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/lit/ - Literature

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6796902 No.6796902 [Reply] [Original]

Date with a writer

Part 1/4

>> No.6796907
File: 333 KB, 1366x768, The Chief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I saw this. I mean if the dude obviously sounds like a tool but Tweeting out the date is a huge fucking bitch move. Definitely not impressed.

>> No.6796920
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>> No.6796929

Sounds like he goes on /lit/

>> No.6796935

/lit/ is pretty obsessed with irony and being self aware, so I'm fairly certain this guy isn't from here. Unless the entire date was a joke and he was ironically trying to be the biggest faggot possible.

>> No.6796936

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6796939
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>> No.6796940

This guys sounds like an alpha.

ubermensch, perhaps?

>> No.6796946

I didn't know random tweets were literature

>> No.6796952

>betafag detected

>> No.6796955

3rd text with the daddy issues kinda kills that

>> No.6796959

except all ubermenschen have daddy issues
what do you think they are trying to overcome?]
look at Nietzsche and his trying to overcome his dad's Protestantism

>> No.6796963

This shit is hilarious.
>writing a screenplay. It's about this guy who never feels like he fits in.

tfw I went on a date with a girl who works for a non-profit just a week ago. I think it went a lot better than this, though.

>> No.6796966


>> No.6796978


heh ya that's why you're still on here nerd


oh come on what actually ubermenschen male would do that, you be very humble and respectable while maintaining an air of confidence, let your words do the talking not your great feats of college lit thesis's.

>> No.6796980
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>> No.6796981

Nietzsche wasn't an ubermensch

>> No.6796985


and this is what happens when you just b yrself

>> No.6796986

Things that didn't happen:

>> No.6796987 [DELETED] 

>talks about himself to take the pressure off her
>gives her tips on where to get good coffee
>offers her some of his highly rated puttanesca sauce
>self depreciating humour

Good guy/10 would let date my sister

>> No.6796988

>it involves a lot of introspection, a lot of wrestling with your own demons
Oh he's so in there. The 'damaged romantic' type is a really panty-dropper.

>> No.6796992

You may consider tweets as a short story.

>> No.6796994


that ending reminds me of the feminist fantasies girls would make up in their head and tweet about, it was almost believable till the end.

>> No.6796996

Deprecating, and it's the worst kind of humor, right after sarcasm and political caricatures.

>> No.6797003

sounds like a tremendous faggot

>> No.6797005

>heh ya that's why you're still on here nerd

I'm not quite sure what part of my post you were responding to or what burn you were even trying to make. Are you perhaps twelve?

>> No.6797013

The woman tweeting seems like a cunt. The guy seems like a bit of a jackass but honestly, who cares?
>lol people make big deals of themselves when trying to impress mates, aren't people such jackasses? Lol at this guy who's self-involved and pursuing an artistic outlet! I fucking love tweeting and social media!

>> No.6797016


I was just bullying you dude, no harm done. Are you 5? Can't handle a little harmless bantz.

>> No.6797017

Sarcasm today is used less for humor and more as a deflection tactic. Back in my day satire was poignant and acerbic.

>> No.6797018

Because losers like these are good sport to make fun of. I get much entertainment from it.

>> No.6797023

She probably inflated the situation drastically to make him seem like that much of a douche. Though there are clearly people that are that self-obsessed and sound that ridiculous, she committed to this thing and wanted it to be up to the standard of awkwardness she hoped it would be.

>> No.6797029

This. He didn't do anything malicious, he's just socially retarded.

However lampooning someone with a play-by-play over Twitter is malicious to an extent. I wouldn't want to be around the woman who sent these tweets.

>> No.6797038

I mean, it's just that the way you write is not very concise. Very inelegant, with a discernible lack of talent.

>> No.6797040

Well meme'd, except these fake "I'm at some place where an awkward date is happening and tweeting about it" stories are all over the internet, it was a stank meme at its inception. /lit/ once again behind the times like it's behind at knowing shit about literature.

>> No.6797045


can u rec me some books on how to knitter knots in a more elegant way friend.

>> No.6797049

>I mean, it's just that the way you write is not very concise. Very inelegant, with a discernible lack of talent.
>not very concise

>> No.6797050

Me and my friends constantly laugh at someone who vents nice-guy frustrations on Facebook all the time. It's great fun.

