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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 300x257, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6791271 No.6791271 [Reply] [Original]

>>itt: books you would burn every copy of if you could

>> No.6791299
File: 319 KB, 712x1065, God_is_not_great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791305

i'm not a nazi, i wouldn't burn any books.

>> No.6791316


All books are precious whether I agree with the contents or not.

Each represents perhaps hundreds of man-hours of work, and could be said to contain a little part of whoever so penned it, preserved for posterity as long as it may be read.

I would even go so far as to say, that I would rather destroy a man for having written a book, than I would a book for having been written by him.

>> No.6791324
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No seriously fuck the illustrated classics editions

>> No.6791325


There is not a single book that I think should be burned.

censors pls go

>> No.6791333
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>> No.6791334
File: 2.18 MB, 3888x2592, The-King-James-Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6791392

Didn't yousee book of eli

>> No.6792044

I still don't get how he beat all those people despite being blind.

Besides the power of Jesus I mean

It kinda knocked my suspension of disbelief askew.

>> No.6792047
File: 20 KB, 374x478, UlyssesCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably the most destructive piece of literature in the whole of history. It literally ruined storytelling for the 20th century.

>> No.6792050

>it was a pleasure to shitpost

>> No.6792059

Why? I enjoyed them a lot as a kid.

>> No.6792066

My diary, tbh

>> No.6792118

Those are one of the best resources for introducing children to literature.

>> No.6792131

Nobody reply to this troll post, let's end it here

>> No.6792136

Any abridged or censored piece of literature, which is most literature.

>> No.6792148

Not the poster, I agree.

Hard to pick between the 95 Theses of Luther or the Quran.

>> No.6792151


Edgelord here , step aside sheeple

>> No.6792157
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>> No.6792204

See, I'm fine with lynching and burning the authors.

But the books should be kept as a warning to future generations.

>> No.6792295


because of these books I knew the plots to all the classics by the time I was ten years old. It helped immensely as far as understanding references in other works of literature. Why would you want to burn a children's book?

>> No.6792561

he don't seem that edgy. I'd burn it just to see the effect it would have

>> No.6792578 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 479x720, 1436294272454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made me do this

>> No.6792976
File: 284 KB, 1600x1200, the-fault-in-our-stars-book-to-film-adaptation-awesomeness..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792985

The only write answer

>> No.6793005
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>that quote

>> No.6793083
File: 941 KB, 1080x810, Khayyam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree with the Theses, but no Quran means no Hafez and no Khayyam. I'm a selfish motherfucker, I'll let ISIS exist if I can keep the Divàn and the Rubaiyat on my bookshelf. I need them.

>> No.6793145

Bible, Quran and the Talmud just for the hell of it. Fucking worthless scum.

>> No.6794182

yeah fuck you, this is how I got into reading, and I kept all of them to read to my kids

>> No.6794216

Instead of burning the books, I would burn every worthless fucking worm who still worshipped those kike desert fairytales. I would slaughter them in the streets and as they begged for mercy I would say"Where was your mercy for us when you persecuted atheists in the inquisition? where was your mercy when you spammed THAT STUPID FUCKING HAT MEME WHICH HAS NO basis in reality AT ALL every fucking day. There will be no mercy for you now." and then I would behead every religitard and throw their bodies into the swamps of the south (most christians in the us are in the south, it's a scientific fact heat makes you stupider)

I would then have all the bibles and torahs and korans shredded and used for toilet paper, the first good use they'd be put to since their conception.

seriously fuck the christfags

>> No.6794662


Arabic must be a pain in the arse to carve

>> No.6794730

"Waaah! "Waaah! remabuh duh seks million atheists!"

>> No.6794763

burn every single YA fiction novel on the earth and send all YA "writers" to die in a concentration camp/

>> No.6794875
File: 44 KB, 412x648, Derrida-Of-Grammatology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6794889
File: 427 KB, 791x1264, history-of-western-philosophy-original-imadcukpwpchwvvf..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6794891
File: 66 KB, 435x640, absolute garbage piece of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6794906
File: 1.20 MB, 3000x4000, luther complete works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>martin luther's complete works
absolute most abominable and destructive set of writings in the history of the West, would burn every time (with pleasure)

>> No.6794921

Is it that bad? How is his Story of Civilization?

>> No.6794924
File: 239 KB, 966x1566, Meditationes_de_prima_philosophia_1641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descartes - Meditationes de Prima Philosophia
Threw Western Philosophy off course and into subjectivistic, idealist bullshit for literally 400+ years, still wading through terrible mind-body dualism garbage and revivals of Kantian epistemology trash. Waiting to go back to the good old days of Albertus Magnus and Bonaventure, when philosophy was actually good.

>> No.6794930

ignore him he's memeing

>> No.6794937

How so? Durant being bad is a Meme now? Or is it something bout Histories of Philosophy?

>> No.6794955

durant is based read the history of philosophy it's fine.

