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/lit/ - Literature

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6789344 No.6789344 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.6789357

A protective skull, layers of skin and hair.

>> No.6789381

If I buy enough scratchers, I'll be sure to win something eventually.

>> No.6789408
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Relative obscurity leads to desolation and self destruction.

>> No.6789423
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I don't like being friends with them anymore.

>> No.6789427


Sleep is beautiful.

The sleeping and the dead are but pictures.

>> No.6789435

Going to get fired soon. Oh well.

>> No.6789436

i help myself get over the cold by telling me that my immune system is going to genocide the pathogen from my body

>> No.6789446

Boredom and loneliness make interesting bedfellows

>> No.6789447

heads are like eggs

>> No.6789454

Semicircle swiveling swans sail so swift.

>> No.6789459

seminal is a funny word

>> No.6789478

These niggas might be the feds
44 long, fold a nigga like pita bread

>> No.6789484

I'm becoming an alcoholic

At least I'm trying to

>> No.6789501

A waffle-cone is the best kind of icecream cone although I dislike waffles normally

>> No.6789510

friends are like balloons,

>> No.6789512

I think I'm on 4chan trying to find the perfect thread and that is why I can never leave

>> No.6789529

You will never find the perfect thread because perfection for an individual must come from within. Also, you probably aren't even capable of making it. In other words, you're here forever.

>> No.6789531

I know this thought as well. It sucks when that friend is your roommate.

>> No.6789541

You're right. Ahhhhh, and they're gonna eat me next~!

>> No.6789544
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i really want some coke
ive been drunk and stoned for the past two days
havent slept
and i really fuckign want coke

> inb4 DFW memer

>> No.6789553

I'm not sure what to think about

>> No.6789561
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I have felt more lethargic lately but I can't figure out why.

>> No.6789562

Kung Fu

Kung F.U.

Kung Fuck You

>> No.6789567

God, I miss her. I hope she's ok

>> No.6789575

she takes off her dress and he sees what looks like horizontal tally lines on her upper thighs. she looks at him and says i swear to god if you even think of kissing them to show some sort of fucking show of moral support i’ll punch you in your throat.

>> No.6789586

lol faggots

>> No.6789591

wish i could have more time to read, i just got a girlfriend and she wants to call/sms 24/7, god damn it

>> No.6789594

Malcolm Doolittle is unaware, but he will be the agent of her death by the narrative's end, and he will be a willing participant.

He may even love her, a little, in his own way, but he didn't even tell her his real name, she was a game-piece from the start.

Malcolm doolittle is not the protagonist: he is however, a catalyst among others, a key player, and the resolving force behind the plot.

For all her savvy, she'll make the fatal error, and the jaws of fate will clasp shut like a vise.

It is foreshadowed, she has a corpus and vitality, but not a name.

Give me a name fit for a sacrifice /lit/.

Make it a pretty one, pretty girls die better.

>> No.6789602


samefag tbh

>> No.6789609

I wrote today and it annoys me how little it feels, even if I spend hours on a project.

>> No.6789615

Speaking to liberals has me thinking back to U.S. history in highschool. The teacher preached wanting to stir the pot and get us to think for ourselves whilst at the same time telling us that by the end of her class we won't want to pay taxes. Parroting liberalism is somehow equated to free and critical thought when it is the equivalent of parroting something conservative.
I just wish we lived in a world where people strove to have genuinely intellectual conversations not for the purpose of showing how 'smart they are', but for the sake of the conversation itself and opening their minds to change and new ideas.

>> No.6789616

Perfection is subjective, hep-cat, you must find perfection in imperfection.

I can dig it daddy-o, it's that meta-groove.

There are natural cycles of activity and inactivity brother, and there are afflictions; figure out if you're just having a lazy week, or if you've got a sickness.

>> No.6789619

Even worse feel when that friend is a woman that goes out of her way to try to make you happy

>> No.6789631

Yeah, I know some feeling like that. I feel dissatisfied with my work on the daily because I'm far too used to it.

>> No.6789644

ive been pooping a lot and i have convinced my self i have ibs

>> No.6789645

I fight the guy who wants to be right and then find out I was fighting myself as well.

>> No.6789649

>There are natural cycles of activity and inactivity brother, and there are afflictions; figure out if you're just having a lazy week, or if you've got a sickness.

You know that's exactly what I have been formulating in my head. It feels like I go through gradual ups and down of energy throughout a year, not like I'm sick, but a natural cycle.

>> No.6789655

with every passing day i want to die more and more

>> No.6789660

My friend does as well, unfortunately. He wants to move wherever I move, even if it's a state away. I don't know why I can't love him; something about him or something about me.

>> No.6789666

Handily, with every passing day you die bit by bit.

Don't rush towards the open door that waits to close behind you.

>> No.6789669

Literature has ruined us, anon

>> No.6789749
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the sound of the speakers competes with my stomach. I have no money till tomorrow so I'll have to wait and see the insipid cafe people tomorrow, the building is closing down and renovating and they'll be the first ones to go. I turn off the sounds of 80's south american and european rock music, I go to the kitchen and gulp down a glass of water hoping the cold fills up my stomach and erases old memories from spain. she completely ruined the beauty of that place for me. I try to light a cigar but I remember I've been trying to quit, I say to my self 'fuck it' hit the lighter and just before I take a drag I hold it there barely hovering above the cilyndrical tip. I can see through it into the city lights which dissolve from cosmic spheres into late night tv shows and an extramarital rendezvous or two. The sirens outside seem to be hollering about a fight outside a club. I scratch my ass and sniff my hand confident that I'm alone, I tell myself I'll shower tomorrow. I put the cigarette away. it's too humid. I'm going back to sleep.

>> No.6789750

There's no perfect state. I want the perfect wallpaper, and the perfect set of clothes and the perfect book which will instill me with perfect knowledge and insight on how to lead a perfect life.

Actually I'd settle for anything that changes my ability to not suck at life, but it won't happen. There's no magic way to make friends and get a job and be happy once you miss that bus that apparently every one knew to get on.

I'll just stay up all night and read some unsatisfying book again. Fuck up my sleeping schedule. At least nights are cooler.

