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6780654 No.6780654 [Reply] [Original]

How to cure nihilism?

>> No.6780656
File: 353 KB, 560x586, Mrbones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't.

>> No.6780686

Heidegger and Hegel did the trick for me

>> No.6780688

But I want to

>> No.6780691
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>> No.6780695

I remember when I was an edgy 16 yr old I spent a week trying to decide whether to have Nihilism or Objectivism as my religion on facebook.

I'm glad those days are over.

>> No.6780696
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You have to kill it.

>> No.6780700
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Worship the double helix DNA life force that you share with all carbon life on Terra.

Life wants to fight, fuck, and innovate forever, and spread to the universe. You are life's attempt to spread beyond Earth. The Grand Dance wishes to continue forever. You are its agent.

>> No.6780702


>> No.6780706

turning 15 should do the trick.

>> No.6780713

Have you seen Neon Genesis Evangelion yet? It's really deep. Made me think about a lot of things.

>> No.6780715

>not objective

>> No.6780716
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>> No.6780721

love to call depression nihilism

>> No.6780723



>> No.6780724
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you can't, they believe in nothing

>> No.6780725

>teleological descriptions of nature

>> No.6780745

Aristotle claimed that an acorn's intrinsic telos is to become a fully grown oak tree.

Nature's telos is to expand and do what nature do. The aims of nature are pretty clear.

>> No.6780767
File: 41 KB, 460x651, Qu-Jean Paul Sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean, "How do you cure an existential crisis?" Asking how you cure how to cure nihilism is like asking how one can make warm ice.

You cure your existential crisis by making a purpose in life.

>> No.6780778

I have purpose

That gets nullified by the fact that none of it matters

>> No.6780785

Then why is it your purpose?

>> No.6780788

Then your purpose sucks. Believing is everything. Stop trying to transcend humanity son.

>> No.6780790

>Nature's telos is to expand and do what nature do.

A meteor could strike the Earth, wiping out all life on the planet, and would still be a natural event.

>> No.6780792

its a shame you still believe in spooks then

>> No.6780800

I had purpose until I became nihilistic

There's a catch 22, I'd change if I could

>> No.6780819

I used to be nihilistic, mostly because I thought all value judgments were baseless. But you have to realize that all human knowledge is baseless. Everything is referenced to something else. Purpose is what you say it is.

>> No.6780820

In order to truly be without purpose, you would need to rid yourself of motion. That's impossible, so a lack of purpose is impossible.

>> No.6780844
File: 39 KB, 473x355, Qu-Bertrand Russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice is cold.

Relax and enjoy.
(Suicide is a goofy egotistical thing to do, since we're all going to die eventually anyway)
I like the purpose of perpetuation and simultaneous improvement of my fellow Earth-mates. A nearly lost cause at this point I'm afraid, but we must try. Resist the anti-natalists and other sick fucks. But do it with a smile.


>> No.6780852

There is no need to resist them because they don't do anything. The forgotten never existed and only good things are remembered.

>> No.6780874

Get over your daddy issues, grow up and become a man. Then maybe you just might.

>> No.6780878

Mr. Bones Wild Ride is a pretty decent allegory for nihilism actually.

>> No.6780892

I mean resist by ending capitalism and turning to saving the environment. And asap because not even good things will be remembered after we're gone.

>> No.6780896


enjoyable experiences

>a gf

>> No.6780897

>Suicide is a goofy egotistical thing
Is that really your argument against suicide?

>> No.6780903

In eight insensitive words.

>> No.6780955

Holy shit you're right

>> No.6780971

how does one just obtain morphine wtf

>> No.6780981

Ecstasy, buddy. But don't do too much at once, because you do get depressed a day or so after rolling

>> No.6780987


If you place water under high pressure and warm temperarure you can make "warm ice"

>> No.6780988

By "nature" I mean "life." Life wants to thrive.

>> No.6781001

It becomes water. "Frozen water" is water not ice.

>> No.6781007

This. but the love has to come from you. A better word would be passion. Op you must learn to love, and it will cure your nhillism

>> No.6781011

Catholicism is the answer

>> No.6781050
File: 1.02 MB, 2256x1504, Khan_Tengri_Pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Tengri's much more contrarian to western aspirituality

>> No.6781052


What are you talking about.

Ice is water, frozen into a solid state.

>> No.6781064


I think that's a non-sequitur, brother.

Your argument is:

>If nature's telos is to expand and do what nature do, then all natural events are nature's telos
>A meteor is a natural event, therefore....

But regardless of that, could you even say a meteor's telos is to destroy life?

>> No.6781070

The telos of everything is to increase entropy. The things that persist are the things that are the best at increasing entropy, because they preserve themselves through creating entropy in other things. The fire that burns hot, spreads.

