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File: 39 KB, 555x502, herbert-marcuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6800693 No.6800693 [Reply] [Original]

Has academia ever known a bigger hack?

>> No.6800703

>In his written works, he criticized capitalism, modern technology, historical materialism and entertainment culture, arguing that they represent new forms of social control.[6]


>> No.6800704

Plenty, including Sowell.

>> No.6800709

>I disagree with him so he's a hack.

>> No.6800721

>i'm so retarded i had to google him
marcuse is just obtuse feel-good bullshit marketed towards young students. he killed marxism by focusing everything on racial and social "class" instead of economic class.

>> No.6800729

Idk, I like Adorno a lot but haven't read Marcuse. Interested to read heideggerean Marxism and his literary studies.

>> No.6800740

The Thread.

You the OP than? I don't even care if you're rightwing or Marxist. Sure, okay. He's not good enough for you. Gotcha.

I mean I was only somewhat familiar with the name, but here you are bringing up a long dead guy in order to say don't read him. No sense. You being forced to read him or something?

>> No.6800782 [DELETED] 
File: 991 KB, 399x170, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mozart in the super market is one hell of a drug.
Go suck some cock. I know you are American and I know that in America you can't afford to study without sucking cock. Or better yet, take a flower and stuff it into a cock. That will be sublime, kekeke.
Thing is, he didn't kill anything, neither freudism, nor schillerism, nor marxism, anything.
>racial and social instead of economic
No, you really need to focus on sucking cock.
Soviet Marxism is a very good analysis of the Sovietism. I wish Limonov and Zakhar Prilepin would read it. However, if you are an American, read the book that Americans like. Read the one Dimensional Man and read his reactions to the hippie movement. He is popular with the Americans because he sung some dithyrambs to the hippie movement whilst complaining only that they were so anti-authoritarian they didn't read freud or schiller or marx or marcuse.
And because he was popular with the hippie movement he has been picked up the CIA backed feel-good-coup-de-état folks behind the "peace and conflict studies", doing regime change and all that jazz. The chaos in Syria and in the Ukraine included a lot of populist retardedness in the first stages exactly because Marcuse called the hippies "sublime".
Turns out he is extremely popular with what was called the man in 1968.
Dr.Evil has learnt macarena. Sublime.

>> No.6800806
File: 991 KB, 399x170, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mozart in the super market is one hell of a drug.
Go suck some cock. I know you are American and I know that in America you can't afford to study without sucking cock. Or better yet, take a flower and stuff it into a cock. That will be sublime, kekeke.
Thing is, he didn't kill anything, neither freudism, nor schillerism, nor marxism, anything.
>racial and social instead of economic
No, you really need to focus on sucking cock.
Soviet Marxism is a very good analysis of the Sovietism. I wish Limonov and Zakhar Prilepin would read it. However, if you are an American, read the book that Americans like. Read "the One Dimensional Man" and "Eros and Civilization" and read his reactions to the hippie movement. He is popular with the Americans because he sung some dithyrambs to the hippie movement whilst complaining only that they were so anti-authoritarian they didn't read freud or schiller or marx or marcuse.
And because he was popular with the hippie movement he has been picked up the CIA backed feel-good-coup-de-état folks behind the "peace and conflict studies", doing regime change and all that jazz. The chaos in Syria and in the Ukraine included a lot of populist retardedness in the first stages exactly because Marcuse called the hippies "sublime".
Turns out he is extremely popular with what was called the man in 1968.
Dr.Evil has learnt macarena. Sublime.

>> No.6800829

>Limonov and Zakhar Prilepin
>taking filthy national bolshevists seriously

>> No.6801101

I said it wouldn't hurt them to read Sowjetmarxismus. Again: go swallow a dick.

>> No.6801153

>implying Sowell isn't a hack

>> No.6801161

why is he a hack, OP?

>> No.6801257

>went from being a serious Hegelian scholar to being the pop-science guy of the Frankfurt School, who writes things close to base eroticism

He was a CIA operative. Surely he was fighting capitalism.

>> No.6801280


Tbh, he is basically Adorno for plebs.