I'll get back to you on that.

>> No.6797052

see this on blogto and now here. fuck off with this shit. the guy is an absolute retard who even puts the autists of /lit/ to shame

>> No.6797058

>Me and my friends constantly laugh at someone who vents nice-guy frustrations on Facebook all the time. It's great fun.

A friend of mine said once that the problem with "nice guys" is that they're not actually nice. They're these brooding little psychopath bombs waiting to go off, they're just using the "nice guy" persona as a cover.

This guy doesn't really fit the nice guy bill though, he's just a phony retard. I'm positive the dude isn't even a real writer, just some sad clown who sits at coffee shops and writes his 20th screenplay that will never be made.

>> No.6797062

ITT: A spinster tweets her eavesdropping to alleviate her own crushing loneliness. If only he were looking at her, instead.

>> No.6797065

>what a bitch
>thats perfectly normal
>dude hes totally alpha, you're just a fag

wow /lit/, sounds like everyone of you has been in this situation before.

>> No.6797068

Could cover pal.

>> No.6797069

>ITT: pathetic manchildren see themselves in that sperg and get angry at the woman
as if you retards would be bitching about malicious intent if it were a guy tweeting this shit about a girl.

>> No.6797072


>> No.6797074

No he was just short and her female manlet filter interpreted everything he did the worst possible way.

>> No.6797086

Kind of reminds me of this time i went to the mall. I never go to that place, but i figure fuck it, I'll try eating some mall food while I'm here. Sit down in the food court, it's almost totally empty. This older man and younger girl sit directly next to me even there's tons of other seats.

They converse loudly enough for me to hear them, and it takes about 30 seconds for the old guy to start saying:

>So uh....you're mother seems to think that i uh...maybe did some things to you when you were younger. I don't get where she comes up with these things.
>Her: Well uh....you know....it was a long time ago, so maybe she should just drop it.
>Him: Well i know! But now with the divorce and everything she's saying she's going to bring that up, and I can't have her saying this sort of thing about me in court!
>Her: Well....uh...you know, it was just such long time ago, I uh...I don't want it brought up either.
>Him: Well good! But I was just thinking, if she's going to bring it up, I should get you to come into court with me and tell everyone it's not true!
>Her: Well...i'm just not comfortable with that, um....it's just such a long time ago and I'd really like to forget it.
>Him: Well the best way to do that would be to put it to rest, come into court and tell everybody it's not true!
>Her: *starts crying* I just...i just can't do that dad!

At this point I loudly got up and threw my stuff away and stormed out of there.

>> No.6797089

Ya, those don't sound very believable

>> No.6797093

>Me and my friends constantly laugh at someone who vents nice-guy frustrations on Facebook all the time
That faggot puts himself out there though, by posting on Facebook. This guy was just being cringey on a date. Not the same thing.
Dudes who describe themselves as "nice guys" aren't interesting enough to be psychopaths. They're just boring betas.

>> No.6797094
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>I didn't know random tweets were literature

Yeah, I'm not surprised. You white males are SO last century.

Twitter is giving us women and oppressed PoC's a voice. These are not just 140 character long bursts of un-meditated thoughts sperging out of us like piss from a larval human, no!

Our Twats and Twits will one day be considered NanoLiterature once we dismantle the oppressive presence of the Cis-Het white 'man'!

>> No.6797097

What does this thread have to do with you overhearing a man confess to molesting his daughter in a food court

>> No.6797099

Because i was overhearing an uncomfortable conversation.

>> No.6797100
File: 942 KB, 245x245, 14a9bd2d89d9e326d459ecdab6a24d9f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the father face when she said she couldn't do that

>> No.6797102

Gen X detected.

The most sarcastic generation EVER

>> No.6797104

Didn't Elliot "face of r9k" Rodger describe himself as a nice guy all the time?

>> No.6797105


why didn't you ask if you could molest her to take her mind off the troubles?

>> No.6797107

Probably. He's far from the average "nice guy" though.

>> No.6797111

yeah dude sounds naïve but I wonder if it's any less pathetic to feel inclined to share it on social media or to think it's worth sharing at all.