>> No.6789757
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whoops dint mean to reply

>> No.6789965

what's on your mind get

>> No.6789978

Holy shit me too. I've been friends with this guy for I think some 10 years, but we are just not on the same page. He is a completely different person and i dont think I should be his friend any longer

>> No.6790000

Need amphetamines.
Why am I listening to Disintegration for the fourth time today?

>> No.6790009

>At least I'm trying to
Keep it up, anon, I believe in you.

>> No.6790015

cos quads

>> No.6790209

By The Cure? My nigga

>> No.6790674

All the good sentences are written in my dreams and I can't get them out

>> No.6790738


>> No.6790754

my head hurts

>> No.6790766

Motivational quotes inspired me to dive in, now I'm in over my head. I can't breathe.

I can't swim either.

>> No.6790772

my mind is so fluid i have no idea when im really being sensible and if any of my thoughts are ever fully realized. i can only think moderately clearly on walks. this makes it especially hard to talk to you

>> No.6790776

The only thing my mind are these dubs.

>> No.6790778

when you're institutionalized in the education system there's a very clear point and purpose to existence. you spend 12-14 years in public education and then another 4 or more in tertiary education. That's a long time. That's cultivating a mindset when you're in your developing years.

when you enter adulthood there's nothing left. sure you could say getting a career and progressing in it is a goal, but it's self-imposed and essentially irrelevant. whether you make 30k a year or 100k doesn't really impact what happens in your life. you go to work, you come home, you waste your free time. the only thing that changes is how much money you have to waste.

it just seems to me that adulthood is a transition into permanent listlessness.

>> No.6790823

That seems like a reasonable perspective, quite shocking how you put that. But what are your thoughts about quality of life as a motivator?

>> No.6790855
File: 63 KB, 500x548, 7UlQW0s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm compiling and editing a short story collection, how should I order the stories?-- By quality (best to worst), or try to keep a running themes together as in similar stories before and after each other?

Does anyone have an experience in this regard or even an opinion at all?

>> No.6790863

The desire to drink, fight and fuck

>> No.6790870

how did you get the job if one of your ideas is to list them from best to worst? that is ahorrible idea. best/worst are very subjective and shouldnt a short story collection always either be written by one person alone or have some theme that glues the different stories together?

>> No.6790893

haha no job, i just realized how my post sounded. There just my own stories that I've written which I'm trying to compile for whatever reason, trying to keep myself busy I suppose (busy from writing probably). all the same good advice on that best/worst is subjective.

My idea is to have my best story leading, prevents the reader from chucking before getting anyway through the collection

>> No.6790895

I like to eat the poo poo

>> No.6790910

If they're all of one theme then by length first and quality second. You want to put your 'best' two-thirds of the way into the collection, you don't want two long ones close together. If you have any short stories bad enough that they would cause a reader to 'chuck' the tome remove them immediately; they shouldn't be in the book in the first place.

>> No.6790930

i can relate

>> No.6790938

Cunt. That's a good word because it has a few properties and the right kind of connotation to make my mouth feel good after saying it. Cunt. Stupid, daft, fucking cunt. You're a cunt, and you deserve to live in a cunt world. Cunt-cunt. Where did I put my life? Oh, it's lost in this huge cunt which is stuck to my mind from a lost time when man would place flags in dirt for ideals.Shit. Put the cunt on the clock, and let's see how fast time screams. "Cuuuuuuuuuuuunt," that's how you know he's coming.

>> No.6791005

So fucking hot here
I just want to die
I want silence.

>> No.6791017

I've had "Get low" stuck in my head since I woke up. I haven't listened to it in ages.

>> No.6791034

It's funny how people eventually stop caring but you won't ever stop caring about this. How can you when a flash of a man on a rope appears in your mind at least once a day, tightening your stomach and drying your throat?

You could glance at a child on a swing or the swaying of a branch and he's there. You look in the mirror and into your eyes and you see his staring back, hopeless, manic and loving.

His words come out of your mouth, his dreams are your dreams... how long until his rope is yours?

>> No.6791070

had a beautiful women all over me but was so filled with anxiety and fear I didnt act on it.

People are surprised im a Virgin because of the way I look but they dont understand my fear of sex and women.

I just fucking break down when things get close.

the nervousness kills me.

>> No.6791106

I really don't know what for I am procastrinating with my writing. I should really just write at least few chapters I've managed to draft on my notebook - but for some reason I just don't want to stop reading 4chan and do something more meaningful. This kind of days would be prefect for getting writing done, as I don't have nothing else to do, it's raining outside so no reason really to go there either, Joy Division is playing on my headphones and I just made some coffee. I think I'll smoke a cigarette and try to get something done instead of just writing stuff in this textbox. Yeah, I'll do that.

>> No.6791233

I want to get away, but I also do not want to leave.

>> No.6791243

Nice thread

>> No.6791272

I usually stop talking to a girl if she becomes interested in me. I become scared. She wants something from me that I can not give her. It scares the shit out of me.

>> No.6791275

Stacey Rozich is cool.

Fuck the heat.

>> No.6791286
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same my friend. I feel as if though I am lying to her. She thinks of me as someone who is capable of making her feel like she wants to be felt. But I cant.

My only hope is too meet a women who is as anxiety filled as me, and we can take it slow together.

Real slow.

>> No.6791329


Be transparent about how you feel.

Honesty is a sword to cut through misunderstanding.

As for a shield: know that you need none.

>> No.6791331

I'm wondering right know if I should learn how to edit converted epubs in Calibre or just stick with my pdfs.

>> No.6791336

The Greeks must tell those usurers to fuck off. it's stupid to keep following those stupid European leeches' rules.

>> No.6791339

I want someone to suffer through life with me. I am happy only when I'm drunk or high and that makes me feel lonely. I don't like the pain that is around me all the time. Nobody can escape suffering. So many people try to ignore how sad their existence is. This is why I hope to find someone to suffer with. Someone who will understand me. Someone who will make me forget about my suffering for just a second.

>> No.6791345

Stop trying to be weak and start trying to be strong. Somebody will eventually end up at your side if you follow this advice.

>> No.6791346

What if I hurt someone by loving them? The didn't choose to be loved. I can't put such a burden on them.

>> No.6791365

I feel like I'm becoming unable to have feelings for someone else, except the friends I have been friends with for a long time. I've met girls that on paper would be my ideal girlfriend, who I (I think) SHOULD fall in love with, but nothing happens, I just feel indifference.