>> No.6801283

Why are you so focused on sucking dick?

>> No.6801329
File: 325 KB, 777x512, flower_in_gun-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is "sublime". Especially if there is a flower sticking from the urethra.

>> No.6801438

like the faggot Limonov :)

>> No.6801442

Not at all, they're not alike programatically, and Marcuse is Frankfurt School Mid Tier at best, while Adorno is God tier

>> No.6801519

Citation needed

>> No.6801544

calm down Zizek

>> No.6801609
File: 155 KB, 1024x576, chompsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah pic related

>> No.6801657
File: 131 KB, 210x278, thumb_cache_230x320_0b7ec5aa81361e76f25317b3a64b6500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, like the sublimely liberal faggot nazi patriot limonov (who should really read more Marcuse. He could borrow a tome from Kagarlickiy, I guess. A pity he won't take anything from Dugin anymore.). By the way, have you seen the interview with Prilepin on Dozhd? Limonov is gonna be featured in his New Jerusalem readings although he didn't dare to add him onto the poster. And he's gonna have a tv channel of his own, with Okhlobystin. Totes not the kremlin paying.
Depends on where you are.
It's the movie review guy from one of the people's democracies, right? He's shoptalk + spittle + /pol/. Laibach did nothing wrong!

>> No.6801673
File: 150 KB, 720x473, list2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citation needed.
The only Adorno there is, is the Adorno for impressionable plebs.

>> No.6801679


Orwell was a bitch ass nigger.

>> No.6801706

He was quite a goodthinker.

>> No.6801831

>A pity he won't take anything from Dugin anymore.
That sounds great, that guy is a mongoloid rasputin, it's just an embarassment for Russia that that stuff is taken seriously
>have you seen the interview with Prilepin on Dozhd?
nope, not that familiar with Russian neo-fascism, can't even read Russian

>Depends on where you are.
how? I mean I guess the Frankfurt school is mostly read incorrectly outside of Germany, but I don't see how the failures of the local academy change the tier ratings.

>He's shoptalk + spittle + /pol/. Laibach did nothing wrong!
More like leading non-analytical (non autistic) philosopher of our time, also Laibach literally did nothing wrong

man I hate Orwell

>Neuromancer is now more than 30 years old, a considerable time to remain a classic. Its publication in the Orwellian year will seem ironic and laden with symbolism only for those who think Orwell has remained a classic, or that he had anything to do with science fiction or reflected any serious political thought.

>> No.6801984

>mongoloid rasputin
>Russian neo-fascism
>can't even read Russian
Wait, are you a German? Vocaroo your expert's evaluation of all foreign as "fascist" please with a strong German accent.
>More like leading non-analytical (non autistic) philosopher of our time,
Why not Jay Z? He's popular as well and "not autistic".
>also Laibach literally did nothing wrong
To Germans this I guess is OK:
because the grecian mongoloid slav degenerates were wrecking Paris out of not reading Adorno enough.
>how? I mean I guess the Frankfurt school is mostly read incorrectly outside of Germany
Complete this famous Nietzsche sentence:
>Es gibt keine Tatsachen, nur...
b.mongoloid subhumans, anglojew yankees und aryan superman (Ich).
c.if you are reading Adorno in Frankfurt (like me) and not in Vukojebina.

>> No.6801986

Eh. Sowell has done a lot of good original research on hiw the welfare state has harmed black communities and perpetuated poverty. Most of his new articles are bad though.

Any economist, however shitty, is infinitely more respectable than a philosopher.

>> No.6802020

As for the national bolsheviks: stop watching German state television so much. Dugin and Kagarlitskiy (worlds apart both from another Russia and Limonov's NBP) are the only visible people in Russia trying hard to pimp your beloved Marcuse. Show them some gratitude! Dugin adores him so much because to Dugin he is one of the Anti-Transatlantists and therefore "Eurasians" (like the pre-Barbarossa Hitler :3) and Kagarlitskiy likes him because he is considered a "leftist" in the West.

