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/lit/ - Literature

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6780032 No.6780032 [Reply] [Original]

2014: Communist Marxist
2015: Reactionary Christian
2016: ???

>> No.6780039

I don't really think you could classify most Christians on /lit/ as "reactionary". They're more Pope Francis/John Milbank Christians.

>> No.6780044

Buddhist Capitalism

>> No.6780047

Individualist Anarchist

>> No.6780052

This. The Christians on lit are by and large Christian Marxists.

>> No.6780056

That was 2010

>> No.6780067

Neopagan nihilism

>> No.6780068

Post-left anarchism

>> No.6780070
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we still marx in here


>> No.6780083

Euphoric Fedora

>> No.6780118

Atheism will make a major comeback in reaction to the current glut of christposting.

To be pessimistic, it will probably be Stirnerist nihilism.

>> No.6780129

wtf is wrong with based stirner?

>> No.6780210

Newfig or bait? Hardly matters.

You don't understand Stirner, I don't think.

Exactly. But what kind of Marxist?

>> No.6780213
File: 15 KB, 331x334, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2015 isn't "Reactionary Christian", it's both reactionaries and Christians as separate groups. The reactionaries are the ever-present /pol/ leaking across boards; the Christians are a genuinely new phenomenon and therefore more interesting. Is it backlash against the rampant fedora-posting of the last few years? The result of figures like Pope Francis reviving the communalistic tracts of Christianity? Combination of multiple factors? No idea.

And 2016 will be the hardcore return of Stirner-posting fused with "smug"; a realization of the inherent shittiness of life and ironically having fun with how shit it is to fit in with the normies while laughing behind their backs.

>> No.6780221

>Exactly. But what kind of Marxist?

Seventh Day Adventists don't count.

>> No.6780259

Traditional Catholic Leftism/Communism

That or John Milbank.

>> No.6780265


I'm down

>> No.6780272

I actually really hope that the stark anti-modernism of Pope Francis' new encyclical, combined with Milbank's Radical Orthodoxy, will make /lit/'s next meme a huge new interest in all things medieval.

I'd love it if /lit/ were dominated with Arthurian romances and scholastic theology and ballads and Eschenbach and Chaucer.

>> No.6780278


Capitalist Existentialist
Reactionary Phenomenology

>> No.6780281

>And 2016 will be the hardcore return of Stirner-posting fused with "smug"; a realization of the inherent shittiness of life and ironically having fun with how shit it is to fit in with the normies while laughing behind their backs.

Probably this.

Personally I'm pushing for radical centrism though. That's what I always spam the politics threads with, making both /pol/ invaders and /leftypol/ invaders mad as hell.

>> No.6780303

Gnostic turpitude

>> No.6780305

Habitual Masturbater

>> No.6780306

Anti natalism was a fun one

>> No.6780311

Isn't centrism just conservatism lite?

>> No.6780317

It was annoying. Ligotti's not even that good a writer. Plus you know it was all just because a bunch of teenagers watched the first season of True Detective and thought it was cool.

>> No.6780320

>tfw coming to the realization that I've been "smug" my whole life and it might be the reason I'm so depressed and alone


>> No.6780334

Ya it was annoying because it was retarded to argue against

>> No.6780340
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You're probably just an asshole and not actually smug. True smugness is internalized and associated with high levels of self-confidence. Smugness is the highest state of human existence.

>> No.6780363

We also had a Buddhism fad awhile back.

Islam and Judaism will become the new meme religions at some point. However, Taoism, Shintoism, and Confucianism are also pretty memeable.

And let's not even get into Zoroastrianism. That'd be a hoot even if just to piss off any Muslims browsing.

>> No.6780390

I'm not entirely sure about Islam and Judaism. Christianity has long legs as a meme precisely because it's so foundational in Western literature and civilization. The last two thousand years or so in Europe and the Americas have been caught up in Christianity and profoundly shaped by it.

Judaism, while responsible for giving rise to Christianity, has always been a marginal culture in the West, and Islam has outright been the enemy of the West for a long time. There's not as much /lit/ related material to draw on from both of them, at least not as much that the average /lit/izen can relate to.

I actually am surprised we haven't gotten more Hinduposting. That's a religion with a huge amount of literature behind it.

>> No.6780397

I like Ligotti.

>> No.6780404

Don't you mean Marxist Communism?
Which isn't a fad, though the Reactionary Christian thing is.

>> No.6780420

I would like to see more interest and posts about Middle-Eastern (including non-Catholic, non-EO Christian) and Far-Eastern writing and philosophy but none of this "fad" shit.

>Islam has outright been the enemy of the West for a long time
I hope you mean this from the general idiot pleb perspective.

