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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 329x510, SolarisNovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
680197 No.680197 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite Science Fiction novel?

>> No.680206

Hunter's Run

>> No.680205


>> No.680208

The Dispossessed

Don't read the genre much though.

>> No.680210

Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said

>> No.680211

Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect

>> No.680213


Left Hand of Darkness is so much better

>> No.680216

Tie between the Hyperion series and Fiasco.

>> No.680217


>> No.680218



>> No.680226


Bought that today in fact. I'll probably get round to it in six months.

>> No.680234


Lucky bastard, I wish I could I could experience it for the first time again

>> No.680238
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Haters gonna hate

>> No.680240


ha, that was my favourite for a while.

I read a pretty funny assessment of it somewhere: "What the fuck, they're just having meetings and shit! Is something ever going to happen?!"

>> No.680244


haha i know, but hell , i consider myself a fairly boring person so it sort of fits me.

>> No.680250
File: 34 KB, 285x475, battlefield-earth-by-l-ron-hubbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I'm going to get grief over this, but I really enjoyed it. It's a great story of adventure and humanity fuck yeah! To hell with Dianetics, Battlefield Earth is worthy to be a bible for a scifi religion.

>> No.680252


Is it preachy?

>> No.680261

I find it dry.

Seriously, you have your wars and epic quests and twists n shit, but it's all so unengaging!

>> No.680263
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>> No.680264

So far I'll have to go with Enders Game, but I don't have enough sci fi under my belt yet.

>> No.680267

God, I loved that book series. It was like porn for a pacifist nerd.

>> No.680268

That is the worst book I've ever read. I hate to be this way, but if you actually liked it I would consider you to be retarded.

>> No.680288

Shit, no, son. It's an adventure! I don't know if you've seen the movie, but don't, ever. The book tells a completely different, completely better story, and way longer. It's all WOOSH BOOM BANG and awesome like that! Really, you could read a moral into it, and if you did, it'd be something like, don't be a hater, don't be a feeb, get some exercise, never give up, and take every opportunity to improve your education. But none of that is forced down your throat, it's more that the characters who follow such philosophy come out ahead, with the hero effectively conquering the fucking universe without even trying to, while the jerks who think they're already perfect all face horrible ends of their own device. It's a great, fun story, spanning a broad range of styles and genres, and it just keeps getting better as it goes on. I love it. I recommend it. Why are you still reading this? Go, get a copy of Battlefield Earth, now, the sooner you start reading it, the sooner you finish it, and the sooner you finish it, the sooner you can start reading it again!

>> No.680294

It's all badly written.

The book is shit.

Don't do it anon.

>> No.680295

Sorry you feel that way, hon. But, you know, this thread really isn't meant for guys like you. I'm sure if you look around you can find a thread about Twilight or Harry Potter. Come back to the Sci Fi club when you sprout hair on your vagina.

>> No.680301

It's pulp adventure in epic prose from one of the great classic masters. So sorry if it's not up to your standards, kid, but quality sci fi is about badass heroes and cool stories, not hippie preaching and white liberal guilt. You might want to hit /tv/, they've probably got a thread about Avatar you can gush in.

>> No.680307

> quality sci fi is about badass heroes and cool stories

People like you are the reason there is so much crap sci fi out today. Including Avatar (how the fuck is fighting helicoptors with dragons not your definition of 'badass' and 'cool'?).

>> No.680310

Fanboy detected.

This is when you know you don't listen to his opinions, anon.

>> No.680311

Fuck off Scientology fag. It's a mediocre pulp sci fi action story. I will grant you that it's probably his best work, but for a hack like hubbard, that ain't sayin' too much.

>> No.680312

It's a very simple skeleton, around which is woven a very engaging story told on several levels. It's really quite interesting, though you may not find it as orgasmic as some of our more onomatopoeic posters, if you're literate at all, and you actually enjoy adventure stories and classic science fiction, you will not regret the time spent reading it. If not, well, you could always post in threads that have nothing to do with your interests, insulting books above your reading level, in the hopes that people will think you're edgy and deep for hating on a great author, just because a few celebrities have made asses of themselves in his name.