>> No.6802038

>can't even read Russian
why would I want to read Russian? So I can communicate with a backwards nation that is sliding into chaos? Literally the only thing worth reading in Russian is 19th century fiction, which is overrated, and some 20th century works.
Theoretical works I just read translated, after soviet-german friendship plenty of stuff is available
>Wait, are you a German?

>Vocaroo your expert's evaluation
no mic, sorry

>Why not Jay Z?
He is a pseudo-intellectual raper, not someone with two degrees in the humanities that's written three highly valuable philosophy books.

>To Germans this I guess is OK
they were wrecking Paris? I don't really like Laibach so I don't feel like watching the entire thing, not sure what is going on there, but it seems like basic juxtaposition, the regular French riot with French nationalism/imperialism, a very common observation..
Do you seriously not get their basic as fuck technique?

>Complete this famous Nietzsche sentence:
b and c
what the fuck is vukojebina
Berlin>Frankfurt if you're not a pig, btw
Not worth it moving there just for Honneth

>> No.6802063

>German state television
public broadcasters are reasonably independent, and I don't watch them, mostly rely on foreign news, used to read AJE until they went to shit, now it's that, Guardian and SPON
Most of what I know about Dugin comes from articles in various places, and statements he made himself, think I even watched some Russian segments on youtube with subtitles.
His geopolitical analysis reminds me of my 12 year old self.
Btw if someone offered us Königsgrad back we would never take it because it's full of slavs now and therefore worthless
Also, I said Marcuse was mid-tier, Adorno and Benjamin are where it's at

Also Hitler was never Eurasian, I don't get slavic Nazis, don't they know that they are a subhuman slave race that is supposed to eventually exterminated / flung into pre-civilization (according to NS)
Polish Nazis are especially funny

>> No.6802132

>He is a pseudo-intellectual raper, not someone with two degrees in the humanities that's written three highly valuable philosophy books.
So the one is just Negermusik and the other is a state certified philosopher? Didn't Adorno have a similar attitude?
>why would I want to read Russian?
You do not? Then cut the shit about Prilepin and Limonov. Or about Russian thought (in this or any other century). I for one am versed in German und wenn ich über Marcuse rede kommt es nicht von Hörensagen. Es gibt gute Denker in Russland und es gibt schlechte. Manche sind sogar so schlecht wie die deutschen Freudomarxisten. Das stimmt. But if you take what little has translate due to "German Friendship" you're not getting the whole thing. Sure Beryayev is a notable thinker ("Wahrheit und Lüge des russischen Kommunismus" first printed in German in 1937. Then in English. Then again in German in 1953.) but he's not the only Russian thinker there was. Our friendship acted as a filter. You only printed the things that you wanted to read. Prilepin for example had all his books translated in German. But now that he wrote a book about the Maidan he can't get printed anymore.
>So I can communicate with a backwards nation that is sliding into chaos?
Yes. And by christmas we will have German tanks in Moscow and the other Klitschko as the local governor. Suuure thing. You are so Antideutsch you're in complete agreement with Frau Merkel and want nothing else but to become a bureaucrat. Yeah, go swallow a dick. It is good for your karma. Else you will be a complete spineless whore when you die with no redeeming qualities. You won't be able to tell to your grandkids "at least I have also swallowed some dick for some cash. I'm no whore".
>they were wrecking Paris? I don't really like Laibach so I don't feel like watching the entire thing, not sure what is going on there, but it seems like basic juxtaposition, the regular French riot with French nationalism/imperialism, a very common observation..
It's not some random french riot, it is the banlieu riot. You are shown arabs wrecking paris while they're singing about the "la force de tyrannie" arrising contre nous. It's a basic as fuck technique, yes. I don't expect some complicated art from xenophobe racists and you please don't expect me to read Neo-Fascist "philosophers" from Slovakia. Or the Western Ukraine. Or Croatia. Or Lithuania and Latvia. You sure have a thing for all your former buddy nations. Read your red-brown elitists yourself.

