the pinnacle of plays and the Iliad is the pinnacle of literature.

>> No.6814088

I used to be a pleb, but now I am surrounded by patricians at my ivy league and they are convinced I am more of a patrician then they are. High society is a sham.

>> No.6814092

>patrician then they are

Holy fucking shit, kill yourself

>> No.6814103

I idealize and would love to live the literary lifestyle but I don't have the social skills to get by.

Tangentially, I don't and will never have the social experience to write something meaningful.

>> No.6814107

Greek works are far to explicit to be great literature in any meaningful contemporary way.

>> No.6814119

I'm finding a new appreciation for Norman Mailer. I'm an extravert, slightly egotistical and I like parties and alcohol, so was/did he. He got a Pulitzer without being like a faggy art kid, and fucked an impressive number of bitches. It gives me hope of making it in the literary world without being a disturbed individual.

>> No.6814122

Are you me?

>> No.6814139

>Inside Out
>literally one of the worst children's movies to come out in a decade
you dun goofed

>> No.6814143

>going to university 'for job prospects'
pretty pleb tbh

>> No.6814146

>this delusion

>> No.6814148

editing doesn't remove my cringing at it

>> No.6814149

stop plagarizing things from my life

>> No.6814162

>here's debt!
>here's money!
and what have you gained

>> No.6814166

>NEET detected

What's it like living in your mom's basement, champ?

>> No.6814168

>had more than enough life experiences to write an authentically human novel.
>everyone else "likes" my writing
>hate my own writing style too much to even edit my own drafts

>> No.6814173


i'm sure you'll become famous when you commit suicide and your books published post humously :^)

>> No.6814177

I don't live with my parents bub.
Funny note: it's not "parents' basement," but "mom's basement:" the emphasis on the mother so as to further infantilize the subject.
Also, who the fuck has basements anymore

>> No.6814185

>he isn't NEETking

>> No.6814462


Mailer was nuts


Inside Out is a masterpiece, it's about the death of innocence. Stop hating it because it's popular

>> No.6814471

hello wagecuck

>> No.6814542

I find this to be true but only concerning fiction.

>> No.6814545

>death of innocence
>loss of innocence
This theme is a meme, and it makes me vomit to hear it.
If no other story ever concerned it, there'd be no loss.

>> No.6814548

I am that anon and same here tbh, mostly

>> No.6814552

>more like Mormon Nailer, amirite?

>> No.6814842


They are probably laughing behind you're back tbh

>> No.6815043

My fiancée recommended I read The Fault In Our Stars. I had no idea who John Green was or had even heard of it. Well I cried. The only book to ever make me cry was the fucking fault in our stars

>> No.6815068

Well, I just thought the scene where the girl was skating was pretty. It's one of those things that seems quotidian until you actually see it happening. Then you realize how magical it is. A genuine natural symbol. Like the apple in Gregor's back in the Metamorphosis. Is there anything more everyday than an apple? I don't think so. But in the story, it takes on a tremendous significance. It was the same thing—and I realized I was incapable of doing that. Moreover, that movie actually made me feel something for someone. It was like old emotions I hadn't felt in years were pulled up. My stories just made me feel self-pity. So I took em all down.

>> No.6815069

Yeesh, that's tough. You understand what that means, right? Unqualified excommunication.

>> No.6815086

I wrote my first book when I was 4 years old. I could have been a prodigy but the last 22 years of my life have been consumed by videogames

>> No.6815089

for whom does the bell toll?

>> No.6815094 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6815099 [DELETED] 

U wut m8?

>> No.6815103

Is it because saying "I read 20th/21st century literature" doesn't make you sound as pretentious?

>> No.6815298

I'm similar, but was never close to prodigy level. Just pretty good.

>Adore reading and writing in my younger years.
>Devour books mercilessly, reading speed really high, concentration levels really good
>My teachers always compliment my writing as standing out
>Start to fall into puberty
>Spend three or four years just playing video games, maybe read Brisingr and had a dystopian fiction phase at 15 but that was it
>Get to 16/17 and realise my mistake
>Spend the past five years getting back to the reading speed I had

Took me a while to find what kind of adult books I was into, too, since I hadn't been reading in my formative years where people seem to just be really good at doing that. I got there eventually - always have three or four books on the go now, but it took a looong time...

The sad thing is my gf can read a book and a half a day without breaking a sweat but all she reads is teen/early-YA and BDSM books.

>> No.6815328

>Grown men
>on this board
>cried over TFIOS

are you fucking serious? Some kids get bum cancer , shag and then die and that makes you sad? That fucking cancer faggot got more action than 3/4 of this fucking board.

>> No.6815355


>wrote a childrens book when 8
>showed book at show and tell
>3rd grade teacher then proceeded to issue entire class "make a book project"
>drains all joy from making the book
>write new book with even better drawings
>teacher gives me low marks for it
>immediately throw both of them in the recycling

>> No.6815361

similar, i read a shitton of books as a kid and wrote a shitton too

difference was that instead of video games my life was consumed by my alcoholic, schizo helicopter parents that constantly forced me to do shit i didn't want to do

>> No.6815362

What is, then?

