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6783722 No.6783722 [Reply] [Original]

What's the cure for nihilism aside from suicide or whatever hedonistic bullshit you will reply with?

>> No.6783738

You're not a nihilist, just an angsty emo kid who feels sorry for himself.

>> No.6783740


>> No.6783746

if you think nihilism is something that the concept of "curing" applies to, you do not understand nihilism.

>> No.6783748



>> No.6783749

Hedonistic bullshit, obviously.

Either that, or you delude yourself into being idealistic, in any way. Religion maybe.
Or start doing something to get your mind off of nihilism.
Nihilism doesn't bother you much if you'd actually bother to do, well anything. Stop using it as an excuse, pretty much.

>> No.6783755
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Start with the classics.

Watch Evangelion, bro. Whole series + EoE. It made me the man I am today.

>> No.6783756

in a capitalistic/patriarchal world life holds very little meaning, to be honest, and recognizing the validity of that is helpful.

>> No.6783757


Only intelligent reply ITT. The rest of you are psueds

>> No.6783761
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If nothing matters, what you believe doesn't matter, either, so you might as well believe something that makes you happy.

>> No.6783762
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looks like you're pretending rebuild doesn't exist.

>> No.6783767

What's the point of caring about happiness?

>> No.6783768

I am, although 1.01 wasn't bad.

>> No.6783774

Seriously though, why did he choke her AFTER the third impact?

You're hardwired to enjoy it. Being aware of that does not negate this enjoyment.

>> No.6783778
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1.11 wasn't any different than the OS though.

2.22 is where it really began to pander to the widespread audience.

3.33 is where anno's mind really kicks into gear, this is the one you should take seriously if you consider your life to be heavily influenced by NGE.

>> No.6783780

To find out if she was real, or just part of another created reality he made during Human Instrumentality. If she fought back while he chocked her, it meant she had an independent will and existed outside of his own will

>> No.6783785

what do you do when you start taking a new med for bipolar and you become nihilistic as shit in a matter of a month and people no longer even look the same physically and you realize everything people do is retarded (including yourself)

>> No.6783790
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If you refuse to make any qualitative judgments whatsoever, then there is no basis for a philosophy to emerge and no basis for further discussion.

I guess you're enlightened and, perhaps, just drift off into Nirvana when you die.

>> No.6783795

You embrace the absurd.

>> No.6783796

embrace your new nihilistic philosophical outlook. there's no evidence that nihilism is intrinsically wrong or bad.

>> No.6783799


Nah, Shinji ain't that smart he just wanted to fuck a dead bitch LOL

>> No.6783800

The only things that are pointless are things that lead nowhere, and you can't say "everything leads nowhere" because that mentality itself leads nowhere by its very nature.

>> No.6783804

Babble babble babble, words without meaning, now that we have separated real-time discussion from voice (and how unfortunate), we can say, I MEAN WRITE, all sorts of pretensious bullshit that we would never say, because we would sound pretensious as shit. Don't believe in what you write if you wouldn't say it.

Because nihilism is now interchangeable with Nietzsche and the most vivid representation of Nietzsche's spirit is in the angsty adolescent, and the latest memorable (mass) form of the angsty adolescent the >>6783738

Nihilism separated from the angsty existentialists sloppy treatment of it can be seen as an highly optimistic and liberating view this is a non-sequitor

>> No.6783808

I know you somewhat tried but this post is not logically sound.

>> No.6783811


This seems like the most logical step. I really don't think I'm coming back from this. What you two anon said seems like the best step. Nihilism and the absurd are all I have left

>> No.6783818


See this post for an example of absurdity, my bipolar friend

>> No.6783821


There are no word-roads, things lead nowhere, they are its own place

>> No.6783825


So how exactly is seeing no purpose in anything going to bring you happiness LOL

>> No.6783830

Everything leads to entropy.

>> No.6783831


Agreed, the media is nihilistic and absurd you must embrace it. Make a musical about Caitlyn Jenner

>> No.6783832

this statement doesn't make sense. just to help you understand where you are fucking up:

>1) "The only things that are pointless are things that lead nowhere"
this is a claim with no basis, and assumes that concepts such as "pointlessness" inherently exist.

