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/lit/ - Literature

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6798346 No.6798346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>gf thinks it's cute to make cookies shaped like philosophers
>gf thinks it's cute to read philosophy without any panties on
>gf thinks it's cute to say corny shit like, "If you were a book, I'd take you everywhere and read you late at night when I was lonely."

Women are basically children, it they read complex literature, it's to impress grown ups and get attention

>> No.6798351

stale pasta

>> No.6798354

As a generalisation this is quite true. There are however also a number of women who aren't like this and who are legitimately interesting people. They generally have mental issues and such which cast their minds beyond the usual boundaries of female thought.

>> No.6798361


>> No.6798367

quick, somebody call op a misogynist who gets no pussy to prove him wrong

>> No.6798383

It's satire.

>> No.6798387

"I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND" posters are the worst

>> No.6798406

>>gf thinks it's cute to make cookies shaped like philosophers

>tfw no CT 3.14 gf Trying to impress me by educating hersel in philosophy

>> No.6798410
File: 594 KB, 660x698, how to be a romantic goth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying philosophy is complex literature
>implying women read
>implying you have gf

Post made me dubious

>> No.6798424

>gives personal anecdote based on single subject
>makes giant assumption based on anecdote

>> No.6798426

i'd love to have a gf who makes cookies shaped like philosophers

>> No.6798429

The Systemizer vs Empathizer dichotomy probably is pretty close to the truth.

>> No.6798444

>OP creates thread just to bait replies

Every single OP is basically just an attention whore and a troll

>> No.6798446

Hi everyone, I am a female writer and I would like to receive your opinion on a concept for a novel

About five days ago another anon on lit posted something about there needing to be a female version of the protagonist of American Psycho. I would like to write this novel since I am capable of writing a multifaceted character regardless of gender (though my being female definitely helps in this aspect) and I think it would be an interesting project. However, I do not have much experience in the business sphere and I hate yuppies. Yet, I know that the first novel was not merely about "business", insofar as the setting and protagonist were mediums through which BEE could express satire of 80s culture. The themes for my work would be different, but would definitely include criticism of a "throwaway culture" and outlandish humor.

Anons, would this be a novel you would be interested in reading?

>> No.6798450
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Welcome to 4chan!

>> No.6798451
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>"If you were a book, I'd take you everywhere and read you late at night when I was lonely."
I don't see a way in which this is to be considered as not cute.

>> No.6798460
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>> No.6798462

>bf thinks it's cool to name drop philosophers
>bf thinks it's cool to read philosophy without any pants on
>bf thinks it's cool to say shit like, "Real reading is a lonely activity."

Men are basically children, if they read complex literature, it's to impress other men and get attention

>> No.6798470

Defenestrate yourself.

>> No.6798472

That was me (I'm also a girl)

I think its an important development but it doesn't have to be yuppies. Keep it current and create your own message.

>> No.6798475

>it's to get attention

and you created this thread in hopes no one would respond?

>> No.6798477

How can I become a legitimately interesting girl?

>> No.6798482

No it's not.

>> No.6798495

Every time I'm reminded here on how women are vapid whores it makes me want to break up with my gf and turn gay.
I know of a way to make a modern rendition of American Psycho but I'm not telling you because you'll fuck it up, just like how women fuck everything up.
Mad cunt detected.

>> No.6798496

Have short hair.

>> No.6798499

It is already done American Psycho II All American Girls (and their wannabees)

>> No.6798504

It's too late, it's in your psyche to be a complacent harlot only good for sex.
Even if you copied a great man's every action, you wouldn't be original, thus rendering uninteresting.

>> No.6798506

its relative to what you or the people you want to seem interesting to think makes something interesting

>> No.6798509

memes aside women are fucking dumb tbh.

not as dumb as christposters but If we could get both of them off this board it would vastly improve it.

>> No.6798524



Just overall, and preferably the most genuine possible (yeah...)
I have already made some efforts to fix this, but I wanted to know what /lit/ would think.

Reminder that this thread was started by male OP

>> No.6798526

women talk so much and say so little.

>> No.6798528

A lot of men are pretty dumb too. Be honest with yourself.

