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/lit/ - Literature

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6793047 No.6793047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>your favourite book
>your major

>> No.6793049


I'm not even a Muslim anymore.

>> No.6793055

The Castle

>> No.6793058


>> No.6793066


>> No.6793067
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Daily Divine Digest
pic related

>> No.6793094

Invisible Cities
International Relations

>> No.6793102


>> No.6793107

Sir Gawain & the Green Knight
Forestry - Soils

>> No.6793110

the unconsoled

>> No.6793122

the unbearable lightness of being
philosophy/library and information science

>> No.6793127

Always meant to read it. What's it like, Anon?

>> No.6793129

Penny Red: Notes from the New Age of Dissent
Women's Sudies

>> No.6793137

Pure math?

>> No.6793143

Cien Años de Soledd
Computer animation

>> No.6793144

the stranger

>> No.6793147

theatre, film and media studies

>> No.6793148

Got into it after reading a book (!) about Banach and Tarski when I was kid.

>tfw you'll never study mathematics in Lwów in early 30s

>> No.6793151

White Buildings

>> No.6793157
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I hope you're trolling. If not, I'm disgusted.

>> No.6793175

honestly i'm not great at describing things but it's super unique but easily readable, light and playful and also serious, but overall thought-provoking and moving. it's not super long or hard so i would recommend reading it, it was the first book i read from kundera and have since read all of his works and he's now one of my favorite authors.

>> No.6793179

Grapes of Wrath
Enviornmental Science

>> No.6793189

The Aleph

>> No.6793195

oops sorry here you go

>> No.6793198
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The grapes of wrath


>> No.6793213

Are you a genius?
Did you take college math courses in high school?
Did you compete at the international math Olympiad?

>> No.6793220

White Noise/The Sense of an Ending
Double major in Lit/Phil

>> No.6793223
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Double Major:
>Religious Studies

>pic related

>> No.6793229

>No Longer Human
>Unmanned Aircraft Systems

>> No.6793246

Blood Meridian or The Bible
International Business/Spanish

>> No.6793250


>> No.6793254

BTEC Lv 2 Sport and Leadership

>> No.6793270

Economics and Philosophy (but majoring in economics as they might say in the states)

>> No.6793306

That's a very relative term, i'm talented but never been a prodigy
No, but in philosophical - yes

>> No.6793313

>Psychology (behavioral neuroscience) and Philosophy dual. Turned out to be an interesting combination.

>> No.6793322

>Translation Studies

>> No.6793345

Computer Systems Technology

>> No.6793350

Ride the Tiger

>> No.6793355

Master and Margarita.

>> No.6793366

Starting Strength
Russian Studies

>> No.6793370

High School graduate

>> No.6793399


>> No.6793410

Book of the New Sun

>> No.6793412


>> No.6793417

The Feast of the Goat
Criminal Justice/Law

>> No.6793423

Spring Snow
Computer Science

>> No.6793437

..and knows Ferdydurke.

>> No.6793443

Mason & Dixon

>> No.6793446

what courses

>> No.6793459

>Dorian Gray
I'm also extremely shallow and a vapid narcissist.

>> No.6793479

The God Delusion
I'm finishing high school

>> No.6793495
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>Riddley Walker
>English + Philosophy

>literally no other english majors

>> No.6793504

Paradise Lost
I'm not a student anymore.

>> No.6793506

.... Come on.

>> No.6793531

I've read unbearable lightness, which book would you recommend next?

>> No.6793537

To be fair, the proportion is still out of whack.

>> No.6793544

i'm someone else and i think immortality and the book of laughter and forgetting are the best

>> No.6793548


>> No.6793556

Blood Meridian

>> No.6793581

Walden & Civil Disobedience
No degree/entrepreneur

>> No.6793594


>> No.6793596

ya but you had a major/concentration right?

>> No.6793610

Yes, but I'm not studying it any longer, so I have no major.

>> No.6793618


may I ask what you have done or are planning to do with a BSc. in Biochem?