>> No.6781077

>tfw only good /lit/ trip anymore is REI and she hardly posts here anymore

>> No.6781102

"Life" as in "all of earth's organisms organisms" is not guided by any goal. Natural selection is a short sighted mechanism, that favors the continuation of organisms with certain traits (though "luck" can play a role as well).

"Life's attempt to spread beyond Earth," is nothing can be seen in nature, except in human beings. "Life" itself is perfectly able to work against itself. For example, the Permian–Triassic extinction event, the largest mass extinction on record, could have been partly caused the evolution of methane producing microbes. Another, more familiar example would be human beings, organisms who can conceivable destroy all life on earth

>> No.6782221

By realising that true nihilism means not giving a fuck, which means you don't give a fuck. Conflicted? That means you're not fit to be a nihilist.

>> No.6782295

You should all try pussy sometime.
I would highly recommend it.

>> No.6782423


>> No.6782448

Why do you think love and passion are incompatible with Nihilism?

>> No.6782467

With optionality.

Nihilism is caused by teleology. If you consider life a straight line from which cannot deviate, then it's only a matter of time before you reach a dead end. You should always have more than one option in life

>> No.6782477


>Read The Stranger
>Realize that nihilism is stupid
>Go on being a happy little Sisyphus

>> No.6782535

stop being male.

nihilism is very much a male trait. there are some women who go through the idea at some point, but that's probably because we're in a completely male-driven society, so it's hard to not get sucked into it.

but i guess it's hard for men who subconsciously all understand that their biological existence is literally due to a mutation and that no one really wanted them to exist in the first place. they are parasitic in the most basic of definitions (male scientists agree), and are degrading through every generation. it's probably a bit disheartening for men, i guess.

>> No.6782569

>How to cure nihilism?
in adopting solipsism+equanimity

>> No.6782595
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Life experiments all the time and screws up, but its fundamental nature and purpose remains the same.

You see in yourself the character of life that you share with all life. As Schopenhauer says, you can perceive in yourself the Will to Live that you share with all life.

All life is similar. All life reproduces, competes, and excretes. If you abstract that out to one combined biomass that feeds on itself, its course is obvious.

You are here to aid life in its mission to continue and spread.

Who knows? If you worship the sacred helix, you may find life in it again, in the stream of life. You came to life in this universe once, through DNA, and the DNA continues to spiral and grow. Maybe you will find your way back as long as life exists.

>> No.6782601

Can someone explain to me what a spook is?

>> No.6782612


>> No.6782622

Lmao what do you mean "cure" nihilism?

>> No.6782648

I recommend drugs. It's vastly superior.

>> No.6782731

Hahaha, what a retarded cunt.

Males built and invented everything.
We're stronger, have larger brains with 40% more synaptic connections, 7x the grey matter and more white matter than women.
You're posting on a male invention, and every tool you use was invented by a male.

There is no way women could have invented the Internet or got us to the moon, period. A strictly male organization can do all of these things and more.

Women are the parasites. Males are the humans.

>> No.6782772 [DELETED] 

You two are retarded.

>> No.6782776

you're attempting to refute male historians and male scientists atm and it's not working well.....

you realize that the y chromosome is a mutation of the x and is constantly degrading, right? that it's barely even a thing and the genetic code to even make testicles is housed in the x, right?

males came second and literally feed off of women's domestic labor. they'd die off without females for lots of reasons. females have the theoretical ability to reproduce without males and even if they couldn't there's enough sperm banked that there's literally no use for males in the world.

a lot of gross things have been built by men. the world is being actively destroyed by these things. why are you defending your destruction of everything?

plus women have had pretty active involvement in the sciences. they were the first doctors before men called them out as witches.

>> No.6782787
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I got over my existential crisis literally two days ago.

>> No.6782826 [DELETED] 

>thinks it ever ends

>> No.6782846
File: 15 KB, 192x201, 1431808262190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an epiphany.
It's finally over.
It took me years, but now I'm finally free.

>> No.6782854 [DELETED] 


Here are some articles that say the contrary, that the Y-chromosome has self-repair mechanisms. Even failing that, I'm sure we innovative males can bio-engineer a solution.

Even if we were to die off, the genetic shuffling and evolution that occurs from sexual selection is so advantageous that abolishing disexuality seems like a very poor idea.

If you were just women cloning yourselves, you'd be stuck in a rut, and a society entirely of women would be insectoid or apelike, following the same autistic patterns without contest or innovation.

Women have accomplished little of note in history except giving birth to great males. We do it all--everything interesting and human--the wars, the technology, the competition, the struggle, the mastery, the achievement, the conquest--it's all Men yearning for the frontier, yearning to become great and something more.

