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/lit/ - Literature

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6786117 No.6786117 [Reply] [Original]

"Personally, I am a hedonistic reader; I have never read a book merely because it was ancient. I read books for the aesthetic emotions they offer me, and I ignore the commentaries and criticism."

Do you identify with this? Why/why not?

>> No.6786119

I don't read books, actually.

>> No.6786126

While I lean towards the aesthete camp, there's plenty of truth and self-understanding to be revealed by art. Plus, I love reading literary criticism/theory.

>> No.6786127

No. I don't care for either position. I read books for their trashiness.

>> No.6786132

nope, i read books so i can throw out obscure quotes from obscure authors so i can seem smarter than i actually am, specifically to bang women

>> No.6786145

yesss, absolutely, and it's pretty comforting to hear someone else say this.

>> No.6786211

>Plus, I love reading literary criticism/theory.

Borges did as well. Some of his finest writings were in the form of literary criticism and he counts a number of lit critics among his influences. In the context of this quote, he seems to say that he doesn't allow criticism to dictate his attitude toward a book.

>> No.6786216

this tbh.

>> No.6786234

Yes. Completely. And I was very happy when I first discovered this quote. As a rule one should think for oneself and have confidence in those thoughts, but I'd be lying if I said Borges didn't relieve me of the slight guilt I felt about my attitude (Borges' attitude) towards literature.

>> No.6786253 [DELETED] 

I agree completely. When I was very young I used to read books for superficial, childish reasons, but after a few years I pretty much subscribe to this view in combination with my writing skill, taking into account what resources I could coordinate into my own writing, just to make myself better.
There's also a therapeutic aspect, but I really only notice that if I haven't read in a few days. It's sort of like having withdrawals from reading.

>> No.6786272

>there's plenty of truth and self-understanding to be revealed by art

Which only come through "aesthetic emotions" imo.

In contrast, authors who try to use literature to deliver manifestos and treatises in a narrative form offer no truth, but only ideology.

>> No.6786278

Yes, exactly, which is why it's annoying with plebs on here criticize Nabokov saying he has nothing to say, that he's all style. No, it's precisely because he "has nothing to say" that he's able to say anything at all. It's the writers who have something to say who most need to be questioned.

>> No.6786576

>not reading in order to glimpse the truth
>shiggy diggles

>> No.6786702

no. I read book for its transvestites.

>> No.6786711

>plebs over-thinking the obvious
A book with a direction is superior

>> No.6786731

It's an accurate description of how I read.

Still, I don't feel the need to "identify" with it because I don't need to identify with anything.

I am what I am, I do what I do.

>> No.6787177
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>> No.6787235

More or less, I've found myself reading a book and not even knowing who the author is until I finish it.
However, some books give me that "I dun gedit" feeling and I look for reviews written by smart people, hoping that somebody has put in words what is merely a feeble grasp of an idea to me.

>> No.6787240

Well coming to this board its generally hard to ignore the commentaries if its a book we talk about a lot.

>> No.6787244

I mainly read for fun.

But "fun" encompasses a lot of things. It can be sheer pleasure from reading a good story. It can also be experiencing a bizarre combination of emotions I'm not used to. And it can also be to read something and formulate a line of thinking or reasoning that I've never thought of doing before.

>> No.6787245

He's entirely right about the autograph part, though. Perhaps he's only talking about pleb-lit.

>> No.6787258

>experiencing a bizarre combination of emotions I'm not used to

Describe one such occurrence.

>> No.6787261

/lit/ is too insecure to hold values and opinions of their own.

So they just vomit the words of someone else, especially that old disgusting fat cunt Bloom.

>> No.6787264

>tfw Borges advocates escapism and im okay with that

You can see a lot of that in his writing, honestly

>> No.6787270

I read to make myself feel smarter in my own head. I've used mental gymnastics to come to the conclusion that it is the most hedonistic pleasure there is.

>> No.6787273

if you only ever read for pure pleasure you might as well just go watch television instead.

>> No.6787276


>> No.6787333
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>actually reading borges
>thinking its good

well meme'd

>> No.6787340
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>the "borges is a meme" meme

>> No.6787372
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>meme "the" meme

>> No.6787378
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>"self-referential meme relating to meme in the abstract sense" meme
We are the Milhouse makers, we are the memers of memes.

>> No.6787399

post-meme ideology

>> No.6787413

Are memes a memetic ideology?

>> No.6787424

What you are really referring to is the empirical manifestation of the worship of the meme in itself.

and ya thats real

>> No.6787439

To a terrible degree. I am a hedonist of books, never thought as such before but it is true. I read whenever I can and whatever catches my fancy. I can't remember the last time I read literary criticism. I'm at the point where 3 books a day is average. Please oh God someone help meeeeee

>> No.6787440

If you liked this quote, you might like Borges' lectures on English literature (published in English as "Professor Borges: A Course on English Literature").

There is very little "critical theory" in the lectures, most of it is about the beauty or the fun, trying to get the students to love the literature at hand - "you should read this completely, it's amazing" - making many of them read out parts aloud.

>> No.6787450

i think the real question here is whether the symbolic structure of post-meme referentiality signifies a primordial yearning to return to pre-meme ontology, or is merely a symptom/emergent factor from the complexity of the meta-memetic meme in and of itself

>> No.6787646

He also never read books in their entirety.

>> No.6787658

Your mom's vagine.

>> No.6787669


>> No.6787690

Borges is king. I feel bad for anyone that treats literature like serious business.

Literature should only be read hedonistically, but you should alter yourself to enjoy patrician shit first. feel me. cultured hedonism.