>> No.6815371

you need to get less retarded friends

>> No.6815434

All I read is fantasy and scifi though my favourite book is The Three Muskteers and Dumas is my favourite author

I also really like Warhammer Fantasy+40k books, especially Gotrek and

The Wheel of Time is a shit series

>> No.6815500

scared to fully pursue the arts due to what my family will think of me. So i continue to work as a fry cook while "looking for a career focused job" so I can put my 80,000 dollar degree to use.

>> No.6815507

kill her and then yourself

>> No.6815542

stephen king is my favorite author.

>> No.6815558

>80,000 dollar degree

That's a fucking absurd amount, why is it so much? What degree?

>> No.6815586

>I'm totally unaware that most people on wall street at the very least minor in philosophy if not major in it
This is you.

>> No.6815594

What country did you get that fucking degree in, america 3.0?

>> No.6815600

This, tbh

>> No.6815607

I read so I can consider myself cultured (don't care about others) and I treat it as a race to know as much and be as wisely read as possible. .

>> No.6815696

I didn't start with the Greeks, and now i'm too afraid to.

>> No.6815772
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I'm dyslectic.
Got my diagnose few days ago.

>> No.6815812
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I once jerked off to this image of Tess Gerritsen.

>> No.6815822

Same here. I don't think Wheel of Time being shit is super disputed, people I've talked to generally all agree that the first book is solid fantasy adventure, but it declines until you get to the 5th book territory where it has completely converted into a braid pulling/dress comparison epic.

>> No.6815878

>braid pulling/dress comparison epic

I laffed. Agreed the first book is pretty good but it just turns into some boring arsehole of a series that drags on like fuck. I read the first 3 books and the start of 4 iirc.

>whole book is leading up to something big and important
>get closer and closer to the thing
>near the end of the book
>the important thing is happening
>it's all over in a couple of pages
>repeat which each book

>> No.6815976

Whelp adding "girls who think they are well read" to my red flag list. Jesus Christ you sound obnoxious.

>> No.6816103

>Got my diagnose

It shows

>> No.6816185

I've become immensely detached from a lot of regular things around me. I hate going into grocery stores and seeing these fat shits around me, walking around with mouths open like they're too dumb to breath out their nose, while the intercom plays the top 40 singles which all happen to be passive aggressive lyrics by T. Swift and K. Perry.

I fucking hate literally every film that comes out nowadays and my friends (of which there are not many) have to really try to get me to go to movies.

I despise going to anything that has in essence been "normalized," like Chiles or IHOP, because it's all just part of some disgusting, unoriginal, bad-tasting chain that doesn't give a fuck about you.

The only things that make me happy at this point are finding books on my list, going to the gym where I tell myself I'm becoming better when in reality I'm just making myself an asshole, and this one girl I /might/ have a shot with.

Anticipation of things to come is so much better than having that thing.

>> No.6816197

you sound like me 5 years ago

>> No.6816198
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I know, it's awful.

>> No.6816209

Go for walks in the countryside m8 and just calm down.

I do agree with you about films being shit though.

>> No.6816226

You need a heavy dose of dfw and groundhog day

>> No.6816233

>walking around with mouths open like they're too dumb to breath out their nose

If someone's mouth is open, it's almost always involuntary. Their jaw may not be set very tight, or they might even have a deviated septum in their nose that makes only nose breathing difficult.

>> No.6816251

ive struggled with breathing problems my whole life to the point where i have gone under the knife on two occasions to try and fix it. but yes mouth breathing at least for me is completely involuntary

>> No.6816266

I don't know what good writing is. I rely so much on lists like 100 great novels to read before you try to impress drunk women at closing time.

I use literature to try to impress drunk women at closing time.

>> No.6816271

i know this feel
find a pretty girl and turn her against the world

>> No.6816668

Fair enough.

What I said was fucking childish. I'll get over myself soon enough.

>> No.6816671

How'd you get over yourself?

I realize I'm a prick. I just feel really unsatisfied with general culture. At least in Georgia. Atlanta's pretty cool.

>> No.6816677

even if this is true mouthbreathers still really annoy me.

like in elementary school whenever I had to walk by the mouthbreathing retards I would always hold my breath so as not to be infected by the nasty.

>> No.6816684

I call my penis PHALANX.

>> No.6816734

You'll feel right at home at /lit/. We only know good writing by peer pressure.

>> No.6816748
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I don't like stream of consciousness writing.

