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6799076 No.6799076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books would /lit/ recommend to bring Bernie Sanders to his senses? What does that mean to bring him to his senses?

>> No.6799083


Legalize abortion!

>> No.6799093

Brad V. looks like a 13yo girl

>> No.6799095


To help him get over his liberalism

>> No.6799100

I'm voting for him

>> No.6799119

>Divine right of kings works!
>Are you RETARDED?
>Just ask the keeper of the kings treasury!!!

>> No.6799121

whats so bad about liberalism?

>> No.6799143

No morality or values save money and comfort.

>> No.6799152

Americans actually deserve to be genocided, at least the White ones.

>> No.6799156

liberalism values equality.

>> No.6799157

great troll

>> No.6799161
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It's not enough to take you from ignoramus to PhD in economics, but it's enough to teach you that economics is not as intuitive as people like to believe.

>> No.6799164

And what are those economic "fundamentals" that he doesn't understand?

>> No.6799167

Of money and comfort, mainly the latter.

>> No.6799171
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Nothing, it just doesn't conform to some peoples' beliefs so they immediately dismiss it as evil or bad or stupid

>> No.6799173

Equality of outcome < equality of opportunity

>> No.6799176

I just want you guys to know whenever politics threads get started on /lit/ I link them to /pol/ and leftypol to ensure the discussion is shit tier.


>> No.6799177

>written by a climate-change denier
oh lawdy

>> No.6799178

Good idea ill start doing this thanks

>> No.6799179

Is there anything worse than braindead libertarians getting high and mighty about economics because they read some bullshit on mises.org? These fuckers are intolerable.

>> No.6799181

Government intervention anally fucks the economy

>> No.6799186

What was an opinion on climate change have to do with understanding of economics as a discipline?

>> No.6799187
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This thread is about economics. You don't honestly listen to "experts" when they talk about fields outside their study, do you?

>> No.6799188

The economy has never not been anally fucked then

>> No.6799191

The first one is not only possible, but inevitable. The second one is pure retardation and will never remotely happen.

>> No.6799196

Brad, you need to understand Bernie knows tons more than you.

Baby steps Comrade

>> No.6799202

Huh, it's entirely valid to disbelieve that claims of someone in one field, if he outright denies the well funded claims in another.

>> No.6799206

He's from /lit/. Nobody knows more than him,

>> No.6799207
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No, it quite literally is not ok to do that. Sowell is a world-renowed economist, and he has absolutely zero experience in the physical sciences. You are making a logical fallacy, and by george, I suspect you are suffering from cognitive biases too!

smh tbh

>> No.6799213

1) Sowell isn't an expert in anything.
2) Having such a demonstrably poor opinion about something is a clear sign that they're not capable of complex (expert) thought.

>> No.6799216

So you shouldn't listen to a reputed genetisist about genetics if he disagrees with theologians about theological matters or engineers about some specific engineering principal?

>> No.6799217

Not only is he a denier, he thinks it's a leftist conspiracy. Like all of you ancap tards, he's paranoid as fuck.

>> No.6799221

Why should I trust someone who denies scientific facts? Given that I do not have a PhD in economics I have to gauge his expertise somehow, and if he behaves murky in regards to well funded, empirically proven knowledge I have reason to mistrust his opinion in anything.

If said genetisist claims squares roll better than circles, then yes, probably. Obviously theology is excluded since it's not a science.

>> No.6799225

True, but we can at least get it some wine, play some Barry White, and fuck it gently

>> No.6799229

Looks like he's from Twitter or something.

Keynes is a world renowned economist, Sowell is renowned fro being a douchebag

>> No.6799231

Inevitable? How so?

>> No.6799232

Economics is literally nothing more than ideological argument made to seem objective.

>> No.6799237
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>> No.6799239
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>> No.6799244

Sure, because life is a meme

>> No.6799256

>people who just learned about the supply demand curve and think they disproved leftism

>> No.6799258
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>> No.6799262
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>> No.6799265

Yea, Leftism was disproved awhile ago.