>> No.6798531

>>6798446 here
The thing is that I am currently working on another project, an essay that I am currently researching. It will be a long long time before I will be able to begin this new project, so I am just throwing around an idea

>> No.6798532

wow 10/10 bait here

fuck like a pornstar and speak as little as possible

>> No.6798541

Not bait.
Legitimate question.

>> No.6798545

Interesting depends on who is looking at you.
Just follow your impulse for curiosity but do not get into dangerous situations. Learn as much as you can while respecting the privacy of others. Help the world, do not worry about seeming awkward, be confident in yourself, do not give a fuck whether you will be judged or not.

>> No.6798551

It's still top bait even if it's an honest question.
just as my answer was trollish but utterly sincere

>> No.6798554

>Women are basically children, it they read complex literature, it's to impress grown ups and get attention

hahaha very funny my good meme-philosopher (schopenhauer) loving friend! I see that you have redpilled™ yourself! :) Meme it up, son! ;-)

>> No.6798555

A poor copy is not what is called for here. That would just be 'one for the wimmins'.

>> No.6798557

You could put out more and dress like a slut.

>> No.6798559

realize you are not that interesting and that you are in no way unique, and then tell me about it.

thats the most interesting and attractive thing a girl can do.

>> No.6798565

So a woman agreeing with your limited perception is your idea of interesting?

>> No.6798577

a woman who would consider herself uninteresting is probably the most interesting woman you would ever meet.

a regular woman is incapable of humility.

>> No.6798600

no sweetheart, its not interesting, it's flattering, and what I'm doing now is called condescension. Say it with me, con-de-scen-sion.
you know girls with low self esteem are a thing yeah

>> No.6798607

I do enjoy your playful generalisations. I have often seen examples of women being insecure, humble, not recognising their actual worth (not just the worth that is prescribed) but I have seen as many proud and deluded men. We all have our delusions anon and I agree that few are willing to admit their failings.

>> No.6798616

Girls consistently show higher reading comprehension than boys.

>> No.6798617

Oh thanks so much, you gunna give me a pat on the head and tickle my fanny as well?

C-can I have money for a nice dress to wear for you while I clean the toilet?

>> No.6798626

I wanting to be interesting on my own, not for someone else. I'm already making some improvements, but I would like to know a more specific answer from /lit/. For example, what specific things I could do? What would you, personally, consider interesting on a person (not a just a girl).



I can say that I'm more interesting that 50% of the females I know, just by judging from my interests and comparing them to their own (in terms of diversity and knowledge, for example).
This is an hypothetical case though, I don't know how interesting I effectively am yet.

>> No.6798636

maybe if you're good.

>> No.6798649

Be interesting by pursuing your interests. Forget being unique, just follow your own desires and try not to preach. Humility is interesting in the sense that no one is interested in someone who asserts that they are interesting all the time.

>> No.6798657

well, what you could do is be attractive.

and dont be unattractive.

but a woman's intelligence is honestly a big turn on for me.

>> No.6798664

>Be interesting by pursuing your interests.
I want new interests, especially because I stopped enjoying my old interests (like music).

>Forget being unique
Okay, but I still want to be interesting.

>no one is interested in someone who asserts that they are interesting all the time.
That advice is useful for me, thanks.

I don't have a problem with that, I just want to be something more than looks.

>> No.6798675

My girlfriend has read way more than me, and more patrician works, but can't have much of a discussion about them. It's not an ego thing but its like she enjoys the ride, but when its over it doesn't exist to her anymore. I think that's fine.

>> No.6798686

>>6798626 do not be as shallow as those assblasted feminists who get paid to complain about men >>6798565 >>6798600 >>6798607 >>6798616 >>6798617
and realize that women's intellect is inherently limited

>> No.6798689

Can you read me a story?

>I will admit that I'm a sub and childish in my desires but that doesn't mean I'm not studious.

I'm not the girl asking to be more interesting by the way.

>> No.6798691


>> No.6798692

You are being ridiculous. There is no universal standard for being "interesting". Just do shit that you like, because YOU like it. Ultimately, although you do need to interact with people to survive, their assessment of your being does not determine your intrinsic worth. Just find your own identity, or stagnate.

>> No.6798694

You should know your interests, start with your aspirations.