>> No.6791379

My dearest friend graduated today. I'm happy but in the same time i envy him because he's just more smart and studious that i am. I hate myself for this, for both being a lazy faggot and for holding a grudge towards him

>> No.6791385

If you face rejection, then you must shoulder the weight of it.

It's hard, but the best thing to do when you're turned down is to move on.

If you try and share the load with an unwilling partner, it will only be heavier for you both.

>> No.6791408

I really have no idea how I'm going to bullshit my way through the afternoon

>> No.6791435

I'm waiting on an exam result just to know if I will lose 1 more year doing this shitty major.


>> No.6791442

You're not alone.

>> No.6791445


No one ever tells you the thing you love most is going to kill you.

Make no mistake, racing a nuclear-fusion, powered hovercraft at three hundred and twenty two miles an hour isn’t the safest line of work. Not for someone wanting to die of old age, anyway. Adding a pack of thirty more racers to the high speed mix couldn’t help either. What could possibly be more ludicrous than that? Having that same hovercraft you’re strapped to catch fire.

No one ever tells you the thing you love more than anything is going to be what kills you. No one actually says those words to you, ever. People will tell you about things like “potential dangers” or give obscure statistics. But when you’re chasing a dream, a message like that has to come on its own. And it usually comes when you least expect it. For Fennius Taylor, it didn’t come when the sickly sweet smell from the broken coolant line found his nose. And it didn’t register as wisps of grey smoke began creeping in through the vents. It didn’t even happen when the concrete barrier of a hairpin turn threatened to turn his craft into smoldering wreckage. No, none of these things on their own could reach Fennius. It was only after the warning light marked “FIRE” in the dashboard of his racer began blinking like a strobe that the truth finally hit home. Only after being reminded of the very real scenario of burning alive did all three punch through his concentration and find the last strands of rational thought. Ask any other racer in the league what they’d do if their “sled” caught fire and they’d tell you the same thing the league’s safety official says before every race: “Pull to the outside of the track and activate the counter fire measures”. So why would teenage racing phenom Fennius Taylor be any different? Because he knows a side effect of activating the counter-fire measures is also the immediate shutdown of the fusion core powering his hovercraft. And when you need thousands of pounds of thrust to continue chasing the perfect season, sometimes a little fire can keep you motivated to achieve your goals. If someone had asked Fennius three years ago what he’d do in an emergency like this, he would’ve agreed with the others. But now? With a perfect season on the line? He’s going to pilot this time bomb until either he gets his checkered flag or the whole thing goes up in flames. Why would anyone act this way? This is the madness of the sport. This is what it’s like to chase a dream. This is where the adventure begins. This is <BOOK TITLE>

>> No.6791446

After lurking for many years, I think I'm going to make my first post ever. Wait, that's not true. I've already made some.

>> No.6791447

Sheer testicular fortitude.

Failing that, the appearance thereof.

Take the day by the hair and bend it over a table.

>> No.6791460

Am I outgrowing my peers
Are they outgrowing me?
Regardless they will not keep in touch as much as I will try

>> No.6791506

>have an unmarried sister in her mid-30s
>lives alone in a converted garage paying real high rent
>all her friends are married with kids
>she stills talks about her marriage etc as if it's her destiny to be a mother and wife
>always helped me and my mom out since the divorce
>father and brother both turned on her when she was around 17 since she sided with my mom in the divorce
>brother made plans to see her one day then text her when she asked him where he was to mock her for thinking he was serious
>get email today
>she's in hospital having a stomach scan at the doctor's request
>tfw she phoned me all weekend but I ignored her since she phones me every day
>tfw guilt and sadness

>> No.6791643

please savour the time you have with her, family really is irreplaceable

>> No.6791668

The only thing living thing I have spent time with in the last 3 months is my cat.

>> No.6791672

Everyone in this thread is trying so hard to be edgy and funny and cool, just so they can earn a little string of numbers next to the blue arrow on their post (and bask in the fleeting glow of validation that goes along with it)

And now I'm one of them.


>> No.6791691

^ Not falling for it m80

>> No.6791698

I need to get laid

>> No.6791712

Did you copy paste that from palahnuik?

>> No.6791758
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I found a really rare pepe today. I believe that there are more of them scattered across the Earth. We've got to catch them all.

>> No.6791768

I don't know what's wrong with her yet. But it's strange since we're extremely different people and I get easily annoyed by her, but then feel guilty for having done so. I then spend time with her to compensate for being annoyed and get annoyed again.

>> No.6791813

I finally got "Get low" out of my head when I heard what I presumed to be a retired actor talking to his nephew about setting up some sort of Cambridge/Camden theatre troupe and why doing all-women or all-black Shakespeare productions for the sake of making some drawn-out point is a bit crass and now I have the League of Gentlemen's Hamlet scene on replay in there.
>Go on my son, stick 'im!
>Tsaw! Fatal indecision.
>Alas! Alack! It is the poison cup-
>It is too late!
>Every bleeding week.

>> No.6791836
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i found this one under a bridge in japan

ultra rare, impossible to spot normally, because pedestrians cannot enter the bridge, and it was painted in a section that is visible for like .01 seconds when you are driving through it

>> No.6791920

>implying you didn't spray it at the back of your local Taco Bell in Sheboygan, Wisconsin

>> No.6791921

Am I going through a late growth spurt or am I just severely depressed and anxious.
Maybe reading Spinoza will make me a happier person
Why am I so tired and sad, I need purpose or else I'm afraid I'll kill myself
I feel like I'm in a dream, or walking under water
I want infinite comfort and love.

>> No.6791937

I'm going to write a book one day and it's going to be called Laughing While Crying

>> No.6791955

>I feel like I'm in a dream, or walking under water
Cliched feels tbh

>> No.6791957

anon is clearly 15.

>> No.6791961

Let's say that every time you walk outside, you walk into another universe. There are infinite universes. When you go back inside your house, you go into yet another universe. There is a 100% chance that one of the "yous" will return to their original universe. There is a 0.<Infinite Zeros>1 (or 0.0.1) percent chance that person is you. Knowing this, would you try and find your way back? Would you create a system for identifying and marking universes? What would you do?

>> No.6791962

Wow that was a quickly reply

>> No.6791963

Yeah, but that doesn't really make them feel any less though

>> No.6791968

My fucking normie friends joined the /mu/ facebook group because I'm in it.