>> No.6780423

2016: Ironical Fascist, when people finally had enough of ebola being peddled on here

>> No.6780435

I see what you're saying. I suppose a certain amount of understanding is needed to be smug enough to properly meme a religion and said understanding is hard to come by if everything is in Hebrew/Arabic.

>I actually am surprised we haven't gotten more Hinduposting. That's a religion with a huge amount of literature behind it.
"Hindu Philosophy" is like saying "Western Philosophy". You've got hundreds of traditions (Some of which are outright atheistic) within it.

But also, it's just so...Foreign. At least the Buddhists have tried to spread their religion into the West (And, largely, have put out COHERENT, NON-TRANSLATED information). Compare that with, say, Hinduism, which has vast amounts of literature that, if in English at all, is just translated. Plus many of the names are in their original format ("Pravhapapyaprajiraorpaorarara" instead of "He who brings the fire") which is hard to read for us in the West (As we are not used to such names).

>> No.6780448


>> No.6780449

Rastafarian revolutionaries.

>> No.6780519

Tripfag, stop you're unimportant.

>> No.6780523

Don't you talk to my butters like that.

>> No.6780528

Post-Stoicism sounds fun.

>> No.6780546

I never claimed to be.
Meta thread though.

>> No.6780560

Ayntologist Sperglord

>> No.6780562

Aryan Islam

>> No.6781284

sincere atheism

>> No.6781298

>I believe in something because it's popular and hip

How fucking pathetic. This represents everything wrong with modernity

>> No.6781317

medieval studies/philosophy grad student here, that comment just gave me the hardest erection

>> No.6781341

Not if the memers get their way; the next trend will be meme-based irony and pseudo-sincerity

>> No.6781365

marxism has always been a /lit/ thing iirc

>> No.6781408
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It has never been a fad. The fads are forced by people who cannot get a foothold in serious institutions. That's why we had Ayn Rand, Stirner and Jesus H. Christ. The only "Marxism" that we had was a grotesque American Red Scare era version of Stalinism. No need to call the shillposters "fads".

>> No.6781409

Says the guy who shouts "KILL THE RICH" "SHOOT YOUR BOSS" and other bullshit slogans he's too scared to act on.

>> No.6781412

>Reactionary Christian
Christians here aren't Christian because they are reactionary

>> No.6781415
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>reactionary Christian
I don't think those exist

>> No.6781419

Implying i dont trash Bentleys on my days off

>> No.6781424

>implying petty vandalism requires courage
>implying it does anything to remove the "ruling class"

top kek

>> No.6781425

> "everything my limited mind doesn't agree with must be a 'fad' or a 'troll'"
I'll tell you what's a "troll", buddy, your tiny microwiener is a troll.

>> No.6781431

There are leftwing christians in Europe but in the United States the church attendance and religious tyranny are highest in the states which also have a sub-saharan HDI.

>> No.6781436

2016: Intelligence, nihilism, and wicked senses of humor

>> No.6781439

That's Protestantism, tbh, especially especially Protestants who aren't mainline. Mainline Protestants in the U.S. are all in communion with European denominations.

>> No.6781515
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2016 is the year of Dengism

>> No.6781516

I second Hindupostung.

>> No.6781526
File: 105 KB, 1000x441, Hitchens_books_wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon he will return.


>> No.6781628

I hope Hellenismos catches on, it has high meme potential

>> No.6781661
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>yfw Christoperianity will be the dominant religion within 200 years

>> No.6781667
File: 247 KB, 1127x914, Hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Hitchposting has begun

>> No.6781669

2012: peak of ayn rand posting
2013: monsieur guy, dfw posting/new sincerity, why is dostoevsky a hack?, hipsters/post-ironic, bleeding edge, tao lin posting peaks
2014: dragon fucking, christ posting, fedora tipping
2015: audience pussy, nihilistic w/ wicked sense of humor, stirner/spooks, smug frog, reddification of 4chan (underrated post, lel, tbh, shots fired)

>> No.6781675

monsieur guy was absolutely based, I hope he makes a comeback

>> No.6781684
File: 1.53 MB, 1296x1203, 1436089119439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2016: being coldsteel pilled

>> No.6781689

Stirnerposting has been around since 2013. Also, you forgot Wittgenstein and Nietzsche fads (2013/14 respectively).

>> No.6781691

What about Will Self, and Stalin did nothing wrong

>> No.6781700

yeah I forgot about those, to add to the stalin meme there were the marxist threads and catholic stalinism threads that started last year and stopped only a few months ago

>> No.6781711

>Ligotti's not even that good a writer.
>Ligotti invented antinatalism
Boy we got ourselves an expert over here.

