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/lit/ - Literature

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680377 No.680377 [Reply] [Original]

There tend to be two 'must reads' from other mediums:

Casablanca/Citizen Kane
Watchmen/The Dark Knight Returns
Akira/Ghost in the Shell


What would you say these are for /lit/?

>> No.680380


Literature is too expansive a genre.

>> No.680381

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

....and Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.680384

Really hard to pick just two

Crime and punishment/War and peace maybe?

>> No.680386

>implying that you can condense all of literature down to just two books

Get the fuck out.

>> No.680387

That would probably be the same for the other genres as well, at least movies

>> No.680392


Honestly, I'm not asking you to do that. The examples cited aren't even an attempt to do that, really there's just a general consensus that those are giants of other, extremely expansive, mediums. People might not even like them that like Film/Comics/Anime, but they would have to agree that they're widely regarded as important.

Think of it as if you had to choose just two books that most readers would agree on being good, even if that reader isn't yourself.

>> No.680394

>Akira/Ghost in the Shell
Oh please, those are both shit.

>> No.680400


Absolutely. Literature goes farther back in history, but the output of the other mediums has been greatly aided by the technological advances of the eras they were conceived in.

>> No.680402

Citizen Kane and Casablanca are from two entirely different genres and styles of filming. Citizen Kane is a shit film, even though it did experiment with a shit load of new and daring techniques whilst Casablanca is a fucking brilliant film with an almost perfect script, but is relatively conservative in style bar some expressionist influences.

>> No.680403


I'm not fan of them either, but there's no denying their status.

>> No.680407


You're missing the point...

>> No.680409

Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.

>> No.680411

I don't think I am. You can't really just group them as 'classic cinema' or something. There are far more must watch films than Casablanca and Citizen Kane.

>> No.680412

ITT people missing the point. It's not what YOU consider to be the best two in a medium, but what the general critical consensus has been.

>> No.680417



>> No.680419


Finally someone gets it...I didn't think I was being unclear!

>> No.680425

This is sort of pointless. Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet, followed closely by Macbeth.

Or do you want non-Shakespeare?

>> No.680426


I would say Hamlet is definitely one...

>> No.680428


everything is pointless, lrn2 existential nihilism

I don't think it should be two works from the same person.

>> No.680431


That SOUNDS right...

>> No.680432

The Iliad/Hamlet.

>> No.680439

II... agree with this.

>> No.680441


Why thank you.

>> No.680444

Top Contenders:
Hamlet, Iliad
High Tier:
Romeo and Juliet, The Odyssey, The Divine Comedy
Mid Tier:
Henry V, War and Peace, Don Quixote
Low Tier:

>> No.680457

I have a deep seated hatred for the Illiad.
No clue why.

>> No.680463


Haven't read it yet, but loved the Odyssey. I fail to see how The Illiad could be anything but incredible.

>> No.680466

I think

Hamlet/Iliad/War and Peace/Crime and Punishment/Atlas Shrugged

are the most notable so far.

>> No.680470

>no brecht

>> No.680473


I don't think he quite has the profile for the kind of works we're talking about here.

more like:
>no Dickens

>> No.680483

go to book shop
classics section
question answered

>> No.680492

>implying Classics section is tiered with two books the most prominent

>> No.680493

You know, it's damn near impossible to agree on which the 'must read' works of an author are, so how the fuck could you possibly even try to that with the whole of literature?

>> No.680494


It's not really 'agreement' as such. Conceding will do fine.

>> No.680496


Suck my dick, I will never concede!

>> No.680497


You don't have to.

It's A Tale of Two Cities and Hamlet. You lose :P

>> No.680500

>implying it's even possible to answer that question

>> No.680501

>Watchmen/The Dark Knight Returns

Really? There was hellboy, the crow, sin city, V for Vendetta, and a whole bunch of others. I personally wouldn't pick those two.

>> No.680503

>Akira/Ghost in the Shell
Get the fuck off this website.

>> No.680505

Also, they're both cape books.

>> No.680506
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Until I did a bit of quick checking, I thought the OP listed six movies. And I still think it's cheating to call comics and mangoes different mediums.

