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6801237 No.6801237 [Reply] [Original]

Which e-reader can you recommend?

I'm using an Kindle Keyboard and looking for an upgrade to a new paperwhite oder voyage, but some of the reviews state problems with the display.

What other options are out there?

>> No.6801666

A month ago I decided to get an e-reader and researched a lot. The absolute best one of the market is the Kobo Aura. Near flawless display and nice, large size.

It's British, though, and limiting if you're wanting to buy particular books, not to mention if you break it, you'll have to deal with customer service on the other side of the world (assuming you're American).

I settled for a Kindle Paperwhite. I like it. It's compact, I bought a nice leather cover for it. Only thing I don't like are the ads, but they're not that obtrusive. I use it to read fanfiction, pirated books, and bad erotica. Also manga doujinshi, which read just fine when converting with Manga Comic Converter.

>> No.6801677


Also got one of those. Another upside is that you can upload epubs, mobis and pdfs, all of which aren't possible on Kindles, I think.

>> No.6801680

I have a kindle paperweight. If you use calibre you can put any of those file types on your kindle but the formatting might be off

>> No.6801694

Kindles read PDF too, but has with them the same shortcoming all e-readers have (or rather the format does) which is that PDF is formated per page, and not as uninterrupted text.
Doesn't read EPUB without cracked firmware but the conversion to mobi is lossless (other than fonts which afaik e-readers don't recognise anyhow)

>> No.6801695

Yeah, you can put PDFs on there, but they're hard to read. The text can't reflow, so if it's a wide PDF, you have to pinch and zoom, which can get tedious as fu. For manga that's not a problem, because there's a tap-and-swipe four-panel "manga mode."

Calibre for epub-to-mobi works fine most of the time. PDF-to-mobi either doesn't worked or gets all fucked up. .txt files I have no problem with.

>> No.6801714

>Calibre for epub-to-mobi works fine most of the time. PDF-to-mobi either doesn't worked or gets all fucked up. .txt files I have no problem with.
epub and mobi are internally extremely similar - zipped XMLs with slightly differing standards, so the conversion usually works perfectly (both have some "fancy" features the others don't have that I've never seen used)

PDF conversion to anything is usually a clusterfuck since PDF says nothing about formatting, the convertor practically tries to guess the text outlay from the way the letters are arranged, it's like trying to scan the text from a picture

>> No.6801718

>buy an e-reader
>there's ads on it

is this true?

>> No.6801724

Amazon sells slightly cheaper versions of their kindles with ads on. At least used to.
If you're going to install a custom OS on it you might as well get one of these.

>> No.6801728

The "cheaper" version of the Kindle has ads instead of the "locked screen" picture, if you pay $20 more you'll get the adfree version

You can also just replace the ads on your cheaper Kindle

>> No.6801740
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>if you pay $20 more you'll get the adfree version
fucking jews

How would you get ads tho? Does your e-reader need to be connected to the internet?

>> No.6801744

Yes it downloads the ads from the WLAN

You can also just fix it like here: http://www.geek.com/gadgets/how-to-remove-ads-from-your-ad-supported-kindle-1451553/

Or use the "alternative" firmware Duokan which I personally didn't like, too much smearing

>> No.6801756

I'm not op but this sounds horrible tbh.

>> No.6801781

I don't have a wi-fi router at home, so for the longest time, I saw no ads whatsoever. First time I connected it to a network to play around on it, I now have a strip of "what's new" books displaying at the bottom of my home screen, and ads for other books as my lock screen. Annoying, but not horrible.

The more expensive version of the Kindle Paperwhite connects via 4G instead, so it's always connected. I opted for the former because getting away from the short attention-span internet to read is part of the appeal.

>> No.6801955

Isn't the 4G just so that you can download books anywhere? The Kindle's browser is kinda shitty for anything more than wikipedia articles, so I dont think distraction would be a problem

>> No.6801967


Sounds like a Kindle-only problem, tbh.

I'm the Kobofag from above, I've never had any ads on mine.

>> No.6801996

>I dont think distraction would be a problem
Yeah, honestly I'm probably just being an old fogey about it.

The 4G lets you download books and use the browser without needing to get on a wifi network. From what I've messed around with on the browser, it's decent if you're wanting to look at text-heavy sites. I would consider it for fanfiction or erotica sites. Browsing /lit sounds cool, too, to a limited degree.

>> No.6802053

what are you looking for specifically in an ereader?
Something small or is larger fine?
Do you want a large range of files?
Any other limitations?

>> No.6802095

Well it seems like it would be a bad time to buy a Nook.

>> No.6802328

Besides the obvious slow, tortuous death of Barnes & Noble, did something happen today I'm not aware of?