Males put the Man in human. I will never apologize for being male, and if the cunts try to shame us into servitude, we'll just self-segregate engineer them out of existence. We're incredible engineers.

Just look. Marvel at what male-only industries can create. Every industry has been functional and strictly male until very recently. We have proved that we don't need women, or--if we do--our needs for them are very modest.

Like robust, durable machines, we can easily satisfy our few needs from the opposite sex. VR simulators and wombs should take care of it. You'll laugh, for now, but it's coming, and males will finally liberated from the horrible ball and chain around our necks.

"If we could survive without a wife, citizens of Rome, all of us would do without that nuisance." -- Emperor Augustus

>> No.6782855

Any thing that does not inherently tend to grow and spread will inherently be overtake by the thing that does tend to grow and spread.

The nature of the universe is revealed in the scale-invariant repeating pattern of greater and greater complexity leading to greater energy capture, use and finally entropy.

The universe wants to be consumed by itself, not by any conscious will, but by the physical laws inherent to it. Where the laws come from, we cannot know, but laws they are.

>> No.6782864
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Here are some articles that say the contrary, that the Y-chromosome has self-repair mechanisms. Even failing that, I'm sure we innovative males can bio-engineer a solution.

Even if we were to die off, the genetic shuffling and evolution that occurs from sexual selection is so advantageous that abolishing disexuality seems like a very poor idea.

If you were just women cloning yourselves, you'd be stuck in a rut, and a society entirely of women would be insectoid or apelike, following the same autistic patterns without contest or innovation.

Women have accomplished little of note in history except giving birth to great males. We do it all--everything interesting and human--the wars, the technology, the competition, the struggle, the mastery, the achievement, the conquest--it's all Men yearning for the frontier, yearning to become great and something more.

Males put the Man in human. I will never apologize for being male, and if the cunts try to shame us into servitude, we'll just self-segregate engineer them out of existence. We're incredible engineers.

Just look. Marvel at what male-only industries can create. Every industry has been functional and strictly male until very recently. We have proved that we don't need women, or--if we do--our needs for them are very modest.

Like robust, durable machines, we can easily satisfy our few needs from the opposite sex. VR simulators and wombs should take care of it. You'll laugh, for now, but it's coming, and males will finally liberated from the horrible ball and chain around our necks.

"If we could survive without a wife, citizens of Rome, all of us would do without that nuisance." -- Emperor Augustus

>> No.6782897

ugh it's pointless to argue with a man who's in love with colonialism and the destruction of the planet.....

>> No.6782901 [DELETED] 

Explain it to me.

>> No.6782906

If it ended its not an existential crisis m8

that's the point.

>> No.6782913


It's nature, lady.

>> No.6782929

>destruction of the planet.....

EARTH HERE, it's really insulting to think I need you to survive, I went trough many mass extinction before, giant meteor too, so fuck off I don't need your help.

>> No.6782937

a drug
>enjoyable experiences
jk anhedonia
>a gf
still lonely

>> No.6782958
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I don't want to.
I'm ashamed to admit the solution was so simple and I knew it all along, since I heard about it before I even started high school, more than ten years ago.
And only now I realized its implications.
I spent the last two days digging up all over the internet to find any counter-argument that could even remotely debunk it, and found nothing.
It's over, I'm free.
Enjoy your life, losers. I know I will, from now on.

>> No.6782969


>> No.6782974

Exactly, love is what made Bazarov's edgy nihilism wane a bit

>> No.6782985

I'm concerned that I don't love anything or anyone

>> No.6782993 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 512x288, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bluffing but nothing's at stake. Pic related.

>> No.6783002


Tetris as a metaphor for the human condition.

>> No.6783046

>All life reproduces
Fuck that you natalist scum.

>> No.6783098

Go to church

>> No.6783116 [DELETED] 

I don't want to cuck myself, no thanks.

>> No.6783157

I get you OP. Im on a vicious circle.

>Morals are baseless, ill dissapear, there is no purpose for my life!
>Existential crisis.
>But wait...! This life is not that bad! I should make my own morals and be happy right now! Create my own purpose!
>Ah but ill die anyways so who cares.
>Back again.
>Repeat until i die.

That is my life. I need to get out of this.

>> No.6783164 [DELETED] 

>should make my own morals

>> No.6783254

>vastly superior to sex

Either you've been having shitty sex or doing some really good drugs and I wanna know what they are

>> No.6783270

>le shitty sex meme
An orgasm is an orgasm. Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.6783285

drugs are superior to pussy because there's no woman attached to drugs

>> No.6783293

Even IF all orgasms were the same (which they're not) sex isn't only the orgasm. It's (sometimes) an intimate connection with another human being that can have all kinds of positive effects on your mental and physical wellbeing beyond getting rid of your boner.