>> No.6798697
File: 398 KB, 1000x1498, 1432045976084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are basically children

no fucking shit

did you forget schopenhauer stated exactly this?

i'm only here to watch butter lez out on unrelated qt pics

>> No.6798702

Just be yourself, anon

The first ingredient to being interesting is sincerity

>> No.6798704
File: 92 KB, 366x567, absolut spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that leprechaun predecessor of coldsteel the hedgeheg
>right about anything

>> No.6798707

>at foyle's in London
>qt3.14 blue hair nymph at the cash register
>jokes about philosophy and people always shoplifting philosophy books

>> No.6798709

suck a mean dick and recite me the Song of Deborah with a thick Hebrew accent and I will love you forever.

>> No.6798712

show me your ass in lingere first

>> No.6798715

Lol yeah Schopenhauer on women is amazing

Besides "b urself :-)", decent post. You have to be genuine for anyone to give a shit

>> No.6798716

>tfw no posh intelligent english gf

>> No.6798717

he's right about women

>> No.6798720
File: 1.88 MB, 2550x3300, time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't interesting unless you have creative (not necessarily artistic, could be stuff like cooking, racing cars or business) interests that you can gladly prioritize over socializing or mere entertainment. If you don't have an interest like that you are not interesting and have two options: get out and explore the world until you find something that you can throw yourself into, or do what most women have done for millenia and make a man that interest. They're both equally legit, not trying to say you'll necessarily end up substituting a man for an interest or that it's a bad thing.

I promise that you will find people who don't just see you as a sex object if you're a genuinely interesting person.

>> No.6798724

[citation needed]

>> No.6798729

Just try to meet new people with neat interests and express interest in trying it out.

>> No.6798730

No silly, this is /lit/ not /butt/

>> No.6798735

Citation: reality

>> No.6798737

write a poem on your ass and I'll record a reading of it.

>> No.6798749

I'm not interested in people thinking that I am interesting, I just want to be interesting for myself. Being myself doesn't work. Doing the stuff I like doesn't either.

>do not be as shallow as those assblasted feminists who get paid to complain about men

>and realize that women's intellect is inherently limited
It's not limited, just less common.

>There is no universal standard for being "interesting"
We do know some people are generally considered to be more interesting than others.
There's no need to get into arguments about definitions and subjectivity about it.

>Just do shit that you like, because YOU like it.
In my previous post I said that I wanted to be interesting "for myself", and not "for others". Now, one of my goals is to effectively be interesting to others (for social needs, I have my own private life to do the things I want), but not now

>Just find your own identity, or stagnate.
Okay, but how? I have been myself for 18 years and I still want to change.

I am.
I just want to be more interesting.

>> No.6798754

A dream of mine is to have someone write lots of poetry on me on Indian ink. Would look so cool. And would tickle.

>> No.6798755

>in London five days ago
>go to club with Hostel mates
>get pissed and make out with qt3.14 Aussie girl
>push her away
>be a little awkward because 4channer
>we pretend nothing happened
>she leaves the day after next

>on Metro today in Paris
>qt3.14 blonde in overalls gets on
>is holding a copy of Camus (not L'Entranger)
>fall in love
>realize this love is destined to fail

I'm addicted to feeling love pls help

Also love ending is painful but a good pain why do we feel love its so horrible

>> No.6798761

>You aren't interesting unless you have creative (not necessarily artistic, could be stuff like cooking, racing cars or business) interests
Okay, I'm already doing this. It's a very slow process for me, but I'm slowly getting there.

>gladly prioritize over socializing or mere entertainment.
Socialization is one of my goals too.
What do you mean with mere entertainment? Aren't the creative activities you mentioned above entertainment too? (Genuine questions, I don't get what you mean).

How do I meet those people?

>> No.6798763

Vocaroo yourself singing the melody to Beethoven's 9th pls

I want to love you

>> No.6798773

"For yourself" is a selfish and self-defeating mindset. You need others to be happy. If you want to be taken seriously it must go both ways

>> No.6798777
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>> No.6798783

Good point.
How can I achieve this though?
How do I know if I'm "doing something for others", just for myself? (Do you get what I mean?)
Still, there's a half for myself and another half for the rest, right?

