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6794652 No.6794652 [Reply] [Original]

Has science proved the Pre-Socratics wrong?

>> No.6794663

Does tbh have a new meaning I am unaware of?

>> No.6794669

No but Science has proven God dead.

thats the thing you fucking christfags don't understand, we don't disrespect you because of "le faith" you're empirically wrong, there is no god.

it would be like someone proclaiming Mickey Mouse to be all powerful, except that disney is responsible for a lot less death than you fucking scumbags.

just admit you're wrong, I'll wait.

>> No.6794675

atoms came from pre-socratics

quantum position will soon find that all is water/fire/air at the same time

pre-socratics will be vindicated. 2k wasted years of humanity

when Socrates said "i know that i know nothing" he was talking about how he didnt believe the presocratics

>> No.6794676

that image is a complex, multi-layered troll.

>> No.6794677
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>> No.6794679

>No but Science has proven God dead.
post proof

>> No.6794680 [DELETED] 

Forget your retarded question. Is this girl cute?

>> No.6794681

although I don't agree with the language of this post, I agree. and I'm religious. but there is not God, only science, so I worship that mainly.

>> No.6794682

What does Christposting have to do with this thread?

>> No.6794686

>atoms came from pre-socratics
not really, they just hypothesized an "uncuttable" particle, which is what "atom" means.

So far we haven't proven the existence of an uncuttable particle. We labeled something that we thought was uncuttable at first an "atom", though we were wrong lol Hiroshima.

>> No.6794689

she's probably like fifteen or sixteen. lay off.

>> No.6794690

Science hasn't really proven anything tbh.

>> No.6794691

science only proves observations right

>> No.6794695

nice try socrates. go drink some hemlock you cuck

>> No.6794697

In what way? There were many presocratics who held multiple, different views on a wide variety of subjects. Your questions is fucking stupid

>> No.6794698

It is popular on 4chan now making fun of idiots who post like this OP image.
I don't know if that is how it "started" but I can guarantee that's how it spread. Also /lit/ can you help me interpret an image macro I saw on facebook. It said:

"Clothes some ya'lls biggest accomplishment [laughing/crying emoji][laughing/crying emoji] like seriously some of ya'll be really proud"

I have no fucking clue what this is supposed to mean. I mean I have an idea of a couple of things but no clear indication.

>> No.6794704

It can't prove anything.

>> No.6794707

No because there's no such thing as science and the presocratics are a heterogeneous group of thinkers who have very little in common with each other

>> No.6794711


>that image is a complex, multi-layered troll.

Had a suspicion that it was so I checked her twitter and I'd say you're right. Her bait game is decent.

>> No.6794716

All of them.

It's not that complicated.

I'll have a look into quantum theory, maybe this will be a thing >>6794675

>> No.6794717

Come on this thread is getting out of control fast we have to talk about the girl.
Opinions? Is she good-looking? Is she 0/10 trash? Your voice counts.

>> No.6794718

lets just take a look at atheism versus chrisitanity for a minute, shall we?

>believe in a magical skyfairy
>believe in virgins getting pregnant
>believe in man coming back from the dead
>believe in man living in a fish belly for three days
>believe the entire universe was made in seven days
all because of some shitty book thats not worth readin a bunch of kikes and sandniggers wrote 2000 years ago

meanwhile atheism believes in
I could go on but I think I've made my point

christfags 0
atheists 10000000000001

>> No.6794721

He's making fun of people who wear nice clothes but haven't accomplished anything other than that. Probably black people, really, but it could be any stereotypically low-income group that consumes conspicuously instead of trying to improve its conditions as a group or as individuals through revolutionary or entrepreneurial modes.

>> No.6794725

"tear down hellenistic-idols"

Its slang for destroy western culture. Typical jargon for a disinfo agent of capitalist tyrannical power bent on degrading the west for every last penny of profit.

>> No.6794726

Worst thread of the day tbh.

