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6793346 No.6793346 [Reply] [Original]

>using the word "utterly" followed by very common, unspecific adjectives such as annoying, boring, stupid, etc
>using the word "proceed" where it is not necessary, e.g. "what happens when you proceed to turn your computer on?" as opposed to "what happens when you turn your computer on?"

>> No.6793367

you sound pretty salty bro

get cut down recently by someone with a better vocabulary than yourself recently? He must have left you utterly butthurt.

I'm going to proceed to sage because I don't want to help you keep your whining at the top.

>> No.6793371

i'm a smart person and i still do this. eat it you utterly ridiculous man

>> No.6793375

>i'm a smart person
It wasn't a lie, it was my imagination; and in my imagination, in my mind, it was real.

>> No.6793405
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>i'm a smart person

>> No.6793413

>implying i'm not
i have a degree and have read ulysses and listen to classical music and everything

>> No.6793422

>i [...] listen to classical music
So no Bach?

>> No.6793434

depends which bach you're talking about :^)

>> No.6793455

I bet you can't even pronounce his name, plen.
Leave this place.

>> No.6793469

>I'm going to create a 'Things stupid people say to sound smart' thread on /lit/, hopefully this will teach me what not to say in real life

>> No.6793477

No one's ever said that, idiot.

>> No.6793787

You are the cancer on my ballsack.

>> No.6793820
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>> No.6794051

That doesn't sound smart, I don't think anyone would say that to seem intelligent.

>> No.6794065

Things stupid people do to sound smart
>Make posts on a Chinese slideshow mailing list about a person's vocabulary when they can't refute that person's argument

>> No.6794069
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>> No.6794077

If its their go to word that they never switch up it would seem pretty dull after a while but why else would you care as long as you understand what they are saying. You are the one giving it pretentious qualities.

>> No.6794132

>(any logical fallacy)


>> No.6794144

I have observed that whenever people try, be it consciously or (sub/un)consciously, to, as you wrote, "sound smart", they invariably recur to (quite laughable) obnoxious quantities of flamboyant, unnatural, superfluous, unnaditive, and ofttimes made-up adjectivation.

>> No.6794350


Forcing this word when imitate is more appropriate.

>> No.6794372

fucking fascist!


OK I admit if someone said this I would be annoyed

>> No.6794486

If you want to sound like a normal person, just replace "utterly" with "pretty fucking". Formal language is actually informal in this fucked up post ironic meme age we're living in.

>> No.6794497

For once OP is utterly correct.

>> No.6794582

What does this have to do with books?
Read a book

>> No.6794890

Disagree with

The rest is fine. It's just that in my line of work I have to deal with inherently malevolent retards.

>> No.6795123
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So here's a dumb question because my mind ain't working. What is it when something has a secondary title? It isn't a subtitle. When it's like Dumb Stuff: the Dumbening. What's the correct term for what "the Dumbening" is?

>> No.6795184

Better question: In titles like Mody Dick; or the Whale or Candide; or The Optimist

What is the second title's proper term?

>> No.6795219

I don't know why people are photoshopping faces onto this guy.
It's on every level except physical, so he should still just look the same, right?

>> No.6795239


As in, "you're just being fucking obtuse"

It's an old internet ad hominem standby when some pseudo intellectual is getting BTFO

>> No.6795277

Not trying to raz you, but why isn't 'subtitle' good enough for you ? What does it matter?

>> No.6795364

this post was so utterly unfunny that upon reading it I proceeded to shit my pants

like damn at least work it into a functional sentence nigga

>> No.6795398
File: 511 KB, 720x404, mfw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Art is subjective"

>> No.6795482

Your post perfectly captures the attempts those pretentious persons make in their efforts to appear intelligent.

I love it.

>> No.6795492

If you unironically listen to any of the inferior ones you are retarded.
How do I BTFO this without getting into music theory?

>> No.6795500
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Fucking this

>> No.6795570

>How do I BTFO this

Epic contrarian.

The things that stupid say to sound smart might actually be correct you know? You're absolutely ten times as pretentious if you have no real knowledge or understanding of this topic but simply intend to contradict those that you see as trying to usurp your position as 'smart'.

Or maybe you're just making fun of pretentious people on 4chan, in which case there's no point in satirizing so subtly.

>> No.6795597
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>>(any logical fallacy)
Triggered errytime I hear this

>> No.6795629


>> No.6795656

>How do I BTFO this without getting into music theory?
you must tell them, in these exact words: "no you faggot, art is not subjective, the discrepancies between individuals about the value of a piece of art are produced because some individuals have a higher ability to understand the OBJECTIVELY better artworks than other people."

>> No.6795659

im durnk btw

>> No.6795663

i would have guessed brain aneurism, glad to know you are fine.

>> No.6795677
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>> No.6795765

thaks man

>> No.6795946


>> No.6796250

are you guys retarded, pretending to be retarded, or do you communicate like total autists in an attempt to be more 'sincere'?