>> No.6798786

Read a lot. Acquire other intellectual hobbies. Form a worldview and add to it and refine it through experiences and more reading, even Christianity is better than lacking a framework. Take up drawing, a musical instrument, fitness. Investigate what your motivations are and question where they came from and how much of them are your own. Take as much time outside as possible, in the woods or some other area without people if you can. Meditate for an hour a day on things you find incomprehensible. Take up community causes and do volunteer work, make others more virtuous. Lie as little as possible, and form other ethics that you can actually feel in your everyday life, not just the ethics needed to get by. Express compassion for others whenever possible. Throw away everything you will not use, and every grudge you will not revenge.

>> No.6798790

Go out more often, and be eager, open and excitable. Meet more people, hang out, and it expands.

Basically stop living your life inside your head.

>> No.6798806

I have to go now. Will the thread still be up tomorrow?
Thanks a lot for all your answers!

>Read a lot.
Just started this. I'm very inefficient though, since I have just read one hundred pages in two months (House of the Dead). Maybe it's just because I'm not enjoying the book a lot though.

>Acquire other intellectual hobbies.
Which ones? I have been trying to get into visual arts (especially modern, since I like it more).
I want to diversificate more though, and not just get into "intellectual" hobbies.

>Form a worldview and add to it and refine it through experiences and more reading, even Christianity is better than lacking a framework.
Yeah, I have a problem with this.
Any ideas?

>Take up drawing, a musical instrument, fitness.

>Investigate what your motivations are and question where they came from and how much of them are your own.

>Take as much time outside as possible, in the woods or some other area without people if you can. Meditate for an hour a day on things you find incomprehensible. Take up community causes and do volunteer work, make others more virtuous. Lie as little as possible, and form other ethics that you can actually feel in your everyday life, not just the ethics needed to get by. Express compassion for others whenever possible. Throw away everything you will not use, and every grudge you will not revenge.
Thanks a lot for you post, I really appreciate it.

>> No.6798807

Basically how to interact with people is an entirely intuitive thing for me. When I start thinking about interactions, they get weird.

However, it's not always easy to get into a state where you're interacting in a mindless state. For most people, just let them talk and just let them work their magic. Put your brain toward being sensitive to their queues instead of your dumb thoughts. And let them lead.

The more you do it, the easier it gets

The bottom line of interaction is: everyone fucking knows when you're faking it. It's not cerebral knowledge, it's just a gut feeling. We're hard wired to communicate, and unless it's flowing naturally it's no good.

>> No.6798811

>stop living your life inside your head.
Yeah, that's something I have been starting to fear.
I don't know how to get better at the things you mentioned, but for some unknown reason it seems I am.

>> No.6798813

>sensitive to their queues
stupid fucking limey

>> No.6798819

>harem of sissy white boys thinks it's cute to respond to copypasta
Good for nothing but sucking my dick

>> No.6798830
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Why does /lit/ claim shit about women that is just not true at all?
Where does this white knighting posturing as a reasonable intellectual defense come from?

I'm not "le superior intellect cant find a gf". I'm mediocre at best.
But please where are all these diamonds in the rough that put their pursuit of knowledge first and not the family or their boyfriends.
My own gf isn't a retard, but as soon as I get deep into a certain topic I find interesting she closes off with a 'cute' remark or some witty turn of subject. I just take it. It is what it is.

So I'm not saying to go the redpill/MGTOW/MRA tour with "durr let's go on a marriage strike cuz women be fucking Chad n not building families".. But after a few decades I can tell with certainty that the bulk of the women ( even the intelligent ones ) I've met have not even shown half as much of an obsession with things such as literature, history, philosophy, you name it, as men of their caliber.

>> No.6798837

this qt who is this

>> No.6798843


Most people have nothing interesting for them going.
As soon as they hit 25 their couch and their TV/laptop are their closest friends.
They live like every 4chan reject, but the only difference is they have their own income and a "special little someone" who spares them the need to socialize any longer.

Sure, what you suggest is good stuff, not saying that.
But it's not always "you need a mission in life", for people to vibe with you.
It's mostly depression that shatters all. You could be a joyous motherfucker with nothing going for you and you'd attract people.