>> No.6802192

You read al Jazeera and your 12 year oldrself was completely like Dugin? Seem the Russian public broadcasters are not that wrong about the Germans after all.
>Btw if someone offered us Königsgrad back we would never take it because it's full of slavs now and therefore worthless
I know, I know. Those slavs, they do not read Adorno. Neither do the Jews. Therefore they must be sent to joycamps for denazification. You've gotta to denazify "the soil".
Nothing new. Your average "anti-German" attitude. I'm not surprised. I like how you have changed.
Or do we have two Adornofags from Frankfurt gloating how it's only the Aryans who have gotten it right?
The last one was pretending to be not a nazi. If it was you you have bewältigt your Vergangenheit at least. That's pretty nice.
Kaliningrad is a terrible name btw. You don't have a Hermann-Göring-Stadt either. It should something like, say, Putingrad.
>Also, I said Marcuse was mid-tier, Adorno and Benjamin are where it's at
Adorno would have become a nazi if not for him also being Wiesengrund. It's your average cultural pessimist using some Marxian verbiage for edginess.Nothing out of the ordinary for the Social Fascism era Germany. Why is he so popular? Or: why better than Marcuse? And why your hard-on for Benjamin? Because he is a martyr? What's the difference? Both he and M. are going on about Consumerism which is a good ideology for moralist bureaucrats during social chauvinism but nothing you could read for insight or fun.
>Also Hitler was never Eurasian, I don't get slavic Nazis, don't they know that they are a subhuman slave race that is supposed to eventually exterminated / flung into pre-civilization (according to NS)
Is that your 12 year old self talking? You're taking Dugin's concepts at face value? You don't get any slavic nazis. That's right. It's a German thing. And the swastika tattooned fascists in the Ukraine are two sides of a coin with their "liberal" supporters in Europe.

>> No.6802228
File: 55 KB, 596x800, 59939320[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Wahrheit und Lüge des russischen Kommunismus"
*In translation it's without the "russischen".

>> No.6802369
File: 42 KB, 305x448, с нами Бог.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll dump my collection Paul Losev, another great national bolshevik.

>> No.6802378
File: 48 KB, 318x448, Das Kapital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6802383
File: 2 KB, 60x80, и..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6802391
File: 48 KB, 454x472, 1998 Adam and Eve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6802400
File: 55 KB, 521x600, 1997 для лимонки (туш).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6802405
File: 26 KB, 336x337, 1993 обложка к роману 'одинадцать тысяч палок'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6802418
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>> No.6802429
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>> No.6802902

Mercuse is the king of controlled opposition. I'd like to see a frankfurter acknowledge the possibility of a dominant minority. Oh right, they never would because their philosophy exists only to try to prevent another holocaust.

>> No.6803183

At least Marcuse didn't litter his writings with ideas from bullshit desert mythology aka Judaism like Benjamin and Fromm did.

>> No.6803196
File: 967 KB, 4621x2914, fsflochart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Cultural Marxism is pure evil.



>> No.6803305

>I like Adorno

>> No.6803340

I cannot click that link. Di kabule ain't allowed until you are 40 and married with kids.

>> No.6803426

You aren't allowed to study it until you've studied the Talmud for years, yes. But that's only for the Orthodox, and much of that has to do with the aftermath of the Sabbatean shit.

>> No.6803443

The thing is, anybody who has really studied the CIA knows its full of liberal democrats. More than one spy turned novelist has said, "I never met a republican in the CIA." Including the greatest espionage novelist the US has ever produced:

>> No.6803524

Minima Moralia is an interesting read. Adorno reads very Nietzschean. I think the writings of the culture industry is one of the of the most significant achievements of critical theory. I just started his aesthetic work.

>> No.6803528

>My conspiracy theory is totally real.

>> No.6803566

*tips fedora*

And there is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

>> No.6803594

>And there is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
Yes Goy. Nothing wrong with gay marriage or fornicating with shvartza.

>> No.6803733

Are there ANY good documentaries or youtube videos about the Franks that aren't full-blown conspiracy theories?

>> No.6803741
File: 104 KB, 576x720, usa-yeshua-888[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But that's only for the Orthodox
And the kabule itself is for whom?

>> No.6803768

>Hurrburrt Marcussss

>> No.6804002

Top kek

>> No.6804059

For some reason, I read that as "cuck".