Also I'm with those who say "literature" is too broad a category to narrow down to two must-read works. That'd be a daunting task for most individual genres, let alone the sum (more or less) of all writing.

...for that matter, who the hell came up with this "two must-reads" rule of thumb? It's ridiculous to think that would work well for a properly broad sampling of people, no matter what medium we're talking about.

Sage because I contribute nothing but gripes, and also because this shit be weak.

>> No.680511

That question is kind of like asking a kid playing on the shore which grain of sand is the best.

Or asking a stockbroker which shares to buy.

Theres so much and such differing opinion (not to mention an english speaking bias) that the best you will get are what people are most familiar with.

>> No.680512


I can't believe you people really don't understand this...

>> No.680515

they do. The point is you can't choose the two most important films/comics/animes ever because everyone has their own opinion.

>> No.680516


1) Fuck you for saging
2) Anime and Comics are different mediums you dolt

>> No.680518


it's not about opinions or personal taste

>> No.680519
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>comics and mangoes

>> No.680521

> the best you will get are what people are most familiar with.

Which is fine.

>> No.680524

You're confusing "genre" and "medium."

>> No.680525

2) "Sequential art" , "Understanding Comics"

They're the same medium.

>> No.680528

>the best you will get are what people are most familiar with

That's the point.

>> No.680529

I wouldn't say there are any two single must reads.
I would at best say there are two must read 'movements' or genres. Existentalist literature and Political philosophy.

>> No.680530
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1. Oh noes I saged my non-contributing post in a thread on the front page, an action which does nothing aside from preventing my post from bumping the thread. Bad llama.
2. Congratulations, you have successfully forced me to change my complaint from "four comic-type choices seems like cheating" to "four film choices seems like cheating", YOU dolt.
3. Sage again because I'm still not contributing. Plus, it gives me an extra item for my list, because lists are awesome.

>> No.680532

With literature "must reads" are different to "most familiar text".

The most familiar text is "The Bible" as in the post King James bible possibly incorporating some aprocrypha (as in 1/2 Maccabees, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_apocrypha#Apocrypha_of_the_King_James_Version ).

The second most recognised text would probably be the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

>> No.680534

waddya mean I don't understand?
I say I wouldn't personally those two because I don't they are the two objective must-reads of that genre.
Those I mentioned are the classics I'm familiar with the might possibly be more prominent but a census of the comic book buffs would probably tell you to read, like, original Superman and some Pulp 'it came from the lake' type thing.

>> No.680535


No, I'm not. The fact that DKR and Watchmen are both regarded so highly and are both from the dominant genre in a medium that actually HAS a dominant genre should come as no surprise. A non-cape book being shoe-horned in would be ridiculous because it wouldn't have the same degree of acclaim, unless perhaps it was Maus.

>> No.680536



>> No.680538

Just post the most important literature that you think that every human should read at one point. Works like War and Peace or Crime and Punishment are two good examples.

>> No.680541

>four film choices seems like cheating

live action and animation are different mediums ffs

>> No.680542

>Implying comics have voice acting and can be watched on a media player.

>> No.680544


The Bible is a pretty good, albeit controversial suggestion, thanks anon.

>> No.680545


Yeah, you don't get it.

>> No.680546

yes it is. there's no other way of measuring things like writing, acting, even cinematography.

>> No.680547

Can anyone name me some good adaptations? I'm currently obsessed with 'there will be blood'

>> No.680549

>acclaim = must read

And here's your problem. Watchmen is probably worth it as it recapitulates the cape while deconstructing it, making excellent use of story and sequential art.

Maus is a train wreck as sequential art, it is indulgent biography, and simplistic.

I'd prefer "Cowboy Henk" to Maus. But fuck it, I'd put "Spirals" ahead of anything else I can think of right now, but I'm not trying particularly hard.

>> No.680550


you weren't being unclear, you just asked a question about things commonly regarded as "classics" which is like elitist 4chan nerd flamebait

However I think they have a point about it being harder to choose this for books than any other medium

I guess The Odyssey and Hamlet if you held a gun to my head... but it would be easier to subdivide further, like "classic modern literature", "classic ancient literature", "class English literature", etc.

