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6786373 No.6786373 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think about this book?

>> No.6786735

it's solid-tude

>> No.6786745

A complete soli-dud

>> No.6786747

It's solidtude

>> No.6786748

Loved it. thought it was a fun and moving book.

>> No.6786777

It's solid, dude

>> No.6786814

Started it (Gutenberg edition, though I could go out and buy the physical copy at a local used book store if I wanted to). It's aite so far, getting used to the writing style, which seems pretty basic. I was looking for something new to read after finishing up a different book, but I'm not sure if it's going to be this one or not.

>> No.6786818

a sole étude

>> No.6786821

I will resist the urge to meme.

I thought i twas nice, but you need to have a decent background in Colombian history, culture, and attitudes to understand a lot of where Garcia Marquez was coming from and why half the plot points even mattered/were relevant.

>> No.6786868

>tfw Colombia
>tfw so many things are familiar
>muh Macondo
>muh swampy hot weather
>muh endless rainy weather

Im looking for books on the Banana wars. anyone know of any good ones?

>> No.6786874

Also I enjoy the fact that there was a character named Meme. Kek.

>> No.6787209


>> No.6787220

I love it. Like another anon said, it's better to have a basic understanding of Colombian/South American/Spanish colonial history and culture before you start.

And wew I wish my copy had that cover... if you know what I mean

>> No.6787286
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>> No.6787292

Is that cover actually fitting to the book?

>> No.6787312

Finished it last friday, thought it was beautiful, definitely one of my new favourite books, and tied with M&D and Ulysses for best books read this year.

>> No.6787350


>> No.6787357

It's one of the best books ever written

>> No.6787368

its garbabge
no literary value at all

>> No.6787468

There's a lot of banging and they live in the jungle, so yeah I'd say so

>> No.6787481


The early family members are a lot more interesting and better to follow than the later family members but I'm guessing it was showing how Marquez was growing uninterested in writing the novel. Still has a great ending though, just that the last portions of the book are such a chore after how good everything was beforehand.

Favourite parts anyone? Mine are the civil war and the Insomnia plague.

>> No.6787504

I enjoyed it overall.
The beginning was very funny and interesting.
all the war stuff got kind of dry and the common names occasionally made things confusing.
Once I got to the end story, though, where the family was just about gone and no one really knew their history; it got interesting to me again.

>> No.6788167

Incredible book. I knew nothing about Colombian history before my first readthrough and it still blew me away. 2nd time around when I was more familiar with the background even more so.

Definitely a masterpiece

>> No.6788260

One of my favorites, possibly in my top 3. It seems to be pretty divisive which is strange to me because it's maybe the one novel that I can't imagine anybody disliking. There isn't a boring sentence in the entire book.

>but there's no plot, it's just a sequence of nonsensical, meaningless events
Maybe so but there's a huge emotional depth to everything. Also who needs plot when this much crazy shit happens

>everyone has the same fucking name, I can't keep track
The only characters with truly identical names never meet, and keeping track of who's who isn't nearly as hard as it's cracked up to be. Get it together or keep a family tree handy if you're really having trouble.

Anyways I love this book

>> No.6788294

That's a lovely nipple

>> No.6788484

Really brilliant book.

Shame I didn't know any South-American, let alone Columbian, history at the time I read it. Although the book doesn't have a definite plot and that bothers some, it's easy to distill some major themes out of the book that are always illustrated with great emotional depth. Some of the ones that intrigued me most were
- obsession, and often the disillusionment that comes after
- solitude (duh), often because of or after some kind of obsession
see for example José Aureliano Buendía: war as an obsession, then the disillusionment of its meaninglessness and futility, and then his plunge into solitude by producing over and over his little gold fishes all by himself
- disenchantment as a product of science and capitalism (see the contrast between the early bewilderment brought on by the visits of the gypsies and the rain - which is a significant metaphor, I believe - and disaster brought on by the banana company)
- corruption
- passion
- the passage of time, and its circling repetition

For me the book is seeped in a rich emotional and even philosophical context. I wished I could have read it in Spanish because his writing, admittedly, in English often proved to be immensely dull as compared to the fantasy with which Márquez wrote this masterpiece.
Would recommend it to anyone of whom I know is smart enough not to put it aside merely because of its lengthy, not-going-anywhere plot.

>> No.6788916

I loved the book, never minded the lack of a real plot aside from the way they family history unfolded. I was perfectly contend to just read through that.