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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 112 KB, 922x608, green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6794225 No.6794225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that John Green's brother's a brony.

>> No.6794286

Do you think he clops?

That actually raises him a bit in my estimation.

I'll never forgive him for ruining the Seikelos Epitaph for me, though.

>> No.6794296

I didn't undestand a single line from your post.

>> No.6794326

I'm having a hard time figuring out whether this is a shoop or really just the guy with a smaller, identical-looking person next to him identically pulling a mid-duck bill face

>> No.6794336

Newsflash: brothers are physically similar to each other.

>> No.6794364

daily reminder that this is /lit/, one of the more accepting boards of the New Sincerity trend

>> No.6794368

What's going on with /lit/ and John Green? I've never read him.

>> No.6794386

>he didn't start with the Green

>> No.6794424

>spreads SJW lies
>neoliberal garbage
>encourages literary ignorance
>writes shitty YA
>smug piece of shit
>makes science fun and easy for children to understand
>promotes unbaised, empirical knowledge
>genuinely passionate about learning
>down-to-earth and approachable

Who do you trust, /lit/?

>> No.6794427

>being this familiar with them

>> No.6794446

I don't think you know what this means

>> No.6794449

Means: Does he jack it to ponies

>seikelos epitaph
Oldest transcribed musical piece in the world. Formerly obscure. Engraved on a Greek tombstone in honor of a dead wife. Hauntingly beautiful.

And Hank Green "covered it", butchered it, and compared it to #YOLO for views, making it popular among the plebeians.

>> No.6794455
File: 101 KB, 1000x932, FOe (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rainbow dash
He has terrible taste

Also, daily reminder (pic related)

>> No.6794468

Daily reminder that John Green's wife is actually patrician


>> No.6794484
File: 436 KB, 1182x966, 1432039994032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He has terrible taste

You both do, pleb.

>> No.6794490

I can't even feign surprise anymore, merely curiosity.

>> No.6794494

>not realizing Fallout Equestria and Homestuck are the modern Ulysses

>> No.6794502

Are those five volumes or five copies?

>> No.6794503

>Bad taste
But that's wrong, unless it's pre-4 gen.

>> No.6794509
File: 83 KB, 900x600, fallout_equestria___dust_jackets_by_whatpayne-d5md07w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

volumes. Is bigger than the bible and I think there are like 3 alternative covers.

>> No.6794519
File: 220 KB, 499x499, 1405875888042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6794521

Know thy enemy, friend.

>> No.6794527

MLP is a holy myth of transcendent pastoral neopaganism. S1 is my preferred religion.

Listen to the song "Winter Wrap Up" and tell me it isn't a sublime hymn to nature and a religious experience.

Praise Celestia and Luna, and all the other goddesses.

>> No.6794531

I've read the first several chapters and it's shit, unoriginal on multiple levels. Nothing the fandom makes is worth buying in print.

>> No.6794550
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga u serious? Did you saw the first episodes of that?
>"Applejack element is trust because she saved me from a cliff!"
The only good episode was the last one and most of the episodes were boring until S2.

>> No.6794559

They're pretty sexy but critically the show itself is subpar. Steven Universe does a better job.

>> No.6794560
File: 36 KB, 600x457, not_when_i_shift_why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading fanfiction of a product instead of the original product

>> No.6794569

You. Stop.
I bet you are one of those faggots who has spammed the cartoon to death in other boards.

>> No.6794570

S1 was mythologically inspired.

What differentiates S1 from the rest of the seasons can be seen in the intro S1E1 where the origin story of Equestria is described.

It is a moment of mythic power, as the ancients had.

>> No.6794571

It means he is a liberal in America where liberal doesn't always mean liberal. Like Milton Friedman.

>> No.6794578

You can't read a show.

>> No.6794581

I've ALWAYS wanted Hank's cock and not John. And Hank's writing a book which'll be out in a couple years so... might soon hate him or love him even more.
We wait and see, the Greene Dynasty Cometh.

>> No.6794583

>creates and promotes degenerate, tasteless modern art
>changed his last name not to sound like a kike's
That other imageboard with a similar name to this one's was right again.

>> No.6794584

>cringecore mumblecore bullshit
>let's not even attempt to be aesthetically resonant

They're polar opposites. MLP is the last reservoir of antiquity, Steven Universe is the final deathblow of postmodernism. The void is without substance but cuts like steel.

>> No.6794586


>> No.6794588

Stay happy with mediocrity bitchboi.

>> No.6794592

>You can't watch both

>> No.6794600

>last reservoir of antiquity
It's a show about females participating in a collectively feminized society with lingo and gestures derived from modern day mimetics. The only thing antiquity about it are the occasional references.
>inb4 Plato Utopia
Give me a break.

>> No.6794616

means you have no argument.