I'm an Australian so I have an IP block for /mu/. Now I can't shitpost about music anywhere so I do it here. Sorry guys.

>> No.6791974

of course not. It's the immaturity of youth shown through the lack of exposure to cliches. So frustrating it is when you have a million ideas you perceive as original, only to discover they have been done over and over. You feelings have been felt, your story has been written.

>> No.6791975

Learn to articulate yourself better and you'll introduce yourself to a higher tier of feels, ones which (if you make the grade) will have the capacity to encourage you to commit sudoku. At the moment you're operating on a "lonely teen on summer break" tier of feels

>> No.6791976

It's not even nine. I'm already drunk. Again.

>> No.6791988

is there any good philosophical analysis of porn

>> No.6791989

I have been watching this over and over to inspire me to start reading ecosophy.


Sagan's voice is like the reassuring rumble of a god's.

>> No.6791990

So you're responsible for this? >>6791857

>> No.6791995


>> No.6791996

No. Funnily enough I actually didn't post that.

>> No.6792006

I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose I am writing prose. I have written prose.

>> No.6792007

The thought of it makes me giddy, almost drool; though, not like a cerebral palsied infant, more like Homer Simpson. The more I fantasize, the more it tantalizes: that teetering indecision broiling in the back-burner of my mind, the ultimate psychobiological failsafe–I want to say the word no more than Hagrid with "he who shall not be named" or the pious with "fist fuck your mother's fart hole." How would I do it? I do often ask myself. Well, I could make a extravagantly dramatic ordeal of it, do the deed midday in some city square for all the world and its social media to see, record, disseminate, gasp and discuss. I'd imagine this way would incorporate a drawn-out speech condemning this and that, forgiving nothing, begging no pity–or so I would tell myself. I would relish the spectacle, the briefly newfound sense of posthumous infamy, and above all the inkling of hope that I would change or progress the world and any of its multifarious forms of social thought, perspective, what have you. No, it wouldn't be a crestfallen victim's last refuge of despair; it would be a poor, apathetic child's pseudo-noble endeavor to better the crippled globe revolving, for a single moment, around him. Nothing more. And yet, there's the other way, less public, arguably less resonant, peripherally impactful. I could hole myself up–in a log cabin in Montana, in a Super 8 closet, a damp cubby of any kind–cradling an overdose of opiates, a barrel of cold steel packed with lead, a noose. The note would be thought out, sure, jam-packed with pathos, logos, a hint of venom towards the perceptibly righteously malnourished in my life, those who I will have endeavored to feel the freshest victims of karma, instrumented through my one last gesture on this earth: my sensational exit into the dark under-realm of human existence. To be dead is to not be; or so it seems to me. But what does me know, eh?

And then some crack about 'tell my family I love them (except maybe (and that’s a big maybe) my insufferable [expletive] mother).'

>> No.6792019

People are like blackberries: when ripe, most are enjoyable, sweet even; some can be tart, others slightly bitter; and then occasionally one will be entirely rotten and covered with a fuzzy vile infectious mold that potentially will contaminate the rest in a batch indefinitely, leaving all unfit for human consumption.

>> No.6792023

I am writing and I am writing. I pour my soul into every word and every word stares back at me, beckoning for more. More I must give, and deeper and deeper into the wells of my being I reach and I reach. I am writing and I am writing and I write long and well and hard into the day. I write until the sun is gone and I wake and write again. I have little time to think of little else and I write until I have little thoughts left to think. I read my creation and I am not satisfied. I edit until I am satisfied and read and write again and edit until I am satisfied. I am never satisfied but I write again and keep writing and the writing is good. The writing is good and I write long and hard and I edit until the sun is gone. I am never satisfied but the writing is good.

>> No.6792038

You are none of those but I shall give you a string of blue numbers anyway.

Tell me, does it feel hollow?

>> No.6792166

Jarboe is black metal as a cartoon. I haven't heard her music, but these hallowed truths ring like bells from the tallest of the balustrades.

I am writing this as my thoughts I keep on I accidentally slipping my palm against the mouse and slipping the mouse into an inoppurtune location which sabotages my typing. My thoughts are as the cascades from the great mind that is me me mind I am writing Finnegans wake. David Tibet would be pround of me I hope. underageb8 is a stupid meme anyway because I was only sweet 15 when black ships ate the sky. David Tibet is very good and I think I'll keep going until I hit character limit. This is going well I think so far but I have no idea how much more I have to type. I hit character limit seriously writing something once before on /mu/ I think.

Anyway, the contents of my head are threefold. First, he stands nailed to the edge of a tree, second, I can't think of what to say, third, this is starting to stopping being fun. /lit/ is not my home board but I enjoy lurking here because the discussion is often of Vaporwave is odd and I'm typing in Engrish for a reason I can't seem to accurately discern.

People have written things in the past. It's far from just the contents of their cascading brains, it is a beautiful concentration of all that is true in their own... I paused there to think about what I was saying. My mind drew a blank

Ever since I was a young child I've had serious trouble with drawing. As my arms grow sore typing this my head grows weary and I wonder if I will reach my sacred.

My hand was sore and I had to fix it. My typos are becoming more and regular by the second. Spelling errors should not be acceptable unless the character limit has been reached.

Sometimes I make bizarre deals with myself in my head like "If I don't unscrew the tap using exactly three screws, then oneitis will never sleep with me" I feel like the univers has put me on the precipice of amused victory and all that is left is defeat. That reminds me of a scene in family guy.

Earlier I was talking politics with someone on a facebook private message. (I'm not a degenerate) I wonder how many characters I have left. I tried to check this fact in Microsoft Word but no luck was mine. Anyway, the anthills are grey and milking with ovaries and over and over and [ONEITIS] I love her. r9k has made my life much worse. watching myself slip from... Sorry, I'm getting off topic. Mixing bowls are adequate for mixing most but goods are often stern and neutral. I can't believe I've done this. Anyway /lit/, goodbye forever.

No, this isn't a suicide note. I am going to not kill myself. Really suicide is not an option because I am a fundamentally happy person.

You know when you listen to an art, the feeling of "what if I don't enjoy this?" I don't like that feeling at all. It's very unpleasant. Colourrs untold kissing my eyes. I wish I was around to see off varg. All the chads are backspaced and the people I love are buzzwords.Exact limit.

