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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 76 KB, 640x479, 2014-12-07 19.16.50..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6806539 No.6806539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread had probably been to death, but I need advice for a notebook, since I've been in rehab I've been asked to journal and all I was able to get was a moleskine I'm not to impressed with, I try to write as to not push down so hard but either way I can see and feel the imprint on the following pages what should I use instead? I should also mention I can only get Bic pens.

>> No.6806560

Jesus, modern art is fucking terrible.

>> No.6806562

I have a small black binder with blank pages I got from Muji. It fits in my coat pocket and because it's a binder sort of thing there's no problem writing right to the edge of the page, and you can tear pages out neatly if you need to.
I think it's this one
Muji's pretty good for that sort of thing.

>> No.6806585

I find it pretty provocative and interesting.

Care to elaborate on your opinion?

>> No.6806586

what would you know

>> No.6806589

there's a snake crawling out of a vagina apple. Enough said

>> No.6806594

You do know that its not just about that though, right?

>> No.6806601

...is that a vagina apple?

I'm guessing it symbolizes rape through analogizing it to the tempting of Eve, right?

>> No.6806603


found the plen

>> No.6806608

It's art nigger. You're a dumbass if you can't see the blatant symbolism.

>> No.6806609

its meant to be some edgy representation of the origination of sin. Who gives a fuck

>> No.6806612

Op here, who's gives a shit what the picture means anyone got a answer for a decent journal?

>> No.6806618

literally no one who comments on art uses the term 'symbolizes'. you're a plen

>> No.6806619

>I'm guessing it symbolizes rape
Pretty sure it "symbolizes" the misogynistic Christian doctrine of the female being the origin of man's fallen nature.

>> No.6806620

Do you like bound, hardcover ones more or the booklet-ones?

>> No.6806622
File: 173 KB, 480x678, UNTIL PISS BLOOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol found another of the aurtist's sculptures

I think it's supposed to represent a woman squirting during sexytimes

>> No.6806626

Either lurk or go away. Either way, stop posting here.

>> No.6806628

Hardcover, actually not sure, I've only used a hardcover.

>> No.6806632
File: 12 KB, 600x576, 1df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6806633

I actually like this pic tbh.

>> No.6806640

The evil came from the woman. The woman is the forbidded fruit.

>> No.6806641

I don't exactly care for interpreting art, so I guess I'm a 'plen' or whatever.

If the word ain't 'symbolism' then what the fuck is it called?

Through a representation of sex? I'm not buying it.

save it it's all yours tbh

>> No.6806651

>save it it's all yours tbh
I already took the liberty to be quite honest.

>> No.6806653

Use your labtop to type?

If you don't want it just saved a doc on your harddrive, you can always print it out and put it into a binder or something.

>> No.6806655

>Through a representation of sex? I'm not buying it.

you seriously can't tell that sculpture is about christianity? personally, i don't like it because it's too fucking heavy handed. great art is subtle.

>> No.6806656

reddit please go

>> No.6806657

it's not 'symbolic'

>> No.6806658

The snake is phallic here and it penetrates.

The snake is what tempted Adam to eat the fruit. It is what made him listen to Eve.

It's about how Adam's trousersnake is the cause of original sin. Basically 'lads thinking with their dicks is the problem'. Not misogynistic.

>> No.6806661

>great art is subtle.

haha since when

>> No.6806675

It's kind of fucking obvious that it's a blatant allusion to the Bible. I'm just not buying that it is a representation of misogyny through woman being the origin of sin because they're little reference to Adam.

We might be just taking this more than it probably was meant to be taken as. It's might just be what this anon said: >>6806609 and just be a representation of Eve's temptation through an allusion to seduction.

Then what is the fucking word then if we aren't going to use 'symbolize'?

>> No.6806677

This thread is so fucking 4chan I swear.

>> No.6806684

it's not about the word - the artwork is not a symbol

>> No.6806687

it could be birthing symbolism, as well.