>> No.6794731

Talking about Jesus is clearly superior

>> No.6794732

A lot of metaphysics has been "proven wrong" so to speak. There's bits and pieces that make sense if you "interpret them right lololololo".

An example would be Heraclitus and his "everything is change and fire".

Which is sort of kind of true if you take "fire" to mean "energy".
Likewise, Hinduism postulates that everything is merely sounds made at the right frequencies.

Which again, is sort of kind of true in that matter is just energy vibrating very slowly.

But it's not as if either Heraclitus or the Hindu's had even the slightest clue of what the fuck was going on in the universe, they just observed the world around them, thought about it, and came to a conclusion. They physically could not have known what we know now. A huge amount of "pre-modern" philosophy can be shot down by the simple phrase "prove it".

>> No.6794733

Had potential tbh
Solid OP tbh

>> No.6794734

Confirmed troll.

>> No.6794735

Science is horrible. The "advancements" of the Scientific Revolution have led to far more deaths than all of humanity's many religions put together.

Atheists luddites unite! No gods! No atom bombs!

>> No.6794739


so much effort for such lame bants.

why do you do this.

>> No.6794741

Rude tbh
You should always take a post at face value

>> No.6794742

it's a troll but the funny part is that he's right.

>> No.6794744

>confirmed superstitious fundie who had his faith shaken

>> No.6794745

This tbh


>> No.6794751

Good post. We know they weren't maing sense at mollecular, atomic levels, but going towards the indivisible, apart from being the logical progression of physics, looks also like the ultimate monistic experience. Which is to say, "intermediate" thinkers between them and modern philosophy, who looked down on their works as simplistic and naive are the real losers.

>> No.6794753


gr8 post

gr8 thread

>> No.6794781
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>tfw women roleplay as adults with real opinions and convictions

They're so adorable

How can you even be mad? It's like a 7 year old girl dressing up as a policeman and arresting her brother for being a meanie.

>> No.6794787

>How can you even be mad?
Many institutions have made the egregious mistake of taking them seriously.

>> No.6794792

>christ cucks can only speak in memes

Post a fedora next

>> No.6794836

Yes, because christians are the truly violent religious group today. Keep picking the soft targets, fag

>> No.6794857


She is trolling you gullible spergs.

She couldn't make it any more obvious and still you knee-jerk spectrums take her ridiculous shit seriously.

>friendly reminder "free speech" is no excuse for sexism. free speech is a gamergate meme.

>segregation was about separating black ppl from white ppl. i am talking about separating white ppl from black ppl.


>> No.6794944

>when Socrates said "i know that i know nothing" he was talking about how he didnt believe the presocratics


>> No.6794962

I don't see any indication that we were talking about her.

>> No.6794974
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>being this reddit

>> No.6794984


and it never will

because thats not how science works

>> No.6794986

shitty b8

>> No.6794995

>resist capitalism
>has iphone

>> No.6794999

Pretty obvious but decent troll if you follow her twitter.

>> No.6795001

science still can't deal with zeno's paradox, its can't prove shit regarding the presocratics

>> No.6795003

>christcucks being this butthurt
are you gonna cry faggot? go ahead and pull out your precious fedora meme now, it won't save you from my logic.

>> No.6795008

Based Zeno

>> No.6795015
File: 73 KB, 500x667, bW0zase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6795043

>its never suggested that God should be anthromorphized
>a day only has meaning to us on Earth, its useless as a universal. 7 days was just to illustrate the order and manner in which God created the universe
>i dont understand the story of jesus christ
>pretty much all of the old testament (or bible) are illustrative parables, not factual reality

also atheists dont believe in anything, including logic, science, freedom etc. all of those are based on something which must be taken on FAITH

i know its a troll

>> No.6795047


I feel bad for kids these days. All their adolescent cringe antics that they grow to regret as an adult are recorded for life and passed around internationally on the internet.