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/lit/ - Literature

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6797909 No.6797909 [Reply] [Original]

When did /lit/ become so insufferable?

>> No.6797914

like maybe 2 month ago

>> No.6797919

A bout a year ago.

Happens to every board though, it's the result of higher number of participants.

>> No.6797925
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When the IJ posters started to make a joke of everything

>> No.6797931
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End of 2012.

>> No.6797932


Ever notice how /lit/ never talks about IJ itself? It's always just DFW and how big of a book it is.

>> No.6797934

>big of a book
for thyself

>> No.6797939
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>> No.6797951

I bet you're right. Back when I was curious enough to ask, no one could tell me much about it.

>> No.6797962

influx of /mu/, /fa/, and /tv/ posters during the summer
don't worry lad they'll be out by the beginning of the fall semester

>> No.6797966

Most of the new poster just read for cultural capital, and what's more hip for the Facebook generation than le erudite memes?

>> No.6797967

Infinite Summer has been having tons of discussion about it.

have you even read it? whats your opinion on it?

>> No.6797975

It was nearly the same just different jokes 4 years ago. It depends on the viewer not the posters

>> No.6797986

No that is entirely wrong. For once the board was much, much slower and answers generally more sophisticated. People actually used to write out paragraphs to troll/entertain each other.

Remember that one thread that was about how having sex with what author must be like?

>> No.6797989

I've noticed a definite decline in march when the atheist and religious shitposting started to become an every day thing, it's become a meme this summer and I can't tell who's trolling and who's serious anymore. I'm hoping that ends in the fall.

it was really bad when leftypol was raiding every day trying to increase their userbase.

it got noticeably worse after katie and hasn't achieved the quality it was before katie since.

but make no mistake /lit/ has always been relatively shit.

>> No.6797990

>those clothes
Jesus Christ m8, why did DFW dress so badly? It's not like he was broke, and yet he looks like an autistic middle schooler.

>> No.6797994
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Squad goals

>> No.6797995

The funniest posts/threads are the ones with puns/wordplay that are obscure that only people familiar with the artist and/or his/her works will get.

Especially the Kafka ones for some reason.

>> No.6797997

>why did DFW dress so badly?

>> No.6798002

Naw. Doesn't sound interesting enough.

>> No.6798008

>implying 90s Will Smith didn't epitomize fashion

>> No.6798011

Unless you have been here from the start, you really can have no way of knowing as any small period of ups and downs in perceived quality are statistically too small to be relevant. Perceived quality cycles through the year, usually to do with school timetables regarding holidays, globally. The worst times of /lit have passed, those who remember the days of Rand posting et al will agree. Nowadays it jogs along, like the rest of the site, as a well oiled machine of repetition, there is nothing new to see here.

>> No.6798020

well I assumed OP was asking when did /lit/ become insufferable to me, not it's objectively worst moment.

>> No.6798022

is /lit/ the whitest board on 4chan?

>> No.6798026

how do you measure that? you mean culturally? I think most of 4chan come from western countries

>> No.6798027

>the whitest board
youre moms tits are

>> No.6798032

That would obviously be /pol/

>> No.6798035

Since this basically is already a meta-thread:

Isn't it weird how anti-elitist /lit/ is? Like you'd expect it to be super snobby and all, but if you actually imply that your tastes and knowledges and interests are somewhat superior to those of the average Joe Briefcase, immediately the next post will be some self-referential post to you calling you a snob or a fedora or whatever.

>> No.6798051


>> No.6798074

because elitism of average /lit/izen is a different kind of elitism than that of Nabokov for example, average /lit/izen just can't pull it off without sounding dorky

>> No.6798088

just checked the front page
4 economy threads (blaming the Jewish ethnicity mostly)
6 threads dealing with black culture
2 on degeneracy (caused by immigration and black culture)
One on "fixing" Spain
One on Donald Trump

I'd have to say they are the board dealing least with white culture

>> No.6798152
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I have been on 4chan since before /lit/'s inception. If I am remembering correctly it was brought on about the same time as the /new/ or rather /news/ board, which turned into /pol/ eventually. I did not spend too much time on /lit/ back then, but I do recall there was a lot of Harry Potter shit posting. At one point or another /x/, /mu/, and even /lit/ all had times of greatness. All of which is probably subjective as well. My favorite times on /lit/ were discussing pre-Shakespeare and Shakespeare's influences, as well as threads on Ulysses/FIn's wake. I recall trying to decipher parts of the book of Kells and construct parallels with the Wake. Things are good, they get bad, then maybe good again, just learn to roll with the shitstorm.

The repetitive homogeneity of things can get mind numbing, but it more or less is how things work given the larger amount of participants. Which is odd, as you would think that with more you would get greater diversity, but that is usually not the case. An echo chamber.

>> No.6798178

When Megan Boyle posted the David Foster Wallace parody video

>> No.6798191
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>> No.6798317

Better than a few months ago IMO. I'm having actual discussions now. It stays pretty stable. I've been here for about three years. The threads are less insufferable now

>> No.6798340

i really recommend it

it's one of those books that is so impressively intricate that it's not even worth describing. i definitely recommend it. you and i have talked many times on here but i'm always anonymous.