>> No.6783322

>You are here to aid life in its mission to continue and spread.
You confuse causation and purpose.

The functions of life aren't what is for. The functions of life (shared by most life forms, with few exceptions) are why it continues to exist, why it hasn't been terminated yet.

You feel the need to consume and propagate because that was an ancestral trait that enabled your ancestors to survive long enough to produce you.

Evolution is about causation, not teleology.

>> No.6783539

"Women are the parasites. Males are the humans."
haha how to spot the nihilist who gets no pussy at all. quit petting your fedora m8 and stop being such a hater

>> No.6783551
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Can you tell me?
I don't even care how simple or stupid or absurd it is I'm really just looking for some light right now

>> No.6783589

Make ur peace with the universe

>> No.6784418
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Don't do this to us, anon

>> No.6784440

in that situation it sounded like he was avoiding something because it was "edgy" which to Stirner meant letting an abstraction in your head govern what you do.

>> No.6784554

Nietszche considered art to be the best escape from nihilism, and he invented the concept. You're on /lit/, which is a good start.

>> No.6784563
File: 48 KB, 373x559, Elisabet_Ney_Arthur_Schopenhauer_1859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


“Life is never beautiful, but only the pictures of life are so in the transfiguring mirror of art or poetry; especially in youth, when we do not yet know it. Many a youth would receive great peace of mind if one could assist him to this knowledge.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.6784618

It's obvious that he just had sex.

>> No.6784641

hold the fucking phone
isn't the idea of two genders to achieve diversity and therfore novel variations (some beneficial) as quickly as possible?

>> No.6784646

in other words a bitter old man

>> No.6784654

It's bait you fucking idiots

>> No.6784659

if you take morphine, you will cure your anhedonia

trust me, I used to be sucidally depressed until I found morphine, now I enjoy life and have a positive outlook. I take at least 80mg per day

>> No.6784666

>defending the natural evolution and hierarchy of the sexes which occurs in the majority of species? ugh how could you possibly take such a radical stance.. the world is being destroyed... men have done all wrong, we need to get rid of men entirely i am woman hear me roar, S.C.U.M ok

I wonder how this person even stumbled on to this website lol

>> No.6784667

How long ago was that? Do you think it is sustainable?

>> No.6784669

so you say the cure....to nihilism........is........



the cure-all nihilism pill? holy fuck, amazing, incredible, so simple, YET SO EFFECTIVE!!!

>> No.6784691

you're treating the symptoms, not the disease.

>> No.6784699

Drugs are as much a chemical pleasure as sex is, except sex doesn't leave you permanently retarded. Fuck drugs.

>> No.6784711

except maybe the "conquest" aspect

pride etc.

>> No.6784726

Anyone's ego that affected by bad sex or lack of it entirely was likely retarded to begin with.

>> No.6784775

>it is this easy to bait /lit/

oh wow

>> No.6784783

whatever works mate

>> No.6784788
File: 35 KB, 750x733, 1426235954018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, i've done it. ive passed into the eternal mindfuck realm of "everything including happinesss is a chemical", "your experience is neurons firing", "you are your body" universe. the memory of sex is just dopaminie remembering past pleasure. the comfort in security of a partner is simply giddy anticipation of the next time you have sex. i am entirely my erection and when im dead they will bury me like the worthless meat carcass i am. like i said, its a mindfuck

i mean, was napoleons ego retarded for getting a boost from those aqcuired lands? probably.

lincoln just wrote the gettysburg address cause he knew it'd make him look good in the history books. his serotonin was definitely flowing as those people patted him on the back and praised his name for saving the union, in fact, his death was the result of a dangerous chemical interaction between brain tissue and a metal slug that left him permanently dead and chemical free, except for the chemicals breaking down his body into worm food, and i bet those worms were high as fuck off of that delicious lincoln meat. mmm it doesn't taste good its just the dopamine telling my receptors to eat more

>> No.6784813

Was it the personal variety or the civilizational?

>> No.6784838

the union didn't actually want him to free the slaves, cuckman.

>> No.6784873

oh my fault. nvm then

>> No.6784941

You're only contact with reality is with you're thoughts. If you're reality sucks it's because you thoughts suck. I was where you were at one point and I decided to try one last thing before I kill myself.

That was to consciously change my thoughts. I started paying attention to my thoughts as much as I could and whenever I had a negative thought about myself I would reverse it. I also started to say positive things to myself. I did this for one year, it transformed my life.

Life is still pointless and stupid but at least it doesn't suck. While you're here you may as well enjoy it.