>> No.6794983

Actual quote at the end of his chapter on Aristotle, which incidentally is followed by a chapter on *Francis Bacon* skipping literally everything in between:
>"The glory that had been Greece faded now in the dawn of the Roman sun; and the grandeur that was Rome was the pomp of power rather than the light of thought. Then that grandeur too decayed, that little light went almost out. For a thousand years darkness brooded over the face of Europe. All the world awaited the resurrection of philosophy."
>durr hurr dark ages lel roman philosophy don't real
>lelel medieval dont philosophy
This book was published in 1926. At that time, Maurice de Wulf (1900), Fernand van Steenberghen, Pierre Mandonnet (1920s and 30s), and Martin Grabmann (1909) had all already published their groundbreaking works on the history of medieval philosophy. For him to adopt this Hegel-like "ten-league boots" position about medieval, given the time he was writing in, is absolutely despicable, and, from a scholarly standpoint, unacceptable.

>> No.6795019

I loved those when I was like nine

>> No.6795048
File: 70 KB, 223x351, rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it.

>> No.6795051

why? I haven't read it or seen the movie, but isn't it considered above-average as far as romance novels go?

>> No.6795061

JG is a "meme author", so whatever the topic of the thread the longer it gets the more probability he'll appear for whatever reason because /lit/ is a pathetic shadow of its former self. Honestly i think this board would improve overnight if the use of the word "meme" was banned.

>> No.6795067

I see

>> No.6795071

Ya I unwittingly bought this thinking it would be a generally unbiased look at philosophy through history. Nope.

>> No.6795074
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anything by the beats or tao lin

pic related

>> No.6795082
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>that quote

I'm mad.

>> No.6795222

How hard are you memeing right now?

>> No.6796672

Is pic related or what? If so, why would you burn all those great books??

>> No.6796692

while i still hold medieval phil was smaller and trivial its retarded to say it didnt exist or didnt impact how things happened during that time.

>> No.6796715
File: 715 KB, 865x1300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker right here.
Fuck the terrorists and heir goddamned squiggle language

>> No.6796749


I just knew this very very clever answer would come up just from reading the op.

>> No.6796756

Butthurt Catholic detected.

>> No.6796765
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>> No.6796775
File: 18 KB, 466x354, burnthebooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello /lit/!

My name is Stacey Taylor, and I’m going to college for Literature.

I’m sick of having to read all these dead white males. They are so irrelevant and obsolete. They are so toxic and problematic.

If I could, I would burn every single book or file that contains the evil of their oppressive thoughts. Every book written by any white male ever needs to be burned.

In fact, I am thinking about staging a Protest Against Toxic White Males by burning some books by the most loathsome writers like Hemingway or Joseph Conrad. Ugh, I hate Conrad! Did you know he uses the n-word in his stories? I started reading ‘Heart of Darkness’ but I couldn’t even finish it, it’s just SO offensive. Can you believe that he call the jungle a Dark Heart because of all the innocent, oppressed PoC’s??

So where do you guys want to get together to Protest Against White Males by burning some books by these problem writers? I’m sure you guys would love to join in. I’m in Chicago, I go to Columbia University!

Let’s do this!


>> No.6796854

Hi Stacy!
You sound like a two dollar fag and your trolling abilities are an atrocious.
Tits or GTFO

>> No.6796859

I wasn't trying to troll, you dimwit.

I was being satirical. Notice the Nazi book burning image?

>> No.6796923
File: 223 KB, 1200x1327, 1435428492483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag supremo

>> No.6796931

This is 4chan Stacey.

We burn black guys.


>> No.6797526

uhhh, wot? like seriously satirical?

>> No.6797562

>implying it wouldn't be interesting to read in 50 years to get a glimpse at early 21st century social media.

No book should be destroyed.

>> No.6797605

even Infinite Jest? what would /lit/ do without it?

>> No.6797721

>absolute most abominable and destructive set of writings in the history of the West

Okay crusadefag, now go read 95 theses and come back when you can show me a single one that is not an obvious moral or christian truth.

>> No.6798244

salinger is a genius, and you're not a competent reader if you think otherwise.

>> No.6798290

criiiiiiiiinge fuck

>> No.6800356
File: 83 KB, 375x757, humefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6800362

fuck you dude derrida is gr8

>> No.6802241

Well fuck dude you can't convince everyone to get into literature in the same way you did, you can't even expect them to like it. This is just like a sparknotes version with a twist that 15 year old girls will find funny.

Like really what the fuck is wrong with this board this isn't a hard concept to grasp ahhah.

>> No.6802248

Wow its like you're wearing a sign that says "Im 16 years old and read about 4chan on knowyourmeme.com!"

>> No.6802250

It's due to shitty script writers

>> No.6803031


>> No.6803062

>catholic of all things
>thinks martin luther's writings are more destructive than..
>i don't know
>anything catholic

>> No.6803080

>if it gets kids into [x], I don't see what's wrong with it

This will now be the thousandth time I've encountered this lazy defense. Amusingly, when Harold Bloom got hit by this same platitude during his criticism of Harry Potter, he simply responded "They don't [get kids into literature]!"

>> No.6803691


I read all the HP books as a kid, now i'm reading dostoyevsky