>> No.6793372

>scratched my ass and sniffed my hand

w-what did it smell like?

strong start. shit everything else. "the thing you love most is going to kill you." is very cliche

>> No.6793571

No it's mine

>> No.6793613
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tip-tapping worthless words into a /lit/ thread is about as fleeting and inconsequential as committing them to any other place so why not

my thoughts swirl inside my head in a hideous mobius strip, always repeating, never growing or changing, the same conclusions of hopelessness and inaction being reached over and over. without a struggle in my life-- for food, for survival, for anything outside of a vague wish for 'happiness'-- I do nothing, I create nothing, I am nothing. more and more I think about the horrors Lovecraft wrote about-- gigantic, cosmic monstrosities, too large and monstrous for human comprehension-- and realise they are a metaphor for modern human life. scientific knowledge posits humans as grains of sand against a universe-sized beach, where 'grains of sand' are far too big to be considered a true comparison. to beholden man's place in the universe, it seems is to go insane, or at least that is how I feel.

there are simply too goddamn many of us. I crave to have an artistic voice-- to be significant, even on a mortal scale-- but mine is drowned out by the swell of the crowd. just another depressed, fat, semi-rich white guy, who loves video games-- what perspective can I offer? what unique nuggets of wisdom can I dig from out my soul? my creative output is a mere pastiche of the things I love, things I read and played as a child. I have no true understanding of the craft, and no desire to better myself, swamped in mediocrity and sadness as I am.

nihilism is something you're supposed to grow out of. I'm 25 and more and more I ask myself-- when will I? how will I? can I?

>> No.6793637

it took them an hour to interview me, and another hour to tell me i was unsuitable for the job.

what is their to prove to myself when i cannot prove it to others?

>> No.6793677

>Jarboe is black metal as a cartoon. I haven't heard her music, but these hallowed truths ring like bells from the tallest of the balustrades.
She was good in Swans tho
>I want to eat her flesh, and grow hard
>I want to suck her breasts, and know God

>> No.6793699

sometimes I feel like I'm the only person willing to change my mind if a better idea is proposed.

Whenever someone else does it, it's either as a compromise or shilling because it's now the popular view.

>> No.6793830

I wish people wasn't so prematurely opinionated. So, I guess that's the next object that I'll accept, for my own sake.

>> No.6793840

actually under a water treatment center outside of shemalaya, orgeon

>> No.6794175

Charging up the hill used to be an intensely green affair during the summer, but the vast old trees and the hawthorne bushes that once stood untamed and proud have all gone, transforming the walk from a man being consumed by a living tunnel of greenery to the very picture of the dull semi-suburbia that lingers in this town. This small-scale deforestation has become a feature of many of my old routes to and from ancient destinations, in which man has struck back at the nature's attempted reclamation of the side-streets and alleys - no longer a ginnel bound by beck and hedgerow, but a monument to the uniformity of a 70s housing estate; even the cut-through in a particularly low-traffic area has lost the flowering bushes that used to impregnate the air full with the odour of semen, though that could well have been the reason for the low footfall in the first place.

The fact remains, however: In other men being involved in the constant pruning of the walks I used to take, not only are the trees, bushes and flowers of my childhood being cut down but also my living memories, piled up with them.

>> No.6794237

Trying too hard. She was just another one and you know it.

>> No.6795521
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I think about her a lot.
It's a complicated mess of feelings, and I feel ashamed for having them at all.
I genuinely admire her for her accomplishments, but moreso her character: she's smart, dedicated to her interests, has a world-beating work-ethic, and... I can't think of any way to say "is the product of 'good breeding' " that doesn’t make me sound like even more of an ass.
She's easily one of the most impressive people I’ve ever met.
She’s also dead gorgeous, and frankly, I feel completely embarrassed feeling sexual attraction to someone I actually know IRL. I was 280+ lbs (thanks, benzodiazepines/SSRI’s...) with a severe anxiety problem for a good portion of my adolescence, leaving me more than a bit emotionally stunted; I’m a lot better off now (more than 120 lbs down, and marginally socially functional) but I’m still picking up the pieces psychologically and have yet to even hold someone’s hand.

I’ve known her as a classmate and a colleague for a little over a year, and I think she’s fantastic; I’ve never met anyone like her. But I don’t know why having these feelings makes me feel so small and absurd.

If I’m honest with myself, I do know why.
I feel completely inadequate socially and sexually: I’m utterly ashamed of events/people in my family life, and have loads of unresolved body-image issues as a recovering hamplanet (I still mentally feel 290 lbs, and could never take my shirt off because of the sagging remains of man-teats and the ballbag of loose skin where my gut once was).

And I’m snookered by circumstances when it comes to ever acting on things, too. I’ve inherited a project of hers (how we met in the first place: she introduced herself to me before lecture and was genuinely complimentary of my turbo-sperg zeal for the subject, a mutual interest), so I’ll of necessity be in sporadic contact with her over this next year, even though she’s graduated. We’re not “friends” or in any kind of regular contact otherwise, but I know her enough to know that she’s someone I would very much like to know better.

If I say nothing, I’ll regret it forever, but I’m also mortified of embarrassing myself or more probably the both of us.
I wish I knew a way to get this out of my system without being even more of an absolute faggot than I already am.

>> No.6795591

I have in recent times become very frightened of growing up to be a failure.

I don't understand why so many people here and that I've met don't seem to let the future bother them that much. I met a girl a while back who was 22 and had never had a job. but when I expressed great concern for her, she didn't give a shit. If that were me I'd be freaking the fuck out.

>> No.6796478

I really lack ambitions. I should probably fix that.

>> No.6796542

My worst enemy, sloth, is not going to win this time. Good bye.

>> No.6796651


>> No.6796951

>female partner

It's whats on your mind, not what you can make up.

>> No.6797020


Don't pity the rats, kill them all: they eat our grains, spread diseases, gnaw and infect the world; some of them even dare to offer advices and the muddy wisdom of the University of Sewers to human beings, that race that we call politicians. Some of them even grow to the size of a human, shave off their fur, put on a suit and seat on the congress. Therefore: death to the rats.