>> No.6804332

>In producing their critical theory, the Frankfurt School brought together the dialectical versions of history of Hegel and Marx. They were deeply influenced by Hegel's idealism and dialectical interpretation of history, and derived a sense of the power of Spirit (Geist) or of cultural forms in human cultural life.
This is what happens when you learn philosophy from Henry Makow.

>> No.6804807

Communism is against the principles of Judaism.

>> No.6804900

>So the one is just Negermusik and the other is a state certified philosopher? Didn't Adorno have a similar attitude?
le adorno racist meme
>And by christmas we will have German tanks in Moscow and the other Klitschko as the local governor.
No need, Russia is literally not worth conquering, Germany has alternative sources of energy, we're just gonna kick back and watch the Russian economy/state collapse.

>Then cut the shit about Prilepin and Limonov.
>implying national bolshevism is respectable
come on buddy

implying Freudomarxismus is not the best paradigm in the humanities

>You only printed the things that you wanted to read.
actually east Germany was colonized by Russia and they printed whatever they wanted us to read

>You are so Antideutsch
You don't seem to understand what that term means, which is ok since nobody really does, but hint, it doesn't just mean someone that is interested in critical theory, actually if anything it means an empty gesture towards CT while actually relying on hacks like Fritz Fischer and Goldhagen and some british historians. I've always disliked the AD, and I'm not in complete agreement with Merkel.

>I don't expect some complicated art from xenophobe racists
....? But they're not, you don't seem to understand their technique. the "tyranny" applies to both the rioters violence, islamism and French nationalism.

>12 year oldrself was completely like Dugin
didn't say completely, just the simplicity of it reminds me of my childish approach to political science, completely fantastical shit

>Those slavs, they do not read Adorno.
Apparently they do though
>Neither do the Jews
they definitly do
Pretty much the opposite of Anti-German attitude, my opinions are too crass for those cuckolds

>Adorno would have become a nazi if not for him also being Wiesengrund.
I hope you're trolling because you don't seem to have a grasp of anything
>The historical materialist cannot do without the concept of a present which is not a transition, in which time originates and has come to a standstill. For this concept defines precisely the present in which he writes history for his person. Historicism depicts the “eternal” picture of the past; the historical materialist, an experience with it, which stands alone. He leaves it to others to give themselves to the whore called “Once upon a time” in the bordello of historicism. He remains master of his powers: man enough, to explode the continuum of history.
Yeah that's some writing on consumerism right there

>You're taking Dugin's concepts at face value
Yes and no? They suck either way.
> You don't get any slavic nazis.
You do, theres russian Neo-nazi gangs and annual or so meetups in Poland that are attended by German nazis.

>swastika tattooned fascists in the Ukraine
>the anti-russian sentiment in Ukraine is nazism meme
come on buddy

>> No.6804964

Marcuse doesn't even come close to "hack" compared to most academics today.

>> No.6805100

Zizek is 1000000 worse than Marcuse.

>> No.6805249

Analytics are bigger hacks than continentals.

[Come at me bro.]

>> No.6805347

Sowell is the literal definition of an Uncle Tom.

>> No.6805536

Name me ONE GOOD THING anyone from the Frankfurt School produced. Just one.

Protip: you can't.

>> No.6805599

What the fuck

>> No.6805631

Sowell is a slave beaten to death by his vicious slave master for refusing to reveal the location of two escaped slave in an obvious Christian allegory?

But no, surely no true black person would argue that welfare and other social policies have been a net detriment for blacks. Certainly Malcom X was a race-traitor as well for saying as much.

>> No.6805695

Reason and Revolution
The Work of Art in the
Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Eclipse of Reason
Escape from Freedom
Dialectic of Enlightenment
Minima Moralia
Eros and Civilization
One-Dimensional Man
Negative Dialectics
The Structural Transformation
of the Public Sphere
The Theory of Communicative Action

>> No.6805770

>Herbert Marcuse
>Erich Fromm
95% of his work revolves around Marx's theory of alienation
>Walter Benjamin
Mystical bullshit that can't be proven.
Would rather bang my head on the wall for two straight hours.

>> No.6805789

well memed my friend

>> No.6805826

>>Walter Benjamin
>Mystical bullshit that can't be proven.

