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/lit/ - Literature

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6799255 No.6799255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me to >>>/a/ if you will, but I'm looking for some quality anime to scratch my weeb itch. What are some titles worthy of consumption? I ask here and not on /ayy/ because they never seem to substantiate their opinions and preferences.

>> No.6799264

anime is a shit medium and you should be embarrassed for asking

using a picture of pynchon doesn't change anything

also fuck you

>> No.6799287

Most episodic anime is fan translated and released within a day and those are the releases that will circulate the internet for decades. So if you like prose or sensible dialogue, you're out of luck. The anime you will enjoy is the one that sounds the most interesting to you on a blurb.

>> No.6799291
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Eva (the original) and Legend of the Galactic Heroes

>> No.6799299

it's difficult to recommend anime based on literature because most good anime don't rely heavily on writing. If you're interested in things that are unique or different here's a few off the top of my head:

most of Masaaki Yuasa's works, especially Mind Game
Satoshi Kon's work, ESPECIALLY Millennium Actress (imo best animated film, ever)
the anime adaptations of Matsumoto Taiyou's works, esp Tekkon Kinkreet and Ping Pong
Katsuhiro Otomo's work, Magnetic Rose is a particularly good short

These are mostly pretty standard staples of "good anime", but also heavily reflect my own taste. Let me know just how weeb you plan on going, and I can give more suggestions.

>> No.6799310
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fucking weeb scum

>> No.6799312

Berserk, Trigun and NGE are gook starting points and good character studies.

Monster might be most /lit/-worthy of all.

>> No.6799322

From the ideas, I still like the Ghost In The Shell series, there's so much politics involved (and the "transhumanism" stuff is neat too).

The Akira mangas are better than the movie.

Samurai Champloo does some cool things with movies and "history remixing", lots of nice nods to Japanese history and food, many in-jokes (hidden Christians for example). Cowboy Bebop from the same maker is good too.

Couldn't stand Neon Genesis Evangelion, wish-fulfillment for autists, but I only watched 8 eps or so

Serial Experiments Lain was great, lots of room for interpretation

I watched many more in my short NEET phase but they all sucked dick and I forgot their names. I remember Death Note and Monster being very very boring, everything stretched out to the maximum

>> No.6799326

Death Note is like Dostoyevsky for the edgy teen Nietzsche audience.

>> No.6799340
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I'm aware of why /a/ is a shit place to ask, and I understand why you would ask in a place like this. I'm a film buff and that's the direction I got into anime in, and unfortunately 95% of it is pure shit, and just about everything made after 2000 has suffered from the moewaifushit phase. I'm not a weeb, I judge anime in the same way I judge television or film, and really, there is some very good anime out there, though there is not a lot.

Here's a list I've compiled for threads like this, hope it helps:

In alphabetical order:

Series -

Berserk(top tier)
Neon Genesis Evangelion(top tier)
Ping Pong(top tier)(extra rec for /lit/)
Texhnolyze(top tier)
The Tatami Galaxy(top tier)

Film/shorts -

Cat Soup(GOAT)
Dead Leaves(GOAT)
Genius Party
Genius Party Beyond
Millennium Actress
Mind Game
Neo Tokyo
Perfect Blue
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Tenshi no Tamago
The Wind Rises
Tokyo Godfathers
Tsumiki no Ie

Honorable Mentions(at least better than 90% of anime) -

Death Note
Ergo Proxy
Ghost in the Shell
Gundam general
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Madoka Magica
Mirai Nikki
Nadia - Secret of the Blue Water
NHK ni Youkoso!
Psycho Pass
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Serial Experiments Lain
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shinsekai Yori
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

>> No.6799348
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>was watching Legend of Galactic Heroes on YT
>got 30 episodes deep
>tfw the channel got shut down for copyright infringement and I can't find where else to stream it

>> No.6799356


Literally the first result for "legend of galactic heroes stream"

Ep. 31 loads fine for me

>> No.6799363


Unfinished low budget shit.

>Miyazaki movies
Just watch 1 movie, all the others are the same shit reused with different settings.

>Death Note
Juvenile edgy shit.

Same as above.

>Mirai Nikki
Is this supposed to be a joke? Full of plotholes, god awful writing and characters.

>Shingeki no Kyojin
Boring cardboard characters with shitty action scenes to sell.

The others I kind of agree with.

>> No.6799368

Well you can "kissanime" goodbye ;^)

>> No.6799369

Thanks fam, I guess I'm literally retarded or something for not finding this

>> No.6799373


Are you retarded by any chance?

>> No.6799385


>Ergo Proxy
Random name dropping and tries to be "deep" for no reason, it' just a mess really.

>> No.6799389

why the fuck do people praise Mirai Nikki so much? I see it recommended everywhere, even places with otherwise "good taste". It's absolute fucking garbage.