>> No.6793622

he's asking what your major was you fucking idiot

>> No.6793624

do androids dream of electric sheep
computer science

>> No.6793630

Congratulations on making me wonder whether there could really be genuine mad christposters on this board

>> No.6793631

Gravity's Rainbow
English/Film Studies double major

>> No.6793633

>The Odyssey

>> No.6793651

The Death and Life of a Severino (Morte e Vida Severina)
One Hundred Years of Solitude
History of Sexuality vol. 1

>> No.6793657

Niebla by Unamuno
Degree in English translation

>> No.6793665

Don Quixote
Criminal Justice

>> No.6793674

East of Eden / Lolita / Brighton rock / beyond good and evil


>> No.6793676

>Moneyball fuck off liberal shit

>> No.6793683

>Herman Hesse's 'Demian'

>> No.6793698
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>Blood Meridian

>> No.6793772

all these philosophy majors wasting money on stuff they could learn for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library, lel

>> No.6793833

And he's saying he's a drop out, you retard.
>mfw /lit/ anons can't do critical reading on their own board

>> No.6793853

The Iliad

>> No.6793858

>quoting a shitty movie

>> No.6793865

And that anon was asking what his major was BEFORE he dropped out you absolute retard

>> No.6793881

> I did a semester of college and took Physics 1
> I'm a physics major

>>6793610 "not studying any longer, therefore I have no major"
That's the right answer. Stop being autistic.

>> No.6793883

Swann's Way
Mixed media art - experimental film

>> No.6793927

Absalom Absalom

>> No.6793938

>implying you could do better

>> No.6793946

please go back to worldstarhiphop

>> No.6793950

moby dick

>> No.6793965

Thanks, I'll check those out

>> No.6793968

Freshman at a polytechnic university, so as of yet haven't everything straight entire. Thinking, if I continue as I am, about clinical research if not settling for pharmaceutical. What really irks me is whether I'm on the right track.

The Qur'aan isn't actually my all-time favorite book, but it nonetheless never fails to give me weird vibes whenever I recite it.

On the top of my head the most influential "essay" I read was Twain's "What is Man?" as it introduced me into philosophy when I first arrived to the US. I don't have a stand-alone favorite book, probably since I'm so under-read. I do like Avicenna's poetry, Rumi and Pound's. They have an odd perception of depth to them.

Recs, anyone?

>> No.6793974

>you cant critique anything unless youve created a better version of it
so Stanley Kubrick would be unable to call Episode 1 shit because "lets see your star wars prequel thats so much better stan!"


>> No.6793994

work on that reading comprehension bud

>> No.6794002

smh, smh

>> No.6794013

English Lit

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.6794027

I just ate a big bowl of frosted mini wheats and going to take a shit and watch netflix
to your point Stanley Kubrick died a long time before these meme stars wars movies prequels came out. is that your point?

>> No.6794033

Why is that list backwards?

>> No.6794081

its a hypothetical stan

"implying you could do better"
could is an empty phrase, because I might feel that I could have been a better leader than Napoleon, but without having any backing for that claim in actual military leading experience I wouldn't be able to convince anyone. aka the only time you can say someone is capable of something, is if they've done it.

Certainly, you can argue that Stanley could produce a better prequel. But then I would rebutt he couldnt (or that I could as well). and we would be at a standstill, because we would be discussing a purely hypothetical movie never made.

if stanley HAD made a prequel, we would at least have the ability to compare two ACTUAL movies rather than an actual movie and a hypothetical movie.

>> No.6794113

i meant it in this way, that anon has likely not created anything worth publishing. Like Ezra Pound said, never take a critic seriously that is not also an artist with concrete work.

So many retards can spew baseless bullshit and without their shit art behind them they can hide behind subjectivity

>> No.6794122

Olaf Stapledon, Last & First Men
History (Medieval)

>> No.6794150

You gotta a soundcloud?

>> No.6794158

this is a board designed for sharing opinions anonymously

i dont think an anonymous board that shamed people for possessing opinions without having a concrete works backing them up would last very long

i understand what youre saying; i would never publicly shame Matt Damon for Good Will Hunting, particularly with no works of my own, but its such a weak argument to say "youre only allowed to possess an opinion on film/art/lit if youve contributed something concrete"

and in my experience of watching films Good Will Hunting is a bad film. im not acting as some holier-than-thou critic, im just saying

>> No.6794162
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>yfw there are NEETs and dilettantes on this board who comment as though they know anything about literature and philosophy

>> No.6794167

Moby Dick

Barely any time for reading anything besides math textbooks these days.

>> No.6794197

Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.6794227
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Mason & Dixon

I'm always surprised by the abundance of mathfags on this board

>> No.6794234

novel is so fucking underrated vg

>> No.6794258

We just do it in order to upset you

>> No.6794312

i bet you went to public school

>> No.6794321

i know how meaningless and shallow it is to have favourites because i am an art history major

>> No.6794331

I have a BSc. in biochem. Had decent, but not excellent grades.

