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/lit/ - Literature

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6800616 No.6800616 [Reply] [Original]

>Hear "bukowski" referenced often by artsy intellectual types, so I pick up a book of his short stories
>reads like the ravings of an abusive homeless man who does nothing but drink and molest women
>populated by consistently unimaginative, emotionally flat stick-figures with the rudimentary storytelling skills of a toddler

>> No.6800625

Why are you so angry at the world?

Hopefully things will change for you

>> No.6800640

>referenced often by artsy intellectual types
Where the fuck do you live and how old are you? I've never heard any adult who I'd call "artsy" or "intellectual" praise Bukowski.

>> No.6800642

Bukowski is praised by 15 year old girls. Stop hanging around 15 year old girls.

>> No.6800647

/lit/ and online dating profiles of hipster chicks. Good company, I know

>> No.6800654
File: 476 KB, 640x480, only lonely soldier.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6800663

People that laud bukowski and those who model themselves after him are the people for which the label "pseudo-intellectual" was invented. Damaged goods that pretends the only thing they ever wanted wasn't a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

>> No.6800682

>people like things that I don't so they suck
Bukowski isn't even bad, he's by no means amazing, he's decent.

>> No.6800686

>stop hanging around 15yr old girls
what? are you a fag or something

>> No.6800735
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>not being a fag

>> No.6800821
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I realized I have some serious urge ro drop everything I am doing with my life and pursue, through the drama etc, her. The sport of it; the visceral fast pace drunken drama filled adventure where anything, especially me being who I want to be is possible

I don't like it as much at all when we're good or when our communication is healthy. I like it where she's representative of an enchanting, intimidating mystery - and a slut, because that just brings the spice to it. The jealousy; my anger. I'm not complete without it and it more than anything is not the catalyst but the vehicle for my self destruction

>> No.6800852

this. Bukowski isn't some mind-blowing poet.
I choose to read his poems as super short stories about life on the other side of the tracks, but that's about it.
I couldn't write anything as good as him though, and when it comes to poetry about being a drunken fuck-up, does anybody even come close?
seriously, is there anybody else? because i love poetry by/about drunken fuck-ups

>> No.6800894

Who would wanna be
who would wanna be
such an asshole?

>> No.6800940

Bukowski get's a lot of hate here because who cares, it's /lit/. Sensible people will realize he has a very terse and unpretentious style. His sentences are very easy to read but if read attentively it's impossible to miss that he has a firm grasp on the lyrical and they are frequently beautiful, and humorous.

It was the subject matter that was interesting to us, when we read Buk as 15 year olds. Factotum, Ham on Rye. He told us about another kind of life, one which contained an element of truly opting out, psychologically, and for us he was a rare role model in a young life devoid of un co-opted alternativity, something truly different that didn't just mean buy different kinds of clothes.

During our walkes home Baldy had told me about his father. He had been a dotor, a successful surgeon, but he had lost his license because he was a drunk. ...
I went to a barrel and took a long one. Then we went up the cellar stairway. When we were out, Baldy's father was still sitting in his chair.
"Your boys been in the wind cellar, eh?"
"Yes," said Baldy.
"Starting a little early, aren't you?" [ca. 10 yrs -anon]
We didn't answer. We awalked over to the boulevard and Baldy and I went into a store which sold chewing gum. We bought several packs of it and stuck it into our mouths. He was worred about his mother finding out. I wasn't worried about anything. We sat on a park bench and chewed the gum, and I thought, well, now I have found something, I have found something that is going to help me, for a long long time. The park grass looked greener, the park benches looked better, and the flowers were trying harder. Maybe that stuff wasn't good for surgeons but anybody who wanted to be a surgeon, there was something wrong with them in the first place.

>> No.6800953

Rimbaud, Baudelaire, New York School to some extent. Theyre actually good too.

>> No.6802811

gutter trash

>> No.6802901


>> No.6803096
File: 17 KB, 286x289, berryman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Berryman to some extent. He's better than bukowski.

>> No.6803156

He needed Jesus and I pray for his soul every day.

>> No.6803166

Being unpretentious doesn't make that shit good or beautiful or funny. Get better taste.

>> No.6803476


hipsters aren't intellectuals. know the fucking difference.

>> No.6803563

Shit, you're right! You really are the best, your daddy is rich and your mother is good looking.