>> No.6797042

same. except nearly 13 years. the guy is pretty cool and fun but in the past two years his gf of 7-8 years broke up with him and a few of his other close friends I guess stayed friends with his gf and not him.

so last Christmas I tried to spend more time with him and even got him gifts (and I'm a dude with his own gf) to try and cheer him up. but he's gone from depressed to angry at everything. I know that anger is probably a deep rooted sadness and I wish I could help. but lately he acts like he's annoyed whenever he's not alone.

>> No.6797345

I write it down, think about it, realize its pointlessness, then delete it.

Just like everything else.

How much more?

>> No.6797366

freewheels are a pain in the ass to remove

>> No.6799071

>jaws of fate will clasp shut like a vise

>> No.6799097

I recommend rather listening to the Disintegration Loops

>> No.6799123

I don't know if she actually cares about me, or is just pretending to because she thinks I'll try to get her fired from work if I feel slighted by her. Regardless, I really wish she'd stop blowing me off to fuck this other guy on the nights we're supposed to see each other.

I'm looking forward to when I finally stop thinking about her and list her in the back of my mind as a menace to my mind who I'll never talk to ever again. Shame that it's once that belief is locked down that she'll try knocking at my door again, only to find that I've left and won't be coming back. Some things are like clockwork.

There's no reason to bother with any lover that isn't your writing.

>> No.6799139

I wonder if adderall would help me finish the last 50 pages of my 900 page novel.

>> No.6799149


>> No.6799160

>I really wish she'd stop blowing me off
One girl I've been seeing (not dating, but fucking) is doing this to me currently.
changing her name in my phone to "Fuck This Bitch" helped me get my mind right.
Now she's all panicky that I don't give a shit, 4page texts to my single words.

>> No.6799198


>> No.6799214


>> No.6799218

Yeah, that tends to be the cycle. Was really hoping she'd come around and stop treating me like priority fucking zero so I wouldn't feel this need to hate her.

Never understood why people like to fuck things up beyond repair before they can build up any sort of interest in a relationship. Who wants to start something with zero honesty? Why would you think that works?

>> No.6799227

the idea of the decimal number of an infinite number of some digits followed by some finite string of digits is mathematically untenable.
you mean to say that such an occurrence 'almost never' happens.
also, you may use the concept of an infinitesimal, which /is/ a tenable notion.

>> No.6799233

David Foster Wallace
no. it's not exactly philosophical, but at least he wrote out a really long essay about it

>> No.6799246

Should I keep trying to finish my degree in which I have very little interest and if not, how will I explain this to people, should I still buy a house in The City despite my concerns about the likelihood of terrorism there in the near future?
I should finish that poem and that short story, all five short stories in fact. Should I do them without chemical assistance or am I right to think that for some at least, those chemicals would add to the voice, as I've been able to use them for before? That one girl, she's a bit mental, I don't think I really want any sort of a relationship with her but it would be good to get my dick wet more often if I can separate the emotions. That project we were intending to do together, I could do it alone, make it my own, she's certainly too unstable to be any help anyway. My upcoming date, how do I feel about that? She's extremely attractive and I often end up with girls of that sort but is she my type, am I interested? Is she? May be best to just enjoy the evening for itself. Should be a damn good play. Shit, I still owe D seventy quid. Did I replace all the shrooms of his I ate? I think so. I need to hang out with L, too, I don't want him to think I'm avoiding him. Should I have tried harder to engage with R's project? It's really not my area, I don't know how I could have contributed, but he's so busy with it I hardly see him. I feel bad about myself because That one girl had such a negative opinion of doing drugs when you're out of your teens, but do I really take her opinion on that? It wasn't a deep or profound search for truth, it was just a nice time watching the sky oscillate, a pleasant way to spend an evening with one of my favourite people. Is that so different from a glass or two of wine in the evening?
Those other girls from the poetry recital who sought me out on facebook, is there even any point in talking to them? I don't know what I'd say, I hardly remember who they are. It might be fun to take a couple of them out for meals but they might think I'm trying to date them or something, that's too much hassle. Damn, how do those lyrics to that song go? Fuck, there's that guy who used to bully me in school. I have to serve him from behind the bar, he's all done up in his polo shirts with his girlfriend from the same town, just got done with his day at work, flashing notes around. I'm such a loser. Wait, fuck off. He's working the job his dad gave him in the same town he was born, dating a girl who's practically his cousin. I'm an internationally published author with fans on four continents, money for my own house and described by friends as "that guy with the string of exotic girlfriends", I lost my virginity to a model for fuck's sake, I'm just working here to get myself out of the house. I don't need the money; why am I feeling ashamed of myself? Do I want more tattoos or should I put aside this spare cash for the trip to Mexico? What is this I'm drinking? The label's in Japanese.

>> No.6799251

I'm really tired. I wish that I've read something today instead of getting drunk.

>> No.6799270

relevant poem
Blackberry Picking

Late August, given heavy rain and sun
For a full week, the blackberries would ripen.
At first, just one, a glossy purple clot
Among others, red, green, hard as a knot.
You ate that first one and its flesh was sweet
Like thickened wine: summer's blood was in it
Leaving stains upon the tongue and lust for
Picking. Then red ones inked up and that hunger
Sent us out with milk cans, pea tins, jam-pots
Where briars scratched and wet grass bleached our boots.
Round hayfields, cornfields and potato-drills
We trekked and picked until the cans were full,
Until the tinkling bottom had been covered
With green ones, and on top big dark blobs burned
Like a plate of eyes. Our hands were peppered
With thorn pricks, our palms sticky as Bluebeard's.

We hoarded the fresh berries in the byre.
But when the bath was filled we found a fur,
A rat-grey fungus, glutting on our cache.
The juice was stinking too. Once off the bush
The fruit fermented, the sweet flesh would turn sour.
I always felt like crying. It wasn't fair
That all the lovely canfuls smelt of rot.
Each year I hoped they'd keep, knew they would not.

>> No.6799280

im scared about life. im afraid im not going to do everything i want to do. Im afraid im not going to finish everything i start.

>> No.6799285

I am just waiting for the Technological Singularity, for the Omega Point to come and save us all.

>> No.6799303

I'm moving out of my parent's house for the first time in about a month and a half to try and make it as a writer in Portland, and am secretly terrified it's all going to go to shit when I get up there. Which would force me to come back to this shitty hometown filled with bad memories and uninspired people.