>2) "you can't say "everything leads nowhere" because that mentality itself leads nowhere by its very nature."
Not only does this have a subjective opinion of what "nowhere" means that also has no basis in observable reality, there is a huge flaw in the logic of this statement.

By your own definitions, someone who says "everything leads nowhere" isn't contradicting themselves at all if their mentality in fact, leads nowhere. If saying "everything leads nowhere" went "somewhere", the statement would contradict itself.

>> No.6783835


You're right, at least the absurd still makes me laugh. Thanks bro

>> No.6783846
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Sadly, I think it's a developmental disorder.

The earlier you have sex, the less likely you are to have it.

There are no nihilist poonhounds. Philosophy is an error. We should all be barbarians.

>> No.6783853

I never needed to see "purpose" in things that is an highly Hollywood view of life. Nihilism is not anomie

>> No.6783868


>> No.6783869

>We should all be barbarians.
is/ought problem, unsound argument.

>> No.6783874
File: 23 KB, 500x385, patrick-bateman-new-york.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no nihilist poonhounds

>> No.6783876
File: 210 KB, 768x1024, mursi-tribe-ethiopia-4..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That painting is a romanticization of barbarianism. In actual fact barbarianism looks something like this.

>> No.6783877
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You're right. It's those damn absurdists who are getting all the pussy.

>> No.6783878

It is sound it just smells wrong to you. Maybe it is an opinion, not an argument, and the requirement for understanding it is not acknowledging the "is/ought problem." Like most of us don't seem to care about 3rd world problems

>> No.6783879

the Good

>> No.6783884

Nihilism can't be truth because truth is indestructible and nihilism is weak.

>> No.6783885


>implying I care about pussy

I'm a nihilist bro I don't care bout nothing

>> No.6783888

Read Nietzsche's Will to Power. It's his critique of nihilism. Of all philosopher's who have dealt with nihilism, Nietzsche has done it the best.

From the preface:

>Of what is great one must either be silent or speak with greatness. With greatness--that means cynically and with innocence.

>> No.6783891

To the bipolar guy looking to embrace gather absurd:


You're welcome fam

>> No.6783900

>I never needed to see "purpose" in things that is an highly Hollywood view of life.

Not really. Hollywood breeds nihilism. The fairytale schlock they peddle leads to nihilism because it's so vacuous. Many of its films aren't fairytales though, they are just thoroughly nihilist.

>> No.6783902

the "should" turns it into an argument, as you are arguing a point, regardless if it is an opinion or not.

I don't see how third world issues are relevant. are you suggesting we ought to care? you can't derive an "ought" from an "is".

>> No.6783913
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>> No.6783917

>you can't derive an "ought" from an "is".

Of course you can.
Hume was just a sophist and should not be taken seriously.

>> No.6783926

>Hume was just a sophist and should not be taken seriously.
[citation needed]

>> No.6783935


>> No.6783972

The Edda

>> No.6783974

Acknowledge that subjective meaning is just as good as the impossible objective meaning to an emotional creature and live your damn life.

Get out of your house and do some emotional things, meet people, connect with things, bask in the beauty of the natural world. You don't win browning points with some ephemeral embodiment of objectivity by casting subjective, that is emotional, meaning in life aside, only miserable, wasted-life points.

>> No.6783981
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Nihilists are usually those who lament for not viewing purpose to life because they were predisposed to finding it. Hollywood tales are almost invariably about the quest for meaning. Whether or not they do is a matter of indifference. You can't perceive vacuousness if you haven't seen its opposite. You cannot portray nihilism as so if you haven't seen its opposite.

Ultimately I believe in the coexistence of opposites as well as in their equivalence

What am I on about, I'm a bit tired. The world becomes 2D, don't let it anons, reality will shock you and you won't find words for the truly surprising aspects of it. At least not immediately.

pic unrelated

I'll flip a coin and see if I post this

>> No.6783988

I mean to say metaphysical.

>> No.6784000


Don't worry anon you need not separate emotion from reason, objectivity from subjectivity, I mean, academically so.


>> No.6784046

>this entire document
[citation needed]

>> No.6785904

I don't think there's a difference.