>> No.6806023
File: 67 KB, 861x621, 45568929df64a537f8dee2813c9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually east Germany was colonized by Russia and they printed whatever they wanted us to read
Colonized? You know what's colonization? Google Generalplan Ost. In East Germany the members of the NSDAP were deprived of their property and their positions in the universities and the SS members were put on trial. Such Russian savagery! It would have never happened in the civilized Bonn Republic.
For how many years did they resist destalinisation? And you really believe there was a Russian NSA? no. It's Western knowhow alone. And what was that with Murat Kurnaz and the supposed Snowden plane? So, who's the colony? Did Russian planes ever start from the East German soil to do terror bombardment of countries too far on the left or the right? Never happened.
No wonder really that your inquisition has to fund the "nazi" groups because otherwise they will have to concede they're still there to contain the Russians, the Jews and the Bolsheviks.
>le adorno racist meme
Are you a Horst-Güntherchen or an Inge?
>Germany has alternative sources of energy
American oil and American gaz? You had some nuclear reactors built by the evil Russian colonizers in the East but they've been turned off by now. This is capitalism. You're cucked by everyone who has the cash, including Arabian nobles and Russian oligarchs.
>implying national bolshevism is respectable
>come on buddy
Respectable? That's why you like your fuhrer and your mutti so much? Because they are respectable and you would like to seem respectable as well?
>paradigm in the humanities
You should really suck more cock.
>Russia is literally not worth conquering
That's called "a sore loser".
>we're just gonna kick back and watch the Russian economy/state collapse.
For now you are kicking the Greeks and the Ukrainians. If we are to believe Freud it is because you're stuck in the anal phase of development and are obsessed with being respectable.
>You don't seem to understand what that term means, which is ok since nobody really does, but hint, it doesn't just mean someone that is interested in critical theory, actually if anything it means an empty gesture towards CT while actually relying on hacks like Fritz Fischer and Goldhagen and some british historians. I've always disliked the AD, and I'm not in complete agreement with Merkel.
tl;dr: critical theory is me and the antideutsche are only those who take it too far.
>....? But they're not, you don't seem to understand their technique. the "tyranny" applies to both the rioters violence, islamism and French nationalism.
Watch the fucking video and stop talking out of your ass. It is the average new right band and your zizek does their apologetics. He wants to make them look like the National Bolsheviks in the former Soviet Union while they're actually just people selling music to the european nazi thugs. The NSK brags even with how they gave a fake passport to a Bosniak. God forbid they'd give it to a Serb!

>> No.6806030
File: 82 KB, 640x421, fc35991843fdcfb3f003f6cc668db82a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't say completely, just the simplicity of it reminds me of my childish approach to political science, completely fantastical shit
childish in that you in your simplicity place your trust into your Mutti and he's does the same to his Väterchen?
>>Those slavs, they do not read Adorno.
>Apparently they do though
>>Neither do the Jews
>they definitly do
In Eastern Europe it is as rare as "Nordic-Aryan-looks" so you will have to start another Lebensborn programme to put up all the properly critical Jewdars, Gyppos and Slaves for adoption in Germany.
>Pretty much the opposite of Anti-German attitude, my opinions are too crass for those cuckolds
And you are not a cuckold? You're posting from the separatist trenches in Donetsk then I guess? You're in Berlin, aren't you? Post a picture of yourself standing in front of the Reichstag with a poster saying "Thank you, based Putin, for saving our hero Edward Snowden from the cuck government of occupied Germany". It would nicely serve as proof of how you're not a cuckold yourself.
>>Adorno would have become a nazi if not for him also being Wiesengrund.
>I hope you're trolling because you don't seem to have a grasp of anything
Do you have a grasp of Werner Sombart from the institute for social theory in Frankfurt? He was walking the edge: Here a Marx, there a Freud; all subversive as fuck. And easily transformed into a nazi. Who'd have thought? After him and Jung and Heidegger I do not see how such an adogmatist as Theodor Adorno would have acted otherwise. How many pureblooded Christian Germans resisted the nazis from amongst the academic philosophers? I know only of Jews and of Communists. OK, there also was a Thomas Mann and Marlene Dietrich. WTH happened to them?