>> No.6816786

Pages 1-70 are brilliant, but there's some 'wtf is this all about?'
70-250 are great, but there's still a lot 'of is this all about?'
250-450 has way less 'I dont get the references and convoluted plot shit' but it's objectively most boring
450-980 is pure brilliance and 0 'oh wtf is this about'
if anyone cares

>> No.6816799

This is actually true

>> No.6816834

I've read more erotic-centered books than not-erotic-centered books in my entire life.

>> No.6816837
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I'm at an expensive College for literature

I've never had a job

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing

>> No.6816840

I enjoyed reading asoiaf

>> No.6816841


>> No.6816845

Do you mean you have a literotica account?

>> No.6816852


>> No.6816861

i'm a phil major who read Wittgenstein and i've ruined myself

>> No.6816869

I don't read fanfics, or go to Literotica. Just yesterday I've finished House of Dolls for the second time. I don't know, I just really love De-Nur, read all of his books.

>> No.6816913

Is this a temporal 'and'? Ruined BECAUSE of majoring in Philosophy or reading Wittgenstein? Or for some other, undisclosed, reason?

>> No.6817514
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>> No.6817621

you wanna work on wall street?

what is an economically aware degree?

>> No.6817656

you have the ability to go the the grocery store and literally pick up food at will.

you have the choice of going to a movie theatre and watching a fucking film on a giant tv.

you have the freedom to go the the gym and improve your health

all of this and you just want to complain and look down on people. Be thankful for what you have and life is so much more pleasent.


>> No.6817658

I sometimes wonder if I'm just reading so I can amass this collection of books I've read that I'll never tell anyone about but be able to look back on and feel accomplished or somehow superior for having read.

>> No.6817729

DFW's commencement speech This is Water is exactly about this.

>> No.6817752

i haven't finished a book in over a year.

>> No.6817825

>being this phony

>> No.6817834


>> No.6817874
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I had a relationship with a grill like this. It was a disaster; her understanding of sexual dynamics led her to be constantly manipulative, and she would guilt trip me for implying her role for her but was perfectly content to berate me lest I ever do anything unmanly, and I'm a rugby-playing Olympic-weightlifting alcoholic, so I'm obv self-conscious about that stuff.

>> No.6817930

Maybe it's his favorite because he's MK-Ultra.

>> No.6818058

Every now and then when I am drunk I recite the last few lines of Baudelaire's "Be Drunk" if the situation calls for it

>> No.6818081
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The Brothers Karamazov is boring long winded fucking trash, so is Don Quixote and Frankenstein and The Jungle and Heart of Darkness, and just about every other literary "classic" I've forced myself to slog through.

>> No.6818086

I barely read anymore. I've been reading a few pages a night of Burton's Arabian Nights for nearly a year, and that's it.

>> No.6818106

that was painful anon

how did you come to be so pleb?

>> No.6818121

The same way you became an annoying pretentious dullard anon.

>> No.6818153

As with most things left wing/Marxist, they seem to completely ignore double standards when it doesn't affect them.

>> No.6818161

damn u got me rustled

>> No.6818163

thats an amerifat degree without financial aid... 20 grand a year

>> No.6818170

i know that feel

>> No.6818178

land of the free

>> No.6818187

I love Harry Potter, and I am a firm believer that the whole series is a work of art - similar to that of Great Gatsby, Lord of the Rings, and more. JUST SAYING.

>> No.6818198

i once read (and have re-read) a 1.5 million word harry potter fanfiction and considered it better storytelling than most high-literature. for a 1.5 million word story to be incredibly tight and cohesive is really impressive.

>> No.6818201

severely underrated post

>> No.6818218

"Funny note: it's not "parents' basement," but "mom's basement:" the emphasis on the mother so as to further infantilize the subject."

Brilliant observation kiddo

>> No.6818255

Souds pretty rough anon
it causes you a lot of trouble, right?

>> No.6818283
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I don't read regularly anymore. I haven't even touched a tiny iota of classic books, and only skimmed the surface of what my school curriculum included.

>> No.6820134
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Stop comparing yourself to other things. Your writing is your writing and other writing is just other writing. Makes me sad seeing this, Anon.

>> No.6820166

I think The Sopranos is equal a work of art to that of Moby Dick or any of the other best American novels.

>> No.6820193

>read more comics than books
>spend more time on /lit/ and /r9k/ than reading
>consider myself a writer even though the only things I've written in the last three months is lyrics to folk songs
>currently reading Naked Lunch and feeling like a try hard edgy faggot because I just finished rereading Trainspotting two days ago
>tfw still haven't shot up heroin

>> No.6820196

What's the most times you've had to read the same passage over and over because you're not paying attention?

For me I'd say like 6.

>> No.6820318

The only philosophy book I've read is The Ego and His Own because when I first came to this board I got the impression that it was the most relevant philosophy book.

I enjoyed it

>> No.6820381

I cried at the death of lizaveta ivanovna for longer than I'd like to admit

>> No.6820386

STEM field or business specific like brewery, photography, journalism

>> No.6820531

You better go and get your writings back, you twat.