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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 222 KB, 700x525, programma_165_19_david-foster-wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6796977 No.6796977 [Reply] [Original]

Was dfw aspergic? He meets many qualifications including autism shoes, star wars T-shirt, glasses and writing 1000+ page post-postmodern novels.

>> No.6796989

you forgot
>refusing to wear anything other than 100% cotton
>refusing to wash hair with anything other than bar soap

>> No.6797006

No, he could still function. He was just your average introvert oddball.

>> No.6797034

>prequel shirt

fucking dropped

>> No.6797116

mother of god, are those legit facts? Would love source....

>> No.6797122

>tfw I do both of those things....

>> No.6797134

>episode 1 shirt

an original trilogy shirt would be assburgers, liking episode 1 is actually down syndrome

>> No.6797143

Just part of his "look at me I unironically love popular culture zomg so sincere" act

Similar to how his supposed top 10 books are just airport time-killers, Tom Clancy, Thomas Harris etc.

>tfw I googled "DFW" and "airport" and got the Dallas Ford Worth airport


>> No.6797149

I wonder the circumstances behind dfw acquiring this shirt... Did he go out and buy it because he liked the film so much? Did he get it as a gift? Was he traveling and needed a new shirt as all of his others were so sweatdrenched that he just bought one that looked cool?

>> No.6797165

Most people who were in contact with him commented on how down to earth, unassuming, humble and completely unpretentious he was. Its pretty hard to fake that and to keep it up for your whole life...

>> No.6797168

Also I remember seeing a syllabus of his (I believe) where the students at his uni were asked to read a Steven King novel. There's nothing wrong with liking King and being a legit writer, but I would have been really angry paying $42000 a year so that a teacher can tell me to appreciate beach-reads.

>> No.6797173

Stephen King is very good at structuring stories and dialogues, he's an amazing "craftsman" but not an artist, well worth of checking out parts in a course on writing/literature

>> No.6797207

>Just part of his "look at me I unironically love popular culture zomg so sincere" act
Did you ever consider that maybe he just doesn't give a shit? Not every guy past 15 years old is a massive fucking ponce that worries over petty shit like this.

>> No.6797546


King is the literary equivalent of the marketing phrase "the easy drinking taste of bud light".

He is not good, or doing anything different. Its just smooth, and just a couple hairs off so watered down that it would be not worth it at all. just a couple.

>> No.6797572

How could you possibly wear an episode one tshirt?
thats not "not caring" he does not just find his cloths on the street like a homeless person.

>> No.6797601


Wait, autistic people have special footwear?

>> No.6797666

yeah, Nikes

>> No.6797697

>1000+ page post-postmodern novels

The photograph shows Franzen standing to the left, grinning at the camera, pointing to a sweating, bandana'd Dee Eff Double-you furiously typing away on a typewriter.

Franzen's facebook comment above the photograph reads, "So I told Dave to write a 1000+ page post-postmodern novel. He actually did it the absolute madman."

>> No.6797732
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>> No.6797749
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I thought it was these.

>> No.6797753

Ignatius wasn't autistic

>> No.6797838
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Now I'm not the biggest DFW fan out there, but I think he was trying to teach his students to walk before they run. He knew damn well that they'd all come in there with the same hyper-erudite, stream of consciousness crap trying to imitate him but he instead he redirected them to the basics. Pretty damn smart if you ask me.

>> No.6797847

his sister, in her interview

>> No.6797864

Wow you are a cunt.

>> No.6798250

Geobaskets or CPs

>> No.6798892
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Note New Balance

>> No.6798909

lmfao franzens shoes

>> No.6798920

Looks comfy for the humid Italian climate

>> No.6798930

also the posture.

Defensive, self-protective. Hand over genitals, one hand grasping the opposite arm across the vulnerable midsection, downcast eyes, pursed lips. probably upset madame Z didn't reciporicate sexual overatures.

>> No.6798941
File: 91 KB, 900x900, 1427079342602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put dfw's shoes on rick and you have me

>> No.6798950

he needed to just chill out and smoke some weed or something

>> No.6798953

>probably upset madame Z didn't reciporicate sexual overatures.

word on the street says she did

>> No.6798970

Really? before or after this photo?

I could also see the posture being caused by MZ the dreamweaver expressing post-coital dissatisfaction.

>> No.6798972

Not for an autistic psychopath

>> No.6798984

Not sure if you are being sarcastic but he did smoke weed.

>> No.6798993

DFW just supposedly acted like a sperg in public and kept his sexual stuff on the downlow where he acted more alpha.

audience pussy anon. dont believe some guy who gets groupies has going on internally what he displays in that photo

>> No.6798994

....shit. Are these autismal?

>> No.6799001

dat false dichotomy...

>> No.6799012

Its not that hard to sleep with women if they are actively approaching you and initiating it. Even a mega sperg can manage that.

>> No.6799017

Spergly-low levels of concern for others + great psychological insight = incredible game

>> No.6799019

Girls who were into his fiction would like the idea of him being a nervous sperg, that's how he got the groupies.

>> No.6799035

audience pussy is impossible to not get. even the spergiest sperg will get it.