>> No.6806031
File: 246 KB, 1280x720, oYSPOCYhtB0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The historical materialist cannot do without the concept of a present which is not a transition, in which time originates and has come to a standstill. For this concept defines precisely the present in which he writes history for his person. Historicism depicts the “eternal” picture of the past; the historical materialist, an experience with it, which stands alone. He leaves it to others to give themselves to the whore called “Once upon a time” in the bordello of historicism. He remains master of his powers: man enough, to explode the continuum of history.
>Yeah that's some writing on consumerism right there
Das Arkadenprojekt is what? In that snippet he is in the good company of Lukacs and Lunacharskiy rather than Marcuse and Debord. Marcuse also writes on topics which are of interest to left and psychan intellectuals. How is the one better and the other one worse?
To me the main unit of measure is edginess. There both are infinitely worse than Wilhelm Reich. Because Reich was no cuck. His edginess did not reside in dropping the bordello word (it's how we can tell it's Benjamin in your snippet talking and not Zhdanov.) but in living the bordello. This is why you will not get him in your Western Universities. He is too edgy for the West. My hero. In my system of tiers he would be on the top and below you would have Vienna Actionism and the National Bolsheviks (where have you read that Limonov is a faggot? You don't sound like someone who'd buy a book called "Fuck Off, America". At least not past the relevation of the NSA).
So: why would you place your Benjamin and your Adorno over your Marcuse? You didn't provide a reply for that.
>the anti-russian sentiment in Ukraine is nazism meme
come on buddy
Burning people alive in Odessa for being Pro-Russian and marching around with SS Runes and Nazi flags is what? Kritische Rationalität? Hemmungslose Vernunftsskepsis? I would really like hear the opinion of a Freudmarxist Neonazi Geopolitician. To you the Lemberg nazi hordes are evidently the voice of the people, our boys, democracy, fridam and the rest of it.
For now I only see one point in your tirades about Russia: "Handle so, dass die Mutti, wenn sie von deinem Handeln Kenntnis hätte, dieses Handeln billigen würde."

>> No.6806090
File: 35 KB, 460x276, Odessa_Trade-Union_Fire_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related: Pure Vernunft.

>> No.6806198
File: 240 KB, 435x419, 1310583583954490_zpsac3b4bc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /pol/: the thread

>> No.6806202
File: 552 KB, 900x900, photo (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy reading analytic philosophy

>> No.6807015

Say that to my face and not online you white liberal faggot and see what happens.

>> No.6807021

A movement of leftists that will never make any meaningful changes because they're too busy chasing their own tails.

>> No.6807103

Yes. You now can be a leftist via critical navel gazing.

>> No.6807431

Expect /pol/ to arrive every time you make a thread about Frankfurt.

>> No.6807436

>only nazis criticize critical theory
Well meme'd

>> No.6807542

>>Herbert Marcuse
No follow-up details to explain why.

>>Erich Fromm
>95% of his work revolves around Marx's theory of alienation
Unless you're Althusser, this isn't a bad thing per se.

>>Walter Benjamin
>Mystical bullshit that can't be proven.
Using religious concepts in your work doesn't make your arguments or observations false.

>Would rather bang my head on the wall for two straight hours.
I'm sorry.

>> No.6808575

More like, they perverted Marxist theory and turned it into frivolous cultural criticisms.

>> No.6810278

I know you read neither but why limit yourself to Karl Marx during your complaints. Say they perverted Nietzsche, Hegel, Weber, Durkheim, Freud and every other major thinker and turned it into a frivolous Adorno.

>> No.6810429

That man was such a fucking depressing read. I'm surprised grad students don't all an hero after reading Negative Dialectics.

>> No.6810451

Why is negative dialectics depressing? Minima Moralia gives me hope and Adorno has made me laugh a bit

>> No.6811771

MM gave me a headache. He doesn't say anything, just drops some phrases suggestive of being somehow critical of capitalism. No wonder the Frankfurt School collapsed together with the USSR. You do not to distract all the Marxists no more.