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6806791 No.6806791 [Reply] [Original]


Harper Lee, author of "To Kill A Mockingbird" has released the first chapter of Mockingbird's sequel, "Go Set A Watchman", digitally

Why she took so long to release the book is anybody's guess, but apparently she's been working on it since around Mockingbird was completed

>> No.6806812

Why it took so long is because Capote wrote TKaM

>> No.6806811


You think the agents and publishers timed it nicely with the Trayvon, Mike Brown and Dylan Roof shit going off just so that they can generate a lot more hype for the book and not make it be seen as nothing more than a quick cash in?

>> No.6807017

>55 years after the first book
>tfw a huge portion of her readers are dead and never got to see the sequel
>tfw one of your favorite authors might release a book's sequel after your death too

>> No.6807080

First chapter isn't that good- far less polished than Mockingbird and the characters don't seem fully consistent so far with how they were in Mockingbird (also, calling it now, Jean cucks Henry).

>> No.6807090


This is why it's best to have favourite authors who are dead


I'd be pretty surprised if Scout ends up going full American History X.

>> No.6807097

Why should I care again?

Besides the whole "le burger nation force reading", TKaM is a boring hack book with nothing interesting to say.

>but muh nignogs

>> No.6807124

This is gonna be shit, nobody cares about leaving an immortal legacy anymore, bitch needs money

>> No.6807135

>In 1957, when she was 31 years old, Harper Lee submitted her first attempt at a novel to the publisher J.B. Lippincott.

>Titled ‘Go Set a Watchman,’ it was set in the ’50s and opened with a woman named Jean Louise Finch returning home to Alabama. Ms. Lee’s editor found the story lacking but, seizing on flashback scenes, suggested that she write instead about her protagonist as a young girl. The result was a Pulitzer Prize-winning classic: ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’

>‘Go Set a Watchman’ will be published on Tuesday. It has undergone very little editing.

At least they're being upfront about how bad it is.

>> No.6807141

publication has been planned for ages so it is very unlikely

it's more likely because Harper Lee is 89 and in poor health and wants it to be published before she falls off the perch

>> No.6807928

>bitch needs money
No she doesn't.

>> No.6807950

She actually wrote it BEFORE To Kill A Mockingbird

>> No.6807962

NY Times just released a review.

>Shockingly, in Ms. Lee’s long-awaited novel “Go Set a Watchman” (due out Tuesday), Atticus is a racist who once attended a Klan meeting, who says things like “the Negroes down here are still in their childhood as a people.” Or asks his daughter: “Do you want Negroes by the carload in our schools and churches and theaters? Do you want them in our world?”


>> No.6807979

try to write your sentences not like a retard next time bro

>> No.6808002

>write middling book about why racism is bad
>win Pulitzer Prize

>> No.6808037
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>One Twitter user said she found the excerpt "problematic," another was unimpressed with its description of Jean Louise, a former tomboy, as "easy to look at."

>> No.6808038

He copypasted from the fucking article. Are you retarded, bro?

>> No.6808052
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>The depiction of Atticus in “Watchman” makes for disturbing reading, and for “Mockingbird” fans, it’s especially disorienting. Scout is shocked to find, during her trip home, that her beloved father — who taught her everything she knows about fairness and compassion — has been affiliating with raving anti-integration, anti-black crazies, and the reader shares her horror and confusion. How could the saintly Atticus — described in early sections of the book in much the same terms as he is in “Mockingbird” — suddenly emerge as a bigot?

It's gonna be hilarious to see the reactions of people to this.

>> No.6808060

my fucking sides
>Shockingly, in Ms. Lee’s long-awaited novel “Go Set a Watchman” (due out Tuesday), Atticus is a racist who once attended a Klan meeting, who says things like “the Negroes down here are still in their childhood as a people.” Or asks his daughter: “Do you want Negroes by the carload in our schools and churches and theaters? Do you want them in our world?