Authorial peer pussy though, now that is likely much more difficult. I could see someone with sperg-tendencies and inflated confidence (thanks to audipuss) crashing and burning after attempting to hit on someone with similar author status to himself. Easily. Much more easily than DFW playing some hyper-aware reverse bodylanguage game.

now I have thought about this too much

>> No.6799044

is there an agreed upon reason why DFW hung himself? any theories from those who are familiar with his life/mental condition?

>> No.6799053
File: 73 KB, 600x1040, Kornheiser_Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Authorial peer pussy

>> No.6799059

not quite, they're /fa/

>> No.6799062


>> No.6799068

Combination of:

Yo-yoing on/off meds

Being told that he wrote the genius novel of our decade, piled on with praise and then feeling like he couldn't match it or that he was a "fluke" or "fraud".

Also clinical depression.

>> No.6799080

he meets the qualifications for not having had any talent

>> No.6799085

I read this earlier today, he seemingly had a big problem with living up to the idea of "DFW"


>> No.6799089

Provide support for your statement or accept that is is subjective opinion which adds nothing to the thread.

>> No.6799113
File: 267 KB, 1920x1080, skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This realization came fast and hard the moment I opened DFW’s copy of End Zone. I knew the DeLillo books would be juicy because DeLillo was pretty much Wallace’s favorite author, but that was no preparation for the words that greeted me when I carefully opened the book’s brittle paperback cover:


>My breath tripped in my throat. I was hoping for revealing annotations, and Wallace exceeded my expectations with his first gloss. Freaky things like “SILENCE = HORROR” are not the first thing a researcher stumbles across anywhere outside of a TV show. Wallace may have been talking about End Zone, but the context was totally different now; these were words from beyond the grave, written in a dead man’s hand, and even though I’d never met him, here I was holding his treasured book, staring his mind in the face, and his first utterance to me is “SILENCE = HORROR.”

>> No.6799114

I think it is pretty appropriate that he should kill himself after writing a book as faggoty as Infinite Jest.

>> No.6799126

Provide support for your statement or accept that is is subjective opinion which adds nothing to the thread.

>> No.6799131


ECT works

>> No.6799165

ECT being...?

>> No.6799175


guugel it

>> No.6799212

hm wtf never knew this was still considered legitimate treatment after the whole era of "one flew over the cuckoos nest"

>> No.6799219

they still do fucked up shit to people with mental issues.

we just throw drugs at them till something happens now. fry their shit or sedate them

kinda fucked but what else to do

>> No.6799236

As someone who has one friend who regularly undergoes ECT, it's very different from what they depicted in the movie, to the point that it's harmful to a relatively useful therapy

0) You check in for half a day in the clinic that runs the therapy once a month or once every 6 months
1) You are sedated and go to sleep
2) They put a piece of leather in your mouth so you don't bite on your tongue
3) A single shot goes through your body, it contracts once
4) You slowly wake up from sedation, feeling much better and "clearer" than before

Here in Germany, it's relatively rarely used since people react positively to most available meds. Just people like my friend where seemingly none of the usual stuff works still receive it.

>> No.6799320

These aren't because he's autistic, it is because he was playing the role of idiosyncratic genius.

>> No.6799337

Oh man that's funny. Imagine JF's nasally voice saying that.

No he isn't. He was a bright man who wrote an awesome book and you're just upset because you didn't finish it not because you're dumb but because you're lazy.

This is a problem that plagues you in most facets of your life.

>> No.6799349



i dunno man

>> No.6799376

this is probably true but
>what is Barnum effect?

>> No.6799417

I'm not sure I see the correlation? Can you expound up this, please?

>> No.6799613

Bar soap is underrated, and can do interesting things for your hair.

>> No.6799633

>This whole thread about les danques et épiques maimées.
Does any of you actually know how someone with an autism spectrum disorder think or behave?

>> No.6799696

like what?

i tried it, didn't do anything spectacular

>> No.6799735
File: 44 KB, 500x500, nike-free-trainer-7.0-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forreal tho, any other litards rockin these?

>> No.6800859

Those look like Lego.

>> No.6800883

>tfw I googled "DFW" and "airport" and got the Dallas Ford Worth airport
watch out man, don't fall into the rabbit hole

>> No.6800989
File: 7 KB, 226x223, 32323235363763763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keks achieved

>> No.6801187

a lot of hair business in /fa/ man
it's pretty great for people to literally yell out NOPOO at you

>> No.6801234

that fucking shit
"sincerity" my ass

>> No.6801264

In the 4chan meaning of the word, yes.

In the actual meaning, no.

>> No.6802101
File: 121 KB, 208x499, IRL Slick rick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I doing this?

>> No.6802160


>> No.6803120

no, just very sheltered and over educated.

>> No.6803153

I don't know about that, but he looked like the nicest guy in the world, would've hang out

>> No.6803407

Being bi-polar, the negative though patterns you get when depressed are often completely irrational; but they seem so weighty and intense. I can see how the reality of an introverted person getting this much attention and being called a genius etc., when he himself has doubts about his achievements, could lead you into a hellish downward spiral.