>> No.6799309

I feel you man. The amount of bullshit this girl tries to feed me is unbelievable. And she's good enough at talking and covering her ass that calling out her shit does little more than waste time. So I don't. I'd rather just let it die at this point. If she wanted to see me she coulda seen me, I left lines open, but she didn't use them. Whatever, I've grown comfortable with the hate. Bitch can die cold for all I care.

>> No.6799319


>> No.6799383
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>And she's good enough at talking and covering her ass that calling out her shit does little more than waste time.

Yup, sounds about right. This one is somehow capable of making me out to be crazy for being upset because she blew me off after not seeing her another for two weeks straight. Just wish she would have told me to fuck off from the beginning instead of trying to convince me that she still cares about me.

But anyway, feel like I'm soapboxing over here. Wanted to say thanks for being in a shitty situation at the same time as me and helping me feel less weird about mine. Good luck on getting that girl to fuck off forever so you can focus on things and people that are actually worth your time.

>> No.6800753

what about nightmares

>> No.6800809

I have things to do, and all I can think about are more things to do. But I don't do them. Life is exasperating.

>> No.6800843
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How do you get disciplined enough to focus on such an odd thing like writing? There are few observable plateaux, and even though I know what I want to do with my life and am willing to sacrifice for it I can not focus and do anything but waste time. My whole life over the summer is a waste of time, then I will go back to school and waste time in a different way
Thinking about banning myself from 4chan and the other few sites I visit, but seems like it wouldn't work.
A lot else is on my mind, but I thought you might have similar problems. I'm not trying to write novels or anything similar that I wouldn't be qualified or smart enough to do, Im trying to do something I know I am at least alright at and can only get better at.
One of my heroes and biggest role model actually talked to me and gave me encouragement and hope for a real job after I finally tried at something, and now I'm just sitting hoping something similar falls into my lap...
So far Infinite Jest is good and fun to read. Im glad /lit/ convinced me to start

>> No.6800847
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I realized I have some serious urge ro drop everything I am doing with my life and pursue, through the drama etc, her. The sport of it; the visceral fast pace drunken drama filled adventure where anything, especially me being who I want to be is possible

I don't like it as much at all when we're good or when our communication is healthy. I like it where she's representative of an enchanting, intimidating mystery - and a slut, because that just brings the spice to it. The jealousy; my anger. I'm not complete without it and it more than anything is not the catalyst but the vehicle for my self destruction

>> No.6800869

I'm wondering why Guangxi decided to declare war on me as soon as the truce lifted, despite being an uncivilized nation, split off of China now, miles behind in military tech and with allies many borders away.

>> No.6801173

how is a vehicle different from a catalyst?

>> No.6801188

ZZ Gundam was a pretty funny show

>> No.6801201

I'd sure love to write a good book, but I'm too insecure to believe that I can.

>> No.6801205


I wish more people were interested in my thread:


>> No.6801214

But I've only read Walking by the same.

>> No.6802195

It's what I use to get there but not what sets me in that direction

>> No.6802204

I do not control my own body. As a mere vehicle, I do as only such a vehicle can. Appropriate on the path of my destiny.

>> No.6802233


I can't get her off my mind. :(

>> No.6802252

a huge fucking stabbing thing made of laced metal with a sharp bladed edge stuck inside the right side of my skull that I can never get out or dislodge but only forget intermittently or admire aesthetically from various angles

It's fucking annoying

>> No.6802264

I was thinking something, but I missed it. I was writing it, but know I will write that I missed.
Cit. Blaise Pascal, Pensèes

>> No.6802297

I want my friends back,I stopped using all kinds of drugs,because I wanted to be a better person,but now everyone thinks I'm an asshole,but at the same time,that was the reason I stopped using drugs and alcohol,because it made me act like an asshole

>> No.6802307


i believe in you anon, you can become an alcoholic

>> No.6802363

You won't need discipline when you have habits. Try writing a little bit. And then try writing a little more. The beginning is the hardest part but once you get used to "focus on such an odd thing" you won't need to motivate or discipline yourself.

>> No.6802375

i hate you because you are unable to properly place commas.

I want my friends back,I stopped using all kinds of drugs,because [...]

I want my friends back, I stopped using all kinds of drugs, because [...]

>> No.6802377

Three girls are causing my pain, and I don't know how to communicate with them.

>> No.6802863


>> No.6802987

Today is my birthday, and Tom Hank's, and I thought of how it would be funny if I died.

People almost assume an almost divine pass from suffering, just because that particular day marks when they were born, many years ago.

Just thought that was funny.

>> No.6803699

I should kill myself.

>> No.6803703

you probably should, tbh

>> No.6803710

I can't believe I actually have the weigh in my mind the benefits of taking a shower against the desire to just sit here and do nothing...

>> No.6803711

Everything was a lot better 6 years ago. But maybe that's my fear of the future talking.

>> No.6803714

That's pretty sad, man. Go see her

>> No.6803780
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Well, look, back to front I don't see what the big deal is. Living on your own, small apartments, the to and from go through to work and coming home and getting drunk. Calling up Derek but Derek doesn't like hard liquor and I know it and besides he lives 45 minutes away now. Or John, but he prefers weed and has been smoking a lot lately. I give him a lot of shit about it: it's a crutch and a waste of money and rots your brain yadda yadda but who am I to talk with a new bottle of rye whiskey in my cupboard every few days. Oh well, he doesn't know and doesn't need to know. Nobody does so I can keep the facade of a moral high ground and that's how I like it.

It's not so bad a life, a small one. 45 minutes northbound and visit my parents in the house I grew up in, run to the store and help them cook dinner and do some laundry there like I'm still in college when my cousin lived with me. It's alright here. It's not so bad.

>> No.6803794

My erratic schizophrenic need to both be completely left alone and be with someone who deeply cares about me is my main cause of distress. I can never simply be happy with one or the other, so I oscillate between the two extremes, always in a state of complete distaste for where I am.

>> No.6803802

tell me more about what its like being crazy

>> No.6803812

It's like being sane, but without the distress of worrying about being sane.

>> No.6803815

do you have multiple personalities? you know, kafka was insane, so you could become a pretty dope writer like him

>> No.6803855

Im shit at trying, might as well not be alive tbh

>> No.6803859

fuck this is pertinent rite now

>> No.6803909

I feel you man.