>> No.680551


we're not measuring those things from a personal pov. it's about notability and critical consensus.

>> No.680553

>I'd prefer "Cowboy Henk" to Maus. But fuck it, I'd put "Spirals" ahead of anything else I can think of right now, but I'm not trying particularly hard.

But they're fucking OBSCURE. That's NOT what this is about.

>> No.680556

so explain it, buckminster

>> No.680560

The Great Gatbsy and Animal Farm...

>> No.680563

Only in a fairly technical sense. They're both film, video, recorded motion. In a similar fashion I could claim that books written by hand, on a typewriter, dictated, or using a computer are all different mediums, but for purposes of this discussion (i.e., the relative merits of various completed works, not the methods used to produce them), that distinction is not needed. It would be far better to describe live action and anime as different genres of film, because, y'know, they are.

>> No.680564

why can't a 'must read' be obscure?
Just because people don't know about it doesn't mean it didn't influence the medium or that you needn't read it

>> No.680566

for those of you nerding out about the anime, whether or not you like it, come up to the average person who doesn't know or like anything about anime

if they know ANY anime, Akira and Ghost in the Shell are the two they will have heard of

thus, OP is right on the money, even more so than with his other movie examples

>> No.680567

Well for critical consensus there is this thing called canon. Go read that. (ha ha).

I'd *NOT* suggest The Bible. While widely recognised, it is underrecognised and an appalling multiple author compilation with much poor writing. The characters are generally hollow, and Hebrew religious writing is very much a matter of personal taste.

* * *

Lets break down the media in question.
1) All works should be originally in an English dialect capable of being read by a modern without requiring second language acquisition.
2) A second stream of works translated into a modern English may be used.

These are the media:
Poetry, Epic
Poetry, Lyrical


Novel / Long form non-poetic epic


Intellectual or Philosophical texts of monograph length

>> No.680571

> I wouldn't personally those two

Not about personally

>I don't they are the two objective must-reads

You don't think (subjective) that they are the OBJECTIVE two must-reads.


>original Superman and some Pulp 'it came from the lake' type thing.

No, they wouldn't.

>> No.680572


I guess I should add, Princess Mononoke might actually be a bit more well-known than Ghost in the Shell...

but, those three

>> No.680573


>it is underrecognised

>> No.680574


>> No.680578
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>thinks animation is a genre

>> No.680579

>You don't think (subjective) that they are the OBJECTIVE two must-reads.

The objectivity of OP's post came out of thin air? To think something is objective, you still have to think it. I can say 'I think the simpsons movie is objectively a must see', if you contradict that, you 'think' otherwise.

>No, they wouldn't
according to?

>> No.680582

>implying the average person with minimal knowledge anime isn't going have a reply to the effect of, "Oh, you mean like Dragonballs or something?"

>> No.680583

No country for old men
Secret window

>> No.680585

I think these two are great suggestions.

To me, one thing that connects all six items is OP's post is this: They are all fairly well known even to people who don't watch a lot of movies, read comics, etc. Furthermore, they serve as a good entry point into the medium. (I'm not saying they're "entry-level")

Also, to the outsider, laymen, casual observer, whatever you want to call it, these each represent a work where if one reads/watches it, they would generally say to that person that he's really getting into movies/comics/anime.

In other words, saying to someone, "I watched Casablanca/Citizen Kane (or another worthy candidate)" will generally give them the impression that you're beginning to watch "real" movies instead of Explosion Orgy 5: Return of the Bad Guy or Generic Stale Comedy With a Predictable Twist.

>> No.680588


Try starting a new thread, this is completely off topic.

>> No.680589

Spirited away is also very well known

>> No.680590

>The objectivity of OP's post

OP doesn't claim objectivity, but a majority subjectivity.

>> No.680591

>doesn't think anime is a genre of animated film

I can do this shit too, and I don't need Tommy Lee's help to do it.