>> No.6798350

When I fucked your mother

>> No.6798357

Yeh its not like there's currently a reading group working it's way through the novel and discussing it scene by scene or anything.

>> No.6798386

lmao. ffs

>> No.6798391

You have been on /lit/ for too long. Your average vapid facebook user doesn't read 1k page novels just so that they can appear "hip" online. If you step out into reality you will realise that:

1) IJ and dfw actually aren't all that well known outside of the "world" of literary fiction.

2) there are much simpler and more effective ways of gaining "hipness" and social capital

3) anyone actually taking the time to read and complete IJ probably just likes it, or at least has a sincere enough interest in it to spend many, many hours alone with it.

Its a meme on /lit/, that's about it.

>> No.6798404
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4chan is almost totally gone

not that it was good while it lasted or anything

bye guys

>> No.6798583

It does seem like there has been a dramatic decrease in "quality" lately...

>> No.6798601

/mlp/ is the whitest board.

>> No.6798623

for u

>> No.6798643

The Katie gate scandal, tbh. That's when shitposting increased exponentially.

>> No.6798655 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6798660

When « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » decided to post on every thread without showing her naked breasts.


>> No.6798661
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People have been saying the same thing since at least 2007. So long as those put in place by Moot are not randomly over-censoring than we will be fine.

>> No.6798684

I can't really pinpoint an exact date but it seems like /lit/ became an ideological battleground instead of a board to discuss books. I don't get why we got singled out for this shit though.

>> No.6798731

I started the thread where that was first posted. Good times.

>> No.6798787

Why does nobody talk about IJ? Oh thats right, because it's about junior tennis and AA meetings, the kind of shit that doesn't even make talk radio at 4 AM. Oh wait it's got a political revolu- oh shit, Quebecois independence, also boring. I probably can't read this because my attention span won't allow me to read about Arizona State University, one of the most negligible institutions in the entire world for 200 pages.

DFW is the Malcolm Lowry of post-modernism. Everyone's already done the interesting stuff, him and Franzen are just here in sweatpants and flip-flops to drag whatever future movement is behind just a little bit longer.

>> No.6798879

That's not really anti-elitism, it's just 4chans aggressive demeanor, everything has to be destroyed.

>> No.6798883

The first part of your post is just you having a hissy fit because other people don't share your opinion about what equates to "boring" subject matter (protip, some people read because they enjoy the way an author writes, not necessarily what they write about).

I don't understand this though: >drag whatever future movement is behind just a little bit longer.

>> No.6798889
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Good thing my novel will revitalize the post-modern genre. You just wait, once I find an agent and get this thing published you will see!

>> No.6798915

at inception

>> No.6798924

honestly what do you expect from a bunch of autistic idiots that believe in marxism

>> No.6798948

>muh autism meme

The fact that you contributed nothing but meme-spouting to this thread shows that you are the cancer.

>> No.6799168

It may be a meme but it's true - > it's 'summer'

We usually go through this 'why is /lit/ so shit now?' thing every year

>> No.6799470

>When did /lit/ become so insufferable?


>> No.6799554
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Was /lit/ always full of Marxist sperglords? There are even some commie tripfags who are clearly autistic and obnoxious.

>> No.6799587

yeah we always had a lot of people that viewed Marx favourably. But viewing them all as autistic and obnoxious is all in your head, imagine if someone reversed what you said against Capitalism and you would find them obnoxious as well

>> No.6799594
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>them all as autistic and obnoxious is all in your head

Sure not all of them are autistic just the vast majority.

>> No.6799601
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>tfw started browsing end of 2012

>> No.6799614

because it goes against your ideology and base your view on cherry picked images. Every ideology has supporters that will give half assed arguments or ad hominems but that doesn't discredit or have much at all to do with the actual ideology

>> No.6799615
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>anarcha-feminist/marxist (something like that)

>> No.6799621

Tits or GTFO

>> No.6799643

there is nothing inherently wrong with being an anarch-femimarxist, I feel her pain of being alienated by capitalism. She is lives for herself rather than being pressured by spooks to live a life that isn't right for her.

>> No.6799645

>>> reddit.com

>> No.6799651

lel. its a sad time when you cant tell if a post is satire or genuine

>> No.6799652

Within the last year or year and a half. Too many people from /mu/ and /tv/ who are more interested in appearing "patrician" than actually appreciating literature. Too many memers (I like meming as much as the next guy but a lot of you meme seemingly to the exclusion of anything else).

>> No.6799657

the ideology itself is flawed

>> No.6799686

I'm serious. She is different but you guys are implying that there is something wrong with that which there isn't so its no doubt she has turned against capitalism/society which she blames for her alienation.

>> No.6799693

maybe, its a great criticism against capitalism though.

>> No.6799695

she's a wanna be edgy faggot who hasnt been exposed to the real world. she lives in a fantasy land where her retarded ideology somehow makes sense to her.

>> No.6799752

or maybe she genuinely doesn't feel comfortable with the people who assume that she has a problem only caused by the society that believes in spooks.