Now I work with a dude who dropped out of grade 10 as a painter.

Pharma is oversaturated.

>> No.6794342

Infinite Jest
No formal education

>> No.6794349


I think the term you are looking for is STEMbot. You can be a NEET and still be a litfag

>> No.6794354

The sounds and the fury.
Political science.
I'm surprised I'm the only one.

>> No.6794380

> I, Claudius
> Latin

Well, that fits.

>> No.6794387

Stranger in a Strange Land

Philosophy | Logic & Applied Ethics

>> No.6794389

>he isn't NEETking

top normie

>> No.6794394
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Kafka's The Castle
Political Science

>> No.6794400


>> No.6794404

Don't have one, though I might go with the Phenomenology of Spirit.

History/philosophy dual major

>> No.6794409

Guess people tend to prefer spending their leisure time (aka shitposting) on boards that aren't dedicated to their professional field. STEMs on 4chan hardly visit /sci/.

>> No.6794410


Favorite is very hard to pick, but most days I would probably say Moby Dick.

Majored in English. Took a class on Moby Dick and studied it for a semester, so that might be part of the reason I like it so much.

>> No.6794607


>Duns Scotus- De Primo Principio
> Philosophy

Almost literally me in 2012. "Revolt Against The Modern World" was my favorite at that time. I switched to Philosophy and have never looked back. Though debating half the class and making them concede to my reactionary positions was pretty fun.

>> No.6794651

I've always wanted to read that book, how'd it go for you?

>> No.6794667

>English, with a minor in either communications or mathematics, haven't chosen
>gravity's rainbow, and Portnoy's Complaint

>> No.6794670

is that david bowie?

>> No.6794673

o pioneers!
american studies, emphasis on literature

>> No.6794783

Our Man in Havanna - Graham Greene
International Relations

>> No.6794854

The Things They Carried
Cultural Studies and Lit

>> No.6794878

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.6794886

hey another pure math and philosophy major! Cool!

>> No.6794904

Not him but yeah it is, probably from the set of Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence

>> No.6794914

Gravity's Rainbow
Social work

>> No.6794925

Anna Karenina or Sirius

>> No.6794970

It's much easier to find university level engineering and physics textbooks than books by Hegel and Plutarch in any public library I've been to (and I'm a librarian).

>> No.6794992

The Eye in the Pyramid
Computer Science drop out

>> No.6795013

The Iliad

>> No.6795036

Light in August

Chemical Engineering and History

>> No.6795037


>> No.6795072

The Map and the Territory and/or The Leopard
Political Science and History

>> No.6795086


>> No.6795100

Math majors can you answer these questions

>> No.6795150

Sabbath's Theater

Mathematics / Finance

>> No.6795169

>your favourite book
The New Testament
>your major

>> No.6795312

>English Ed / Literature

>> No.6795317

Augustus *

>> No.6795326

East of Eden


Steinbeck is just so damn good at Americana.

>> No.6795328


I will answer, I'm a Stanford math Ph.D. student.

1. No, I'm far from being a genius. If you go far enough in math you will realize eventually that you're retarded compared to top mathematicians unless you're legitimately among the smartest handful of people in the world.

2. No, I went to public school and didn't even take AP Calc BC in high school, but I worked my ass off in college to learn a shitload of math very quickly.

3. Nope, at my high school we never even heard of that shit. But now almost all my peers did IMO; many of them were multiple-time medalists.

>> No.6795516
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I would voluntarily spend time with yall

>> No.6795523

I work as an organist.

>> No.6795527

I'm a triple major because fuck everything is why: math, physics, and computer science; so I'mma answer these.

>Are you a genius?
I've never taken a real IQ test, so I don't know, I like to think I am... it eases the pain of having no friends.

>Did you take college math courses in high school?
Yeah, only up to Calc III tho...

>Did you compete at the international math Olympiad?

Favorite book? I don't like to pick favorites of things... so I'm going to go with the book I've most recently enjoyed reading, which is the Tales from a Thousand and One Nights

>> No.6795540

Anna Karenina, doing nursing and midwifery.

>> No.6795556


>> No.6795583

Double Major

Favorite Book

>> No.6795586

Love Siddhartha

>> No.6795604

Invitation to a Beheading
Classical Philology

>> No.6795605

(>>6794227 here)

My answers are pretty much the same as >>6795328
Before college I wasn't great at math and I didn't like it. People always thought I was smart, but not for anything quantitative, and not to exceptional levels. I get good grades (undergrad going into senior year), but I have to work my ass off. Nowadays some people seem to think I'm a genius, but only people who don't know math well at all and aren't aware of the boundless tracts of the field I haven't touched.