>> No.6798848

>I have to go now. Will the thread still be up tomorrow?
Unless it's deleted

>Just started this. I'm very inefficient though, since I have just read one hundred pages in two months (House of the Dead). Maybe it's just because I'm not enjoying the book a lot though.
It's because you're either really short on time, or you're lazy. I recommend actually setting a goal of a certain number of pages a day.

>Which ones? I have been trying to get into visual arts (especially modern, since I like it more).
Any of them. Mathematics, art, carving, music, languages, birding, chess, any of them, and as many as you can.

>I want to diversificate more though, and not just get into "intellectual" hobbies.
Intellectual hobbies are quite diverse, especially if we use Gramsci's definition of "intellectual"

>Yeah, I have a problem with this.
>Any ideas?
Philosophy. Start with Plato or Marx or Augustine or Nietzsche or anyone that actually gives you a framework you can either build on or critique.

>Thanks a lot for you post, I really appreciate it.
Not a problem

>> No.6798854



please do fuck off

>> No.6798862

> it's to impress grown ups and get attention

and it works. you can even just pretend to be a girl and men will give you endless attention


>> No.6798873


>looking up past threads to see where this image was used

Look who is the tippingbeard here.

>> No.6798875
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>implying that women are capable of taking faux-intellectualism like philosophy seriously >realizes that by mocking it she's dissuading you both from reading philosophy and from her

Shut up and eat your Sartre-sweets, idiot.

>> No.6798878

Reminds me of what I posted earlier. I asked What constitutes "Good?"

>> No.6798888

I'm >>6798477
If someone wants to contact me, just send an email to litthread1234@fakeinbox.com and I'll reply with my actual email (If you could mention your own posts from this thread it would be even better).

>> No.6798894


Do something interesting and stick with it.
And don't give up on your interest because "gosh men are such pigs x(".

>> No.6798895

sure smells like tumblr in this thread.

I smell special snowflake pussy and whiteknight stench

>> No.6798901

stop smelling your armpits then tbh

>> No.6798910

but unlike OP you didn't jump to some absurd hypothesis. I doubt he was serious though, some of us just post things for the reaction.

>> No.6798918

>a woman
>giving your email to anonymous 4chan posters

Even quads can't salvage this. If you aren't a trap or a troll, you have very poor judgement.

>> No.6798921

Why are there so many people with anima problems here?

>> No.6798923


what is the actual percentage of women to men on /lit/ I wonder?

>> No.6798927
File: 50 KB, 550x800, you squabble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop psychologizing shit, you reactionary cunt.

The whole of society has been turned into a tribalist nest of endemic infighting for the crisis of capital to be ignored.

>> No.6798935
File: 1.29 MB, 500x365, tumblr_nj0jz1dHS21qelyl4o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads aristotle once

>> No.6798936

I trust the people who were nice ITT
Even then, I'm only going to use my "anonymous" mail.

>> No.6798943

Entertainment is passive and creates nothing, like watching TV, browsing 4chan or Facebook and jerking off. Creating anything demands something of you and is a path to being interesting.
Most people aren't interesting, and she doesn't want to be like them. I'm not saying you need a singleminded mission in life to be interesting, just that there is no way you are if all you ever do is soak up entertainment markted to you. I see what you mean about depression, but the little daily struggles that come with caring about something difficult prevent the monotiny and malaise that lead to depression.

>> No.6798945

This site is notorious for harassing and stalking women. If I were you, I'd make some thread on /adv/ if you want extended answers to your question.

>> No.6798954

one time I tripped acid and saw in a vision something I interpreted as my anima.
weeks later I met a fiery cunt of a bitch who matched my vision. our personalities balanced each other nicely, but she's way too much of a cunt to be friends with, at least without some outside force forcing us together (we met in a class)

>> No.6798961

If you want extended answers from /lit, just put on a name and ask people to continue to help when they see you

>> No.6798978

NO one else email her she's mine!

>> No.6799007
File: 1.00 MB, 694x456, thunderous_applause.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was right about everything

>> No.6799022

Why is someone pretending to be a girl and requesting advice from the pseudo-nihilists of /lit/?

Do you want to kill yourself?