>> No.6799266

He has a PhD in Economics and has been a professor at several institutions. Pretending he is not qualified to speak on economics is ridiculous.

Also, he doesn't deny climate change, he has simply stated that overly alarmist claims from certain groups, including those not formally qualified to speak on it, only set a narrative which may be politically advantageous. He qualified that he had little formal knowledge of climate science, but dislikes that between scientists with alarmist conceptions of climate change and those with more moderate arguments many run with the alarmist ones.

>> No.6799271

>pfft! the economy is common sense!
>btw climate change doesn't real

>> No.6799275

Leftism is a broad thing, social liberalism and progressivism are generally doomed however.

>> No.6799278

What he means by common sense is if you break down economics anyone can understand it. Most of its principles are common sense.

>> No.6799286

Having a PhD doesn't mean he can't have ulterior motives. He probably IS qualified to speak on economics, however that doesn't mean I have to believe what he actually says. You're assuming he always speaks truthfully.

>> No.6799293

Same with climate change

>> No.6799305

An independent win would be the kick in the pants the current false Rep/Dem dichotomy needs.

>> No.6799307


Uh oh, looks like you posted this on the wrong board! Don't worry, I'll help you find your way back to where you belong


>> No.6799317

best post

>> No.6799318

Everyone has ulterior motives which come through in anything they write, however impartial they attempt to be. Part of exploring and reading ideological disciplines is detecting and sorting those biases.

My whole point, going back to the original poster, is that an opinion on climate change doesn't mean his book on economics, his field of expertise, isn't potentially a good one.

>> No.6799327

Sowell does not deny climate change. All he has said is that intellectuals exploit it for their own gain and they drown out scientists who have less alarmist climate predictions.

>> No.6799332
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>people in this thread are this assmad about a book about basic economic principles

Kill yourselves. What the flying fuck is up your ass that you're so disagreeable about this?

>> No.6799334

read: paranoid

>> No.6799336

Supply and demand LITERALLY by itself disproves most statist postures on economic policy, tbh

If you want me to post a link to an economics book that doesn't have the word "basic" in the title, I can, but this isn't supposed to be a dick measuring contest. This is supposed to be us providing a starter kit for understanding the highly complex system we call economics.

>> No.6799344

Are you seriously gonna deny that? It's not a very extraordinary claim.

>> No.6799345

>Death is a meme

I'm just calling OP/Brad out as a dumbass lolbertarian

>> No.6799355

>literature on economics
Just go back to your GRRM/Stirber shitposting friend

>> No.6799360

Shit, I asked you in another thread and then I forgot to go check later. Is your name Jen?

>> No.6799365

butters could you please sage when posting in politics threads? ty

>> No.6799380

Doesn't disprove it, just presents an approach to handle allocation of resources

>> No.6799381

It's because Sowell isn't a liberal. Daily reminder liberalism is a cult.

>> No.6799397

>Supply and demand LITERALLY by itself disproves most statist postures on economic policy, tbh
Thing is actually existing markets don't behave in the fashion that classical theory would lead one to expect.

Many if not most industrial prices are deliberately set by private businesses, tend to be relatively inflexible with respect to demand changes, and during recessions tend not to fall to the same extent as flexprices.

Administered price theory is more relevant to understanding real world markets than pure supply and demand theories.

See for more informaton:
Means, G. C. 1972. “The Administered Price Thesis Reconfirmed,” American Economic Review 62: 292–306.

Stigler, G. J. and J. K. Kindahl. 1970. The Behavior of Industrial Prices. New York.

>> No.6799399

To call it "an approach" when it is closer to "a description of a testable phenomenon" is a bit disingenuous. I assume you're worried that we're talking about some supply-side no-rules paradise. We are not. Supply/Demand still holds even in a communist economy.

>> No.6799402
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>mfw I agree

>> No.6799404

Paranoia refers to unfounded beliefs of collective persecution of oneself.

Believing that people may collude strictly to benefit themselves is not paranoia, I would consider it a basic understanding of human behavior, unless those colluding strictly target you or a group you are part of.