>> No.680592

I can't because i'm on an iPod. My computer is broken

>> No.680597

I may not be in the majority, but when I was in high school and had never watched any anime or talked to anyone about it, the ONLY things I had ever heard of were Akira and Ghost in the Shell.

>> No.680598

and that's all I contended

>> No.680600

English Stream, canon works which I have read
Poetry, Lyrical: Plath, Frost.
Drama: Merchant of Venice (comedy), Hamlet (tragedy)
Novel / Long form: Lolita (modern / post-modern), A Journal of the Plague Year (pre-modern / modern)
Monograph: Wealth of the Nations, Making of the English Working Class

Poetry, Epic: Beowulf, Journey to the West
Drama: Brecht's Caucasian Chalk Circle, Weiss' Marat/Sade
Novel: Zola /Germinal/, /Crime and Punishment/
Essay: Lenin /Imperialism/
Monograph: Capital

>> No.680601


anime is eastern animation

it can be sc-fi, fantasy, horror, drama, comedy, romance...THOSE are genres you dumb fuck

>> No.680606
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>> No.680607


The Crow would be lucky to break a Top 100 comics list, let alone top 2.

>> No.680610


HWÆT, WE GAR-DEna in geardagum,
þeodcyninga þrym gefrunon,
hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon!
oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum,
monegum mægþum meodosetla ofteah,
egsode eorlas, syððanærest wearð
feasceaft funden; he þæs frofre gebad,
weox under wolcnum weorðmyndum þah,
oð þæt him æghwylc ymbsittendra
ofer hronrade hyran scolde,
gomban gyldan; þæt wæs god cyning!
Ðæm eafera wæs æfter cenned
geong in geardum, þone God sende
folce to frofre; fyrenðearfe ongeat,
þe hie ær drugon aldorlease
lange hwile; him þæs Liffrea,
wuldres Wealdend woroldare forgeaf,
Beowulf wæs breme --- blæd wide sprang---
Scyldes eafera Scedelandum in.
Swa sceal geong guma gode gewyrcean,
fromum feohgiftumon fæder bearme,

>> No.680611
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>my face when people think objectivity is obtainable

>> No.680614

>1) All works should be originally in an English dialect capable of being read by a modern without requiring second language acquisition.

>> No.680615

I just wanna throw Ulysses into the ring, while I'm here.

>> No.680618


good one

>> No.680620

Main Entry: genre
Function: noun
1 : a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content

>composition characterized by a particular style
>"Derp, being able to describe genres within anime clearly proves that anime is not itself a genre. Derp."

Okay, I have one book suggestion for you, so I won't sage this time. You should get a dictionary.

>> No.680621

hey, fair enough, that was just a throw-away suggestion. Watchmen gained notoriety (and Sin City too, I guess) because it was made into a movie, but I was thinking maybe comic book purists wouldn't suggest those two in favour of others.
And as for the Dark Knight returns, I don't know if I've even read that, is it a recent remake, or the one with 'the Killing Joke'?
Then there's all the other mainstream stuff like X-men

>> No.680624
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> Watchmen gained notoriety because it was made into a movie
>And as for the Dark Knight returns, I don't know if I've even read that, is it a recent remake, or the one with 'the Killing Joke'?

>> No.680626

Not *a* dictionary darling, *the* dictionary. OED.

>> No.680628


That dictionary definition completely backs up what I said. You're moron.

>> No.680632

so I take it it's a comic remake of the recent film? Help me out here reaction image man.

>> No.680633

Watchmen had notoriety LONG before being made into a movie.

>> No.680637
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>so I take it it's a comic remake of the recent film?

>> No.680641

the ''must read'' or ''must watch'' idea is what creates stagnation in the expressive arts.

>> No.680643

Yes, it did back up what you said. At the same time, it backed up what I said. Using that definition, it shouldn't cause you any great strain to see that my claim that anime is a genre of film and your own claim that there are numerous genres of anime are not, in fact, mutually exclusive (thus invalidating your claim that anime is not a genre, if you aren't keeping up).

Oh, and if that was too hard, you could try reading just below where I gave the definition, where I said essentially the same thing already.