>> No.6808076

>/lit/ on Mockingbird - Harper is a shitty writer with SJW axegrinding
>/lit/ on Watchman - Harper is GOAT with Atticus redemption

>> No.6808130

This better have a fucking good explanation. Also reminder that this book was written first so it's actually TKaM Atticus that is inconsistent with the personality if Atticus here

>> No.6808139

That's the explanation right there. Watchman shows you the original Atticus, while Mockingbird has the revised 'nice' version.

Should be some notable heartbroken booktube/tumblr/twitter posts out of all of it.

>> No.6808149

/lit/ is not /pol/ you fucking philistine

>> No.6808154


It's obvious that she is trying to say that racism can pervade even the best of people, so his daughter changes his mind in the end by reminding him of teh values he taught her.

>> No.6808157

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

>> No.6808434

>Already worth roughly 30m
>Is in assisted living
>This was written before her first book
Yes she just needs the money it all makes sense

>> No.6808461

The explanation is that Harper Lee is not in control of her decisions; people from her town have been saying for years that her mental powers have declined, and she's being manipulated by her lawyer, Tonja Carter.

>> No.6808487

Didn't Harper Lee's sister die a couple of years ago? No coincidence that the Watchman manuscript suddenly gets 'found' shortly after.

The Atticus stuff does make the book sound a whole lot more interesting than before, though, simply because it makes him a more realistic character for the American South in the mid 20th century. I didn't really buy the whole saintly portrayal of him in Mockingbird.

>> No.6808496

she's a one hit wonder who's first book wasn't that good.

I wish marketing shills would stop making this fucking thread

>> No.6808512
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>naming your kid Atticus

>> No.6808528

they did a state investigation that said Lee was capable of making her own decisions. Still inexplicable as to why she'd want this published

>> No.6808546

It is the biggest deal in publishing in years, shrouded in mystery, and the 'sequel' to a book everyone has read

Try harder, you can't.

>> No.6808549
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I suppose that counts as proof.

>> No.6808593

Mockingbird 2: Atticus Gets Redpilled

>> No.6808594

I get it you really want to shovel your shitty book or your marketing firm will fire you, but there are four fucking threads about it right now. This has convinced me to not buy it I will be stealing a copy for everyone I know.

>> No.6808616

>people were actually getting their hopes up on a 90 year old hack, who's been dining out on a mediocre novel for two third of her life

>> No.6808677

Except this is being published unedited so she wrote a Atticus like this back in the 50's,her current mental state has nothing to do with it

>> No.6808694

proof that she's a senile old hack unable to tell upsides from ass-sides you mean, yeah

>> No.6808704

le fishy drink

>> No.6808752

Never even read Mockingbird but if this makes the social justice crowd mad I will be a happy man.

>> No.6808861

>Interestingly, the trial results in a guilty verdict for the accused man, Tom Robinson, in “Mockingbird,” but leads to an acquittal in “Watchman.”

>this is seriously happening

>> No.6808897

They'll find something #problematic about it, even if the 1960s equivalent of a SJW wrote it.

It'd be funny if it turned out to be literally /pol/: the book and trashed niggers.

>> No.6808921

>implying Atticus isn't a fucking great name

>> No.6808939

>inb4 lost works discovered

>> No.6808961

That literally ruins the entire point of TKaM

>> No.6808968

>implying my name hasn't haunted me throughout my life
>implying it has made me a successful lawyer
>implying it hasn't spawned countless conversations about "how proud" I must be or "how amazing" To Kill a Mockingbird is.
Fuck you. Just fuck you.

>> No.6808983

Yeah, fair enough.

On it's own, it's a great name though.

>> No.6809051

Legally change your name if it bugs you so much.

>> No.6809198

>her current mental state has nothing to do with it

Of course it does. If she didn't want this book released then it means she's unhappy with her portrayel of the characters in the novel.

I think the best way to view this novel is as if a band released some early demos: not representative of their later works, but give you an idea of how they started.

>> No.6809354

>Your dad didn't name you Arwen.

Everyone was normal and thought it was "unique" until the fucking films released and made her a high profile character.
I grew up in Alabama and just moved out of there a few months ago. People are looking forward to the books with cautious optimism, mostly because they believe it is a cash grab by the lawyer who controls most of her assets.

