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/lit/ - Literature

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6797310 No.6797310 [Reply] [Original]

Is there definitive literature for the discovery and appreciation of symphonic/classical music? I have introductory music theory material that covers the "path" of western music but it is surface level and too focused on the technical aspects, whereas I'm interested in a more humanities approach.
If there is no catch-all resource, then are there definitive guides to the individual styles?

>> No.6797359

bump for interest

>> No.6797480

Nothing is definitive
"a more humanities" approach usually concerns itself with individual composers and spins context from there

>> No.6797522

i am very fond of sucking penis

>> No.6797538

Alright, I will look into it. Thanks

>> No.6797555

Listen To This by Alex Ross

>> No.6797763

you would rather read a book about styles rather than actually listen to the music.......i don't even know what to say

>> No.6797794

Yeah, no you fucking retard. A book would serve as a companion and guide to listening to the music.

>> No.6797863

You can't expect to possess an insightful knowledge of music while simultaneously being a dilettante. Your dilemna is one of a spoiled child.

>> No.6797900

Ha, I'm sorry I wasn't born with an insightful knowledge of music. I wonder what a dilettante can do to improve his grasp and further commit himself... Hmmm

>> No.6797940
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heysuuuus christo a nigga cant even ask about books that will enrich his understanding of classical music without some tryhard faggot cuck waddling on in to call him a pleb and FURTHERMORE

fuck off