My second book suggestion for you would probably be something on improving reading comprehension.

>> No.680650

It is arguable that animation changes the media of film, as normal film is the result of the montage of found captured incidents, whereas animation is the montage of purely devised visual incidents. However, this would mean that Western animation, some art film, and anime all stand as one medium.

>> No.680653


Animation is a medium, not a genre. Give up.

>> No.680654 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 30
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 19

>> No.680656

that's cool you've shared your opinion and are asking for opinions.

>> No.680659

Sure, as did many Alan Moore comics I presume.
In any case, I never said it was unknown, just that it became more known post-film.

goddamnit reaction image man

>> No.680657 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 94
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 27

>> No.680661


If it's all animated, then yes, it is the same medium.

>> No.680662


Please stop pretending you have a fucking clue when it comes to comics. Please.

>> No.680663 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 3
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 100

>> No.680668

Fantastic, I was just looking for someone to have a chat about this book I read recently by Neitzche. I'm having trouble placing his particular ideas when it comes to christian and social nihilism.

>> No.680671
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>my face when nobody on /lit/ asks for more of op image

>> No.680674

Somebody call the police, I'm being trolled.

>> No.680675

Great inspection, I love how Neitzche can take two dark ideas hard just like he deserves. Super sexy philosophy OP, he is hot, you can tell he loves his thought.

>> No.680680

I philosophise on cat, she hiss at dialectic.

>> No.680681

It all depends on how you choose to divide and subdivide genres, a process which can be regrettably arbitrary. As I said, anime is pretty obviously a genre of film.

If you cared to look at it that way, it could also be considered an animated genre of drawn art. That, however, isn't the way different types of media are usually categorized, so I prefer not to go by it.

The definition of "medium" most certainly does cover anime. My point of contention is and has been that the OP showed anime and film as distinct mediums, which they are not (the one, again, being a subset [or, "genre"] of the other). But please, keep on failin', bud.

>> No.680682
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>never read The Dark Knight Returns
>claims Watchmen is famous because of the movie
>thinks he's the one being trolled

>> No.680683 [DELETED] 

bored girl here - im bored and lonely, someone get on msn n chat with me! 44
im so booooored, wanna cam? xkitty777@hotmail.com .. 73

>> No.680692


Animation is not the same medium as Live-Action cinema.

>> No.680695

>greentext + reaction image
It's been real buddy. I enjoy srs business.

>> No.680699

ITT half of /lit/ falls for an extremely obvious troll.

>> No.680700 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 52
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 22

>> No.680705


Was/Am not trolling.

>> No.680713

- Novel:
Ulysses - James Joyce
War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy
Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes

- Philosophy:
Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant
The Republic - Plato
Phenomenology of Mind/Spirit - G. W. F. Hegel
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - Ludwig Wittgenstein

- Play/Drama:
Hamlet - William Shakespeare
Oedipus Rex - Sophocles
Peer Gynt - Henrik Ibsen
Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett

- Poetry:
Sonnets - William Shakespeare
The Iliad/ The Odyssey - Homer
Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman

- Short Stories:
Stories - Anton Chekhov
Dubliners - James Joyce
Stories - Jorge Luis Borges
Stories - Edgar Allan Poe


>> No.680717

>rephrasing the same sentence over and over

Man I'm getting bored with writing fair-sized posts trying to get my point across... even if it's kind of fun to post more than lurk for a day... or to use more of my vocabulary than it's worth doing with coworkers. Plus, you know, probably being trolled and all.

Sage for waning interest and also because "not contributing" has become more "spirited attempt at derailment" at this point.

>> No.680723

wow, aside from Hamlet horrible choice in shakesperean plays, you don't know shit

>> No.680725

I'd drop cervantes and add - at least - History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russel to the philosophy section, and maybe Being and Nothingness by Sartre.

>> No.680727

All posts with the word "mediums" by OP.

By the way, it's "media."

