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File: 17 KB, 460x276, Peter-Hitchens-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6782527 No.6782527 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: 'intellectuals' you can't stand and why you can't stand them

Pic related, I despise him because he turns complex problems into simplistic moral fables of good and evil, something I consider to be very damaging for humanity in general, and the west in particular

>> No.6782532

All the pseudo intellectuals on /lit/

>> No.6782546

Peter Hitchens, like a lot of intelligent right-wingers has just intellectualised his weird prejudicial hang-ups he got in a creepy catholic boarding school.

>> No.6782563
File: 155 KB, 1024x576, chompsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related for me.

Do I even need to explain why?

>> No.6782572
File: 247 KB, 1127x914, Hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seemed to me he was always in his brothers shadow aswell.

>> No.6782579
File: 78 KB, 620x465, hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Peter Hitchens got utterly humiliated by a drug abusing homosexual in a debate that Christopher would have dominated.


>> No.6782580

post-modernists b/c they are so afraid of stating a definitive position that they literally say nothing yet think they're saying all kinds of profundity

>> No.6782581

I actually like him

>> No.6782666

holy shit, everyone on that panel is a moron.

>> No.6782677

>I despise him because he turns complex problems into simplistic moral fables of good and evil, something I consider to be very damaging for humanity in general, and the west in particular

It's actually the other way around, disguising right from wrong under obfuscating complexity is the biggest disease we have.

>> No.6782732



>> No.6782880

Pretty sure this is the video that made me take Peter a little more seriously

>> No.6782912
File: 28 KB, 485x237, reagan_taliban_1985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure thing, Peter, now back to typing another poorly written column for the Mail

>> No.6782924

But Reagan was evil.

>> No.6782932
File: 45 KB, 700x450, Ronald-Reagan-Quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to your hugbox echochamber


>> No.6782942

you get it m8

>> No.6782945


egh, Taliban are a lesser evil to some shit in the region.

they kicked out the pedo rings. so in my mind they cant be "evil"

>> No.6782957
File: 456 KB, 717x824, North_face_south_tower_after_plane_strike_9-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Taliban are a lesser evil

Okay, you're officially retarded

>> No.6782960

yeah , peter's problem is that he simply isn't good enough

he's not the hero that the right needs

>> No.6782980

He's okay, but he's a journalist, not really that deep, and while he criticizes liberal economics somewhat, he doesn't do it enough.

The poor man's Milbank.

>> No.6783007

Didn't have an answer coming into this thread, but Dan Savage was magnificently stupid here.

>> No.6783016

That's the exact opposite of what he does, read some of his stuff on Ukraine, Libya and Syria, he goes against the mainstream presentation of those conflicts as simple struggles between good and evil.

He's the only worthwhile British journalist.

>> No.6783021
File: 529 KB, 717x400, Screen Shot 2015-06-07 at 19.22.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he turns complex problems into simplistic moral fables of good and evil
he's being polemic, knowing his counterparts are just as dogmatic; those counterparts though do not appreciate their dogma, they try and substantiate it with circular logic and dribble, so, knowing he will not be able to be reasonable with them (because their argument is not built on reason, not really, not fundamentally), he mirrors them and finds relief in their frustration

i think.

he's still a dick. i do appreciate that there's public intellectuals who act against the stream though, even if i'm more of a lefty type person myself

>> No.6783023

Better than any commucuck

>> No.6783028

>Taliban are a lesser evil to some shit in the region

Yeah if Afghanistan had been a secular state for the last thirty years imagine how bad the middle east would be now!

>> No.6783978

>based Nikita "we will bury you" Khrushchev

>> No.6784028

Give us an example

>> No.6784064


I'm not that guy but I'm on #TeamPeter despite not being a Christfag. One example is his view on "The War on Drugs". It has become popular in the UK to talk about this "War" causing a huge amount of people to go to jail while costing the government too much and it's supposedly proof that drugs should be legalised as our current harsh approach is too ineffective.

What le based P Hitch accurately points out is that the unbelievable softness of the police when dealing with users of drugs.

Strangely, the "freedom to do what you want in your own home etc" argument is rarely used by people who want to legalise drugs. It's always this "harsh war" argument, and I think it has been thoroughly proved false by Morality Man.

>> No.6784075

>What le based P Hitch accurately points out is that the unbelievable softness of the police when dealing with users of drugs.
I think you're missing a word?

>I think decriminalization of drugs is long long overdue
Hitchens, http://genius.com/Christopher-hitchens-on-the-war-on-drugs-annotated

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si5E9-xh_7o

>> No.6784107


I think the "that" in the sentence shouldn't be there.

I think Peter's main point is factually right. If you get caught with cannabis (he uses this example a lot) in the UK you are really unlikely to get sent to prison despite it being a class A drug and the law saying that judges are easily allowed to do this. He's talked about some police forces giving "cannabis warnings" to people caught with it, which isn't like a caution, where it's talked about in the law and stays on your record (I think). This "cannabis warning" is literally just made up by police forces who can't be assed sending them to court. It doesn't show up on a criminal record.

It's not even that he's saying the war on drugs causes damage or not (although Christopher was tlking about the USA, which incidentally has g**s and n*****s, not that that has anyhting to do with anything). He's just pointing out that there is no harsh approach.

>> No.6784118


I would retort, but then the mods would ban me for discussing off topic subjects.

>> No.6784153

>Thinking the Taliban and Al Qaeda are the same entitity

>> No.6784374

He has a rigid belief in right and wrong. Sort of like Judge Dredd. I like him.

Grass smoking hippy freeloaders can all fuck off.

>> No.6784403

Then why don't you feel the same way about skepticism, or agnosticism? Could it be that in the very act of generalising all post-modernists under the same inadequate blanket term, you're committing the very mistake that they try so hard to avoid?

>> No.6784707

Peter doesn't consider himself an intellectual


>> No.6784780

Peter is pretty based in that show while the edgelord Dan savage only goes for potshots and startling remarks

>> No.6784845

Hitchens does the exact opposite of this though.

In a debate on Ukraine recently, he was constantly making the point that conflicts are presented in the good v evil framework of WWII, with one side representing Churchill and the enemy as Hitler