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/lit/ - Literature

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6802820 No.6802820 [Reply] [Original]

Holy Fuck
Why do people like this shit? The prose is awful the plot was stupid and the ending was trash.

>waaaaah i was injuried so i will be a drunken faggot in France while people are diying in the front

>> No.6803000

I enjoy most of Hemingway's stuff. You say the prose are awfull but I enjoy his bare bone approach. Authors put to much fluff on things. It makes pages feel heavy.

>> No.6803024

It was the first full Hemingway I ever read (in college) and I fell in love with it in the first two chapters. The way he describes the town they stayed in, and the fighting going on in the hills, the muddy roads, etc. is fucking magic.

>reading for plot

Also Rinaldi is my favorite side character of all literature I love that silly guy.

>> No.6803027

My man, I too love the becoming of that book, captured me instantly.

>> No.6803036
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>posts weebshit
>he thinks hemingway's prose is bad

>> No.6803050

>posts /v/ shit

>> No.6803051

You know I will admit that towards the end it's less appealing to me. I kind of have a thing to great beginnings, and just drinking in setting. Plus I don't really feel the love story aspect at all.

But fuck, man. I feel like I went through WWI as an American transplant in Italy and got blown the fuck up and shot people and fucked.

>> No.6803054

It feels like Hemmingway didn't know how to write directly about the war and so set a story of love within the setting of war, and wrote about something he found more manageable, whilst still being able to comment on the war itself. For Whom The Bell Tolls differs in that it is undoubtedly a story about war, more thoughts and reflections than Farewell to Arms' places and events.

>> No.6803055
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>huge paragraph describing aftermath of battle in town in the beginning
>one sentence at the end proclaiming that they one.

You don't even know what prose is, OP

>> No.6803061

I feel like that is the best part about Hemingway's writing, he is so lite with his words but in a manner that forces perspective.

>> No.6803076

Quick question, I'm not an English major, nor OP. Prose is just sort of a disjointed expulsion of thoughts. Basically lacking total formal structure right? Are pros considers bad or good? If a writer only writes in pros can he be considered ameture?

>> No.6803099
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>> No.6803102
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I don't know what you're trying to say anon but I'm dutifully saving this for some copypasta.

>> No.6803108

I'm hoping to someday go pro.

>> No.6803112

That's cool man, forgive me for trying to learn.

>> No.6803117
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I don't mean to be a dick, so let's try it again. Try to rephrase the question.

>> No.6803121

I hope you're not bait.
>Prose: written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure.

All literature that isn't poetry is prose.

>> No.6803127

Prose are words not set to meter or rhyme. IE whatever isn't poetry. Open up any novel at your local bookstore and what you're looking at is prose.

Prose can be disjointed, or it can not be. Depends on the style of the author. Prose is the medium in which the story is told, and how the author structures those words is his style/voice/whatever.

Prose is not inferior to poetry or vice versa. It just is.

>> No.6803131

So why do authors sometimes specifically write "pros, of such or such"

>> No.6803134

I'm sorry, but I really don't understand what you're asking.

>> No.6803136

That's okay, I'll probably look back on this one day in shame. I am a pretty decent writer and love reading but I really dont know very much about writing terminology. Thanks anyway.

>> No.6803137

You mean pros and cons?

Prose and "pros" are different. The first is words without meter, the second is another way of saying the benefits of doing something IE the pro of going to college is getting a degree, the con of it would be debt.

>> No.6803139


Okay, so I think you may be confusing 'pros' with 'prose'. If you list the 'pros' of something, you list its advantages. Prose is what anons earlier described.

>> No.6803140


look up "pros vs cons"
suck my dick

>> No.6803362

They do it for pros e