Climate change scientists, and I'm not strictly saying they do as I haven't closely studied this matter, may collude to push alarmist predictions to get more attention and funding for instance. They may not in fact be doing this as I said, but it isn't an unreasonable proposition.

>> No.6799406

No, and then I said everyone seems to know a Jen, don't they?

I always do.

>> No.6799409
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Liberalism is low self-esteem. /lit/ is probably the most angsty and self-loathing board around. This is not only directly communicated but manifested in aggression.

>> No.6799418

have you been to /pol/?

what am I saying, of course you have

>> No.6799421

Oh, is that what you said? Sure. It's a common name. I only asked because there's a well read user on Goodreads with the username "Jenn Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ" who has several /lit/ people as friends.

well, ttyl

>> No.6799426

>y-y-you guys have different views than me because you hate yourself! I EARNED my respect! Y-you guys might be young and popular but at least I have self-esteem! R-r-right?

>> No.6799440

Jen is a pretty hot name tbh. It always rings with a "please fuck me hard" undertone in my ear.

>> No.6799442

I'd say it's more of a theoretical diagnosis of the mindset that furthers modern progressivism then an accusation that everyone who subscribes to leftism universally does so out of self-hate. Certainly the growing undercurrent of white-guilt is indicative of this to some degree.

>> No.6799444

Daily reminder that most of Bernie Sanders' supporters on the Internet are Yurocucks who want the U.S. to live like them

Rand Paul 2016

>> No.6799453

>young and popular is what I base my opinions off of

Back to reddit/twitter cretin

>> No.6799456



>> No.6799459

>thinks the classical model is still accurate

>> No.6799462

How was what Paul assessed wrong?

>> No.6799465

good idea

>> No.6799467

No, but I certainly don't take my opinions from an angry white narcissist projecting his own insecurities and depression onto his political enemies. At least the college-aged white knights admit they are depressed. They even think it is cool to be depressed to the point that kids feign it.

>> No.6799468

I have a small question that doesnt deserve it's own thread.

I wrote "This is troubling. Also, it is illegal. She was OK to post the advertisment in her name. I am proud to stand behind what I have said."

Instead of "proud", is there a better word?

>> No.6799469

Politics is all about rhetoric anon.

>> No.6799471

Rand Paul stopped the Partriot Act. Bernie Sanders, he didn't do squat.

>> No.6799480

I'm not white, I'm Pakistani

How DARE you dismiss my cultural heritage. It's like I'm being colonized all over again. You really need to learn your place white boi bitch.

>> No.6799484

Libertarian Randroids like Paul are essentially religious fundamentalists with a fanatical faith in an abstract notion of Freedom with a capital F; it has transcended value for them above all else no matter what, even though it doesn't exist.


>> No.6799492

Unless you wrote the blog post that anon posted, I wasn't talking about you

>> No.6799496

Rand Paul is radically different from his father Ron Paul and isn't supported by the Tea Party.

>expecting a libcuck to know anything about the candidates besides what John Stewart tells them

>> No.6799500

And marxists aren't religious fundamentalists perhaps?

Despite having killed 100 million people during the last century, marxists continue to believe in their little fantasies because "Marx said so".

>> No.6799501
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Those are the deontological Ayn Rand losers. Consequentialism is where its at.

>> No.6799506

I agree. I'm not a Marxist

>> No.6799507
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I'd like to know what Paul's original comments where, however wrong they might have been.

>> No.6799513

>there's a well read user on Goodreads with the username "Jenn Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ" who has several /lit/ people as friends.
>has several /lit/ people as friends.
No, not me.

>Jenn Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
I see her referred to, but I can't navigate the site so well

This is a good thing.
And there's tons of support in the US for Bernie. He's lookin' like Obama II with the small donations.

>> No.6799514

What gives you the AUTHORITY to colonize me again white boi?
Back down like the good liberal you are and beg me for mercy.

Beg worm.

>> No.6799515

He said healthcare was slavery