>> No.680317

> above your reading level
> pulp sci fi

Self contradictory fanboy detected.

>> No.680321

Scientology is the new Nazi.
Gee, chief, I don't know, maybe because there was no reason for the birds and the hovercars to fight? Explosions and meaningless videogame cutscenes don't make a movie badass, but I waste my time talking to you, don't I? I mean, we're discussing our favorite books, and you're coming in here telling us reading is for fags, that we should just watch the latest brainless hippie preachfest, because sci fi is only for fake looking explosions and telling people they should hate and fear progress? Kid, this is /lit/, we like stories, here.

>> No.680323

See? Above your reading level.

>> No.680330

> because sci fi is only for fake looking explosions
> Shit, no, son. It's an adventure! I don't know if you've seen the movie, but don't, ever. The book tells a completely different, completely better story, and way longer. It's all WOOSH BOOM BANG and awesome like that!





>> No.680333

Well, this thread didn't take long to turn into a hatefest. Notice how when you guys started yelling about how much you hate Hubbard or Cameron(who is irrelevant, btw, until he actually starts writing stories instead of just ripping them off), the discussion of sci fi novels essentially stopped?

I'm seconding Foundation.

I've just started Princess of Mars, too. I don't know if it'll turn into a favorite, but it's a very fun read so far. Reminds me a bit of Skylark. I loved Lensman, too, and, though I'm likely to get flamed, if not accused of being the same person as the other guys who seem to share my opinion, like Tom Cruise even cares enough to troll this board, I rather enjoyed Battlefield Earth. It's not some great artsy piece, no, but it's a fun little read. Think of it as a serial, condensed into epic format.

>> No.680332

I personally admit I'm behind some of those posts, but not all.

>> No.680335

Come back to me when you've read Catch-22.

>> No.680336
File: 33 KB, 219x350, TheMartianChronicles(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martian Chronicles. Guess its not a novel, but still.

>> No.680337

Blame the fanboy.

>> No.680339

Oh, yeah, the special effects in that book were so obviously CGI. Quit samefagging up the thread, kid. And use a hyphen, you're drooling.

>> No.680341

So BE isn't shit because it doesn't use CG? What? What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.680350

Why, is Catch-22 your excuse for completely missing a very-much-not-subtle dig at your poor reading comprehension? Do I really still need to explain the joke, boy? Okay, son, now here's, now here, now, now, now here's the thing. I said it was, I said I said I said it was a pulp adventure story, now, boy, that's what I said. And then I said, I said, now are ya payin' attention, now, son? I said, I said I said it's above your reading level, now, boy. See, now, see, son, that's me sayin' you can't even read at a third grade level, son, and that's American standards, boy.
(Nice kid, but he's got all the sense of a bag of hammers)

>> No.680353

> Favourite
> Sci-fi

Pick one

>> No.680354

Yes I know you think you're funny. I don't care.

Catch-22 is a better written more sophisticated book than BE. That's my point.

Read something better written and more sophisticated than BE (whether or not it's specifically Catch-22 is your choice) and then you will have gained the right to place judgement.

>> No.680361

Also, The Last Question, And The Sentinel. Although not Novels, they still be good just like ye Martian Chronicles.

>> No.680365

I do. Poor Battlefield Earth guy was just sharing his feelings, then that Avatar fanboy came in and just started spamming the thread with his movie review and hate-on for Scientology, like he ever had a chance with Katie Holmes, anyway.
Oooh, I loved that one. And, strangely, I even enjoyed the miniseries made off of it. On a Bradbury related note, got an amusing anecdote. In high school, I did a book report on Farenheit 451, owing to a policy I'd set myself requiring all book reports to be about books I'd already read some time gone by, owing to all the books I was reading in high school being of the somewhat pornographic variety. True story, here, after hearing my very basic interpretation of the events and implications of the novel, the teacher leaves the room for the remainder of the period. The next week, my buds pointed out to me, all the copies of 451 had been removed from the library. You gotta love these small town schools, don't you?

>> No.680376

No, I meant the Be fanb- oooh. That's you. I get it.

