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6803715 No.6803715 [Reply] [Original]

>comedians are the modern day philosophers

>> No.6803721

When You Get Your Philosophy From A Comedian, Don't Be Surprised When It Turns Out To Be A Fucking Joke!!!

>> No.6803722
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Sure they are
>in the political sense

>> No.6803728
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>> No.6803732

Philosophy is unimportant and so are comedians. Guess you're right.

>> No.6803738

>Nothing matters except STEM!

Am I right?

>> No.6803743


Same guy and no you're wrong.

>> No.6803746

Don't make this a STEMfag vs the world debate.
If you don't have a healthy appreciation of philosophy and literature as well as some STEM, you're a pleb.

>> No.6803752

Meant to quote >>6803738

>> No.6803754

Pretty much this.

Reading philosophy is comedy. I mean, people actually listened to these irrelevant pretentious knobs and still do today. It's the best black humor there is. It's depressing because people still read and believe it, but it's hilarious that college students can be so fucking stupid.

>not good at math
>not good at science
>not good at arts that matter
>not good at anything that matters

>have a philosophy degree



>> No.6803757

Aaaaand here we go

>> No.6803759

Impressive shitpost.

>> No.6803760

No, literature and arts matter.

Philsophy, however, is the least important piece of shit study. It's on the same level as anything Freudian.

Worthless, a mistake, and used to tempt highschool grads into making University's money.

>> No.6803766

I have to say, Aristotle has me beet BY A FUCKING MILE.

Honestly. You must think philosophy is relevant. Do the world a favor. Kill yourself.

>> No.6803769

>a good philosopher
No such thing. Everyone one of the arguments against science and empiricism by philosophers amounts to 'But what ifff!!?? :'(((('.

It is a shitty field/profession/whateveryouretardscallit for morons who can't do basic logic and math. All of philosophy seems to be rear guard action against the inevitable end where science proves it to be the playground of retards. They've lost a lot of ground already and are too stupid to admit it.

>inb4 waa waah waht or where did we lose?
Physics come to mind. The movement of the planets

>inb4 some stuff isn't known so philosophy is still gud
Just because we don't know the full picture doesn't mean you get to fill in the blanks with fairy tales.

>> No.6803775


>tfw people will respond to this seriously

>> No.6803781
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>mfw people get philosophy and psychoanalytical degrees seriously

>> No.6803785

>Just because we don't know the full picture doesn't mean you get to fill in the blanks with fairy tales.


>> No.6803786

continental dream warrior detected

you and the christfags need to fuck off to

with your unfalsifiable bullshit

>> No.6803791

I don't have appreciation for outdated useless bullshit.

And if you do, then you're a fucking failure.

>> No.6803793
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Was Carlin a fedora? Also, anyone got opinions on Lenny Bruce?

>> No.6803796

The really funny part is stemfags, philosophy fags, and religious fags all take themselves so seriously.

>> No.6803797
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I can't imagine why anyone would bother into Philsophy but it seems like a well-developed field of study

can i a comedian??

It's funny, the other day I was thinking that 20th century writers styles/rhetoric were appropriated by comedians. Comedians want to catch your attention and make you laugh, as philosophers had to do so as well and make you think. But before thinking there is that sort of epiphany or "ooooh i get it" moment that is sort of a laughter.

Wittgenstein, humor and knowledge.

"A perceptive or incisive joke can be more meaningful than platitudes lying between two covers."

>> No.6803801
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>I'm a NEET
>I'm worthless in every way
>People who follow dreams and education in things they like are fucking lame and take themselves too seriously
>look at me I don't take anything seriously
>and I live at home with mom and shitpost all day
>this is the way life was meant to be
>now where is my trap folder
>I need to depressingly masturbate for the fifth time today

>> No.6803804

If anything, your shitpost would be pissing off analytics. At least if it weren't so obviously trying to piss people off.

>> No.6803808

Science lacks ethics faggot.

>> No.6803816


I'm a 28 year old man with my own home. A freight train conductor on the bnsf railroad make 100,000 a year to ride trains from town to town drink booze at hotel bars and write in my spare time. I do masturbate a lot though but that's about all you'll ever be right about in your life you joke.

>> No.6803820

How does one become a freight train conductor?

>> No.6803823

>opinion disagrees with my unfalsifiable "it's all subjective" bullshit theory
>must be le epin troll
seriously get the fuck off my board

>implying ethics can't be derived from science

read sam harris you goof

>> No.6803829


Apply online. Environmental fags are kicking our ass with what they've done to coal plants so right now might not be a great time to hire on. Business is slow and they're laying people off at the end of summer.

>> No.6803830
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>The moment we admit that questions of right and wrong, and good and evil, are actually questions about human and animal well-being, we see that science can, in principle, answer such questions. Human experience depends on everything that can influence states of the human brain, ranging from changes in our genome to changes in the global economy. The relevant details of genetics, neurobiology, psychology, sociology, economics etc. are fantastically complicated, but these are domains of facts, and they fall squarely within the purview of science.