I see shit like this all the time on fb. it's why I rarely use it. either masterbatory circle jerks or idiotic one-liner quips. usually both.

>> No.6797114

Does it quell the raging emptiness inside you?

>> No.6797115

Implying 90% of this board wouldn't just stare at their spaghetti and mumble "y-you too" the entire date

>> No.6797124

>muh sicrit club
/lit/ is the 4th most popular board on 4chan, which is the 9th most popular site in the world.

You are projecting if you are implying that there are only autistic spergs like youreself here.

>> No.6797128

spot the bitter unlovables

this story is complete bullshit. I don't know how this bait still rattles the hair-dyed fatties but gj OP.

>These are not just 140 character long bursts of un-meditated thoughts sperging out of us like piss from a larval human, no!
It's called Muh Studies, shitlord.

>> No.6797129

I mean all artists in whatever form start out naïve and self absorbed don't they? maybe he'll grow up and be cool someday. I hope so.

>> No.6797130



>> No.6797131

oops, somehow missed the link

>> No.6797133
File: 15 KB, 300x300, Sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is the 4th most popular board on 4chan
Hold on a fucking second

>> No.6797136

>not chomping away on your sammich as you flip open your copy of Lolita.

>> No.6797137

>/lit/ is the 4th most popular board on 4chan
>4chan is the 9th most popular site in the world
just going to assume this is bait to save myself the trouble.

>> No.6797141

It's equally as shitty

I don't want to be tweeted about

>> No.6797142

He isn't wrong. /b/, /v/, /sp/, /lit/ and /a/ are the top 5.

>> No.6797144

by 4th I'm sure the 3rd is like 873.5 times more active. between 3rd and 4th on 4chan is a pretty big gap.

>> No.6797150


It's called Muh Satirical Joke, Autismo

>> No.6797151

LOL not even close you colossal faggot

>> No.6797155

wtf does this have to do with /lit/ christ

>> No.6797157

Where are you getting these statistics from?

You're having a laff. People on this site hate reading books and would much rather reach for the video games and porno.

>> No.6797163

Airing your misunderstandings of women and practically begging for dates on Facebook is equally pathetic and worthy of ridicule, though.

Yes it does.

>> No.6797166

She was broadcasting the perceived awfulness of the Typical White Male, to reinforce their self-inflicted affirmations and justifications for getting knocked up, knocked around and then left by Jamal.

>> No.6797167

>taking a simple joke this much to heart

How telling

>> No.6797172

>It's called Muh Satirical Joke, Autismo
>charges autism
>doesn't realize I was playing off his joke

>> No.6797177
File: 161 KB, 499x501, PEPE WEIGT BABY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit, /fit/ is way faster than /lit/

>> No.6797183

He sure as hell isn't /lit/
>Didn't ask her what she reads
>Didn't instantly call it entry-level pleb-shit
>Didn't go on long-winded rant on genre fiction
>Didn't smugly assert that he doesn't read translated literature (he has native-like fluency in ten different languages)
>Didn't laugh heartily at the works of Continentals
>Didn't run her off when he starting reading his existential poetry where he brags about how amoral he is and how jaded he has become
>Didn't solemnly bask in tfw nogf

>> No.6797184

>Airing your misunderstandings of women and practically begging for dates on Facebook is equally pathetic and worthy of ridicule, though.
>Reading comprehension
I fucking agreed with you. The dude posting on Facebook about girls is a huge queer I would have no problem making fun of. This is guy was just a date. He's a weird tool, but his blunder doesn't need to be broadcast across the internet.

>> No.6797187

*on a date

>> No.6797188

>What is /tv/, /soc/, /co/, /fit/, /pol/
/lit/ is weak sauce m8

>> No.6797193

>Muh Bad

>> No.6797198


4chan is the 355th most popular site in the USA. check alexa .com broz

>> No.6797199

Funny. Commenced to falter with and after the caps in 3rd part.

>> No.6797203

Sorry man, didn't mean it like that. I guess I'm just so consumed with hating on lesser men than me. I should mean to say that the fellow being ridiculed over Twitter is worthy of being made fun of too. Not like anybody knew his name or face or anything.
Not like he was real, anyway.