>> No.6785918

goals and pursuits which are meaningful to you

>> No.6785922

I will probably stop being nihilistic as soon as someone figures out a way to cure my psoriasis

>> No.6785924

and laughter

(replying to your idea of nihilism aka a crisis of meaning, not nihilism as negative (negate-ive) philosophy btw)

>> No.6785930

another option: tranquility

>> No.6785942


>> No.6785951

Theistic Absurdism > Suicide via nihilism

>> No.6785963

heady self-contexualization like that is low tier

>> No.6785976



It's absurdism with the belief in a higher power.

Your butthurt is showing.

>> No.6785997

read more

>> No.6785999
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Become strong. The emptiness of nihilism is a canvas.

>> No.6786510

Just stop spending so much time thinking about death or your role in the broader world. Nihilism is the consequence of an over-analyzed life.

Alternately, enthusiastically embrace a religion that promises an afterlife, so that the temporary nature of your mortal life no longer strips existence of meaning/purpose.

>> No.6786519

accepting it.

>> No.6786527

You can twist your titties any way you want, but at the end of the day you're still gonna have to get on with your life until you die.

So either kill yourself, no shame in that, or try to find a harmony between yourself and the world and try to achieve contentment.

>> No.6787502


Create your own values to live by.

>> No.6787522

If you were a true nihilist, you wouldn't be looking for a cure. It's not a "disposition", it is a truth of our existence. I'm a nihilist and I get alone just fine without needing to be "cured".

>> No.6787525

Get along* just fine

>> No.6787527

>If you were a true homosexual. you wouldn't be looking for a cure. It's not a "disposition", it is a truth of our existence. I'm a gay and I get alone just fine without needing to be "cured".

>> No.6787529

not even close to being able to compare it that way. Homosexuality isn't a religion retard. Please go back to /pol/

>> No.6787537

>if you were a true faggot, you wouldn't be looking for a cure. It's not a "disposition", it is a truth of my existence. I'm a fag and get alone just fine without needing to be "cured"

>> No.6788849

first principles

>> No.6788862

Negating the will to life.

>> No.6788892

which seems to me to be only feasible through suicide

>> No.6788972
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this the most. realising that nothing matters is the most freeing thing one can do. it releases one from the bounds of a "higher obligation" (not necessarily a god; any sort of strict moral code works here too) while still allowing an adherence to the spirit of your own ideal morality, a system where the rules can be bent on occasion and improved over time. plus, assuming you're not a psychopath, that humans naturally feel self-fulfilment through helping one another will lead to a moral system that is mostly in line with laws and religious values that the rest of society worships.

>> No.6789161

Why are you implying nihilism is problematic?

>> No.6789295


>> No.6789388

this. OP you need some Chesterton. Read Orthodoxy

>> No.6789951

Read the Bible. Seriously, might as well give it a try.

>> No.6789999
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>Because nihilism is now interchangeable with Nietzsche

Look at him. Look at him and laugh.

>> No.6790219

*tips fedora*

>> No.6790940

I could very well be deluding myself, but here's how I "got over" it.

Thinking about it, it made me realize that nihilism is a pretty arrogant world view, as it implies humans can have absolute understanding of the universe.

We might be by far the most advanced species on the planet, but we're still just great apes. Our intellect is not infinite. There will come a time when humans will create computers that far surpass human intellect itself - a clear sign of our limitation as biological beings.

When I go take my dog to the vet in the car, the dog does not understand that I'm in control of the car and that my actions are responsible for the car moving. The dog simply cannot comprehend that, it's beyond its understanding. So why shouldn't there be things that are beyond human understanding as well?

Think about the universe. We know that the universe is constantly expanding. We also know that the universe does not have "borders". There is no "wall" that separates the universe from non-universe.

We don't know what happened before the Big Bang. Is the universe cyclical, going from Big Bang to Big Crunch in an infinite cycle? Did the material universe always exist? I have not seen any strong argument against the concept of prime mover, except that quantum physics tells us that there is something similar to creation of something out of nothing possible - but it's still not the same thing. The prime mover doesn't need to be a conscious, intelligent entity, a deity, it's enough to believe that it's possible that something outside of the physical universe we can interact with exists.

I've always been an irreligious person with a physicalist world view. I couldn't find any argument for the existence of anything outside of our reality. That's why this affected me, it changed me from "there is no way, 0% chance whatsoever of anything higher existing" to "there is a chance we might not know", and that came as a huge "relief" to me.