>> No.6799768

The anon was being ironical.


all ideology is flawed.

you are the 'edge lord' sit down and relax buddy.

>> No.6799779

the moment the /pol/ tards decided to emigrate

>> No.6799794

The only lag Redditt has up on 4chan is the lack of stormfags. I am someone who loves his shock humor, but jesus they are just annoying.

>> No.6799885

>everything has to be destroyed.

It's called living in the age of the Last Man.

>> No.6799940

What are some alternatives to /lit/ now that it's shit?

>> No.6799960
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only worthwhile post in thread
>dat ass

>> No.6800396
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>mfw I left /lit/ middle 2011
>d&e + Capote were the trip heavy hitters
>came back this year
>now there's no one good but rei, and she hardly posts

>> No.6800470


Randfags were the absolute worst, far worse than Stirner, Christposters or DFWfags.

Remember when D&E used to come in and totally derail threads singlehandedly? Used to hate that guy. Now I miss him.

>> No.6800495


I have to agree with you there. As much as I enjoyed the writing in IJ and respect it as a work of prose, goddamn the subject matter was tedious.

Of course, I'm not addicted to drugs, so maybe I just couldn't relate.

>> No.6800521


The thing about 4chan is that half the fun is figuring out the board culture, learning the chanspeak syntax and vocabulary, and beginning to understand the memes and obscure references.

Once you've figured all that out, it feels like things slow down a lot. New content is a rarity.

So after a while, it feels like all boards get "worse." /lit/ is better than some because we have a vast reservoir of material from which to draw our memes. It's worse than others because literature evolves slowly.

If you're asking why we don't have more worthwhile discussions of books, I don't believe it's ever been a whole lot better or worse than it is now.

>> No.6800584 [DELETED] 
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Hey, you, D&E is MY husbando. I claimed dibs there.

>> No.6800699

What are you talking about OP? I'm pretty sure /lit/ is finally coming into itself. We're developing OC at a far faster rate than ever before, and it's fun.

>> No.6800759

you've been here a while?

>> No.6800880

It's just so boring. Throwing out lists of authors and books is not discussing literature.

>> No.6800881

Very interesting idea regarding chanspeak, means and boards slowing down once you've figured out the lingo. I have never thought about it like that and, now that you mention it, I would have to say I agree with you.

>> No.6800922
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A lot of young pseudo intellectuals roam this board now. Worst part is they are not afraid to voice their opinion.

>> No.6800965

>exposed to the real world
meaningless trite

>> No.6800967

leave your basement sometime autist

>> No.6800970

I live in a second floor apartment with my sister.

>> No.6800983
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>> No.6800991

>tfw no trip

>> No.6801068

underrated post

>> No.6802457

when you personally decided it was. It honestly hasn't changed much, just our general topics vary

>> No.6802467

well according to the chart you are an asshole.

good thing I came during 2014

>> No.6802474

This. /mu/tards and Redditors have absolutely destroyed this community.

>> No.6802476

Except DFW exploded postmodernism from within.

>> No.6802479

No, /pol/ and /r9k/ destroyed this community.

In other words



>> No.6802490


Considering all of those boards are basically the same people....and they all originate at one place called /r9k/

>> No.6802516

I don't know.

>> No.6802586

I personally stopped regularly browsing or reading this board when people started acting like there was a community of /lit/ people and we needed to discuss what the 'good' authors and philosophies were and what was shit taste. And of course the bitching about what it's like being an aspiring author.

When /lit/ was good it wasn't like /r9k/ or /pol/ or any other "community" it was good when it was like /e/ but for fucking books. There were whole threads where people just posted downloads of books they thought were good from a genre. Now you people just murder my literary erection with your incessant blogging.

>> No.6802615

How often do you guys have sex.

>> No.6802700

when retards started obsessing over what was "meme" or not as if it mattered. BAN THE FUCKING WORD MEME NOW

>> No.6802709

probably when i got here
i'm sorry guys

>> No.6804202

No fuck you newfaggot. I distinctly remember all the "hey im from /mu/ (or /tv/) & heard you guys are super patrician!!" Threads from 2011/2012. It didn't take long for the board to go to shit and all the threads stopped being about books actual content. /pol/ didnt show up here til a year or two later. As for /r9k/, /lit/ & /sci/ were originally perpetual threads there until moot gave us our own boards. /r9k/ has always been here. You can tell most of the oldfags are gone now because our love/hate relationship with /sci/ seems to have disappeared.

>> No.6804214

I remember 2010 when I complained that /lit/ had no board culture or memes whatsoever aside from making fun of tripfags.
Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.6804601

I have nothing to say I just wanted to bump this picture of DFW to the top of the board

>> No.6804622

Wow. Fuck a diddle wank, David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest (1996) is a full blown literary compendium of joy. Deeply philosophical, hilariously puerile, wittily base, violent, crass, beatific, joyful, heart-breaking, soul-raising, thought-provoking, mood-altering, distracting, addictive, wow. AAAAAALLLLLLLLLL of the emotions and intellectual responses are forced out of the system at some point within this (my edition) 1079 page TOME.