Got to meet her too, by winning an essay contest I did for a scholarship more than a chance to meet her . Back in 2006 when I met her she was pretty sharp despite health issues. So I don't know if she wanted to release this book to demonstrate the writing process? I dunno.

>> No.6809355

I think she's more proud than anything
>works heart and soul into making first book she wants to publish
>has a publisher look over it
>uncertain of what they'll think but still hopeful nonetheless
>publisher reads it
>"lmao dis is shit, write about dat nigga's childhood instead"
>"o-oh okay, I guess I'll just put this away then ;-;"
>manuscript of original book resurfaces years later
>people are excited for it and genuinely want to read it
>finally after all these years, others can read and appreciate her original work
Wouldn't you be excited, anon?

>> No.6809360

>Wouldn't you be excited, anon?
If she were at all passionate about writing, she wouldn't have been a one-and-done fraud for the majority of her life.

>> No.6809378

This. I'm going to pirate it day one and actively distribute it as well. I can't even find YA threads to mock on reddit right now because of you faggots.

>> No.6809385

She was writing a true-crime book in the 70s.


>> No.6809387

>Lee may be one of the most famously elusive – and unproductive – writers in America, but she didn't stop writing after To Kill a Mockingbird. There is an unfinished true crime novel she began writing 30 years ago, as well as correspondence and other papers. "There could be 10 more novels she has secretly scheduled for publication after her death," wrote The Telegraph's Gaby Wood in her piece on the troubled publication history of Go Set a Watchman. "It’s just a matter of how Lee feels about her work at the end of her life, and what provision she makes for vultures."
She was known to not like media and publicity. So I'm assuming that when going into hiding after TKaM, she must've written a bunch of works but didn't want to publish them because she was afraid of the attention she'd get. So now that she's almost dead, she's okay with releasing them at some point

>> No.6809394

So what's the story here?
>She was known to not like media and publicity
Neither does Pynchon but we'd be all the lesser if he simply stopped with V.

I know this is a conspiracy but I really do not believe Harper Lee actually wrote To Kill A Mockingbird.

>> No.6809409
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Another early review:

>Then Jean Louise makes a shocking discovery that turns her world and the book on its head: she finds a pamphlet on Atticus's table called The Black Plague. Soon after she sneaks into a Maycomb County Citizens' Council meeting, where a man named Grady O'Hanlon spews appalling anti-black vitriol. Henry and Atticus, council members, listen passively.

>> No.6809424

>it provides valuable insight into the generous, complex mind of one of America's most important authors.
It troubles me that people actually think things like this.

>> No.6809425

>your favorite author is alive during your lifetime

>> No.6809465
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>this meme again

>> No.6810337


Please elaborate.

>> No.6810446

There's a theory that Truman Capote actually wrote To Kill a Mockingbird.

The theory has persisted because Lee hadn't published anything else. She supposedly was working on another novel in the 60s named The Long Goodbye (guess she'd never heard of Raymond Chandler) and was working on a true crime book in the 70s named The Reverend. No idea whether she actually completed either, but if she wants to see the Capote theory dissipate, she'd really need to publish those at least.

I'll be curious to see how the Capote theorists take Go Set a Watchman - will they see it as his work, or decide it was Lee's inferior original which Capote then reworked as Mockingbird?

>> No.6810480


Capote's work sounds nothing like Lee's. Lee's work is actually pretty simple, especially technically, even just comparatively. It speaks clearly to an issue in American thought, puts forward a couple of striking figures, though, and so it abides. Take it and compare it to something like Invisible Man and you end up with something not unlike a good, quotable, somewhat singular comedy, say, Austin Powers, to Dr. Strangelove.

>> No.6810874


I don't buy into the Capote theory. But a good writer is capable of writing in different styles...

>> No.6811167


>> No.6811171

Fucking bookshop owner was that close to breaking embargo for me because the family knows her and I live out of town but had second thoughts.


>> No.6811589

I want to cum inside Jem

>> No.6813371

Alternatively, Mockingbird is from the viewpoint of a young child who idolises her father.

Watchman is from the viewpoint of a jaded twenty-something.