>> No.680378

Read the Dead Sea Scrolls, then you'll have the right to pretend to have read things you've already demonstrated you lack the intelligence to read. Nobody said Battlefield Earth was a better book than whatever book you've decided people will think you're cultured for liking this week. Dude just said it was something he enjoyed. That's all he said. Well, that and that he thought somebody who'd expressed an interest in reading it might enjoy it. Then the Fun Police rolled in, started telling everybody they were stupid and should just watch movies if they are going to like books that are on the Banned for Not Serious Business List. I get it, you don't like fun. I don't care, I still enjoy mocking your sad hipster ass.

>> No.680379 [DELETED] 

bored girl here - im bored and lonely, someone get on msn n chat with me! 69
im so booooored, wanna cam? xkitty777@hotmail.com .. 35

>> No.680382

Never read Be. Is it any good? Note, I am firmly in the Don't Preach to Me camp of readers. I just like a good story.

>> No.680388

Samefags slinging accusations of samefagging.

>> No.680389 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 75
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 82

>> No.680391

Don't try to samefag. You write in paragraphs and you're extremely judgemental. You're transparent.

I'm not saying I'm more sophisticated for liking other books, and by gods I hate Avatar (you're the one who brought it up dipshit), but I'm sorry if you're insecure because you can't defend your tastes. That's not my fault.

And for the record, easily accessible shit can still be good. I fucking love The Hobbit, because it's still well written.

>> No.680395

I mean BE, as initials for Battlefield Earth.

For someone who doesn't like to be preached at, you're extremely fucking preachy. The fanboy preachy.

>> No.680396 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 83
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 55

>> No.680413
File: 100 KB, 337x500, 400000000000000038631_s4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.680418

Accusing people of transparent samefagging, while engaging in transparent samefagging.
Accusing people of preachy fanboyism, while engaging in preachy fanboyism.
Accusing people of endorsing simple stories, while endorsing simple stories.
Accusing people of literary elitism, while engaging in literary elitism.
All the while, leaping back and forth in opinion about a movie so as to keep a pointless argument going, and telling people off for how their literate writing style shows how illiterate they are...
Oh. I get it. Well, I got it from the get-go, to be honest, but, I cross the bridge on my way home from the grocery store, so I tend to feed you guys out of pity, but I didn't realize how commited you were to this.
10/10. And congrats to your support group. I don't think any troll could achieve such success without a mother to provide a basement and free meals, so this victory is as much hers as yours.

>> No.680446

i wish i could find a copy of solaris with a cover like that
mine has fucking george clooney on it >:(

>> No.680450

>Accusing people of transparent samefagging, while engaging in transparent samefagging.
I don't remember claiming to be different people.

>Accusing people of preachy fanboyism, while engaging in preachy fanboyism.
I criticized your tastes. You criticized my personality. Which one is more fanboyish to you?

>Accusing people of endorsing simple stories, while endorsing simple stories.
I'm not accusing you of endorsing simple stories. I'm accusing you of endorsing bad stories.

>Accusing people of literary elitism, while engaging in literary elitism.
You're the one that accused me of not being able to understand BE. I responded by trying to set a standard.

>All the while, leaping back and forth in opinion about a movie so as to keep a pointless argument going, and telling people off for how their literate writing style shows how illiterate they are...
Point out to me where I said I liked Avatar. And I'm not calling you illiterate, I'm calling you stupid. There's a difference.

And throughout this whole argument not once have you tried to actually refute the substance of my arguments. Rather, you attack my motivations (after bending the truth of them) and my personality (which you have no legitimate grounds to judge, since you've never met me in person), and intentionally misinterpret every point I make in order to seem like a bigger person.




>> No.680490


Guess I win then.

I love it when this happens.

>> No.680504

4 c h A N i s A n I l l E G A L s I t E , u s e H T T p : / / w w W . A N o N T a L k . S e / i f U R n O T a T r o L L

>> No.680508
File: 3 KB, 64x100, n49778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Privateer' by Simon Brown. Seriously the biggest pic I could find of it.

>> No.680576
File: 32 KB, 364x579, Use_Of_Weapons_f..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.680581

What's Solaris like? I loved the movie (but it's Tarkovsky, so that's probably a given).

>> No.680586

How has Starship Troopers not been mentioned?