>> No.6797205

>Didn't talk 2 hours about how Gene Wolfe is an underappreciated God of writing
>Didn't repeatedly try to push photos of DFW grimacing on ZDF in her face
>Didn't ask her if she was actually Pynchon
>Didn't schizophrenically alternate between "Sam Harris is the supreme philosopher" and "Have you found Christ yet?"
>Didn't repeatedly grab the menu and ask her "what translation of this should I get?" and "where should I start with this?"

>> No.6797208

>not sticking around and tweeting the conversation

>> No.6797214
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He described himself as the supreme gentleman.

>> No.6797216

Yes he's worthy of being ridiculed but he's not as deserving.

>> No.6797223


It's like I'm really on Reddit

>> No.6797224

I suppose you are right.
Maybe, though, a man like him would look at these tweets, and go "shit, am I like that?" and fix himself.

For the greater good.

>> No.6797230
File: 2.00 MB, 320x323, 1415916142306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a beautifully sad tale, anon. well told/10.

but back to social media. some people are funny but most aren't as funny as they think they are. I am though. for sure.

>> No.6797231

Very nice

>> No.6797241

I've been here too long. I don't even know if you are this stupid or if you are being ironic.

>> No.6797247

I've been here too long. I don't even know if you are this stupid or if you are being ironic.

>> No.6797250

dont be a fucking weirdo and you wont be

>> No.6797268

If I knew someone was tweeting about me I'd bash in their skull and eat the sweet sweet goo within while I waited for the cops to find me.

>> No.6797274

you probably havnt been on a date in years, if ever. stay mad sperglord

>> No.6797275

>Been here so long he doesn't even know the "no discernable talent" meme

>> No.6797279
File: 196 KB, 780x770, e2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coldsteel, dude, coldsteel

>> No.6797280

Mad about what kid?

>> No.6797282

If someone was tweeting about you, you should thank your lucky stars they didn't take a picture of you in their public shaming, and from there learn to not be socially retarded.

>> No.6797286

fucking lel, youre even younger than i had thought. life is gonna hit you hard m8

>> No.6797289
File: 21 KB, 600x341, trips_disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drinking dark roast

>> No.6797292

>Didn't scream mein gott this ish pure ideology or X is a spook at every other sentence she said

>> No.6797308

>hurr you should have the right to tweet about who you want its hip and trendy

We truly are living in the panopticon

>> No.6797309

Obviously fake and not even funny.

>> No.6797318

Nice meme redditurd

You're stupid as fuck kid

>> No.6797319

Serious question: do people actually think this (and the countless other anti-white-male stories) actually happened?

>> No.6797326

psht nothing personnel kid

>> No.6797330

>anti-white-male stories
holy fuck calm you shit you MRA faggot

>> No.6797333

Shut up before I start tweeting about you

>> No.6797337

>implying you have any friends to read youre tweets

>> No.6797340


/v/ and /b/ are empirically larger and drive more traffic than all 5 you listed. fucking moron.

>> No.6797352

>le mra boogeyman

>> No.6797374
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>> No.6797382

>holy fuck
>calm down

You're the one who needs to calm down, friendo.

>> No.6797386

yeeeah Toronto!


>> No.6797392

You do realize that everyone except you is objecting to /lit/ being called the fourth largest board, right? Try to keep up.

>> No.6797393

ironically, the only person I know who uses the word friendo is the only ignorant-stereotypical-feminist I've ever met
how strange it would be if you had a secret life on /lit/ as a defender of men's rights and it gave you some sort of filthy, erotic thrill

>> No.6797398

boards busier than /lit/ that I know of:

I would bet many of the others are more popular as well. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6797402 [DELETED] 


What a cunt. Mind your own business you stupid whore. And people wonder why bitches get raped and murdered. I hope this braindead twat dies in an ISIS video.

>> No.6797404
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>Discarting facts because of peer pressure

Gee, I guess reddit is going to be fun for you.

>> No.6797405
File: 177 KB, 1095x795, 1417860038170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a fucking cunt, Anne Thériault.

Rule #1 on the chans: never show us your real identity.

Now some of us are going to make you suffer for being such a feminist bully. We don't like your kind around here.

