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6783427 No.6783427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most vaporwave book?

>> No.6783433

The second half of Dead Souls

>> No.6783434


>> No.6783436

go back to /mu/

>> No.6783453

>go back to /mu/

I'm serious, though. The only closest author I can think of William Gibson, but even that is still way off the mark.

>> No.6783477

i should remind you that vaporwave is a conglomeration of relics from the past. its meant to "evoke" a certain pastel memory of the early digital age. its more a style and not really "content" as literature would consist of

>> No.6783489

What's the appeal of vaporwave?

>> No.6783507

Nostalgia for the technology of the 90's, and the dance music of the 70's and 80's.

>> No.6783526

what is vaporwave ?

>> No.6783544
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>what is vaporwave ?


>> No.6783552

Anything Brett Easton Ellis or Tao Lin where you match the drug consumption of the POV protagonist.

>> No.6783555
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I was thinking about the viability of a vaporwave literature just the other day but I believe the most faithful kind of adaptation of A E S T H E T I C S would be old magazine ads for electronics and synthwave posters and old news from the early 90's

>> No.6783560

sounds parodic

>> No.6783561

Girl With Curious Hair

>> No.6783565
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pretty comfy

>> No.6783577

I feel it's almost more sincere than parodic. It's delving into one's guilty pleasures hence the gleeful show of anime characters samplng of older pop music that is much looked down upon in today's world.

>> No.6783582

>Brett Easton Ellis
Good rec. Less than Zero definitely carries some of the same essence as vaporwave.

>> No.6783598

I've been working on artistic evocation such as considered by Deleuze and vaporwave definitely has that resurrection of the ineffable vibe.

I'm trying to write a fucking paper on this kind of phenomenom but they won't fucking pay my last one so eh

>> No.6783815

most superficial response for that question

>> No.6783991
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>> No.6784042

Dreams of Amputation by Gary Shipley

>> No.6784045

Ready Player One? YA-shit but i can't think of anything more mature.

>> No.6784052
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>> No.6784065

>all these answers and no Neuromancer

It's all there: the 90s aesthetics, the Japanese language, the Neon, the Neo-Tokyo, the Cyberspace

>> No.6784149

>most superficial response for that question
and the most accurate

>> No.6784154

Gibson was already mentioned.

>> No.6784172

Less Than Zero, but make sure to read it 40% slower.


It's gonna take more than one little nugget of meme gold(tm) to redeem this meme.

>> No.6784183
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>Less Than Zero, but make sure to read it 40% slower.
good post

>> No.6784197

It's a staple meme, it can never go stale.

>> No.6784202

Tohsaka Rin pleases old men for money

>> No.6784217


I'm talking about memewave. You just posted the only good thing to ever come out of it.

>> No.6785062


>> No.6785157

Any windows OS installation instruction manual

>> No.6785166

I don't know about vaporwave but Tao Lin's books can be considered vaporware.

>> No.6785171
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This one.

>> No.6785187
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Either Tai Pei or the The Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.6785192
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this could easily be mistaken for a Vaporwave cover

>> No.6785202

what does the japanese say?

>> No.6785219
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Infinite Jest had some similar acceleration themes and critique of capitalism