The setting of S1 is a fusion of European feudalism and Greek/European mythology. The ponies themselves have godlike powers that they're named after.

It's a sincere celebration of Western civilization. Of course, then Faust left.

>> No.6794653

I don't entirely disagree, S1 was the best. But being a 'celebration of Western Civilization' is a little stunted with the ideas of friendship conquering any idea of individual glory and a subtle female superiority. Males were never portrayed with any depth, they appeared more as second-class citizens. Modernism also pervaded in many quirks of personality and moral factors.

>> No.6794658


>> No.6794665


Leave the cartoons behind, son.

It's time.

>> No.6794775
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S1 was the best

>> No.6795097

Hank is also more attractive.

>> No.6795179

He has IBS and poops in a bag, tho :(

>> No.6795207

Under what circumstances would they fuck? like how bad would it have to be before they decided to experiment with each other's bodies.

scenario 1
the government feeds them aphrodisiac amphetamines and locks thme in a cold room, they stay cose to maintain body heat and the friction from their energetic bouncing gives them boners and then hank bangs John's asshole

scenario 2
they're hiking in the himilayas and their sherpa is convinced that he is owed a debt by society (John had a talk with him) so the sherpa abandons them as they're cis white males and without a way home and running low on supplies they huddle together to maintain body heat and the closeness stimulates them sexually so john uses some of his precious moisture to suck hanks dick

>> No.6795241

Hank's book is going to be complete shit, if it's published you know it's just because John's the biggest non-series YA writer

>> No.6795258

Stop the presses!

>> No.6795259

I really want to punch both of them in the face.

>> No.6795278
File: 354 KB, 484x600, John_Green_Electric_No.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Green is published and critically acclaimed, and also a bestseller.

Reminder that if you're bashing his work, you're nothing but a pretentious shrill child, infuriated at his success, thinking your opinion is worth more than the consensus.

Reminder that he has a wife and children, while you have nothing, save for maybe a (useless) degree and some checkmarks on your reading list.

>> No.6795284


>> No.6795285

top cuck

>> No.6795307

daily reminder when /lit/ tried to raid his reddit ama he responded to them and blew them the fuck out

>> No.6795310

Screenshots or it isn't true.

>> No.6795314

Archive, check for yourself

>> No.6795315

hes a hack

>> No.6795329

thread name/number?

>> No.6795337

search for John Green reddit ama you might have to check waruso

>> No.6795346

If I search John Green Reddit then I'm going to have to sort through a solid eighty pages of shitposting. Dont be a fuck and post pics otherwise nobody will believe you

>> No.6795353

newfags wont't believe me.

>> No.6795357


there's fucking nothing here

where's the BTFOing?

>> No.6795359

>avowed feminist
>writes magic pixie dream girls for the cucks and then 180s at the last minute for the feminists
what a hack

>> No.6795367

>a cult of personality youtuber who writes books for his DeFranco Nation XD
>an "author"
he's the l ron hubbard of the 21st century

>> No.6795371

the ama I'm talking about was in 2015, like a month ago. search reddit if you want and sort replies by controverisal

>> No.6795376

Hank is just as much of a propaganda artist as John. The only reason you don't realize it is because he's dealing with matters that aren't your specialty and/or you are a retard.

>> No.6795387

/sci/ confirmed for bronies

>> No.6795405

Really, it was a month ago?

I don't usually go to Green bashing threads.

There's nothing here

You mean this? Were is the BTFOing?

>> No.6795455

>b-but muh Bible says evolution is wrong!
If you're not a rabid Christposter, I apologize for my euphoria.

>> No.6795457

There were a few trolls in the ama. Apparently some guy is going around claiming it was a /lit/ raid even though, as you see, no one here did anything. They were probably reddit's homegrown trolls, but either way they weren't /lit/.

The guy is just trolling, like everyone else who posts positively about Green.

>> No.6795478

John Green's brother is an epic bottom, whereas John Green is an epic cherry popper.

Hmmmm that's the difference between low and high test.

>> No.6795859

>You guys can't criticize someone famous because you're not famous.
>No seriously guys, it doesn't matter if you have rational arguments against Green's style, because you're not famous.
>Fame is always a product of deserving it guys. There's no way someone could be an untalented retard and be famous.

>> No.6795885

to each his own. would you judge someone based on a spook? this is /lit/ not /alienatepeople/

>> No.6795899

>>encourages literary ignorance
In what way?

>> No.6795989

>Young adult literature is literature that people actually want to read
I'm paraphrasing, but he said this as though 'regular' literature should be ignored. Replace Harry Potter with TFIOS and Harold Bloom's criticisms also apply.

>> No.6796001

>That wholegrain crunch.

>> No.6796060

Sorry, I must be a retard? Could you please enlighten me?