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6799964 No.6799964 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books about Genghis Khan?

My history teacher said he was the greatest strategic general of all time, would you agree?

>> No.6799971

depends on your definition of a great general.

If your definition of a great general is how much territory you can conquer and maintain within your lifetime only, then yes, absolutely hands down no competition, he ruled at that.

>> No.6800208

bump for books

>> No.6800214
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Temüjin and his horde didn't really conquer, they just raided and never really stopped moving, so technically the horde never really kept control of the places that weren't within a few day's ride. If you judge from conquering then Queen Vic probably takes the cake but then again she wasn't a general.
The Mongols were not men of strategy, these were men who could shoot a target miles away on horse back then would drink fermented horse milk to celebrate. Their entire civilization was a vicious horde of skilled savages, if they couldn't siege a city they just moved on.

In short if you want to read about great strategy then read the Art of War. Sun Tzu had the philosophy of war so well refined that what he wrote about 2500 years ago is still relevant and applicable in almost every inch of modern life.

If you want something more tangible then read about Monsieur Bonaparte, a magnificent leader of men and a brilliant strategist, he ultimately was defeated by his own hubris (He took a nap during the battle) in the face of the more than capable Field Marshal his Grace 1st Duke of Wellington Lord Arthur Wellesley.

>> No.6800339

I wouldn't say greatest, cunning yes but many of his victories came from the fact that his shit was better than everyone else's in the first place. He ran a meritocracy, rather than giving the best positions to relatives or whoever sucked his dick the most. Mongols lived their lives on horses and up until around WWI the person with the cavalry wins. This contrasts with the Chinese and European armies of the time that were large and cumbersome.

Not saying he wasn't still important. He was a genius compared to most other leaders of the time, particularly compared to other nomadic leaders.

>> No.6800368
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I don't know the greatest but he indeed was a great general. Most people think they just won by sheer numeric superiority but it's not true. They knew how to manage the people they conquered (mostly by terror).
Bretty cool guy.
Also, people tend to forget he wasn't the first guy to attack with horse archers, hundreds of years before the scythians used them, but they didn't conquer as much as Ghenghis did.

A good book is Genghis Khan and Mongol Rule by George Lane.

Tang descendant detected.

>> No.6800388
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>shit talking the Great Khan
>sucking Napoleon's dick

>> No.6800403
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>what he wrote about 2500 years ago is still relevant and applicable in almost every inch of modern life.

That is because he just stated the obvious over and over

>> No.6800488

as far as shit that got done under the leadership of a single person, very much so.

>> No.6800744


Top three conquerors are Ghenghis Khan, Tamurlane, and Alexander the Great.

Sadly I don't know any good books about Genghis or Tamurlane. For Alexander through go with Arrian and Peter Green's biography.

>> No.6800746
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>My history teacher said he was the greatest strategic general of all time, would you agree?

His forces were only strong on open terrain. The Khan's could not defeat the Vietnamese because they couldn't use their horses. The Greatest strategic general to have ever lived was Alexander the Great; without a doubt.

>> No.6800749

>greatest strategic general
>not Vo Nguyen Giap or Zhukov

>> No.6801116
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>mfw people think the strategizing of generals decides the outcome of a battle.

>> No.6801429

This. Genghis Khan is a meme leader. Besides, Subutai is the one who did all the work

>> No.6801575

>A good book is Genghis Khan and Mongol Rule by George Lane.
thanks I will check it out.

>> No.6801586

Just send your army to the enemy in a big blob and see how it goes.

>> No.6801593


Tran Hung Dao made the Mongols look like a joke, he beat them with with an army that largely constituted of poorly equipped volunteers and peasant conscripts, this was when the Mongols were at the height of their power. He's regarded as one of the most accomplished military tacticians in history, but he never conquered land, only defended.

If you go by conquering then it's either Cyrus the Great or Alexander the Great.

>> No.6801597

he's just salty cause he got his ass kicked in Crimea

>> No.6801852

>Alexander the Great
>not Simón Bolívar
>not Giáp
>not Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf bin Ayyūb

>> No.6801908

Books on Genghis Khan:
>"Chinggis Khan: Golden History of the Mongols", translated by Urgunge Onon
>"Genghis Khan: And the Making of the Modern World", by Jack Weatherford
>"Genghis Khan", by John Man

He was definitely one of the greatest generals and military minds in history, and evidence for that is his huge empire and legacy. I'd definitely read about him, and his successors if you want further knowledge.

>> No.6801953

Anyone know any interesting generals that don't get mentioned often?

Like>>6801852 mentioned

Simón Bolívar soudns great

>> No.6802278


>> No.6802287

What books do I read to up my Total War game.

>> No.6802354


>> No.6802701

thank you I will check it out. I wish more people recommended books instead of demonstrated their ignorance of the difference between tactics and strategy.

>> No.6802857


>> No.6803329

Everyone knows its about getting there firstest with the mostest men

>> No.6803392
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I can't believe no one's posted this yet:

>> No.6803497
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