>> No.6799392

Is kissanime a meme site to /a/ or something? I honestly use kissanime for all my anime watching (which really isn't a lot since anime is garbage).

>> No.6799393

>Couldn't stand Neon Genesis Evangelion, wish-fulfillment for autists, but I only watched 8 eps or so
if you watched the rest you'd see it's taking the piss out of 'otaku' and gets fairly dark

>> No.6799396

Not now /a/

>> No.6799408
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nice alternative suggestions faggot.

Berserk is my personal favorite anime. As a series, it's not unfinished, they were very intentional with where they ended it, and where it was ended was fucking awesome. It is low budget though, but that doesn't matter, the story arc is magnificent, the characters are magnificent, the pacing is magnificent, the ending is 100% god tier.

Your reference to Miyazaki films reflects your lack of knowledge in this area. I only listed three, all of which with significantly different plot structures. Hardly worth saying "Only watch one, ignore the rest". I can think of a few others that have significantly different plot structures as well.

The first half of Death Note is easily some of the most entertaining anime that exists, regardless of it appealing to juvenile edgy people. That's not something that makes it bad, or else Pulp Fiction and No Country are shit films.

I don't particularly like Gantz, Mirai Nikki or Shingeky no Kyojin, but you're daft if you're suggesting that it's not better than 90% of anime. You wouldn't know this of course, as it's obvious you haven't seen a lot by the way you speak.

The only reason I respond is because it's not okay to dismiss Berserk, especially in this forum. It's definitely in the top 5 GOAT when it comes to anime series, regardless if the manga is longer(remember that the manga has comic relief leprachauns and has been on a boat for nearly a decade). It's one of the only series I can imagine a /lit/fag enjoying.

>> No.6799415

>>Miyazaki movies
>Just watch 1 movie, all the others are the same shit reused with different settings.
tell me how Wind Rises is in anyway recycling anything from My Neighbour Totoro

>> No.6799427

Berserk manga is great, the anime is shit, deal with it.
Actually I'm from /a/ and I've seen more than 300 series/movies/ovas and if you think Gantz, Mirai Nikki, SnK or DN are better than 90% I feel sorry for you.

>> No.6799431

Like the topic title implies, a lot of the best anime have been straight up adaptations of famous novels:

Mouryou no Hako
13 episodes, 1960s murder mystery with a *lot* of dialogue, and with beautiful art. Some parts can be kinda difficult to follow for us westerners since it gets deep into Japanese mythology. Has probably the most well read character and /lit/ stand in in anime.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes
110 episode epic following two commanders in the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance.

Shin Sekai Yori/From the New World
How to describe this. Set hundreds of years in the future after rampant psychic powers brought an end to civilization, it's kinda horror/mystery but not really.

11 episodes, this is technically a murder mystery as well, but the focus is more political and philosophical. The best comparison would be Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex with less action. The novel it's based on is actually a series of short stories set in post-WW2 Japan, but the anime changed the setting to the near future to make it more relevant to the modern world. The mysteries won't knock you out but it's relaxing to watch and has some cool subtext.

Aoi Bungaku Series
12 episodes, Aoi Bungaku is based on a number of classic Japanese literature, such as No Longer Human and Kokoro. Each arc has a different set of staff working on it. Unlike UN-GO, the short stories have no connection to each other.

24 episodes. This is The Count of Monte Cristo in space. Don't think I need to give any more explanation than that.

Some others:
Death Parade
Humanity Has Declined
Haibane Renmei

>> No.6799436

Please leave /lit/.

>> No.6799437

If you love the anime aesthetic but enjoy literature as well why not check out visual novels? They rarely rise above the literary quality of a light novel, but there's such a dearth of quality English translations for them that, hopefully, you'll be frustrated and learn Japanese in several excruciating, but anime filled, years! Then you can read fantastic authors such as Kawabata, Tanizaki, and Soseki in their original language and improve your enjoyment of both literature and anime.

>> No.6799441

and he claims to have watched over 300 series. I don't see how porco rosso has anything to do with spirited away, or what pom poko has to do with whisper of the heart either.

>> No.6799449

I still don't see superior alternative suggestions. Only a post that makes you look dangerously like waifushit.

>> No.6799482

Not that guy, but I consider Casshern Sins to be a much better alternative to Berzerk, as far as tone goes. Both series are good, but I liked Casshern's characters and worldbuilding much more than Berzerk, which felt a bit too "safe" and linear. Casshern and Guts are both pretty similar characters, at least in my interpretations, so I think it's fair to compare the two.

>> No.6799491

but /lit/ loves stuff that tries to be "deep" for no reason.

>> No.6799494

>I missed the entire point of EVA

lmao retard.