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/lit/ - Literature

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6803771 No.6803771 [Reply] [Original]

Is he a /lit/izen?

>> No.6803782

idk, got to have good taste though if he likes Pessoa

>> No.6803789

seems like a nice guy but his humor is kind of inescapably-self-concious, try-to-hard cringy

>> No.6803798

Don't bring him down to those levels; I don't know if he'd want to be one but he's a pre good singer

>> No.6803806
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, 1414091229400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he likes death gripz so he at lest comes to 4chan

most of his vids are /lit/ core

>> No.6803811

he likes swans too

>> No.6803821

I think you have to be socially retarded to think his humor is cringy; I think any shitty attempts he makes at humor are consciously shitty

>> No.6803850

Both of these bands are popular outside of 4chan. Imagine being so retarded you went to a Death Grips or Swans show with thousands of people and thought everyone there was from /mu/.

>> No.6803868
File: 61 KB, 460x574, 1421602156641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both of these bands are popular

Guillotine only has 3,092,827 view and 90% of the comments are 4chan shit

And the top Swans song I see only has 179,963

>> No.6803871

he is not a /lit/izen

>> No.6803875

That's pretty popular, just because a band isn't pulling pop-star numbers doesn't make them obscure. Anyone with a knowledge of the music festival scene has hard of those bands.

>> No.6803878

>Not gay
>Not YA
He'll never be popular.

>> No.6803884

Well I fail at this Swans has a few in the 3 /4 hundred thousand

My bad

They have fans but popular is a bit of a sterong word to use

>> No.6803920

This is probably the best book review I've ever found on YouTube.

>> No.6803924


Literally no one I've spoken to outside of 4chan has heard of them.

>> No.6803937

I know three people who listen to Grips and there all too normie for this site. See why anecdotal evidence is pointless?

>> No.6803944

Because you live in an uncultured shithole.

>> No.6804186

>mfw the only people I know who like Death Grips are normalfags

>> No.6804629

he's a passable 6/10

>> No.6804644

>listening to edgy Columbine-tier music

>> No.6804672

He looks like a cross between Ralph Fiennes and Bradley Cooper.

>> No.6804679

at least he'll be a /lit/ approved booktuber

>> No.6804826



I want to start a youtube that is not some YA shit, but I don't know where to start.

>> No.6804830

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.6804834

I refuse to believe thatt there arent more likethis guy on youtube. anyone knowof any? sit they dont even have to be this coherent i just want to listen to some opinions of spmething other than shit YA. I know about Bazpierce but hespretty well known in that circle. any more unknowns with potential?

>> No.6804849

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcOR-CEuRWU This guy has alright taste. Videos are fun enough.

>> No.6805032


>> No.6805270

I think his reviews are pretty good. He seems like a nice dude and it's insanely refreshing to see someone actually try and put thought into what they're making.

I hope to fucking god he doesn't become our Anthony Fantano.

Yeah, same. My advice is to get a pretty good microphone, like a blue yeti sort of deal and a not grainy as fuck webcam. Film in natural sunlight if you can, maybe around 12, and learn to enunciate your shit. Use jump cuts sparingly and try and keep yourself in the center.

>> No.6805310
File: 207 KB, 962x718, 1410394390973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Film in natural sunlight if you can, maybe around 12,

I'm not doing a face cam , I don't see why you need to see a book reviews face (why use a visual medium when talking about non-visual)
I want to try a NPR with blue humor

plus I'm a just a skinny fat neckbeard

>> No.6805362

That sounds great, I'd love to hear that.

Try experimenting from room to room to see what gives you the best sound. When I traveled around I got a lot of mileage out of practicing in bathrooms, but that was with musical stuff.

Vocal warm-ups and tongue twisters never hurt. The first couple of times you're probably gonna suck, don't be discouraged. That's perfectly normal and kind of just what you have to do to get good at stuff.

>> No.6805526

>I'm not doing a face cam
Well you better make sure you get a good mic and don't sound like a sperg (like Confused Matthew or MovieBob).

>> No.6805535
File: 191 KB, 392x336, 1426708894456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a visual medium

>> No.6805540

for >>6805310

>> No.6805760

>I'm not doing a face cam
enjoy no views

>> No.6805865
File: 54 KB, 564x518, 1411753516802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that video about his father that recently passed away

>> No.6805875

then when he says that his dad was better than food; in all of his videos until now he's used present tense, just hits that much harder

and his facial expression when he says, "and now he's gone" while playing on his deceased dad's guitar

>> No.6805901
File: 481 KB, 1200x1702, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of creating a /lit/ channel where I provide literary criticism to ero-doujins since they're so often vast founts of the human imagination.

I was going to start with Pukey and Nipply.

>> No.6805914

Been looking around his channel. Good stuff; the kind of thing that I'd thought booktube might be like when I first heard of it (it sadly usually isn't).

>> No.6805948

Nobody is interested in a creep who's afraid of showing his face.

>> No.6805952

This might actually be a great idea tbh

>> No.6806480

This was actually pretty good. I even subscribed, what the hell.

>> No.6806514

Hey, could you recommend me some good vanilla ero-doujins? Since getting an e-reader I've been collecting ones that float my boat to read away from a glowing screen.

>> No.6806527

I was with him until he mispronounced Nabokov.

>> No.6807446
File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, 1435274554348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you have to ask, OP? I'd prefer if you didn't, because I don't have the answer. This is just a list of authors that have been mentioned here as well as on his channel.

>> No.6807702

it's a /mu/ meme

>> No.6807710

>>Not gay
Really? You sure about that

>> No.6807712

>that part at the end where he cries

>> No.6807914

This is good, subscribed. If you are lurking around, keep doing these. I'll look at some of the other videos later.

>> No.6809533
File: 59 KB, 645x782, 1372978971781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw he's hot and you wouldn't mind if he didn't have taste but he's hot and he has taste and your sad and angry.

>> No.6809817

That guy looks like he'd be a great cuddler.