>> No.680726 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 8
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 32

>> No.680728 [DELETED] 

bored girl here - im bored and lonely, someone get on msn n chat with me! 68
im so booooored, wanna cam? xkitty777@hotmail.com .. 15

>> No.680729
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Old Testament/New Testament

>> No.680733
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Either is an acceptable modern pluralization, yo.

>> No.680743

An excellent example of liberal-bourgeois culture. (And I don't say that as an insult, just a recognition of taste and common theme)

>> No.680754

That's exactly what I was going for! I imagined I was Mortimer J. Adler.

>> No.680762

That especially applies to the Philosophy section, with the blatant snub of Descartes' Meditation on First Philosophy.

>> No.680764

Bertrand Russel's book is pretty biased. And why would you drop Cervantes? Don Quixote is one of the most influential novels in western literature.

>> No.680767

>Watchmen/The Dark Knight Returns
What the fuck am I reading

Watchmen? Yes. Definitely. But the Dark Knight Returns? Did you toss it in there because it's another gritty GRIMDARK comic? Fuck off, you!
>Akira/Ghost in the Shell
Hahaha, hahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.680768

The only thing that made me cock my head was Poe. Is he really in the top four ever? What about Raymond Carver? Is he too contemporary?

>> No.680769

Needs Divine Comedy.

>> No.680794

>Bertrand Russel's book is pretty biased
True, but so is..well, probably everyone you mentioned, with a special mention to Kant. All still good, of course.

>Don Quixote is one of the most influential novels in western literature
I'm was/am not aware. Why is that, do you reckon?

>> No.680831

We need some Khalil Gibran. He is an excellent poet, and it is probably worth noting that he is the third most widely read poet EVER (after Lao-Tsu and Shakespeare)

>> No.680857

>again with the personal taste insinuations

>> No.680860

Don Quixote is considered the father of the modern novel, so from a historical perspective it is incredibly important.

I wouldn't include The History of Western Philosophy, for a variety of reasons. First of all it is, as has been mentioned, very biased. Second of all, it is, as the title reveals, not philosophy as such, but history.

Neither would I include Being and Nothingness. Even though it is a cornerstone of french existentialism, in the wider field of continental philosophy it doesn't have much of a say against Being and Time, for example.

I am told that Poe was very important in developing the short story as a literary genre.

On second thought, Poetry should be divided into Epic Poetry and Lyric Poetry, thus making room for The Divine Comedy in Epic Poetry, perhaps Paradise Lost, Aeneid or Gilgamesh.

>> No.681121

> Gilgamesh


>> No.681122 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 58
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 55

>> No.681123 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 56
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 31

>> No.681124 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 9
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 99

>> No.681145

I'm glad someone's awake.

>> No.681146 [DELETED] 

bored girl here - im bored and lonely, someone get on msn n chat with me! 36
im so booooored, wanna cam? xkitty777@hotmail.com .. 31

>> No.681147 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 57
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 67

>> No.681148 [DELETED] 

bored girl here - im bored and lonely, someone get on msn n chat with me! 31
im so booooored, wanna cam? xkitty777@hotmail.com .. 87

>> No.681149 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 38
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 22

>> No.681150 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 79
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 39

>> No.681151 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 39
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 31

>> No.681152 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 28
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 49

>> No.681153 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 98
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 50

>> No.681154 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 22
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 16

>> No.681155 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 67
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 56

>> No.681156 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 5
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 27

>> No.681157 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 42
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 82

>> No.681158 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 30
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 56

>> No.681159 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 78
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 6

>> No.681355


>> No.681420

Why is it telling me part of my post can't be posted?

>> No.681427
File: 306 KB, 1580x1580, 1272162594766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


However: Enders game/Dune

>> No.681458

>Enders game/Dune


>> No.681469
File: 57 KB, 1095x873, serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I serious. So very serious

>> No.681473
File: 25 KB, 607x578, serious1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.681477
File: 20 KB, 607x578, serious3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.681491
File: 12 KB, 308x291, 1269499635716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.681640

The Iliad is good, but most literature guys think the Odyssey is better as a piece of literature, and I agree, but I'm still not sure it's up there as THE motherfucking book. But eh, I'd accept Hamlet/The Odyssey.