>We should reserve the notion of "morality" for the ways in which we can affect one another's experience for better or worse. Some people use the term "morality" differently, of course, but I think we have a scientific responsibility to focus the conversation so as to make it most useful. We define terms like "medicine," "causation," "law" and "theory" very much to the detriment of homeopathy, astrology, voodoo, Christian Science and other branches of human ignorance, and there is no question that we enjoy the same freedom when speaking about concepts like "right" and "wrong," and "good" and "evil." Once we acknowledge that "morality" relates to questions of human and animal well-being, then there is no reason to doubt that a prescriptive (rather than merely descriptive) science of morality is possible. After all, there are principles of biology, psychology, sociology and economics that will allow us to flourish in this world, and it is clearly possible for us not to flourish due to ignorance of these principles.

>> No.6803832

That's philosophy fyi

>> No.6803835

true, the only good philosophy

>> No.6803841
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>implying Patreeky wasn't one of the wisest men to ever live.

>> No.6803843

Aristotle would argue that all "Sammy" does is dissuade you from pursuing Formal and Final Causes and turn to Material and Efficient Causes, namely the ones "science" deals with.

>Q.: Why Good and Evil?
>A.: How Good and Evil.

>> No.6803851

philosophy can have literary vallue and art very often imposes philosophical questions

>> No.6803888

>look guys i troll xD

>> No.6803890

Yes, laugh is itself associated with communication and learning, so, they can associate concepts with "funny".

>> No.6803893

>I have never read any philosophy in my life: the post

>> No.6803896
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OP they mean comedians turn societal conventions on their head by pushing the envelope of public discourse

in the sense that there are no more provocative philosophers anymore i see what you mean.

but tbh if socrates was around today nigga would be on youtube and getting laughed at for sperging at strangers in a minute flat homie

>> No.6803903

>what is the is/ought gap?

>> No.6803912
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>modern day philosophers are comedians

>> No.6803914

actually philosophy when it deals with real shit real people deal with is p dope. understanding your place in the world, the nature of the human being as a ratonal animal, the nature of mind, emotions, and reality etc. long as it translates to something practical and real

what people are repulsed by is analytic anal retentive "everything is a social construct maaan" horseshit no one whose known the touch of a woman gives a fuck about

>> No.6803917

The fact that there are genuinely people IN THIS THREAD RIGHT NOW who think this is a good argument is why we need philosophy. Jesus cunting christ.

>> No.6803927

>is analytic anal retentive "everything is a social construct maaan" horseshit no one whose known the touch of a woman gives a fuck about

That isn't analytic philosophy though, that is 15 year old dudebro who smoked some read and read a continental school book shit.

>> No.6803938

tbh I think my labels are off, I just stick with the greeks. what i mean is philosophy that is dismissive of value statements and literally anything that a normal person might have an interest in because BLAH BLAH INTER-SUBJECTIVAL MORALITY BLAH BLAH RELATIVISM BLAH BLAH pomo shit

thanks for not calling me a faggot anon

>> No.6803950
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>> No.6803952

Yeah I agree with you, It's bullshit and it's everywhere and what so many people think philosophy is.

The worst one is people going "Oh but it's philosophy so there are no wrong answers!"

That is the complete fucking opposite of the case, there is no non-STEM academic discipline where you are held to task on your bullshit more than in philosophy, not only can you be wrong but you can be ridiculed for just talking complete meaningless trash, and this will happen constantly to you until you learn how to formulated arguments properly and carefully.

>> No.6803982

If you read/watch/listen to Zizek as a comedian rather than a philosopher, he makes more sense and is a lot better.

>> No.6803996

>philosphy is yin
>science is yang

>> No.6804003

Not really the two are so closely entwined they are often the same thing. It'd be more like science and art and yin and yang and philosophy is what comes out of that dialectic.

>> No.6804021

>yang is associated with creativeness
That'd mean art is intensely yang and philosophy/science is less intensely yang

>> No.6804392

Science is rooted in philosophy.
Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. The scientific method was born out of this type of thinking, literally, by the likes of Aristotle.
Its application to different subjects lead to the sciences as they are.

>> No.6804406


>I can't refute you
I accept your apology

Aristotle was a moron who thought snot was brain matter. means literally nothing to me.

>> No.6804624

you are literally responding to a copypasta

>> No.6804650

>Aristotle was a moron who thought snot was brain matter.

You're judging Aristotle for the wrong reasons.

>> No.6805063

I take it you've never been to Europe.

>> No.6806449


They're folk philosophers

>> No.6806464 [SPOILER] 
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>Aristotle was a moron who thought snot was brain matter
wait a sec, there was somebody here before dismissing everything based Ari said.

>> No.6806476

>utilitarianism is self-evident
sammy pls

>> No.6806500

Comedians find a repressed thought process, usually a contradiction, press on it to absurd proportions and let it quickly snap back revealing the paradoxical nature of our actions before the audience has a chance to decode this process... Laughter...

Comedians are anti-philosophers. They suggest that you should value the most distracting answers to the most profoundly exaggerated questions. Pointing out the insignificant contradictions and differences which are more easily explained is more important to them than drawing attention to the best answers. They themselves will never attempt to find out anything truly philosophical because they love the distraction just as much as next guy.

>> No.6806529

Laughter is an expression of scorn.

>> No.6806558

dude's reach is exceeding his grasp. we don't have the technology yet to go around poking in our brains and flipping all the happy switches, so ill stick with my wisdom traditions thanks brah