>> No.6796258
File: 60 KB, 259x567, 1411351803772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one in this thread is intelligent. you're all average-IQ faggots trying to feel superior to someone, anyone because you get shit on constantly in daily life

>> No.6796287

Obviously depends on context, but I do agree with a lot of words posted here.
I know I'm talking to a waste of space when they overuse word "literally". I swear I'm developing an allergy to it. IT DOESN'T MEANT WHAT YOU THINK IT MEANS, YOU DENSE MOTHERFUCKER.

>> No.6796320

You're in this thread.

>> No.6796330


>fighting angst with angst

The ride never ends.

>> No.6796337


this post is the equivalent of a hipster at a gig looking around and saying "wow look at all these fucking hipsters"

>> No.6796359

I often make statements that are just masturbatory and often make me realise how shallow my knowledge and thinking is due to the complete lack of implication or impact.

Whenever someone asks me for in-depth knowledge I feel that I just mumble onwards and make vague statements but I'm also too lazy to correct myself by gaining in-depth knowledge.

>> No.6796391


it's not about theory, bro

this is getting closer to the core

>> No.6796512

You're pointing out your faults rather pointlessly. You know what you must do.

>> No.6796520

What's that?

>> No.6796696

fun fact: "literally" is starting to change it's meaning through colloquial use, in a few years/decades it'll be in the dictionairy as representing "figuratively" :^)
and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.6796733

Spot on mein bruder

>> No.6796740

Not him, but it simply isn't a subtitle. Why does anyone want to know the correct word for anything?

>> No.6796755
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I'll stop replying to bait when I'm dead.

>> No.6796770

I've noticed that people trying to sound smart often just list a bunch of pleonastic adjectives. Russell Brand does this a lot.

>> No.6797189

Shakespeare and Beckett used pleonisms

>> No.6797192


>> No.6797249

They didn't just string together a bunch of increasingly obscure synonyms so that they could show off their vocabularies, and I'm sure they didn't talk like that when speaking aloud or writing in a casual context.

>> No.6797258

For example, something like "It's not relevant or pertinent or germane...", which I'm fairly sure I've heard Russell Brand say verbatim in conversation with a confused workman.

>> No.6797302
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I can't help but feel a bit depressed when people start happily and confidently using those worlds.

>> No.6797350
File: 213 KB, 442x341, Diddly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Social construct
>Quoting logical fallacies as if invoking them ends the argument
>"X is subjective"
>"Why do you hate freedom?"
>"X doesn't hurt anyone, therefore X is okay and you're wrong to object."

>> No.6797362

>pioneered the greatest era of music
>not worth listening to because their dad happens to be better

>> No.6797371

When people pretend classical isn't a synecdoche.

>> No.6797394

>anybody saying logical fallacies itt
Tell me a more convenient and accurate way to refute an argument (of course not a claim).

>> No.6797443

>cultural marxism
>thought police
>comedians are philosophers of today

>> No.6797473

Being able to point out a logical fallacy doesn't exclude a person from being stupid. If you want to refute an argument, you must do it by proving YOUR point with proper logic.

>> No.6797628


>Cultural Marxism

Sorry your aspiration to undermine and eliminate Western culture/traditions can be summarized so readily and easily.

>> No.6797635

Marxism is a Western European tradition...

>> No.6797638


Nah, it came from the fevered mind of a freedom-hating kike.

>> No.6797692

You should read Marx "On the Jewish Question", bro. Capitalism and kikery go hand in hand.

>> No.6797695

You know it's capitalism that undermines and eliminates Western culture/traditions right?

>> No.6797731

Good observations, OP. I think the trend can be generalized that severely stupid people with pretensions to intelligence have a tendency to ever-so-slightly misuse various turns of phrase they associate with smart people (i.e., "utterly," "proceed to," and sho on and sho on), because they're not quite bright enough to grasp fully the connotational nuances of the phrase.

But of course, there are many exceptions to this rule: one can be an impeccable speaker and still a total dunce, and one can be woefully ineloquent and still be, for example, a mathematical genius.

>> No.6797744

>using those worlds

>> No.6797751


7/10 bait, as you slipped in some actually obnoxious ones in the milieu of otherwise perfectly acceptable terms.

>> No.6797764
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apology for my english
I am Evropa

>> No.6797775

Not really "to sound smart," but the verbal tick 'you know' annoys the fuck out of me.

This is the Prince of England:


Grab a bottle of your favorite spirit and take a shot every time he says 'you know'.

God-mode: Watch the half hour interview with him instead.

>> No.6797808

The only people it bothers are the ones who purposely look out for it.

>> No.6797872

but when people misuse 'literally' they aren't using it to mean 'figuratively'. they're just using it as an intensifier, like "actually"

oh shit this was bait wasn't it

>> No.6797878

it is a subtitle though.

the other examples you gave are just alternate titles.

>> No.6799026

it's already in the dictionary as that
or whatever it's used as, 'intensifier' or whatever
this is 200+ years old bud

>> No.6799046
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Dumb people who think they're smart will always come after someone who uses an analogy, and say "that's a bad analogy, it's more like ______" and then supply an equally bad analogy.

Truth be told, most analogies are bad, but if you go out of your way to call it out you are a pseudo-intellectual autist.