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File: 14 KB, 300x300, IJ Audio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6805728 No.6805728 [Reply] [Original]

>tripping face off
>listen to this

best book ever written.

>> No.6805730

>my standards are shit

>> No.6805742

>he fell for a meme

>> No.6805743

what does this even mean? relative to what?

>> No.6805754
File: 196 KB, 569x451, 1425582816555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best book even written
>he dont even read it

>> No.6805906

I personally enjoy Infinite Jest very much. At this stage in your life, however, you should have realized that statements like "best book ever written" are useless and, at best, serve only to reflect your personal, subjective opinion.

>> No.6805908


he's a kiddie who does drugs to enhance his reading experiences, what do you expect from him.

>> No.6805915

I dunno, I kinda see your point but i also disagree with it.
Infinite jest isnt a book you really appreciate "in-the-moment" so much as in-reflection.
I mean, its funny some times but other than that it's insights are all kinda "behind the curtain" so to speak.

>> No.6805929

drugs are bad wah wah, you are the kiddie.

Sounds like a good idea OP will try, hsvenmt tripped in a long time tho.

>> No.6805983

>I read deaper meaning from a temporary and arbitrary hijacking of my neurotransmitters.

>> No.6806011

-Appeal to nature

Is this bait? If not, you should look in the mirror and think about yourself and life again.

>> No.6806059


Enjoy your poison, degenerate.

>> No.6806062
File: 31 KB, 612x380, David-Wallace_dl_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DFW openly said that IJ was't meant for being read out loud

>> No.6806070


I think that was what he meant.

>> No.6806073

How does the endnotes work as Audio?

>> No.6806154


>> No.6806428

OP here

typical 4chan dickswinging anonymous belittlement aside, I have read the book and don't recommend listening to it before you have read it, the text in the book is dense and inspires thought that may lead to distraction and this is no ideal for an audiobook scenario, along with the obvious footnote situation.

I also don't recommend the use of hallucinogenics for people who aren't positive that they are mentally prepared to have their perspectives and perceptions of life turned on their ass, particularly LSD. If you're inexperienced with hallucinogens, get to know them in the daytime, in nature, and not indoors at night with a book written by a man who killed himself.

That aside, and I was not able to coherently explain this when making this thread, as I was tripping pretty hard when I made this thread, the vocal performance of the work paired with a strong detachment from social constructs caused by LSD proved to be an amazing experience. This was done while coming down off of peaking, where I was lying in my room trying to figure out how to translate into text a large series of concepts made clear through LSD though usually are muddled by emotion and society. I was turning on various audiobooks that I had, trying to find something I could focus my mind on to help calmly bring myself out of "the realm". After maybe twenty minutes of Isaac Asimov jumbling together a bunch of Jetsons style sci-fi within an uninteresting conversational framework, I decided to turn on Infinite Jest, which I have regarded as one of my favorite novels among a small variety, such as VALIS and The Castle and other books I consider to be bare naked mental vomit, something that I enjoy.

The way this book shines a light on the human mind and the way society functions is absolutely genius. It's ability to bring about introspection within the reader is unrivaled as far as I am aware of. The title is perfect. I wish I had the vocabulary to explain the intricacies of this book illuminating fundamental aspects of the human condition within modern society, in raw clarity.

In hindsight this thread is fucking stupid but I was tripping my face off at the time I made it. All I can say is: LSD+infinite jest audiobook after being experienced in both, thumbs up, highly recommend the experience.

recs on literature to listen to while hallucinating, I suppose? definitely a difficult topic, especially for people who don't have a basic understanding of psychedelics and/or metaphysics. Isaac Asimov was nasal drawl, for instance.

>> No.6806435
File: 710 KB, 1044x495, lit trilogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole meme trilogy is good when you're high/drunk.

>> No.6806445

again ad hominem and no real facts

No more Mr. Nice Guy from here, you fucking degenerate piece of shit. Show me how LSD is poison, and how the experiences from Drugs have any less revelance then those from books or any other activity. Every single action and feeling is based on chemical reaction, and basically a hhijacking of your hormones.
It doesen't matter how a experience works, but what it brings. If eating fecal matter gave you the answer to all universe, would you still call it degerative just because it's fecal matter.

But I can guess, you are jus the kind of ultra loser, that only participates in Online activity because hes such a loser in real life, but the ultra loser, is a loser even in the online section.

Was you father alcoholic and did he beat mommy, or did you have once a bad experience when smoking weed with the cool kids? or are you just a pussy that cant let them self go for once? You act all hard and migh, like nietsche but at the end of the day you are cucked by your own self, enjoy having your first time with a whore and then dying of syphillis. pathetic piece of shit, never probably ever taken something but talk about it as of you had experience.

>> No.6806450

>aren't positive that they are mentally prepared to have their perspectives and perceptions of life turned on their ass

As someone who's done plenty of hallucinogens, shut the fuck up

>he relaxes his body to enhance his reading experience
>what a child

>> No.6806461

>As someone who's done plenty of hallucinogens, shut the fuck up

agreed, only thing is dont do halliconegens if you have have mental ilness, or and chance that you might have them. (except adhd and simmiliar stuff)

>> No.6806482

>As someone who's done plenty of hallucinogens, shut the fuck up
You could be more clear on this instead of being contrary.

I say this because an acquaintance of mine killed himself during an LSD trip a several years ago, and I have seen drugs rip apart the psychological foundations that some people have, it just doesn't end well for people who aren't either psychologically grounded or enough the opposite that being flipped around is just silly and fun. I've seen some really dark stuff brought on by psychedelics in a quite a few different people, just trying to give a little bit of a warning towards the young, impressionable people who might be browsing this board, deciding they're going to go eat some "acid" and read infinite jest for some kind of trippy boggling experience or something. Denying that hallucinogens can be dangerous is asinine.

schizophrenia goes well with acid. "Don't you understand what I was trying to tell you?" comes to mind.

>> No.6806508

you cant know if you are prepared if you havent done it, just dont be suicidal should e enough,and not everyone gets their perspections and perceptions on life shifted so hard while tripping.

Sorry for your loss, but your anecdotal evidence doesent mean anything. LSD is pretty safe for especially since it's rather scarce in most areas of the world.

just dont trip too often and youll be fine.

>> No.6806753

I have some severe bipolar, I've done acid shrooms research chemicals etc etc, since 16 and tripping has never been anything for me

I get that doing it all the time could fuck you over but that's with any mind altering drug

>> No.6806876

>tfw you will never unironically use the phrase 'drug-addled babblings'

>> No.6806878
File: 535 KB, 500x391, 1431273860878_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm actually going to read a whole paragraph of your drug-addled babblings.

Stay mad, scum.

>> No.6806895

Yeah, it's a real mind = fuck am I right? It's a real my face when am I right?

>> No.6806961

The quick solution would be to do some drugs