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6792416 No.6792416 [Reply] [Original]

Is Evola basically Nietzsche for retards?

>> No.6792443


His thought is quite different from nietzsche, there aren't many parallels between the two authors.

>> No.6792449


>Traditionalism is bad

Fuckin' bourgeois bohemians, I tell ya whut.

>> No.6792463


>> No.6792475

Evola is Evola for retards

>> No.6792477
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take out Nietzsche and you are dot on

>> No.6792517

while Nietzsche was out fucking hookers and being a shut in loser, Evola climbed Mont Blanc over a dozen times, fought in WWI, advised Mussolini, worked for the SS, had several relationships with women, was involved in an art movement, basically brought the practice of yoga to the west, translated dozens of Buddhist texts, and on and on.

Nietzsche talked big but was living with his head in the clouds, Evola talked the talk and walked the walk.

He was closer to the overman that Nietzsche could have ever dreamed.

>> No.6792534

He seemed like a good guy.
Real shame he never found love. He probably didn't want it.

>> No.6792553

fyi the yoga of power, the doctrine of awakening, and the metaphysics of sex are all excellent books.

>> No.6792588

evola considered nietzsche to be acceptably entry-level.

>> No.6792621

Where does one start with le traditionalist man?

>> No.6792626

definitely with rene guenon

>> No.6792639

Ebola is a better esotericist (Because he actually involved himself in that, opposed to Nietzsche's mysticism), but the principle in his work is far lost. Might as well be grabbing at air, for those academics who actually need to use his work. Nietzsche is actually relevant to contemporary studies. The analytics have also picked up on him.

Now, for people in the world (Such as regards esotericism), the field is more open.

>> No.6792718

Yes, OP.
That's exactly it.
Every single person I met who was into Evola, was an idiot.

>> No.6792723


There's little Nietzschean about him actually.

If anything, Nietzsche would abhor the notion of sticking to a perennial tradition.
All that exists for Nietzsche is will to power, not a celestial hierarchy in which this vitalism unfolds.

>> No.6792731


>all right wingers are retards :^)

>> No.6792735



>> No.6792755

anyone who identifies as "right wing" or "left wing" is retarded

>> No.6792786

>It was Evola's custom to walk around the city during bombing raids in order to better 'ponder his destiny'. During one such Soviet raid, in March or April 1945, a shell fragment damaged his spinal cord and he became paralyzed from the waist down, remaining so for the remainder of his life[10]

This guy...

>> No.6792807

and that somehow discredits Nietzsche?

>> No.6792815

What the fuck actually happened after Germany fell? They didn't persecute him or shit?

>> No.6792827

Why should I read this guy if he was such a fucking idiot?

>> No.6792835

He went on trial for trying to revive fascism, but Evola was able to prove he was never a member of the party and his writings were critical of fascism

>> No.6792892
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you shouldnt. you should read Oswald Spengler instead

>> No.6792924

Nietzsche is Schopenhauer for retards

>> No.6794575


> Being this bourgois


Yeah, Evola always considered nationalism to be decadent leftist shit. The only thing he really liked about Facism was the heroism and warrior aspects of it. He could also get behind the NS regimes mysticism. But really Communism,Liberalism and Facism are all closer to one another than any of them are to Evola's outlook.

>> No.6794587

Why does /lit/ hate Evola? Is it his association with /pol/ and fascism?

>> No.6794614

Underrated post.

>> No.6794626

His political thought is the same kind of shit one could see anywhere at the time, Protocols of the Elders of Zion stuff. His mysticism is not complex at all. The reason he's memed is because kids think it's fun ooh le traditionalistic xD

There are better right-wing authors.

>> No.6794757

Why is complexity a positive for mysticism?

>> No.6794770

Evola is better than Marx

Prove me wrong

>> No.6794773

Jesse Ventura is better than Marx, it's not an accomplishment.

>> No.6794774

Evola is the next level after stirner which is a couple steps after Nietzsche.

>> No.6794788
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I love it whenever you faggots spout some completely unbased ridiculous posturing opinion like this

>> No.6794801

You think you have it all figured out yet you're so juvenile still.

>> No.6794808

Going by who influenced who, that is correct in a way. The Evola after stirner part at least.

>> No.6794809


>His political thought is the same kind of shit one could see anywhere at the time, Protocols of the Elders of Zion stuff.

You should probably read Men Among the Ruins before you comment on this subject. Trying to reduce Evola down to conspiracy theory shit is baseless, especially when even his view on the Protocols is that it is not a conspiracy but rather just a good description of how western civilizations went. He was mainly doing his own interpretation of the Hindu Caste System and Plato's Republic, with some influences from Dante's political work and de Maistre. It's actually quite a unique synthesis of elements all in all, even if he is a bit vague at times.

Also mysticism =/= complexity.

>> No.6794954


>> No.6795029


>> No.6795046

didn't he say that only valid philosophers live their philosophy or something to that degree?

>> No.6795189


Well yeah, celestial.
Read Evola's work.
He was a bit of a Manichean. And the transcendent was layered.

>> No.6795204


Reading his "Metaphysics of War" ( written around the time of WWII ) demonstrates that nicely.
He's all about the martial aspect of fascism. But the "authority derived from the mass" was antithetical to any traditional society, he claims.

>> No.6795231


>mysticism is complex

You're probably the same kind of guy who, if I attributed a few simple words by Dogen to Eckhart Tolle, would call it New Age bullshit.

>> No.6795611

Where should I start with reading him?

>> No.6795635


the three big ones are revolt against the modern world, men among the ruins, and Ride the Tiger.

He also has lots of interesting esoteric works in various subjects, mysticism, yoga, sex, mountaineering, the jewish question, paganism, and more.

He was heavily influenced by vedic scripture and it's not always easy to follow what he's saying because of it.