>> No.6806707

So you're just sperging out because a visual allegory isn't wholly synonymous with "symbolism" meaning being a literal "symbol" to concretely represent a specific phenomena rather than it's definition (what I'm using) being as a loose allusion to an abstract concept.

or whatever. stop with ur autism. I know it isn't a bloody "symbol"

>> No.6806715

>its not symbol


>> No.6806719

dis nigga gettin angry over nothin

>> No.6806722

says mr furious

>> No.6806725

>a person on 4chan used bad words, so he must be angry at me ;_;

>> No.6806738

says mr ironious

>> No.6806763

It's not aesthetically pleasing, it represents nothing of value, it stirs no emotion in me, it doesn't require a lot of skill, its based on shock.

>> No.6806766

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.6806775


found one

>> No.6806776

I like the other wooden sculpture someone posted better, it has a lot more going on. i think the op pic is just too in your face, there's really nothing left to think about.

>> No.6806780

Except that the snake doesn't penetrate the vagina, it proceeds from it. This is in line with the Christian idea that sin proceeds from the female sex.

>> No.6806807

it'd be the other way around if it were proceeding from it. this is penetration

>> No.6807065
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x1684, camus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its based on shock.

>> No.6807083

Vaginas are shocking? What the fuck is this, Victorian England?

>> No.6807109

pic alone is garbage
but pic + OP post is fucking hilarious

>> No.6807125

>Adam's dick caused Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.


>> No.6807137
File: 580 KB, 1631x1571, 1432294026575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like vaginas

>> No.6807142

Nah, it's saying that sexuality is the tree of knowledge of good and evil and adolescence is the fall from grace. Marriage is a reunion with god.

>> No.6807147

because tasty dick, get it?

>> No.6807151

>its based on shock.
You're shocked by that? Really?

>> No.6807152

>its based on shock.

Christposting has surely jumped the shark by now.

>> No.6807166

Adam wanted to fugg Eve, that's why he ate the fruit. It's only after Adam ate it that God got mad.

>> No.6807170

He was married to eve

If he fugged her in his sleep who was gonna stop him

>> No.6807178

God was jelly tbh. He didn't have a bitch.

>> No.6807232

how have I never heard of this place
seems cool
shipping is like 6 bucks to germany though, fuck that

>> No.6807242

God is a beta, the one time he got a girl pregnant he didn't even stick his dick in her

>> No.6807250

look into leuchtturm1917 op, it's like an alternative to moleskine
otherwise just go to the stationery shop and pick something out, shit

>> No.6807255


I'm confused, why is this on /lit?

>> No.6807267

I own: http://www.midori-japan.co.jp/tr/english/trnotebook/products/

You should just get: http://www.amazon.ca/Rhodia-Dot-Black-8-25-Notebook/dp/B003UCL77U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1436554623&sr=8-1&keywords=rhodia+dot+pad because they're cheap and the paper is the best out there.
>I can only get Bic pens.
Vaginas aren't attractive past a girl's early teens

>> No.6808147
File: 420 KB, 499x277, c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6808162

>Vaginas aren't attractive past a girl's early teens
uh gross pedophile gross???

>> No.6808226
File: 388 KB, 958x539, 1434615469422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6808304

I'm not exactly allowed to have shit delivered here, bro. So I'm stuck with bics, I said journal not some dotted shit but thanks.
The fuck is a stationary shop.

>> No.6809891

>on /lit/
>not knowing what modern art is
>thinking OPs pic is modern art

how does is feel to be so dumb?

>> No.6809900

>early teens
you can buy better pens if you can buy a notebook.
>I said journal not some dotted shit but thanks.
It can be used as a journal.

>> No.6809903

On a somewhat similar topic, I've lost partial rotation in my right hand due to a compound fracture and can't seem to write a goddamn thing without smearing everything I wrote into illegible smears. I've tried 'no-smear' inks and none of them seem to work at all, ever. Pencils are out, too. Am I confined to typing for the rest of my life or do I have some alternative?

I did also try gloves, but I really couldn't get over the weird clutching sensation they press on you.