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/lit/ - Literature

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6786960 No.6786960 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too lonely and depressed to read

How do I fix this?

>> No.6786972

Reading is what keeps me from feeling lonely....

>> No.6786992

Fucking this I feel so restless I can hardly fix my attention to read 30 pages

>> No.6786998

read outside somewhere nice and supplement l-arginine

>> No.6787007


>> No.6787012

force yourself to go somewhere with no distractions, like a park

make that place your reading spot

make it a habit to go there regularly

>> No.6787031
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I'll be your friend OP.

>> No.6787036

My anxiety prevents me from doing this.

>> No.6787040

supplement l-arginine

>> No.6788667
File: 875 KB, 700x987, Foxtree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read about a lonely guy who overcomes in the end. Follow his steps

>> No.6788670

I don't know. Reading is how i fix it in the first place. I just use it as escapism.

>> No.6788696

Go to the doctor, I had the same problem but now I have some nice pills that stop me from doing the David Foster Wallace dance from a light fitting and reading isn't a problem anymore.

>> No.6788829

you must distract yourself. that is all life is. If you can't fix the bad shit you must ignore it.

>> No.6788859

i have like 20 pages of writing, about 1000 pages of reading, and two exams and a presentation to make up by the end of the month or my incomplete grades will become failures. and i feel like you do - and have done for a long time. i cant do anything and my meds aint working

>> No.6788926

I have been in a similar situation, and just barely scraped by. If you can, talk to your teachers about what's going on, and they may surprise you and help you out (at least an extension, from my experience). Only telling you this because I've stayed silent and failed before.

>> No.6789729


>> No.6789770

Try to do something creative. Maybe try to write a short story or even draw some little cartoons. Get the brain juices flowing.

>> No.6789797

I hear helium is a popular method these days

>> No.6789828


Perhaps read depressing literature that you can identify with?

>> No.6790088
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>> No.6790300

>tfw getting headaches every night
>tfw thinking a trillion thoughts at once

>> No.6790309
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write them and you'll notice it's much less than you think, you just keep going through the same ones over and over again. there's nothing better to forget than writing it.

>> No.6790321
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>tfw too lonely and depressed to read

>Hey /lit/, give me a list of depressive books.

>> No.6790340
File: 29 KB, 907x619, 2008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel thread?

>tfw reminiscent of the old textboads that Moot shutdown and spent that last few hours going through the read-only copies that were left up
>pic related, I hope you had a merry Christmas, /lit/

Anyone /book/ or /lang/ here?

>> No.6790360
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2007 looks like it was a fun time

>> No.6790363

>be trying to read infinite jest because it is relatable for someone going through depression
>get some hope that things get better and there is beauty
>remember David Foster Wallace killed himself
It is all worse than before

>> No.6790374

>implying exploring your feelings through literature won't help you understand and possibly overcome them

>> No.6790390


>> No.6790488

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

>> No.6790758

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.6790768

catcher in the rye

>> No.6790820

>tfw i cant even get through an entire album without doing something else because of this

life is suffering. i feel like i need to be actively doing something at all times if im not asleep. a therapist i used to have recommended mindfulness before i stopped, anyone have any experience with that?

>tfw always feel guilty about having a good time (drinking, drugs, general socializing) so i actively avoid it
wtf is up with this bros

>> No.6790832

Don't. I'm no philosopher, but you have to just feel this way. Embrace it in the moment so it doesn't hurt so bad.

>> No.6790842

>tfw she is wary of spooks
My dick turned diamonds

>> No.6790857

Sounds like depression

>> No.6790868

>>tfw too lonely and depressed to read
No anon, this is the right mood to read.

>> No.6790907
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Fuck me, I just want to sit in a terrace while it's pouring as if from a bucket.