>> No.6803981

woah #this

>> No.6804016

I think a lot yet i still dont understand myself

>> No.6804028

I love coming home and just blaring loud music, but I really fear that I may be associating these songs with my current depressed state. I've been on a wild ride for the last five to six years and I think I might have bi-polar disorder. here comes the bridge, so good; the change in beat is great. I wish their newer output had less clean vocals and more of that reverb and distortion of their early work. Maybe my life is also too clean, not chaotic enough, too formulaic, too easy some might say. But what are my woes compared to shit going on in other countries. the drummer is so good, at least the mix is; they have a deep echoey sound that seems to be bouncing off of 30 feet walls, and the cymbals are so watery. i miss playing drums, i say playing but it was more like fiddling around than anything, very free form but coherent. When I lived in Colombia one of my best friends gave me a few lessons and- damn the kick drums are so deep- he introduced me to alot of good music in different genres. his house always smelled like fried food but the good kind, natural and organic oil and chicken and parsely and sauteed onion and garlic. cant find shit like that here. The record is done. only a 3 song ep. I'm taking the day off tomorrow and going to a concert up north. maybe I'll call my mom and sister and send my dad some money. what should I eat today?

>> No.6804066

I need to improve extension in my upper spine.

>> No.6804173

My dad works 5 days of the week, 12 hours a day. He hasn't liked what he was doing since he was 24. He is 58. While I have never seen him particularly sad, angry, or upset, I also have never seen him particularly happy besides brief playfulness when tossing a ball for the dog or something.

The closest thing he has to a lobby is television. We used to try to play tennis when I was a kid (he was state champ in high school) but my asthma was so bad back then that I would collapse about 10 minutes in. Now that I've outgrown it his knee is so fucked up from work that he can barely jog.

My dad used to read Joyce and wanted to do social work in South America.

>> No.6804180

I'm not some NEET neckbeard and I recognize the value of good, honest work, but at the same time I see my parents who grew up in Europe slaving away in offices and it kills me. Precious time they'll never get back. It's a tragedy we have one life to live and some of us spend it doing unfulfilling shit and others tour the world and smash pussy cause they look good/can sing/whatever.

speaking of, fuck pewdiepie

>> No.6804188
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Hey bros. My name is Peeeewwebeuebebhrvdshdbdbshdiepieeeeee. I earn more money than you do. You mad lol?

>> No.6804247

deciding on whom i am to be

>> No.6804305

My slightly-older brother is slowly becoming my foil. While I got to a flagship university and work full-time in an R&D lab during every break, he lives at home where he takes a partial load of online classes provided from a local community college. He has no job. While I'm slim and hygienic, he is severely overweight and is perpetually in various stages of needing a shave. My hair is red and his is brown; his complexion is darker and I'm as pale as the moon. My social life is very active and diverse, but I don't think he talks to anyone outside of online video games and the immediate family.

I don't understand how we could have all the same opportunities, the same income, the same parents, hell, we even had the same room for 16 years, and yet we end up in different worlds.

>> No.6804311
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Being unemployed these last 2 months is killing me, I feel its killing my wife as well with the stress of living of her small wage. I feel useless, as a waste of space. I need employment or I just feel like I can not achieve anything.
We both have plans we want for our lives we want to buy our own house, start a family, and live our lives.
Being unemployed gives us nothing, and Iv'e found it so hard to land even an interview. I don't know what I'm doing wrong

>> No.6804333

My head hurts a lot. It's been hurting probably for 3 years. I feel like everything screams. I feel an urgency. I think I hate my family. Specially my sister, which is a bitch and was mean to me ever since I remember. She is 9 years older than me, the fucking slut, why was she so mean?
I hate everyone. Perhaps I am a whiny peace of shit. I should off myself. My suffering is real. I mean I probably can endure ir and be happy afterwards but in actuality I can't even concentrate or have pleasure and I no longer have faith on anything or feel love. I wonder if things are ever going to at least feel a bit normal.

>> No.6804365

>Peace of shit
Whoa. I'm fucking dying.

>> No.6804378

at least you got repeating digits, m8

>> No.6804444

HA looks like my like might turn around

>> No.6804455
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>> No.6804545
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Does it ever get any easier?

>> No.6804561

Haven't finished a book in a while.
What should I read?

>> No.6804571

I was meditating and shit and in a good mood but my dumb cunt roomate who is hunchbacked and doesn't shut up EVER, intruded into my room without my permission and kept asking me questions about my computer and shit and I had to get up and move AROUND her to compel her to follow me and LEAVE. Now I walk around the place with headphones on and keep my door locked. Dumb cunt.

I've been reading Freedom from the Known and am going to try and practice discarding fear and therefore be able to tell people if they're annoying me. Imagine not caring about hurting someone's feelings and saying: "You need to leave me alone right now."

>> No.6804588

read short stories man, that's what i do when i'm in a slump but soon i find i'm wanting to read more and more, it sucks I was reading the thin red line and just job shit and stuff got me down

>> No.6804675

I don't like people. I want to.

>> No.6804711

It's childish, but now that I graduated high school I'm afraid of the point where everyone I know, including me, takes their separate paths and moves away

I'm terrible at keeping in touch, and I fear that I will never see the people that mean something to me right now ever again
Even the people that I don't really care about I'm afraid to miss, just because they are familiar
I don't want to make new friends

I need someone more experienced than me to tell me that it's going to be ok

>> No.6804717

girls that act sweet and nice are SO MUCH BETTER than bitter bitches

wow, damn, shit's crazy y'all

>> No.6804726

It fucking isn't going to be.

Have fun.

>> No.6804731

as someone who graduated from college a year ago,

>everyone I know, including me, takes their separate paths and moves away

this happens over and over again, enjoy.

>> No.6805215

I got in a car accident today, and I almost killed me and my date. But she still likes me, so it could be worse

>> No.6805225

I'm afraid i'll never find a girl with the same interests as me.

>> No.6805228

I'm happy with her, I really am. It's just that I miss the time spent with another. I can't go messaging her because four years is just too long a time for out of the blue. Hopefully I'll have a walk and the feeling will pass.

>> No.6805243

I impulsively spent $40 ordering some discounted shirts online because I'm insecure about my appearance and want others to like me.