>> No.6781716

lel has been around since 2012 you uncultured swine.

>> No.6781777

this tbh, I think /lit/ is gonna go full special snowflake and turn to Zoroastrianism or some other ancient faith that has impacted future religions and philosophical thoughts

>> No.6781779
File: 321 KB, 736x836, coolmemes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect Chinese philosophy or politics will be the hot little new meme on the board within the next year or two.

something like 'New Confucianism is literally the only relevant sociopolitical theory of contemporary times, western society and philosophy is fucked'

or 'The CPC/Mao/the Legalists did nothing wrong :^)'

probably something like that. Someone will inevitably spam Badiou.

>> No.6781802
File: 41 KB, 819x399, Ahura_mazda_symbol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the AhuraMazdaPosting begin

>> No.6781811
File: 45 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_npg86cZQJc1r63xeu_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witness these dubs, Joe!

>> No.6781813

What year was Traditionalism and reactionary convervatism/third way politics?

>> No.6781818


>> No.6781834
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>> No.6781853

The 1800s

>> No.6781860

fuck off butterfly, I've seen you post lesbian porn on /gif/

>> No.6781899


Instead of it being a philosophy on how emotions rule us Post-Stoicism would all be about why getting rid of them and not letting them influence our actions would be a great thing.

>> No.6781904

He means reactionary in relation to the popularity of Atheism, doofus.

>> No.6781907


>> No.6781941

That's nice. Hope you liked.

>> No.6781942

I did

>> No.6783395

revivalist technoshamanism

>> No.6783611

left-wing gnosticism

>> No.6783620

Please happen.

>> No.6783645

I can see that.

It is the ignoble flesh that keeps humanity apart.

All will be one.

>> No.6783667
File: 31 KB, 500x406, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like national-anarchism.

>National-Anarchism echoes most strains of anarchism by expressing a desire to reorganize human relationships, with an emphasis on replacing the hierarchical structures of the state and capitalism with local, community decision-making. National-Anarchists, however, advocate collective action organized along the lines of ethnic national identity, and aim towards a decentralized social order where tribes build and maintain an autonomous village-community, as an organic unity, which is politically meritocratic, economically self-sufficient, and ecologically sustainable.

>> No.6783726

That sort of system has no place for academia.

>> No.6783737

>the stark anti-modernism of Pope Francis' new encyclical
lel wut
francis is as progressive a pope as we've ever had

>> No.6783751
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I'm meming this into reality. The Catholics will agree and hopefully the Jews will as well.

>> No.6783772
File: 53 KB, 553x631, 3cff0d16255d5aafd47b4fc7988556be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddification of 4chan (underrated post, lel, tbh, shots fired)

I'm actually slightly disturbed by the 'tbh.' It just feels so... plebby. So normie.

One of 4chan's virtues, to me, is that it generally writes complete sentences in coherent English. Most internet acronyms are a mark of bad taste.

>> No.6783887

Reactionary post-spirit modernists

>and the light of the transcendental signifier shall not shine forth, but burn ever brightly as the displaced centre of the universe, of being and all that is.

>> No.6783911


I think the problem with tbh is that it's used a lot on brit topics on r9k / pol. It parodies lower class plebby normies but the people on those boards ARE plebby low class normies.

>> No.6783918

>Communism (classless) "working class rules"
>Anarchism "Survival of the fittest"
>implying "Libertarianism" isn't just neo-feudalism
>implying amerifatland is democratic and that democracy is majority rule

You have no idea what you're talking about, if you want to spread it use better memes because that one is shit.

>> No.6783929

Complete descent in pseudointellectual Reddit tier shitposting. Atheism+ or metaphysics (like that spirit science bullshit) taking over. I hope this isn't true, but I keep seeing a rising popularity of reddit-tier atheism and metaphysics around kids today. I even got sucked into atheism+ shit for a while, and almost got sucked into spirit science.

>> No.6783934

2016: /pol/

>> No.6783948

It's an amendment of a crappy /pol/ pic. Distributism was added to the top. It's a good way to subvert the shitty "state and hate" vs. "money and honey" paradigm /pol/ is stuck in (both of which are very far from distributism).

>> No.6784129


>> No.6784260

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6784303

2017: Re-Sovietism, coinciding with the declaration of the New Soviet Union

>> No.6784310

That's 2015 my man. Where else would the Christians come from?

>> No.6784542

witch house

>> No.6784784
File: 567 KB, 708x826, 1369776845787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 2014 wasn't the year of Hellenismos

dankest /lit/ meme of them all, tbh