>> No.6799030

That fact that any of you have enough of a sex drive to care about who is or isn't a woman means you're not drinking enough to be a real writer. The answer to any and all of your questions or issues can be found at the bottom of a bottle of whisky. Drink up.

>> No.6799064

Whisky makes my teeth disgustingly yellow.

>> No.6799087
File: 20 KB, 356x318, xookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my gf actually did this

sartre and chomsky were my favs lol

>> No.6799091

Ur dumb.

>> No.6799096


>got in trouble working as a toutor because he fug'd the wife of kid he was teaching
>holderlin hooks you up with new job. get to hang out with holderlin
>fug some girl who's man died in war
>teach at university minding own buisness
>write books that sell well
>meet Napoleon and you guys high five
>marry senators daughter have two kids who grow up to be successful historian and lawyer
>influence all of history and be famous in your lifetime
>has good opinion of women while still alpha and remaining patriarch

>be rich and fug lots of hookers and socialites
>some girl has your daughter
>daughter dies
>get really bitter
>hate hegel despite him literally not knowing you exist
>change university to teach same place as hegel, make classes at same time as hegel to try and compete
>nobody shows up to your class
>uni cancels your class
>write bitter book about how philosophers are retards
>nobody reads it
>complain about women
>push an old lady down the stairs
>only remembered in history as crusty bitter fuck
>could never control a bitch and thinks marriage is retarded because of this. think women are all children and stupid and poopy
when will they learn?

>> No.6799101

why is she a cunt tho

>> No.6799106

Nice ad hominem, got an actual counter-argument?

>> No.6799109


can i cuck you?

>> No.6799124

you have no experience in business but claim you hate yuppies. You've basically admitted you're shallow and talk out of your ass.
You shouldn't write anything unless you fix that

>> No.6799127

she described herself as a cunt. Literally "I'm a CUNT"

I just laughed.

Dunno why she said it exactly. She had an outstanding temper and was not afraid at all to be a huge bitch if someone annoyed her though.

>> No.6799135

seems like a strong fiery women good for providing children anon.

>> No.6799172

this is like when a guy says "oh man, im such an asshole"

cringe as fuck

>> No.6799183

warning: this will be misogynistic

i feel this about all women, the bit at 30:30 in this movie:


“She’s a cold one alright. More a stallion than a mare. Too much for one man to handle. But then you never can tell, she might just gentle down real nice with the right halter.”


>> No.6799263


I don't get that when people say this.

>"I'm an asshole xD"
>"I'm actually a huge bitch haha xD"

Thanks for letting me know. I don't know why you are semi-proud of that.

>> No.6799343

it establishes an impervious wall of non-nonchalant masochism between you and them, effectively making any heart-felt criticism/insults completely absurd
it's a social move used by people too insecure so insecure that they have to let others around them know just how supposedly secure they are

>> No.6799372

Yeah, but not all of us are fucking stupid, unlike women, who are all idiots.

>> No.6799400

there was no argument to begin with
>le based schoppie sure showed those womemes xdxdxdxd

>> No.6799413

i think you've ceded the meaning of misogyny to the people whose favorite word it is.

>> No.6799429

this mostly.

It's takes the power away from others. "So what if you call me a cunt/asshole, I call myself that! it means nothing!" Also, people who can get away with being shitty are generally important, so it's also a brag.

>> No.6799432

>it they read complex literature, it's to impress grown ups and get attention

This is why men read "complex" literature, anon

>> No.6799450

You're not being honest with yourself.
You don't know any smart (enough for you) women.
You underestimate how many dumb men there are.

Free education and tons of free time to study are pillars of my ideology. Men, wealthy men, want to accumulate more money and power like the old days, cuz, like, umm...
It's a competition for them. All a high stakes, suicidal, dick-wagging game to them.

I don't condemn *all men* to being this stupid. Why can't you wrap your head around the obvious and meet me halfway?

>> No.6799475

>doesn't understand will2power

impressed you can formulate sentences tbh

>> No.6799487

>cuz, like, umm...It's a competition for them
Bring back the real butters.

>> No.6799498

>dumb man
>"hes just a kook"

>dumb female
>"all women are kooks"

>> No.6799502

>it touches your teeth

He said drink the fuck up, m8.