>> No.6795617

>your favourite book
the critique of judgement

>your major
graduated english/philosophy with a minor in classics

>> No.6795619

Flowers for Algernon
Civil Engineering

>> No.6795620

How was classics? Do you think you could have done an English and Classics double major, for example?

>> No.6795625
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>the critique of judgement
Are you autistic?

>> No.6795631

Is this for real?

>> No.6795637

Darkness at Noon

>> No.6795648
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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Mechanical Engineering

>> No.6795676

Guns germs and steel

I understand the flaws in diamond's methodology but I think that outsiders strengthen the field with their input.

>> No.6795684

obviously he liked it.

>> No.6795687

hothead please

>How was classics?
I loved it. the classes combined grammar, art, literature, and history in a way that my English classes never did

>Do you think you could have done an English and Classics double major, for example?
i could have, but if i did it over i would do philosophy/classics

>> No.6795700

Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

>> No.6795703

One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.6795752

Blood Meridian

Forestry & Fine Art(minor)

>> No.6795827

Memoirs of Geisha

I'd like to open up an English school somewhere in Asia in the future.

>> No.6795833

pai debnts

>> No.6795848

1. Based on the last time I was tested, which was around 6 years ago, I'm close.
2. No, I was too busy feeling sorry for myself and wasting time to do the work
3. I had no clue about it until a couple months ago so no.

>> No.6795873

War and Peace

>> No.6795877

Neuroscience and Philosophy

>> No.6795878


Genetics & Plant Biology

>> No.6795880



Chemical systems (Chemical engineering)

>> No.6795884


the few patricians here

>> No.6795911

Pure Math with philosophy and physics minors

>> No.6795927

The Republic

>> No.6795943

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.6795947

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


>> No.6795950
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>> No.6795956


Computer Science/Comp Neuro

>> No.6795968

you sound mad as fuck tbh

>> No.6795976

French literature
Best read : Lolita
Funniest read : Inherent Vice
Favorite play : Endgame
Favorite short story : The Chess Player (by Zweig, don't know the title in english)
Second favorite book : probably Crime and Punishment

>> No.6795977

Gravity's Rainbow
College dropout (twice) once drawing and painting 2nd time Poli Sci and economics

>> No.6795983

General Science, Government and Legal Specialty. Minor in Philosophy. Going to Law School.

Fucking hate the sciences and I'm terrible at math. Taking Gen Chem II for the third time this Fall.

>> No.6795984

Gravity's Rainbow. English

>> No.6795986

I think it's usually translated as 'Chess Story'. Also definitely a novella.

>> No.6795991


Forgot to add favorite book. Can't say I have a single favorite but Ender's Game and Confederacy of Dunces is up there

>> No.6795995

The Genealogy of Morals

>> No.6796006

The Voyeur - Alain Robbe-Grillet

>> No.6796015

>Computer Science

>> No.6796028


Favorite Book:
>Blood Meridian

>Business Administration

>> No.6796030
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Serious question: I'm starting college at Duke this fall with plans to study biology, and then medicine after graduation.

I like to think I'm as interested in literature and critical theory as the average /lit/fag, but I was wondering:

Is pursuing a (second) major in English because of this worth it? Or should I just stick to muh serious major and just read on the side?

>> No.6796043


No, because you'll spend all your time wetting your med-school books with tears of toil. An English degree would not be worth pursuing. Just read the canon on your own.

>> No.6796049

>On the Road
>Bio and Psych

>> No.6796058

>I'm not gay

>> No.6796062

Hunger Games
Gender Studies

>> No.6796068


Can't pick a favourite book. Something by Umberto Eco most certainly.

Majored in Cybernetics

>> No.6796070

>my reactionary positions

good lad

>> No.6796073
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voyage a bout de la nuit

third year med student

>> No.6796075

The unbearable lightness of being


>> No.6796090

Dune series
major in cs and double minor in math and philosophy

>> No.6796108

Torn between Siddhartha, Damien, The Stranger and Storm of Steel


>> No.6796121

Care to greentext some of these debates?

>> No.6796126

Nice, i see what you did there

>> No.6796172

I'll Ezra pound your mom

>> No.6796186

-Petrarca's Canzoniere

>> No.6796229

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6796550

Are you afraid of longer books?