Go back to Reddit

PS: Your writing is fucking terrible. It is affected and trite. You are nothing more than an adolescent Plath. ' My Heart Is An Autumn Garage'. Pathetic

No one cares about your first-world white woman problems, you fucking nutjob. God, your writing is so lacking in imagination it makes me want to rip my eyeballs out.

You need to die in a fire.

>> No.6797409

Yeah, seriously. Only sophisticated, second year lib students with amazing taste and flawless social grace, such as ourselves, are allowed to make fun of autists.

>> No.6797410

>getting your panties all up in a bunch

What on earth makes you think that other anon is that person?

>> No.6797416


SPED alert

SPED alert

SPED alert

SPED alert

SPED alert

SPED alert

>> No.6797424

Tits or gtfo.

>> No.6797425
File: 287 KB, 500x768, 1434857008356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw AnneTheriault is the OP

She is a seriously ugly cunt. And a terrible writer.

>> No.6797426

Who else /6ix/ here

>> No.6797427

This isn't about Men's Rights

Holy fuck calm down you straw manning faggot

>> No.6797438

le false flagging agent provocateur maim

you're right about the writing, though. that sounds like poopoo

>> No.6797454

>Butthurt cunt detected

I'm reading the shit you write, and it is truly remarkable in how genuinely awful it is.

I have seriously never read anything so inconsequential in my entire life.

At least you will have a large audience of similarly disaffected, bitter, mentally ill white women who are looking for confirmations that they are not alone in their purgatories of confusion and senseless lashing out against white men.

>> No.6797458

that guy is not even worked up lol your tone is so fucking schizo

>> No.6797463
File: 3.04 MB, 1842x2240, muh books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre sperging so hard i'm tweeting this
also suck a dick you fat sperg bitch, youll never be a part of the STEM master race you autistic bitch boi

>> No.6797539

I obviously don't know for sure if the anons I am replying to are this Anne Theriault thundercunt.

But I'm fairly certain that she is ITT.

And she needs to know that her mindless, cancerous writing should be ridiculed for its self-indulgent sophistry and arrogance.

She provides a perfect example for the reason that all women should be kept in the kitchen with a muzzle on, lest they bore and annoy real literati with the inanity of their insignificant struggles and lusts and petty cruelties.

>> No.6797547

Real psychopaths aren't interesting, they're boring people

>> No.6797584


Woah, I think I know this chick. I went to a highschool writing program with her at Queens U in Kingston. We talked for a bit.

That's it, that's the story. I'm sorry it's so boring. :( Interesting to see she's turned out to be a bourgfem. Better than a NEET piece of shit, I guess.

>> No.6797614

Shut up, Meg.

>> No.6797691

Go out in public and present your social ineptitude to the world, prepare to get pointed at and laughed at.

That's the way of life, buddy.

>> No.6797845

>calls someone else socially inept
>tweets about some overheard conversation
...and I bet you use the term 'social network' unironically, too. Absolute garbage.

>> No.6797858

What are you supposed to do regarding socially inept people, except make fun of them on the internet?

>> No.6797886

Believable up until this part

>> No.6797889

add >>6797858 to the list of bitter unlovables

>> No.6797899

I'm pretty sure she did see an actual guy and just exaggerated after that to basically sell home how done the girl was with him.

>> No.6797955

Actually most people I talk to about the overabundance of social media agree with me, but keep eing a beta cuckster who smiles and nods with the crowd and is unable to create any arguments for himself

>> No.6797996

either lying or she wants his D, i mean why else would she be so concerned about someone else

>> No.6798014

>Hurr hurr muh 1984 dystopian future
God, fucking people who decry the social consequences of the internet are almost as bad as socially inept beta males.

>> No.6798040
File: 11 KB, 407x378, 1407251351841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't tell her to "start with the Greeks" when she asked what she should have for dinner

>> No.6798045

People go along with most anything I say because I'm a pretty charismatic person

>le beta male meme

Oh boy

>> No.6798069

>Didn't repeatedly grab the menu and ask her "what translation of this should I get?"
I laughed out loud.

>> No.6798116

People generally like me, people from all walks of life, because I'm generally approachable and friendly. But I guess deep down, you are at peace, and I am a vengeful monster.

I'm okay with that.

>> No.6798190

it's kind of sad how pathetic you are